Useful Questions

This appendix contains a very thorough list of useful questions. In my work as a SAS systems engineer manager, sales executives often requested questions to ask their customers to break the ice and qualify a given opportunity. I figured it would be good to have a list of questions available for readers of this book.

These questions will improve your meeting preparation. They will also help you clarify and test assumptions and inferences regarding the current or planned predictive analytics environment. Effective questions will initiate the sharing of information required for an effective implementation of a predictive analytics system. When asking these questions, ask for specific examples and agree on what important words mean.

To make the list easier to use, I have categorized the questions by chapter and by subcategories. I hope they are useful for sales staff as well as for those executive readers who will engage in conversations with technical staff in each of the predictive cycle areas we covered in this book.

Chapter 1: Identification Questions Subcategory
How are analytic best practices shared? Culture
Are cross-departmental projects encouraged? Culture
Is data quality an issue? Culture
How do different departments share information? Culture
How important is intuition in your organization for decision making? Culture
Do you feel your organization seems to be resistant to change? Culture
Have you implemented a change management program in recent years? Culture
Are employees open to changing their roles and responsibilities? Culture
Is information viewed as proprietary in any departments within your organization? Culture
Do managers trust information in their reports? Culture
Can you fulfill urgent needs for information? Culture
Have you acquired any businesses in the past couple of years? Do you plan to in the near future? General
Have you identified a specific business issue to address with predictive analytics? General
How many different business units do you have? General
What happens when there is an organization change? If a manager leaves? General
How much time should it take to adjust for changes? General
Are departments able to leverage data that has already been collected? General
How many permanent employees do you have? General
What is the process for turning usable data into information? General
How long does it take for you to get new analytical applications? General
How long does it take you to make changes to your data structures and financial reports when organizational changes take place? General
What effects do organizational changes to the business have on your group? General
What are your major divisions and their primary products? General
How is your organization structured? General
Has your company changed ownership in the last three years? General
Do you have any strategic partnerships with other companies? General
What are your locations and major services/products offered? General
Have you identified potential risks for the analytic project? General
Have you gone through any recent corporate restructuring or reorganizations? General
How many research projects do you run per year? General
Have you prepared a return on investment plan for your analytic initiative? General
How many different spreadsheets are used within your organization that contain financial data? General
Can the analytic solution support http interactions with Web? General
How many systems does the data reside in? General
How many people work with your corporate financial data? General
Are analysts located at frontline and management positions? Human capital
How many employees does your organization have? Human capital
When hiring experience analysts, what do hiring managers look for? Human capital
Is marketing the area to which other areas turn for information? Human capital
Is there a mentoring system in place? Human capital
What is your overall level of analytical skill and proficiency using analytic software: low, moderate, high? Human capital
How long does it take to plan and run an analytic project? Human capital
What is the impact on new recruitment efforts? Human capital
Do you think the current skill level is sufficient to meet the analytical needs of the organization? Human capital
How do your employees gain information skills? Human capital
Does your company have an analytics training program? Human capital
What kind of training is provided when new enhancements are introduced (for both business and technical users)? Human capital
What training options do you offer online and offline? What topics do they cover? Who is the intended audience? Human capital
What kind of turnover do you have? Human capital
How many analytic users does your organization have? Human capital
Do you use advanced analytics to create models? Infrastructure
How many analytic sessions will be run daily? Infrastructure
Which analytical tool is used to analyze company information? Infrastructure
What is the current window for your nightly batch? Infrastructure
How many transactions do you process every hour? Infrastructure
What is the business objective of this analytic project? Infrastructure
Are there any systems available to track different enterprise objectives? Infrastructure
What is your standard DBMS, and how do you access it? Infrastructure
Does your IT staff use Oracle tools? Infrastructure
Is the access to the Oracle information complicated for the users? Infrastructure
Is enterprise data available to all departments that need it almost immediately? Infrastructure
At what time does the data center open? Infrastructure
Do you have data definitions available at the IT level? Infrastructure
How many extractions will the new system need to perform? Infrastructure
Is business-purpose data integration complex for these marts? Infrastructure
Do you have an automated system to integrate data from different sources? Infrastructure
How many data marts do you have? Infrastructure
Would there be a need to create new data marts for analytical purposes? Infrastructure
Would data mining be running at the same time as data preparation, enrichment, and cleansing? Infrastructure
Is your current data schema relational? Infrastructure
Who cleans the data received? Infrastructure
Would you need data quality software? Infrastructure
Do you have an existing EMC SAN connected at 2 Gbit/sec using TCP/IP? Infrastructure
How many records will be accessed by the data mining software? Infrastructure
How many variables are available for analysis? Infrastructure
Is your business information organized into a single repository (i.e., a data warehouse)? Infrastructure
How many ETL sessions concurrent with operation would you have? Infrastructure
Are your systems currently integrated with external parties (i.e., suppliers, customers, or partners)? Infrastructure
How many forecasts will be run during a given day? Infrastructure
Who is your preferred hardware vendor? Infrastructure
How far back does your data go in the company’s repositories? Infrastructure
Do you see the need for data mining results to be incorporated into the CRM system? Infrastructure
Do you capture knowledge at the enterprise level to enable further learning? Infrastructure
Is there any internal development for marketing campaigns? Infrastructure
Do you have metadata and use it? Infrastructure
How often are the analytical models expected to be updated? Infrastructure
Do you need OLAP processing? Infrastructure
Do you know the current number of hierarchies and dimensions in your system? Infrastructure
Do you have a need for drill down? Infrastructure
How many users will work with the cubes? Infrastructure
Would you prefer to not care about cubes? Infrastructure
What is your main operating system? Infrastructure
How many environments are required? Infrastructure
Are the system records R/O? Infrastructure
Are there any automated feedback loops to improve operational systems? Infrastructure
Is the performance of the entire organization centrally monitored in an automated way? Infrastructure
Is most information delivered through a portal or via paper? Infrastructure
How do you envision your results? Will they be produced as hardcopy and/or HTML electronic documents? Infrastructure
Will reports be distributed via HTML, dynamic HTML, portal, and e-mail? Infrastructure
Would you expect your users to generate their own reports dynamically? Infrastructure
How many new reports are generated per year by IT? Infrastructure
What is the average report turnaround time? Infrastructure
Do you have access to sampling techniques? Infrastructure
Do you have a model used for scoring? Infrastructure
Have you created basic segmentations and a few regression models? Infrastructure
Are you currently using data mining for segmentation purposes? Infrastructure
Who selects the software tools for the different departments? Infrastructure
Is storage managed at the enterprise level? Infrastructure
Is the analytical system hosted separate from the operational environment? Infrastructure
Is there a portal available for Web-based structure query and reporting? Infrastructure
How many active concurrent users does your Web portal support? Infrastructure
Do managers feel they have an adequate view of the company’s information? Performance
Is the tool used to extract information an enterprise standard supported by IT? Performance
Would you consider current data accurate? Performance
Are there any issues associated with the standardization of names and addresses? Performance
What is the primary source of information? Paper reports? Performance
Do you purchase demographic information regularly? Performance
How accurate is your demographic information, and what percentage of your buyers does it cover? Performance
How many tables do you use to store your primary data? Performance
How big is your enrollment table? Performance
What is the database growth per year? Performance
How big is your buyer database? How many years of history? Performance
Do you have a corporate knowledge database? Performance
Are you using mass marketing techniques currently? Performance
Does each customer have a unique ID? Performance
Does the database contain buyers’ names and addresses plus a unique ID? Performance
Do you have a visible corporate performance management system? Performance
Does everyone have access to sales performance information? Performance
How often are critical corporate metrics reported: daily, weekly, etc.? Performance
Do you have published security standards that govern data access? Performance
How many people do you have in software development? Performance
Chapter 2: Design Build Questions Subcategory
Does the analytic software allow the administrator to enable or disable specific data sources from the configuration or administration console? Administration
Does the analytic solution provide a concurrent multiuser environment for administrative and operational functions? Administration
What functions are available to the administrator using the administrative applications? Can these tools be used behind a firewall? Administration
