The following steps should serve as a roadmap to perform the upgrade. Performing these steps in the order in which they are outlined is important. Most of these steps are self-explanatory, but steps 1, 3, 5 and 7 are discussed in greater detail throughout this appendix.

image This may be obvious to some users but, first and foremost, never upgrade a live site directly without first running the upgrade in a development environment.

  1. Back up your files and database: Copy down all of your files (including the Umbraco-specific files) and back up and restore the production database in development.
  2. Navigate to http://umbraco.codeplex.com to grab the latest version of Umbraco. You can always find the latest version in the upper-right corner of the webpage, as shown in Figure A-1. If you use the built-in Microsoft Windows Compression tool, make sure to unblock the archive to make sure that Windows does not remove any files during the unarchive process.

    FIGURE A-1


  3. Check Package Compatibility: Go through all the installed packages and make sure that they are compatible with the new version.
  4. Check all the configuration files for any changes particular to your installation. Files to look through are web.config, files in the /config folder, and any other custom files you may have.

    image To ensure that you are catching all the changes in the configuration files, you can use a tool such as ExamDiff, which you can download from www.prestosoft.com/edp_examdiff.asp.

  5. Copy the right files: Transfer any changes to the new configuration files in the new version folder that you downloaded in Step 2.
  6. Follow the upgrade wizard: Navigate to the URL of your development installation and follow the steps outlined in the upgrade wizard.
  7. Test and troubleshoot your upgrade.
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