absence leadership, 131132

culture and, 165192

strategy and, 135163

Adams, John, 3

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), 62

after-action reviews, 79

agony of the super smart (ASS), 40

AirBnB, 102

“A” leaders, 132

Amazon, 158

Anheuser-Busch, 107108

Apple, 113, 143

Aristotle, 34

attribute maps, 137, 139140

auftragstaktik, 17


in digital age, 5254

triggers, 5253

trust and, 3437, 4754, 57

Average You, 139

Azzarello, Patty, 139

“balanced slates,” 103104

Basch, Michael, 165166

Bee, Samantha, 102103

belonging, 12, 13, 87, 89127

Bezos, Jeff, 158

bias, 47, 92, 93, 115, 116

Bird, Larry, 45

Black Googlers Network, 5

Black Lives Matter, 24

black working moms, 126127

Blendoor, 103

blind submissions, 102

bro culture, 180

Brown-Philpot, Stacy, 5, 148152, 161

Bummer You, 139

Burns, Ursula, 101

Carlzon, Jan, 159160


beginning, 9091

to culture, 167, 182185, 186190

managing, 152

resistance to, 9294

Chouinard, Yvon, 42

Coleman, Debi, 77

common information effect, 4849

communal workspaces, 40


of change, 152

of devotion, 8284

directness in, 2223

effective, 4546

of strategy, 156161

communication triangle, 46, 56

compensation, 121122, 146148

constructive advice, 7576

Corning, 8081

Costco, 44

cultural fit, 102104

cultural values, 166172

at Netflix, 168169, 172

at Riot Games, 124, 181

at Uber, 32, 55

culture, 1214, 132, 165192

changing, 167, 182185, 186190

defined, 166169, 172

examining your, 176178

humor and, 170172

of inclusion, 104108

problems, 172182

role of, 165166

Culture Change Playbook, 182185

culture of inclusion, creating, 104107

culture warrior, 168, 177, 182

Curl-Mix, 157

deeply/simply communication, 158

#deleteUber, 31

DeLong, Tom, 9091

Dempsey, Martin, 1617

development, 109, 112114

devotion, 6267, 7273, 74, 81, 8284

diverse teams, 4849

diversity, 8990

attracting diverse talent, 95104

celebrating, 105, 107

cherishing, 105, 107108

Doukeris, Michel, 107108

Drucker, Peter, 132

Drybar, 157

Dunaway, Cammie, 9697, 102

Duolingo, 9697

Dweck, Carol, 7273, 74, 191

Edmondson, Amy, 107

1844 organization, 96


constructive advice and, 75

future of work and, 4244

trust and, 3441, 51, 57

empathy wobble, 3941, 42


attracting diverse, 95104

development of, 109, 112114

firing, 84, 8586

investment in, 44, 5556

outside lives of, 8384, 100101

promotion process for, 114115, 116

retaining, 120122

selection of, 102

supporting queer, 110113

toxic, 123

wages of, 146148

empowerment leadership, 45, 1015, 1821

in action, 1618

belonging and, 90

commitment to, 116

development of, 7187

getting started with, 2223

Endeavor, 121

equal opportunity, 104114

equal pay, 121122

Escobari, Marcela, 4344

exit interviews, 175

Facebook, 102

FedEx, 165166


giving effective, 2223

positive, 7376

fidelity, 61, 63, 64, 66, 73

firing, with respect, 8586

forgiveness, 123

Fowler, Susan, 31, 174

Franco-Prussian War, 17

Freire, Paulo, 44

Gandhi, Mohandas, 24

Gelb, Scott, 124126

gender bias, 117118

gender equity, 91, 115

gender identities, 110112

gig economy, 148

GLAAD, 110

good jobs research, 147148

Google, 5, 79

grace, 123, 124126

Grace Hopper Celebration, 96

Gross, Terry, 82

growth mindset, 7273, 191

Hannenberg, Emily, 1718

Harvard Business School, 91, 115, 122, 186190

Hastings, Reed, 169, 172

high standards, 7781

hiring quotas, 104

Hoffman, Reid, 9, 11

Hogan, Kathleen, 116, 191

Holder, Eric, 51

homogenous teams, 4849

Hoobanoff, Jamie, 98

