Appendix B. What’s What and What’s Where

As you’re using Unix, you’ll undoubtedly encounter files that look important or directories that look interesting, but it’s often hard to know what files belong to which programs, and even harder to figure out what some directories are for. Therefore, we’re trying to help out a little with the information in this appendix.

Table B.1 lists important Unix files and directories.

Table B.1. Key Files in Your Unix Environment
~/.forwardIncludes address(es) to forward mail to or redirects mail to a vacation program or to procmail.
~/.newsrcIncludes records of read, unread, and subscribed newsgroups for use by news readers.
~/.procmailrcIncludes configuration information for procmail.
~/.pinercIncludes configuration information for pine.
~/.muttrcIncludes configuration information for mutt.
~/.signatureContains your signature, which is appended to your messages by email programs and news readers.
/etc/bashrcSystemwide bash resource file shared by all bash users.
/etc/csh.cshrcSystemwide csh resource file.
/etc/groupSystem group records.
/etc/ksh.kshrcSystemwide configuration files for ksh users.
/etc/passwdSystem passwords and user records.
/etc/profileSystemwide configuration file used by bash and ksh.
/etc/skelOriginal configuration files placed into the home directory of new users.
~/.bash_profilePrimary personal configuration file for bash users.
~/.cshrcResource file for csh users.
~/.kshrcConfiguration file for ksh users.
~/.loginConfiguration file for csh users in a login shell.
~/.profilePrimary configuration file for ksh users; used by bash if .bash_profile isn’t available.
~/.zloginConfiguration file for zsh users in a login shell.
~/.zshrcResource file for zsh users.
~/.zprofileConfiguration file for zsh users.
~/.zshenvEnvironment file for zsh users.
~/mailMail directory customarily used by pine.
~/MailMail directory customarily used by system mailer and mutt.
MakefileIncludes configuration information used by make to compile and install new software.
READMEIncludes important information, usually distributed with a new program or script, about installation or usage.

Table B.2 lists the contents of common Unix directories. In practice, the contents of these directories (and their existence) vary greatly by system, but the configuration described here is fairly standard.

Table B.2. Common Unix Directories and Their Contents
/binEssential programs and commands for use by all users.
/bootFiles that the system boot loader uses.
/devDevices (CD-ROM, serial ports, etc.) and special files.
/etcSystem configuration files and global settings.
/etc/skelTemplate configuration files for individual users.
/etc/X11Configuration files and information for the X Window System.
/homeHome directories for users.
/libEssential shared libraries and kernel modules.
/mntMount point for temporarily mounted file systems.
/optDirectory for add-on application software packages.
/procLocation of kernel and process information (virtual file system).
/rootHome directory for the root user/system administrator.
/sbinEssential programs and commands for system boot.
/tmpTemporary files.
/usr/binCommands and programs that are less essential for basic Unix system functionality than those in /bin but were installed with the system.
/usr/includeStandard include files and header files for C programs.
/usr/libLibraries for programming and for installed packages.
/usr/localMost files and data that were developed or customized on the system.
/usr/local/binLocally developed or installed programs.
/usr/local/manManual (help) pages for local programs.
/usr/local/srcSource code for locally developed or installed programs.
/usr/sbinAdditional nonessential standard system binaries.
/usr/shareShared (system-independent) data files.
/usr/share/dictWord lists.
/usr/share/manManual (help) pages for standard programs.
/usr/share/miscMiscellaneous shared system-independent data.
/usr/srcSource code for standard programs.
/usr/X11R6X Window System, Version 11 Release 6.
/usr/X386X Window System, Version 11 Release 5, on x86 platforms.
/varChangeable data, including system logs, temporary data from programs, and user mail storage.
/var/accountAccounting logs, if applicable.
/var/admAdministrative log files and directories.
/var/cacheApplication-specific cache data.
/var/cache/fontsLocally generated fonts.
/var/cache/manFormatted versions of manual pages.
/var/crashInformation stored from system crashes, if applicable.
/var/gamesVariable game data.
/var/lockLock files created by various programs.
/var/logLog files and directories.
/var/mailUser mailbox files.
/var/runRun-time variable files.
/var/spoolGeneral application spool data.
/var/spool/cronContains cron and at job schedules.
/var/spool/lpdLine-printer daemon print queues.
/var/spool/mailContains incoming mail for users.
/var/stateVariable state information for the system.
/var/state/editornameEditor backup files and state information.
/var/state/miscMiscellaneous variable data.
/var/tmpTemporary files that the system keeps through reboots.
/var/ypDatabase files that the Network Information Service (NIS) uses.

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