Are any unique features or characteristics needed in the analytic architecture? Architecture
Do you have a logical diagram of the analytical system’s physical architecture and the distribution of application functionality? Architecture
Are the backup and recovery tools included with the predictive analytics software? Backup and recovery
If the predictive analytics solution is deployed in a cluster, does the product support a centrally supported configuration model? Configuration
How should the analytic solution handle failover? Failover
Should the system work in a geographically distributed environment? Geography
Is the logging functionality supplied by the predictive analytics solution? Logging
Should any third-party technology be OEM’d in the solution (databases, editors, configuration management)? OEM
What are the current system requirements? Requirements
Should the software provide visibility into the rules used and their relative effectiveness? Rules
How are rules tested before they are deployed into production? Rules
Would the analytic software provide notifications for products with inconsistent or no business rules? Rules
Should the system have the ability to schedule long running processes at a desired time and date? Scheduling
Should the analytic application provide the ability to deploy predictive models and scoring in batch and real time? Scoring
Would the system maintain a security log of transactions originating from a Web interface or via the Internet/intranet? Security
Does the analytic software support roles-based security to control who can set the administration parameters? Security
Should the analytic solution use short-term caching? If so, what could be the caching strategy? Short-term caching
Should the analytic solution be standards based? If so, which standards? Standards
What should be the storage mechanism and the propagation strategy for the data? Storage
Should the analytic solution use any databases, relational or otherwise, for persistent storage? If so, which vendors and versions? Storage
What are the system’s perceived strengths and weaknesses? Strengths and weaknesses
What is the total cost of ownership? Total cost of ownership
Should the predictive application insulate a user from others doing the same actions (reporting, model building, model evaluation, model implementation)? User isolation
Does the analytic software have an intuitive and consistent interface (graphical) designed for business users? Users
Should the system have the ability to save a work area to be used for another analysis session? Work area
Should the analytic application provide a user work area particular to an analysis? Work area
Chapter 3: Integration Questions Subcategory
Do you have a separate system in place that enables you to govern access protocols? Access control
How much administrative time is spent making updated changes to your databases? Administration
Define the APIs and SDKs that can be used to extend your analytic applications. Application programming interface
Would an automated, centralized process for rolling up and calculating financial data that was controlled by IT benefit your organization? Benefit
How much IT time and money is spent on maintaining and supporting different systems/tools? Budgeting
How much of your IT budget is spent on these different systems? Budgeting
How much does it cost your departments to ensure strict adherence to integration requirements? Budgeting
What are the repercussions of not meeting these requirements? Budgeting
How much money would you save if you were able to consolidate and centralize integration technologies? Budgeting
Can you currently track the activity and submission of your budgeting cycle? Budgeting
How much of an improvement from your current budgeting process would you like to see? What would that improvement save you? Budgeting
How many different business units, locations, or sites do you have that are responsible for submitting a budget? Budgeting
How many people are involved in the budgeting process? Budgeting
How often are budgets created? Budgeting
Is your budgeting data collected in the same format? Budgeting
How long does the budgeting process take? Budgeting
What does it cost your organization to work through a budget cycle? Budgeting
Are any of your budgeting processes automated? Budgeting
Do you think your current budgeting cycle is slow? Budgeting
Do you use spreadsheets to budget? Budgeting
Do your users have to perform any budget calculations? Budgeting
How much do you think you could improve if users didn’t have to calculate and manually submit budget information? Budgeting
Is too much time being spent on waiting for minor updates that are crucial to the month-end closing process? Budgeting
Would you integrate administrative claims data? Claims data
How do you know if the consolidated view is correct? Consolidated view
How do you consolidate financial information across multiple systems and applications during the closing process? Consolidation
How do you manage multiple currency rates and conversions that vary by scenario, country, and account type? Conversions
Where is the customer data located? Customer data
How does the inability to integrate data from various sources affect the capacity to improve the customer experience? Customer experience
What kind of customer profile information is available to your reps during a customer call? Customer profile
How long does it take to obtain this unified customer view? Customer view
Do you need to shorten the integration cycle? Cycle
What types of database(s) should the solution support? Data access
How do other departments access data in order to leverage existing findings? Data access
What is the current process to access the data? Data access
What system(s) do you have in place today for users to access all the data? Data access
Would you need to run data acquisition processes from a GUI? Data acquisition
Are data collected centrally using the same IT resources? Data collection
Do different departments have different initiatives to collect customer data? Data collection
Are customers being asked similar questions by different departments? Data collection
Which departments are involved in gathering customer-related data? Data collection
Are you able to leverage existing infrastructure, such as your Web site and telephones/call center, for data collection? Data collection
How much does data collection cost your organization? Data collection
Would you need to replace data errors? Data errors
Do you collect your financial data in the same format? Data format
How often or how real time do you get data today: quarterly, monthly, daily, hourly, etc.? Data frequency
What is your data governance process? Data governance
Would you need to see and perform source-to-target data mapping? Data mapping
Would you need to combine data from multiple data sources for analysis? Data sources
Which data sources would you like to integrate? Data sources
Are your current data standardized and comparable over the years? Data standards
Do you have a centralized repository for your financial information? Data warehouse
How many internal databases do you have? Databases
Is the consolidation process documented? Documentation
How much information is duplicated? Duplication
How does duplication affect your valuable IT resources? Duplication
Describe how consistency is maintained between development and production versions of software packages. Environment consistency
What is the impact of an error? Errors
Are these manual integration processes tedious and error prone? Errors
How do you determine if there are errors in the financial transaction data? Errors
Does the manual gathering of data have the risk of error? Errors
How are errors corrected? Errors
Is this done manually or with an ETL tool? ETL
What percentage of IT’s time is spent on data extraction and transformation? ETL
When the ETL process is complete, how many different reporting formats (types) are utilized to present the data/information? ETL
What ETL software/tools are different departments using? ETL
Is the current process of integrating and transforming data automated? ETL automation
Would you need to conduct parallel extract executions? Extractions
How is customer feedback data used in the organization today? Feedback data
Would the consolidation of spreadsheets be easier if you had a system designed for financial analysis? Financial analysis
How many spreadsheets do you have to consolidate and allocate today to get to the forecast? Forecast
Do you have to continually make provisions for changing business hierarchies? Hierarchies
Do you have historical data? Historical data
Can you, with a high level of confidence, say that you trust the information that comes back from your business managers? Information trust
Can you really depend on the calculations that come from your business managers? Information trust
Do you have confidence the numbers are complete and accurate? Information trust
If you were to ask your business managers, how many different calculations would you come up with for what is supposed to be the same business measure? Information trust
How much time would be saved if you didn’t have to review, analyze, and recalculate financial information to ensure its integrity? Integrity
How should the system function and interface with other systems? Interfaces
Does everyone calculate KPIs the same way? KPIs
How are data in all of the different languages and locations gathered? Languages
How do you manage the integration process? Management
Is there a lot of manual rekeying of data from different systems? Manual
Are these manual processes tedious and error prone? Manual
Would you access data through a specific metadata layer? Can the software leverage existing metadata? Metadata
Would you need to input missing values? Missing values
Does manual gathering data run the risk of error? Multiple system
When information is reviewed and updated from spreadsheets, what process do you use to update the source? Operational update
What type of integration is required for the analytic solution? How would this integration be achieved? Plan
Do you have a standard process for consolidating financial information? Process
How is profitability calculated? Profitability
Would you need to manage execution based on error severity/condition codes? Programming
Are cross-sell and up-sell opportunities being missed due to the lack of real-time customer information? Real time
Can information gathered today be used in real time based on input from an inbound call? Real time
How does the inability to track real-time information impact your ability to react? Real time
How many data sources would you like to capture real-time information from? Real time
Do you think a more centralized and automated IT process for financial reporting would reduce the risk of inaccurate reporting? Reporting
Would you integrate response data? Response data