HP, 139

Hsieh, Tony, 146

Huffington, Arianna, 7, 32

human resources life cycle, 90

Human Rights Campaign, 110

humor, 170172


gender, 110112

letting go of, 7172

implicit bias, 116

improv, 2021

inclusion, 50, 8991

attracting diverse talent and, 95104

commitment to, 116

culture of, 104108

dial, 104105

equal opportunity to thrive and, 104114

growth and, 124

levels of, 104108

promotions process and, 114115, 116

of queer people, 110112

resistance to, 9294

at Riot Games, 124126

talent retainment and, 120122

working toward full, 126127

inclusive hiring, 97

inclusive meetings, 108109, 112114

inclusive teams, 49, 89

“indignities” list, 101

informal development, 112114


common information effect, 4849

learning from new, 54

Innova Schools project, 6970

Intel, 79

Intercorp, 6770

Isaac, Mike, 172173

Isaacson, Walter, 77

JetBlue, 44, 167

Jobs, Steve, 77, 8081

Johnson, Claire Hughes, 14

jokes, 170172

Jordan, Michael, 3

Joyce, Meghan, 31

justice, 6061, 63, 65, 66, 67, 71, 87, 122123

Kalanick, Travis, 3132, 51, 54, 172176, 178179

Kelleher, Herb, 136138, 161

Khosrowshahi, Dara, 55, 56, 178179

Krause, Aaron, 157

Landit, 14

language, “I” vs. “we,” 84

Laurent, Nicolo, 124


“A,” 132

absence of, 131132

cultural, 185, 190192

expectations of, 62, 7781

integrity of, 6061

signs of self-distracted, 68

unapologetic, 2425

underrepresented, 1819

visibility of queer, 113


See also empowerment leadership

justice and, 6061

new definition of, 45, 89

outward orientation of, 2, 45, 812

performance curve, 10, 133

standards-devotion matrix of, 6267, 7087

traditional models of, 12

trust as foundation of, 3334

Leadership Agency, 98

leadership profile, 6465

LGBT+ people, creating inclusive spaces for, 110112

LinkedIn, 9

little red book, 159160

logic, 3437, 41, 4546, 51, 57

love, 12, 13, 57, 5987

devotion and, 7273

from expectations to, 7781

from neglect to, 81, 84

tough, 62, 8687

loyalty, 60, 67, 77

Marcario, Rose, 4243

Mariscal, Marguerite Zabar, 160

Maximus, Valerius (ValMax), 5962, 71, 72

McCord, Patty, 168169, 172

McMillon, Doug, 2

meetings, 4041, 55

inclusive, 108109, 112114

Memorable Deeds and Sayings (Maximus), 5961

mentoring, 7879, 109

meritocracy, 68, 109, 178

#MeToo, 24

Microsoft, 116, 191192

Mikitani, Hiroshi, 161

Miller, Jo, 102103

mindfulness, 52

Mission Command, 1618

Moltke, Helmuth von, 17

Moments of Truth (Carlzon), 159160

Momofuku, 160

Morgan, Jen, 2

Nadella, Satya, 116, 191192

Neeleman, David, 167

Neeley, Tsedal, 161

neglect, 63, 65, 66, 67, 81, 84

Netflix, 168169, 172

network effects, 153

NFL, 103104

Nohria, Nitin, 122123

O’Brien, Deirdre, 113

OKR (objectives and key results) system, 79

One-Strike-and-You’re-Out You, 64

O’Reilly, Tim, 143, 144

organizational change, 9091

See also change

resistance to, 9294

other people’s awesomeness (OPA), 23, 74


abilities of, 7

believing in, 22

curiosity about, 6, 82

empowerment of, 45, 54, 71

helping, 8283

importance of, 2, 4

learning from, 45

orientation toward, 15

performance of, 912

seeing potential of, 1415, 22, 23

outside lives, 8384, 100101

Patagonia, 4243

Pawsitive Dog, 7576

pay gap, 121122

PayPal, 9

performance reviews, 80, 116, 117119

PFLAG, 112

positive reinforcement, 2223, 7376, 78

praise, 7374, 78

presence, 2930, 4041, 131

pricing decisions, 141143, 144

primate brain, 52

private bathrooms, 111

profitability, 142, 143

promotions process, 114115, 116, 119, 121

pronouns, 111

