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[biblio01entry35] ABS Global:

[biblio01entry36] Access Excellence:

[biblio01entry37] Ag Biotech Infonet:

[biblio01entry38] Articles on DNA:

[biblio01entry39] Biodiversity Information Network, Brazil:

[biblio01entry40] Bioethics Center:

[biblio01entry41] Bioethics Net:

[biblio01entry42] Biota:

[biblio01entry43] Celera Genomics:

[biblio01entry44] Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory:

[biblio01entry45] Convention on Biological Diversity:

[biblio01entry46] Council for Biotechnology Information:

[biblio01entry48] Dictionary of Life Science:

[biblio01entry49] GenBank (NCBI):

[biblio01entry50] Georgia Bureau of Investigation:

[biblio01entry51] Greenpeace:

[biblio01entry52] Human Genome Project:

[biblio01entry53] Information System for Biotechnology:

[biblio01entry54] International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications:

[biblio01entry55] National Center for Biotechnology Education:

[biblio01entry56] Plant Biotechnology:

[biblio01entry57] Roslin Institute:

[biblio01entry58] Science Magazine:

[biblio01entry59] The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity:

[biblio01entry60] Union of Concerned Scientists:

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