Is it difficult to work with financial data due to complex calculations and revenue roll-up requirements? Roll up
How do you calculate different management, tax, and legal roll-up structures? Roll-up structures
Are there any limitations on batch jobs execution from a system scheduler tool? Scheduling
Do you need to ensure “no contact” details and similar requests are adhered to? Security
How do you ensure privacy and confidentiality regulations are met? Security
How do you manage regulations around ensuring customer data are kept with the organization? Security
Are standard security protocols used? Security
Are you able to ensure data are protected? Security
Are you able to manage data security requirements as part of your customer feedback activities? Security
Do you need to add an extra layer of security to ensure feedback is collected through a secure environment? Security
Does the lack of system administration create greater pressure in terms of managing security? Security
How do you ensure data are used only by the departments and teams that should have access to these data? Security
How do you ensure that only those with clearance see certain data? Security
How much does it cost to manage these security and privacy regulations? Security
Are there levels of privacy around what data users are able to view? Security
Do your other systems integrate into your ERP security? Security
How much time would be saved if changes could be made directly from certain spreadsheets right to the database with an approval layer in place to ensure security and integrity of the information? Security
Have there been security breaches? What has been the impact? Security
Would you need to see and select available source tables? Source tables
Can your staff easily incorporate data from a spreadsheet into a database that is used for financial reporting? Spreadsheets
Are you forced to create and maintain a lot of disconnected spreadsheets with complex formulas? Spreadsheets
How do you consolidate these spreadsheets? Spreadsheets
Do you have a standard process for consolidating financial information? Standard
What protocols and standards do you currently use? Standards
Is there a lack of oversight for the IT team when ensuring adherence to government privacy regulations, compliance, etc.? Standards
Are you able to comply with standards and regulations? Standards
Are your strategic objectives part of the governance requirements? Standards
Do you have specific customer data compliance regulations that need to be met? Standards
How many of your IT resources must adhere to these regulations? Standards
How much money does your organization spend on compliance overall? Standards
What is the effect of not meeting standards and regulation requirements? Standards
How do you incorporate previous results into your strategic planning process? Strategic planning
Would you integrate survey data? Survey data
Do you have text fields in your call center? Text
Do you think these text fields might contain information that indicates cross-sell opportunities or customer churn? Text
Would you integrate text data? Text data
Does the analytic platform allow integration with third-party vendors? If so, list the protocols the application supports. Third party
How much of your staff time is taken in managing different tools/solutions? Time
Would you need to see and select transformation routines? Transformation
Would you need to show custom transformation routines in the same GUI? Transformation
Would you need to show the sequence of transformation steps? Transformation
Are you able to maintain different levels of permissions so users have access only to information that they are authorized to view? User permission levels
Do users require different levels of usage? User permission levels
How do you manage these differing requirements for users? User permission levels
How difficult is it to set user permissions on what users can do? User permission levels
Do you have to reassign everyone to the new manager and reassign permissions? User permission levels
How difficult is it to set user permissions on what users can do? User permission levels
Is it time consuming to manage users today? Users
How many people would benefit from the ability to make changes directly to your databases if the process was controlled? Users
Would you need to transform variables? Variable transformation
Would you integrate Web activity data? Web activity data
Chapter 4: Reporting Questions Subcategory
How many resources are allocated to repetitive ad hoc reporting? Ad hoc
How much time would you save in not having to administer reporting if a different set of standards and controls were in place? Administration
Is there room for improvement in your current reporting environment regarding administration procedures and network resource utilization? Administration
What percentage of reports focus on analyzing aggregated data? Aggregated data
Does your reporting include alerts? Are the alerts automatically delivered? Alerts
How are the alerts sent: via e-mail, phone, pager, manually informed, etc.? Alerts
In what circumstances are the alerts generated (i.e., when an event exceeds a predefined threshold)? Alerts
What is the impact on response if an alert fails or is not delivered in error through the current process? Alerts
Who are the alerts sent to? Alerts
Are you able to view reports that would automatically alert you when milestones were not being met effectively? Alerts
How does the inability to efficiently analyze information supporting an alert affect response time and hence mitigation attempts? Alerts
Do you currently have a system that allows you to run reports after an alert is issued? Alerts
How many different reporting applications do you use? Applications
Are reports automatically updated when new information is available? Automation
How much would it help your organization and process if the budgeting cycle was automated? Automation
Are you able to show stakeholders where budgets are being sent and why? Budget results
Are you able to centralize the reporting process? Centralization
Are you able to manage reporting easily, through one central location? How are translations managed? Are you able to keep reporting centralized so changes can be made easily? Centralization
What are the financial impacts of your reporting challenges? How much time do you spend reporting? Challenges
How long does it take you to make changes to your data structures and financial reports when M&A changes take place? Changes
Are you able to show results and compare to other areas? Comparisons
Do you have a consolidated system for managing the financial reports used to derive the forecast? Consolidated system
How do you provide summary reports showing a consolidated view of the enterprise? Consolidated view
How do you summarize information contained in multiple reports into one consolidated view report? Consolidated view
How many IT resources are used to create and distribute reports? Creation
Are standard reports available for reporting campaign performance? CRM
Can custom reports be developed easily? Custom
How are reporting data collected? Data collection
How is information gathered for financial reports? Data gathering
How long are reported data typically retained? Data retention
What storage mechanism do you use for the reported data? Data storage
What is the cost of delay when a manager needs immediate access to a report? Delays
How much time does it take to include different language requirements? Different languages
How do you currently distribute and collect budgeting information? Distribution
How are financial reports distributed to managers today? Distribution
How much of the report generation and distribution process is manual? Distribution
Is it easy to create and modify reports? Ease
How do you currently provide reporting information for ERP systems? Enterprise resource planning
What is the impact of an error? Errors
How much time and money could you save by taking corrective action earlier in the reporting process? Errors
How are exceptions or trends in the financial information found? Exception/trends
How do you analyze exceptions? Can you easily narrow exceptions down to the appropriate level of detail? Exceptions
How do you find exceptions in your current reports? Exceptions
How important is it for you to understand both positive and negative exceptions in your business? Exceptions
How does the executive team receive reports today? Are reports mobile? Executives
What kind of reports would the executive like to view each morning? Executives
How do you report and measure the success of a program to executive management? Executives
How do you report on results, success metrics, and feedback to stakeholders? How do you report these results to the regulatory body? Executives
Is reporting a complex process? Expertise
How much expertise does the reporting process take? Expertise
How long does it take to include feedback in these reports? Feedback
How long does it take to create feedback reports? Are you able to standardize on the creation of these reports? Feedback
After the forecast is complete, how many people need to be able to view the forecast? Forecasts
How many people are involved in coming up with the forecast? Forecasts
Are you generating (many) reports that use different formats to present information? Formats
How often do you need to create financial reports? Frequency
How often do other departments have to come back to you to ask more questions regarding the data? Frequency
Are you measured on enabling reporting technology across the organization? Goals
If you could make improvements to the reporting process, what would they be? Improvements
Do you expect reporting to increase over time? How quickly? Do you have the resources to handle an increase? Increase
How much time do you spend writing interfaces between reporting systems? Interfaces
When delivering reports to end users, how many reporting interfaces do you use? Interfaces
How long does it take to create different levels of report? Levels
Do you send out many e-mails with Web links informing users where to access newly created reports? Location
How do you inform users where to access newly created reports? How many users? How long does it take? Location
How many different types of management reports does your staff provide (ad hoc, excel, static, drill-through)? Management
What percentage of the reports is created manually? Manual
How many manual reports does your group create? Manual
Do your reports include maps? Maps
Do you need mobile reporting? Mobile
Are reports available for publishing in different languages? Multiple languages
Do you have to produce (many) reports that access data from multiple systems and applications? Multiple systems
Are the reports or notification of reports delivered automatically and electronically (e-mail, pager, etc.)? Notification
Do business managers ever go to a management meeting and have different reports that are supposed to mean the same thing, but the numbers don’t agree? Numbers don’t agree