Prophet, Tony, 107, 122

psychological safety, 47, 107

public bathrooms, 111

Queer Eye, 15, 18

queer identities, 110112

queer people, creating inclusive spaces for, 110112

QuikTrip, 147148

quotas, 104

radical accountability, 175

See also radical responsibility

radical responsibility, 10, 40, 123

See also radical accountability

Rakuten, 161

Rapinoe, Megan, 121122

reconciliation, 122123

recruitment process, 95104

redemption, 123

representation tax, 120121

retainment, 120122

Revere, Paul, 24

Riot Games, 124126, 168, 179182

Rodriguez-Pastor, Carlos (CRP), 6770

Roizen, Heidi, 117118

Romney, Mitt, 99

Rooney, Dan, 103

Rooney rule, 103104

root cause analysis, 115

Roseboro, Angela, 125

safety, 105, 106, 107

Safe Zone Project, 112

Saint John, Bozoma, 2, 121

Salesforce, 107

Sandberg, Sheryl, 5, 126, 169

SAP, 2

Sasser, Earl, 94

Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), 159160

Schein, Edgar H., 167, 168, 177

Scooby Snacks, 78

Scrub Daddy, 157

self-distraction, 68, 1819

self-improvement, 2021

self-trust, 5657

severity, 61, 63, 6465, 66, 67, 77

sexual harassment, 106

Shark Tank, 156157

“sink or swim” approach, 109, 112

SMART goals, 79

Smith, Fred, 166

social media, 52

Southwest Airlines, 136138, 161

standards-devotion matrix, 6267, 7087

standard setting, 7880

Starbucks, 168

Stonewall, 110

strategic confusion, 135

strategic value stick, 145, 150, 151, 155

strategic wedge, 152153, 154156, 191

strategy, 1214, 132, 135163

changing, 162

communication of, 156161

defined, 136138

growth, 152154

planning, 154156

strategic trade-offs, 136141

suppliers and, 144148

value-based, 135136

value creation and, 141144

writing about, 158

Stripe, 14

Su, Lisa, 62

Sulla, 72, 73

Super Pumped (Isaac), 172173

Super You, 139

suppliers, 144148, 153154


attracting diverse, 95104

retaining, 120122

task forces, 92

TaskRabbit, 5, 148152, 161

Tatum, Lisa Skeete, 14


building, 54

diverse, 4849

leadership of, 13

terminations, 84, 8586

360-degree reviews, 117119

“toe-stepping,” 178179

Ton, Zeynep, 147148

tough love, 62, 8687

toxic employees, 123

Toyota, 153154

Toyota Production System (TPS), 153154

trade-offs, 136141

Trader Joe’s, 44

trust, 12, 13, 3158

attributes of, 34, 36

authenticity and, 3437, 4754, 57

diagnosing your own level of, 3539

empathy and, 3441, 51, 57

as foundation of leadership, 3334

logic and, 41, 4546, 51, 57

rebuilding, 1, 5556

in yourself, 5657

trust anchor, 35, 37

trust drivers, 34, 35

trust triangle, 34, 3637

trust wobble, 3539, 4244

Twitter, 102

Uber, 3132, 51, 5456, 114, 172174, 178179

United States Army, 1618


US Soccer Federation (USSF), 121122

ValMax. See Maximus, Valerius

value-based strategy, 135136

value creation, 141144

values, weaponized, 173174

value stick, 145, 150, 151, 155

Vanguard, 161162

Vickery, Jenifer, 7576

wages, 121122, 146148

Walmart, 44

weaponized values, 173174

Webb, Alli, 157

Weeks, Wendell, 8081

WeWork, 97, 101102, 103

whistleblowers, 174

willingness to pay (WTP), 142, 143, 144, 145, 153

willingness to sell (WTS), 144145


black working moms, 126127

gender bias and, 115

pay gap and, 121122

performance reviews of, 117119

promotion of, 115, 117118

recruitment of, 98102

sexual harassment of, 106

work, future of, 4244

Workforce of the Future Initiative, 43

Xerox, 101

Yahoo! 96


Average, 139

Bummer, 139

One-Strike-and-You’re-Out, 64

Super, 139

Zappos, 146

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