Are you able to report on the outcome and on measurable results? Outcomes
How many different reporting packages does your group support? Packages
How is information gathered for financial reports? Process
Are you able to view reports that show why a previous program was successful or not? Program success
How do you enable stakeholders to view ongoing progress of strategic plans or programs? Progress
How current is the reported data (real time, day old)? Real time
How real time are the data you produce reports on? Real time
Are you able to adhere to reporting regulations? Regulations
How much time and money does it cost to adhere to reporting regulations? Regulations
How much of your IT resource is spent trying to achieve reporting requests? Resources
Can the analytic software produce reports? Software
Do you ever have to write special reports to retrieve information from the different systems? Special reports
How often do you get special reporting requests from sales, customer service, or marketing? Special reports
Does your financial staff prefer to use Excel for doing financial analysis and reporting? Spreadsheets
Do you use spreadsheets to report and distribute information? Spreadsheets
Can your staff easily incorporate data from a spreadsheet into a database that is used for financial reporting? Spreadsheets
Can your analytic solution be integrated with a SOAP-compliant Web service? Standards
Are standards in place for ensuring reports can be reused across the organization or in the future for benchmarking or visualizing improvements over the years? Standards
Do you have a centralized repository for your financial information? Storage
How many people are in a reporting support role? Support
How do you define “thresholds”? Threshholds
How long does it take you to create financial reports? Time
How do you know if budgets are submitted in a timely manner? Timeliness
Are stakeholders satisfied with the time it takes you to deliver forecasts? Timeliness
How are managers notified when there are major updates to the financial information? Update notification
Do managers have to ask for updated reports? How often does this occur? Updates
Are users able to access the customer data and reports they require to make customer-focused decisions? User access
Is it time consuming to manage reporting users today? User levels
Do different users have access to different levels of data and reports? User levels
Do you deliver the same report to all users or customizable reports to different user levels? User levels
What process is used to validate the information in the financial reports? Validation
How do analysts further analyze/confirm information provided in the reports? Validation
Does your department constantly have to wait for financial information from IT? Waiting
Does your current system allow you to view reports in a browser-based format? Web distribution
What percentage of reports do you distribute over the Web? Web distribution
Chapter 5: Analysis Questions Subcategory
Do you have any direct control over who has access to these materials? Access control
Can you really depend on the calculations that come from your business managers? Accuracy
If you were to ask business managers, how many different calculations would you come up with for what is supposed to be the same business measure? Accuracy
How many customer interactions are necessary for the predictive models to start being “accurate”? Accuracy
How are the predictive analytics software installation packages prepared? Administration
What are the run-time requirements for the predictive analytics software? Administration
What type of system maintenance is required when new attributes are added to the customer profile? Administration
How do you further analyze system alerts? Alerts
How do you handle false-positive alerts? Do you feed that information back into the system? Alerts
How does the inability to efficiently analyze information behind an alert affect response time and hence mitigation attempts? Alerts
Can an application send alerts to users when a model is not meeting performance standards? Alerts
Are the details of your analytics processes securely defined? Analytic process
Do you have an archive of previous projects that analysts can use? Archive
How do you know if you are selecting the right data attributes when developing the application’s model? Attributes
How does the analytic solution detect when an attribute’s predictiveness or correlation with a decision either increases or decreases? Attributes
How does the analytic solution help to identify poorly performing attributes (e.g., attributes that are not predictive)? Attributes
Are you able to discern which customer needs what based on behavioral click-stream data alone? Best offer
Does the analytic solution use a combination of analytics (data mining) and rules to determine best offer based on likelihood to respond and benefit to the firm? Best offer
What is the process (or data mining practice) by which specific business goals are translated to a model used by the analytics engine? Business goals
How do call center agents record details of conversations with customers? Call center data
How do analysts use conversations between call center agents and customers in deciding whom to target for a retention campaign? Call center data
Can the software application create champion/challenger models? Champion model
How do you determine the reasons for why customers churn? What methods are used? Churn
How do you follow up with customers who defect in order to refine this model and better understand defection preconditions? Churn
How much does it cost you to replace a customer once he/she defects? Churn
How much does it cost your competition to replace a customer that you’ve taken from them? Churn
What kind of customer feedback loops are built into your interactions that allow you to assess the risk of defection? Churn
What types of customer risk categories have you identified based on attitudinal data collected around key events that shape customer perceptions and future actions? Churn
How does the software create a model that would predict a customer’s propensity to churn? Churn
How much money do you lose when customers leave to go to competitors? Churn
How often do customers leave? Churn
Is the solution rules-driven, model-driven, or a combination of the two? If a combination, how do the two interrelate? Combination
Are you able to show comparisons from one year to the next? Comparisons
Can you show that your analytics processes and systems are compliant? Compliance
How do you analyze customer behavior to predict which customers will respond best to which campaign? Customer behavior
How do you allow for the future inclusion of contact history from other channels in the user profile? Customer profile
Should it be possible for customer profiles to be expanded to encompass more attributes or to replace attributes if necessary? Customer profile
Does the analytic platform provide analysis and insight for business users to assess which customer profile elements/values are driving response? Customer profile
Which customer profile attributes should be able to be binned as necessary for efficiency purposes? Customer profile
Are you able to calculate customer profitability? Customer profitability
Does the software solution have the ability to recognize customer segment/profitability indicator (segment, IXI score, internal model score)? Customer segments
Can you describe the types of data used to build the predictive models? Data
How does the analytic solution deal with incomplete data about the customer? Data
How many/which factors or data elements are analyzed? Data elements
Does the software support the discovery of descriptive and predictive patterns (models) within the data, using a broad set of data mining algorithms? Data mining
Are you able to use previous data to ensure better strategic plans can be made? Data use
How does upper management use data to make key decisions? Executive
How quickly do you find out when there is a failure? Failure
When there is a failure, how quickly can the fault be diagnosed? Failure diagnostics
Do you have a process to keep track of the different forecast versions? Forecast
How many revisions of the forecast do you get before the final forecast is submitted? Forecast
How much time do you spend reconciling additional forecasts as they come in? Forecast
How much time does it take your organization to complete the forecast? Forecast
Do you have a process to keep track of the different forecast versions? Forecast
How many people are involved in capturing forecast data? Forecast
How complex are the calculations for consolidating and allocating the forecast? Forecast
How many spreadsheets do you have to consolidate and allocate today to get the forecast? Forecast
Does your current forecast process allow you to test different theories or ideas on what’s done with your budgets? Forecast
Can you provide a high-level understanding of your forecasting process? Forecast
How complex are the calculations for consolidating and allocating the forecast? Forecast
How much forecasting process time is wasted on identifying and fixing broken links? Forecast
How often do you experience broken links when consolidating the forecast? Forecast
Do broken links cause you to question the accuracy of the forecast? Forecast
If the forecast was 100% accurate all of the time, how would that help your organization? Forecast accuracy
How many fraud investigators do you have? Fraud users
Do you think your claim handlers and investigators currently overlook indications of fraud, hidden in historic claims? Fraud users
Do you need to produce regular analytical reports on your data or models? Frequency
Does the system have a GUI interface to generate the appropriate models to be used by the analytics engine? Graphical Interface
How much historical data do you analyze (e.g., last week’s data, last year’s, or many years, etc.)? Historical data
How much historical data do you have? Historical data
How do you currently analyze historic claims data? Historical data
How do you engage entry-level, advanced statisticians, data prep specialists, and business analysts? Human collaboration
Do you integrate the models you build into your organization’s operational systems? Integration
How long does it take to ensure that all the right pieces of the production process (e.g., scripts, code, SQL, models) are in the right places? Integration
How much time is spent integrating the process, so that all the different inputs and outputs to each step are properly configured? Integration
What is the cost of not having past data? Lack of past data
How does the system’s model weigh recent information differently from historical information? Learning
If a change was made to a key variable, how long would it take to find all the analytical material affected by the change? Lineage
Can you produce a list of changes made to a model? Management
Can you provide access to the right version of a model that was in production last week? Six months ago? Management
Can you recover a previous version of a model? Management
How do you enable measurement of test versus control groups? Measurement
Does the analytic platform provide a robust set of metrics and measurement levels? Metrics
How does the analytic system support the migration of multiple independent analytic projects between different environments at different times (i.e., testing to production), with minimal impact on each other? Migrations
What is the model-building process flow? Model building
Are you required to provide information on which models are run on which data? Model management
Are you required to track and document which models or other materials were used in an analytics process? Model management
What are the solution’s model management capabilities, including model generation, operationalizing, and retirement? Model management
Does the application provide model audit trails for capturing information, such as create date, author, deployment date, last update date? Model management
Does the application provide a model repository for capturing and storing models over time? Model repository
How long would it take a new analyst to find a reusable piece of analysis? Model reuse
Is there any way to search for models that have already been built? How? How much time is spent trying to find old work? Model search
How do your analysts share the models they are working on? Model sharing
How many people are involved in the model update process? Model update
How long does it take to rebuild your regular models? Model update
What proportion of your analysts’ time is spent manually rebuilding and revalidating existing models on new data compared to improving models or working on new models? Model update
How does the software support the use of Web session click data to build/update models? Model update
What are the steps required to apply feedback and improve a model in production? Model update
How long does model update take? Can it be automated? Model update
Would you experience any downtime as a new model replaces an old model? Model update
How long does it take to validate the new production models? Model validation
How many models need to be rebuilt and revalidated for specific projects? Model validation
How do you ensure that analysts have the most up-to-date version of the models? Model versions
What modeling algorithms are used in your analytics? How does the solution determine which algorithm to employ? Modeling algorithms
What are the modeling techniques of the most needed solutions? Modeling techniques
How many models and other materials associated with these projects do your analysts produce? Models
Does the analytic solution provide clustering? Models
Does the analytic solution provide decision trees? Models
Does the analytic solution provide neural networks? Models
Does the analytic solution provide regression (linear, logistic)? Models
Does the software support the ability to filter trivial patterns (models)? Models
Does the software support user-supplied patterns (models)? Models
Can the solution handle nonnumerical attribute values? If so, does it contain a natural language parser for textual attribute values? Nonnumerical attributes
Does the solution have the ability to prioritize if a customer is eligible for multiple offers? Offer–multiple
Can the software recommend offers based on a customer demographic profile? Offers
Does the software use optimization algorithms to present recommendations optimizing across multiple measures/constraints? Optimization
What types of constraints can be applied to optimization strategies? Optimization
Would you need to filter outliers? Outliers
Does the analytic platform provide pattern-matching algorithms? Pattern-matching
Can analytics provide end-to-end measurement in order to continuously optimize performance? Performance
Does the software have the ability to export and import descriptive and predictive models in an independent format (i.e., PMML)? What formats are supported? Pmml
Where are previous results stored? Previous results
If you lost a member of staff responsible for maintaining a process, would you be able to execute or update that process? Processes
Are you able to calculate product profitability? Product profitability
How many analytic projects do you have in production? Production
How long does it take to ensure that the right versions are being used in production? Production
How long does it take to put a new model into production? Production
How long does it take to update a model that is already in production? Production
How much could it cost the organization if the wrong version of a model was put into production? Production
How many projects are ongoing or regularly repeatable? Production
What load are you seeing on your analytical servers at 4 P.M.? What about at 4 A.M.? Production
What proportion of your analysts’ time is spent producing standard, regular reports? Production
Are you able to allocate expenses effectively so you can understand true profitability? Profitability
Are you able to view profitability from different perspectives (i.e., customer, product, business unit, supplier, etc.)? Profitability
How do you currently analyze financial information to better understand profitability? Profitability
How many different analytics projects do you run at once? Projects
How does the software recommend products based on a customer transaction (i.e., purchase) history? Purchase history
What is the recommended validation process for the model created and how do you go over a typical quality assurance model life cycle? Quality assurance
How many modeling techniques can be deployed for real-time scoring? Real-time scoring
Can you describe how the software will respond to calls for scores in real time, using real-time (i.e., Web session click data) and/or offline data? Real time
What would it cost to recover/redevelop analytic materials if they were lost? Recovery
Are your analytics processes subject to internal or external regulation? Regulations
How do analysts further analyze/confirm information provided in reports? Reporting
Are measurement and reporting integrated as part of the overall analytic solution? Reporting
Are these model results accessible to analysts or other decision makers? Results access
Do you know when a customer is about to leave for the competition? Retention
Do you have enough time to react? Retention
How do you know the customer is about to leave? Are there warning signs? What are they? Retention
How do your employees respond to a customer about to leave? Retention
How many customers do you lose per month? Retention
How much warning do you have? Retention
How often are you able to salvage a customer who is at risk? Retention
What is the financial impact of churn? Retention
Does the analytic solution provide more detailed information about customers, ahead of time, when deciding on a real-time recommendation? Retention
How does the organization typically respond to information identifying that a customer is showing signs of leaving? Retention
How much does the organization spend on retention campaigns? Retention
How often do you run churn campaigns? Retention
What is your current churn rate in regard to profitable customers? Retention
What is your current overall churn rate? Retention
How is the ROI of the solution measured? Return on investment
Are parts of your analytics work reused for other tasks? Reuse
Is there any risk that important analytical materials could be accidentally deleted, overwritten, or modified? Risks
Does the analytic platform provide natural language–like formal rule language? Rule language
How does the software decide across all rules and inputs (real-time analytics, business rules, and business prioritization)? Rules
Does the solution accommodate simple or complex rules? Rules
Does the analytic platform provide a rule editor embedding capability? Rules
Does the analytic platform provide a rule interpreter? Rules
Who is responsible for ensuring that analytical materials are secure? Security
What is the skill set of your analytics group? Skills
Does your analysis system provide Chi square test/T-test? Statistics
Does your analysis system provide normal distributions? Statistics
Does your analysis system provide probability calculations? Statistics
Does your analysis system provide regression analysis? Statistics
Does your analysis system provide relative frequencies? Statistics
Does your analysis system provide sampling? Statistics
Does your analysis system provide statistical significance estimation? Statistics
Does your analysis system require ANOVA, MANOVA, or ANACOVA? Statistics
Does your analysis system require time series analysis? Statistics
Does the analytic platform provide standard descriptive statistics, such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation? Statistics
How often do you get a status report on your live projects? Status
Are all the materials produced by your analysts being stored securely? Storing output
Do analysts work only with structured data (transactional data, etc.), or do they analyze unstructured data (call center notes, e-mails)? Structured data
How much time does it take to analyze, create, and provide an optimized list of targeted selections for a campaign? Targeted lists
Do your managers have the ability to test different scenarios to determine if improvements can be made? Testing
How much of an improvement do you feel could be made if managers had the ability to test out different models or scenarios to help refine their budgets? Testing
Do you think that there may be hidden indicators of fraud in textual data? Text
Is some of the claim data in textual format? Text
Do you perform analysis of both structured and unstructured data (numbers and text)? Text
Would the analytic solution need the ability to use text (or unstructured) data, such as call center notes, as a data source for additional analysis or modeling? Text
Would you store textual data on historic claims? Text
How long does it take to analyze text notes (fields, e-mails, other conversations)? Text mining
What portions of your customer notes are read? Text mining
What are the trends/differences/similarities in your data? Trends
Do you analyze historical trends? Trends
Do you look at trends using statistical or predictive analysis? Trends
What type of analytic rules does your software support? Types supported
Does running your regular, repeatable processes impact the productivity of your analysts? User productivity
Do you have multiple departments with analysts? Users
How many analysts do you have? Users
Do you have an expert team of analysts? Users
Do analysts currently have other responsibilities as well? Users
How do you define independent and dependent variables? Variables
Is it often hard to make sure that analysts are using the correct model version? Versioning
How does the software support the visualization of descriptive and predictive patterns (models) with intuitive charts and graphs? Visualization
Does the product support visualization for determining which modeling technique is performing better? Visualization
What percentage of the visitors to your Web site converts into customers? Web conversions
How much would your revenues grow with one single percentage point increase in this conversion rate? Web conversions
Should the analytic software platform capture/receive data from your Web site and use this information to generate customer-specific recommendations? Web site input
How does the analytic software platform deliver recommendations to Web applications or Web pages? Web site output
Is the software capable of supporting what-if scenarios/analysis? What-if
How long does it take to do what-if scenarios in your current way of working? What-if
Chapter 6: Actionable Analytics (CRM) Questions Subcategory
What is the impact of not having access to information? Access
How are you looking to improve your customer acquisition rates? Acquisition
What are your new customer acquisition goals? Acquisition
What is your customer acquisition rate today? Acquisition
How much does it cost for you to acquire a new customer? Acquisition
Do you have a figure for what poorly performing paid placement keywords is costing the business? Advertising
What is the average revenue for a typical campaign? Average revenue
What is the brand development process for new products? Brand development
How would your solution create a model that optimizes call routing to reduce the measurements, such as number of transfers, handle time, costs, etc.? Call routing
Do you have built-in work flow to support approval processes? Campaign approval
How long does it take you to plan a campaign? Campaign planning
How many campaigns are slated for the next quarter? Campaign planning
What is the average cost to develop each campaign? Campaign planning
What is your goal for decreasing your time to market for a campaign? Campaign planning
How much revenue are you missing out on from campaigning issues? Campaign planning
Do analysts play an active role in the campaign selection process by interpreting current campaign selections and refining them? Campaign planning
How do you leverage the knowledge and expertise of your business users for this process? Campaign planning
How long does the selection process take? Campaign planning
What is the response rate when you do utilize the analyst expertise versus the times that you don’t? Campaign planning
What is the cost or impact of not leveraging analytic expertise? Campaign planning
Who currently determines which customers are included in each campaign? Campaign planning
What is the goal for marketing campaign cost reduction? Campaign planning
How many campaigns are executed each year? Campaign planning
How many customers are in an average campaign? Campaign planning
What is the average cost of each campaign? Campaign planning
What is your annual marketing campaign spend? Campaign planning
How do you calculate the outcome of an appropriate or inappropriate balance in resources? Campaign planning
What is the balance between expenditures in brand and development versus brand/marketing launch campaigns? Campaign planning
Do you use mail campaigns? Campaigns
How many e-mail campaigns does your marketing team run each month targeting existing customers? Campaigns
How many campaigns do you have running at the same time? Campaigns
Do you know the average cost per transaction on the Web as compared to some of the other channels you are operating in? Channels
How do you incorporate customer privacy and channel preferences? Channels
Are the marketers/analysts able to allocate campaigns across channels efficiently? Channels
Are previous customer/user interactions taken into account when determining a targeted channel? Channels
How are communications allocated across channels today? Channels
How do you currently segment customer lists for channels? Channels
How do you determine which channel to use for a specific campaign? Channels
How does channel choice affect the campaign response? Channels
What channels do you utilize in executing marketing campaigns: direct mail, e-mail, text, outbound call center? Channels
What is the response rate for campaigns across channels today? Channels
Which channels are most effective for increasing revenue through cross-selling and up-selling your customers? Channels
Have you chosen channels that have shown a poor response? Channels
How do you know which customer prefers which channel? Channels
What is the impact of choosing a low/poor response channel? Channels
Which channels do you use for campaigns? Channels
Do you utilize the online channel as a sales channel? Channels
How many new visitors do you get to the site a week/month? Channels
How much revenue is driven through the online channel? Channels
Who decides which channel to use for a campaign? Channels
How do you target acquisition campaigns across channels today? Channels
Do you ever see customer behaviors that indicate product interest or possible attrition? Churn
Are the costs of capturing new customers not recovered because of the short stay of these customers? Churn
Is the reduction and maintenance of reasonable customer churn rates a challenge for your business? Churn
Do your churn rates originate primarily as a result of commercial offerings inadequate to address the needs of different customer profiles? Churn
Do you currently allow customers to file claims via the Internet? Claims
How many customer service reps are currently involved in handling claims? Claims
What is the process after a claim has been filed? Claims
What percentage of claims gets filed via the Internet? Claims
What would you like this percentage to be in a few years? Claims
Is shortening the claims filing process an objective? Claims
How long does it take to settle claims? Claims
By how much time would you like to shorten the claims process? Claims
Do customers sometimes abandon the claims process halfway? Do you think this is due to the large number of online questions they are being asked? Claims
Do you believe that all relevant questions are asked in the claims process? Claims
Do you believe that some questions are irrelevant for some of the claims? How many? Claims
How many claims do you handle per year? Claims
How many of these claims are filed over the phone? Claims
What are the costs of handling a claim? Claims
How much of the claim handling costs are associated with follow-up steps? Claims
What are the investigation steps after a claim has been notified? Claims
Are you able to identify low-risk claims? Claims
Do you have objectives to reduce the average claim handling time? By how much? Claims
Have any claims settled on the first call resulted in a fraudulent claim? Claims
How long does it take on average to handle a claim? Claims
How many claims currently are settled on the first call? Claims
How many calls does your claims call center receive per day/week/month/year? Claims
How many of these calls are from customers informing about the status of their claim versus customers filing a new claim? Claims
What are the costs associated with claims inquiries? Claims
What percentage of your call center time is devoted to handling these claim inquiries? Claims
What is the current close ratio? Closure
What is the current call-to-close ratio? Per rep? Closure
What is the sales closure rate for your inbound call center reps today? Closure
Do you ask your competitors’ customers if they have experienced anything that has changed their perception of the competitor’s products and services? Competition
Have you ever developed a campaign that targets your competitors’ customers, leveraging key weaknesses in their products and services? Competition
How do transactional or competitive events cause customers to change their perceptions of your company? Competition
Do other companies offer similar products and services? Do they have Web sites? How does your Web site compare to those of your competitors? Competition
What is the average conversion rate? Conversions
How effective are your efforts in converting prospects to customers today? Conversions
What increase in revenue would you be able to achieve with each 1% increase in conversions? Conversions
What is your sales conversion rate from calls originated at your Web site? Conversions
What proportions of visits convert to customers? Conversions
Do you currently use your service call centers for cross-selling? Cross-sell
How much would your revenue increase if you could improve cross-sell and up-sell efforts to existing customers by 1% or x%? Cross-sell
What are your current cross-sell and up-sell goals? Cross-sell
What are your up-sell and cross-sell rates? Across channels? Cross-sell
How much does it cost to acquire a new customer versus keep an existing one? Customer acquisition
Have you tried to analyze customer behavior based on available information? Customer behavior
Are most of your marketing decisions based on customer feedback or interactions? Customer feedback
Do you capture information about customers not happy with services/products? Customer feedback
Do you find that you often respond too late? Customer feedback
How long does it take customer service teams to respond? Customer feedback
What customer information does a customer service rep have access to when receiving an inbound call? Customer information
In your research efforts, what kind of customer input are you seeking? Customer input
How does missing customer profile information affect the rep in making a decision about what to offer? Customer profile
What kind of customer profile information is available to your customer service reps during a customer call? Customer profile
In your marketing and sales activities, do you differentiate between the most desirable customer segments and the mass market? Customer segments
What is the difference in value between customers in different segments? Customer segments
What is the difference in value between customers in those segments? Customer segments
How do you allow for a default decision that can be used when a customer does not fall into a defined segment? Customer segments
Are you able to see customers that are happy with services? Customers happy
What data are you collecting for targeting purposes? Data
What is the impact of using/not using data gathered for a campaign? Data
How valuable would it be to leverage data to enable more proactive customer-led decisions? Data
How are e-mail addresses gathered? E-mail
How many e-mail addresses do you have in the customer database? E-mail
How many e-mail campaigns does your marketing team run each month targeting existing customers? E-mail
Are business users able to combine feedback data with existing CRM data or operational data? Feedback
Are business users able to operationalize feedback data to drive business improvement? Feedback
Does the feedback provide accurate projections of success? Feedback
How do you analyze the feedback? Feedback
How do you gather feedback from target consumers? Feedback
Do you intend to provide better service to high-value customers? High-value customers
Do you take customer value into account when settling a claim with a customer? High-value customers
Do your customer service reps know who your high-value customers are? High-value customers
Have you segmented your customers by value? High-value customers
How does your spend on high-value customers vary from mainstream customers? High-value customers
How much time does it take to develop a new customer into a high-value customer? High-value customers
What is the net lifetime value of a high-value customer? High-value customers
How are you able to track who moves from lower- to higher-value loyalty segments or vice versa? High-value customers
How are your marketing and sales activities designed to move contacts from low- to high-value customers? High-value customers
How do you predict which of your customers (or segments) have the best probability to respond to a campaign and evolve into the high-value segment? High-value customers
In your marketing and sales activities, do you differentiate between the most desirable customer segments and the mass market? High-value customers
Are you able to predict which of your mass-marketing customers have the potential to evolve into the high-value segment? High-value customers
What is the difference in value between customers in those segments? High-value customers
Is there a focus on specific segments to attract high-value prospects? High-value customers
Can you describe the integration effort to incorporate CRM data into the analytics engine decision process? Integration
Do you send text messages in multiple languages? Languages
How much do you spend on loyalty programs annually? Loyalty
How often do your loyalty program expenditures result in reduced defection? Loyalty
What do your customers appreciate about the products, services, and loyalty programs of your competitors? Loyalty
What percentage of your customer base is currently enrolled in the loyalty programs of your competition? Loyalty
What is your process for getting market reaction? Market reaction
How do you currently measure the performance of online campaigns? Measurement
How do you make choices between competing new product concepts? Measures
How do you measure success? Measures
How does missing customer profile information affect the rep in making a decision about what to offer? Missing information
What is the process for planning marketing outreach campaigns to launch new products? Offer status
How do you factor the offer status into a recommendation (i.e., not recommending inactive offers)? Offer status
How many products/offerings do you have? Offerings
What is the affinity between products/offerings? Offerings
Are you running online marketing campaigns today? Online
What does online/digital marketing contribute to revenue? Online
What is your spend for online marketing? Online
What forms of online marketing do you currently utilize? Online
What percentage of your overall marketing spend does online represent? Online
Are campaigns optimized around cost reduction, user acquisition, conversion, revenue growth, retention, or a combination of all of these? Optimization
Upon what criteria are the campaign optimization decisions made? Optimization
Who in the organization is tasked with the decision to optimize online campaigns? Optimization
How many outbound campaigns do you run? Outbound campaigns
Can the solution take into account the number of offers a customer has received over time to control/reduce overcommunicating? Overcommunication
What partners do you use to target customers? Partners
Which partners are most effective for increasing revenue through cross-selling and up-selling your customers? Partners
Do you have a unified view of overall online marketing performance? Performance
How do you regularly review the performance of the various channels? Performance
How is the performance information compiled? Performance
How many different sets of performance metrics do you have to deal with in your review? Performance
How do you exclude products from being recommended, based on business rules or customer life cycle status? Product exclusion
How do you provide product recommendations based on stated customer requirements? Product recommendations
How many new products do you introduce in a year? Products
How many of the products would you consider to be successful? Products
Can you make a profitability assessment prior to a campaign? Profitability
How do you determine campaign profitability? Profitability
How many campaigns are profitable? Profitability
How much money is lost on unprofitable campaigns? Profitability
How do you determine which campaign to use for which customer (prospect)? Is the choice determined by profitability? Profitability
How much profit do you lose when selecting customers for a less optimal campaign? Profitability
What level of profitability delivers 100% of commissions? Profitability
How do you optimize recommendations to maximize profits? Profitability
What is the average read rate for a particular campaign? Read rate
Are cross-sell and up-sell opportunities being missed due to the lack of real-time customer information? Real time
How much revenue might be missed due to the inability to cross-sell and up-sell your customers in real time based on understanding them better? Real time
Can inputs be incorporated in real time or batch mode? Real time
In addition to providing a real-time decision, what additional information can be returned from the system (confidence level, reasons for decision, gathered customer data)? Real time
How do you support the ability to turn on/off recommendations for specific instances? Recommendation
How do you weigh product recommendations based on business rules? Recommendation
How do you provide the ability to determine if the recommendations are part of an existing campaign? Recommendation
How do you incorporate inputs, such as product availability, rate info, margin, and price information, prior to delivering final product recommendations? Recommendation
How do your reps record details of conversations with customers? Records
How many customer service reps do you have in your service call center? Reps
How many service calls does each customer service rep take per day? Reps
What customer information does a customer service rep have access to when receiving an inbound call? Reps
How do customer service reps currently determine which of their customers to call? Reps
How many of your reps do outbound calling? Reps
How many of them are making quota? Reps
What is the reps’ quota? Reps
How much revenue does this quota represent? Reps
What portion of your reps’ time is being spent on calling unqualified/uninterested customers? Reps
How do they currently determine which of their customers to call? Reps
What is your current response rate to launch campaigns? Response rate
What is the average response rate? Response rate
What is the current response rate? Response rate
Could it cost you from five to 30 times more to acquire a new customer than to satisfy and retain an existing customer? Retention
Is the revenue in line with forecast? Revenue
What is the target revenue growth for this year and next? Revenue
What is the impact of missing opportunities on your revenue numbers? Revenue
How much money do you spend on reevaluating and revising marketing campaigns? Revising campaigns
Do you have the ability for marketing and sales to set arbitration rules as well as actions of the recommendation engine? Rules
How do you provide effective dating for rules? Rules
How do you handle loading and execution of rules? Rules
How do you handle parallel execution of rule engines? Rules
What are your current sales goals? Sales goals
How do you provide the ability to have multiple scripts for a given offer and deliver a script version based on business rules and/or predictive analytics? Script
Do you have the ability to leverage the scripts/rules across the channels? Script
Do you have the ability to test multiple scripts for an offer and serve the appropriate script based on probability of success in making the offer? Script
Do you have the flexibility to display one script with minimal direction or a selection of scripts? Script
Can you suppress scripts based on previous usage—time frame to be determined by the business? Script
How do your reps receive scripts or other aids to solicit customer profile information? Script
How effective are the scripts? Scripts
Have you engaged in a search engine optimization initiative to improve your site’s position with the major search engines? SEO
How do you know the proportion of customer acquisitions that result from both organic and paid search? SEO
How many keywords do you have ads running on? SEO
Typically, how much do you spend per annum on paid search campaigns? SEO
What is the revenue proportion of organic and paid searches? SEO
Which paid placement keywords are expensive to buy but have a low conversion rate? SEO
Do you have a figure for what poorly performing paid placement is costing the business? SEO
How do you ensure that your search engine sponsorships are optimized? SEO
Do you conduct paid placement campaigns? SEO
What is your spend for campaigns? Spend
What percentage of your overall marketing spend does online represent? Spend
How do you leverage current circumstances or events to target prospects for campaigns? Target customers
Are marketing campaigns missing the key points of why a customer should or would want to buy a product? Target customers
Do you have untargeted campaigns? Targeted campaigns
What is the amount of dollars lost on untargeted campaigns? Targeted campaigns
How are customers selected for campaigns? Targeted campaigns
How long does it take to target a campaign? Targeted campaigns
How much does a campaign cost? Targeted campaigns
How often do you target customers with the greatest potential value or response probability? Targeted campaigns
What is the response rate on targeted campaigns? Targeted campaigns
Who is involved in campaigning? Targeted campaigns
Why aren’t all campaigns targeted? Targeted campaigns
How do you test marketing campaigns for launching new products? Test campaigns
What information is being collected in your CRM application text fields? Text
Do you have text fields in your call center data? Text
Do you think text fields might contain information that indicates cross-sell opportunities or customer churn? Text
How do your reps record details of conversations with customers? Text
What information is being collected in text fields? Text
How do untimely messages affect customer response? Timeliness
How often do customers receive messages that are untimely due to current circumstances? Timeliness
What is the impact of a well-timed message? Timeliness
What is the potential impact of an untimely message? Timeliness
How do you train models so that they are ready to score when deployed into production? Train models
What does an “unsubscribe” request ultimately cost? Unsubscribe
Have unsuccessful launches ever been attributed not to the usefulness of the product but to its brand (name, logo, image)? Unsuccessful launches
What are your campaign volumes? Volumes
Are all visitors to your Web site looking for the same thing, or do some segments have different needs and priorities? Web site
How do visitors navigate your Web site? Web site
How do you prevent visitors from leaving your Web site when they have difficulty finding the content they seek? Web site
How do you drive visitors to the content they are looking for? Web site
What issues have you discovered regarding navigation on your Web site? Web site
When visitors come to your site, do they find what they are looking for quickly and easily? Web site
During a campaign, do you know what percentage of customers hit the “unsubscribe” button? Web site
Do Web customers spend more or less than offline customers? Web site
Do you believe that you are missing opportunities to cross-sell or up-sell products or extended contracts through your Web site? Web site
How do you qualify the prospects and customers for the appropriate offers you make them through your Web site? Web site
How many products or services are you currently selling through your Web site? Web site
Do potential customers think more or less favorably of you based on their experiences when visiting your Web site? Web site
How much, on average, does it cost to drive a visit to your Web site? Web site
Is the look and feel of your Web site consistent with your brand, your products, and the expectations of site visitors? Web site
What is the average value of an online purchase? Web site
What percentage of visitors to your Web site make a purchase? Web site
How many questions do customers currently have to answer on the self-service Web site? Web site
What are your up-sell and cross-sell rates? Across channels? Cross-sell
What channels do you use to target customers for cross-selling and up-selling? Cross-sell
What customer information do you currently use for cross-selling or up-selling? Cross-sell
How do you utilize these opportunities for cross-selling? Cross-sell
Chapter 7: Feedback Questions Subcategory
Are key findings often too late to be actionable? What is the impact? Actionable findings
How would program decisions benefit from incorporating this feedback? Better decisions
Are there bottlenecks in the decision-making process? Decision bottlenecks
What is the impact of these bottlenecks? Decision bottlenecks
Do users need to ensure they are using the correct branding? How do they do this? Branding
Would the feedback process help manage budget allocations for future programs or program continuation? Budget allocations
Does the solution collect feedback and opinions from customers through any channel—phone, Web, paper, scan forms, or in-person interviews—in any language? Channels
Are customers given the option to communicate with you in their preferred mode: telephone, Web, paper? Channels
Are your business users missing out on important information by not offering different channels? Channels
Does offering multiple communication channels create an extra burden for your IT infrastructure or resources? How much does this cost? How much extra IT support time does this result in? Channels
Are you offering customers different options for giving you feedback, such as Web, telephone, paper? Channels
How much does it cost to incorporate this feedback? Cost of feedback
Do you leverage customer feedback for lead identification or qualification? Customer
Are you basing decisions on only partial customer data? Customer data
How much money are you losing by making decisions based on only partial data? Customer data
Are you able to obtain and integrate customer feedback on a regular basis? Customer feedback
How do customers give you feedback today? Customer feedback
What kind of customer feedback lead initiatives are in place today? Customer feedback
How are customer feedback data taken in the organization today? Customer feedback
Have decisions been made that could have been better if customers were involved earlier? Customer involvement
How often are you involving your customers in product feedback? Customer involvement
How easy is it to seek customer opinions? How much time does it take? Is this a continuous process? Customer opinion
Do you spend time and money on developing prototypes of products to gauge customer reactions and preferences? Customer reaction
How much goodwill and PR would you create by including this feedback into your decision making? Decision making
How often are product launches delayed? Delays
How do you direct development during this time? Development
What is the cost of making development changes? Development changes
How do you currently capture employee feedback? Employee feedback
How do you measure employee satisfaction? Employee satisfaction
What is the impact of unhappy employees? Employees
How long does it take to get key results to executives and business line managers? Executive management
How many different customized reports are required for different management levels? Executive management
Are you able to consolidate customer feedback initiatives so that senior management can get a complete view of customers and their interaction(s) with the organization? Executive management
How valuable would it be to you and your organization’s objectives to leverage feedback data to enable more proactive customer-led decisions? Feedback data
At what stages of development do you seek market feedback? Feedback
How do you show feedback was taken into account when making feedback decisions? Feedback-based decisions
How often are you trying to make key decisions without customer feedback? How do you go about it? Frequency
Does your customer feedback include all your customers globally? Global customers
How many countries are included in your global market? Languages
How much money and time could be saved by providing data in managers’ native languages? Languages
How often do global managers ask for results in their native language? Languages
How often do you think customers might be reluctant to answer questions in English if it’s not their native language? Languages
How many languages are spoken in your global enterprise? Languages
How much valuable information is lost because results are available only in one language? Languages
How much would it cost (in money and time) to have results translated into different languages? Languages
In how many different languages do you offer your surveys? Languages
What information is being misconstrued due to lack of localization of employee input and feedback? Languages
Would worldwide managers be able to make more effective and local decisions if the data were reported back in their native languages? Languages
When collecting feedback, how are you meeting the language requirements of the different users? Languages
Is feedback captured only at the end of a program? Does this sometimes mean the feedback is too late for corrective measures? Late feedback
Do customers’ requirements change during the life cycle of the product? Product life cycle
How much has this cost the company in terms of money and potentially lost customers? Lost customers
How do you incorporate market feedback? Market feedback
How often is development redirected based on market reaction? Market reaction
How do you incorporate current market research? Market research
How often do you conduct market tests during development cycles? Market tests
Would enabling multiple feedback methods provide you with a wider information pool to help make decisions? Methods
What is your development cycle for new products? New products
What kinds of notifications of unhappy customers do sales or customer account reps receive? Notifications
How do your managers know how their business units are performing? Performance
What are your key performance metrics? Performance
Are you able to incorporate feedback at different points in a program life cycle? Program life cycle
Are questions asked in a standardized method (e.g., 1 to 5 positive to negative or negative to positive)? Questions
Are there standardized questions around how feedback data are collected that your users need to use? Questions
If online, what is the process for incorporating the feedback in real time? Real time
Would incorporating this feedback maintain constituent support and trust and build better relationships? Relationships
What is your global response rate to surveys? Response rate
What channels can be used for these responses (i.e., Web-based, call center, direct, etc.)? Responses
How do users ensure the right question is being asked? Right questions
How can they ensure this question is comparable to previous feedback activities? Right questions
When collecting feedback, how do you maintain security and privacy regulations? Security
How do you determine which strategic programs should be implemented in the future? Strategic programs
What is your survey process now? Surveys
Are staff unwilling to take part in staff surveys due to fear of repercussions—big brother syndrome? Surveys
Are you missing opportunities to address staff problems due to lack of reliable information? Surveys
Are you getting the response rates that you expect? What is your current response rate? Surveys
How much money and time are being spent on decentralized surveys and data that have been collected? Surveys
What percentage of your customer base do you survey? How much money is spent on surveying only a subset of your customer base? Surveys
Are surveys visually engaging and interesting for customers? Surveys
How much survey money is wasted on incomplete surveys? Surveys
How often do customers complete a survey only partially? Surveys
What kind of valuable information could be found in open-ended survey responses? Surveys
When gathering customer insights, how often do you ask customers open-ended questions to solicit opinions in their own words? Surveys
Does the solution provide support for a full end-to-end survey process—from questionnaire design to the analysis and publishing of results? Surveys
Does the solution include methods of obtaining opinions and attitudinal information from customers regarding services provided? Surveys
Do you use surveys or customer interaction for gathering customer feedback? If so, how often do you gather information? Surveys
How do you analyze these surveys? Surveys
How do you gather customer feedback today? Surveys
How do you use the results of a survey? Surveys
How many employees participate in surveys? Surveys
Would doing surveys in many languages be very expensive and difficult to administer? Surveys
Is feedback captured only at the end of a program? Does this sometimes mean the feedback is too late for corrective measures? Timeliness
Do users have different requirements in terms of what activities they need to be involved with through the feedback cycle? Users
Are you able to leverage existing infrastructure, such as your Web site, telephones/call center, to gather feedback? Users
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