

agile approach to career paths, 18–20

alternative career paths. See upward movement, alternative career paths.

alumni as ambassadors, 101


bad decisions, 53–54

big and bold exploratory experiences, 52–53

boomerang employees, 101, 104–106


calisthenics of enrichment, 41–42

career paths

alternatives to upward movement. See upward movement, alternative career paths.

current changes, 3–4

roles and responsibilities, 6–7

telescope view vs. kaleidoscope view, 13–20

Change Challenges, 37–39

changing your current situation. See enriching your current situation.

coaches, roles and responsibilities, 6–7

collaboration with peers, 39, 112.

See also friends as resources. commitment, 112

confidence, 113

connectedness, 113

courage, 111–112

CSI (Career Systems International), organization chart update, 19


demotion. See realignment.

dream jobs, exploring, 48


enriching your current situation approaches to, 38

Change Challenges, 37–39

collaboration with peers, 39, 112

description, 26

enrichment workouts, 41–42

flexible schedules, 38

meaning and purpose, 39

mobility moment, 36, 40

overview, 35–37

questions to ask, 40–41

reach down, 41–42

reach out, 41–42

reach to the side, 41–42

reach up, 41–42

revealing hidden talents, 40

the sludge guy, 36

small changes, 38, 39

switching physical surroundings, 38

wastewater management, 36

enrichment workouts, 41–42

exit interviews vs. stay interviews, 106–107

exploratory experiences bad decisions, 53–54

big and bold, 52–53

categories of, 50–52

description, 26

exploring a dream job, 48

making informed choices, 53–54

medium and meaningful, 51–52

mobility moments, 48, 53

overview, 47–49

planning, 49–52

small and significant, 50–51

exploring a dream job, 48


flexible schedules, 38

friends as resources, 100–101. See also collaboration with peers.


horizontal movement. See lateral experiences.


IDEO, 58–59

individuals, roles and responsibilities, 6

informational interviews, questions to ask, 51

informed choices, 53–54

interests component of a kaleidoscope view, 14


kaleidoscope view of career paths. See also telescope view of career paths.

agile approach, 18–20

balancing money and meaning, 17–18

interests component, 14

optionality, 16–17

orbiting models of work, 18–20

org charts vs. orb charts, 18–20

patterns, 15–16

skills component, 13–14

values component, 14–15


lateral experiences benefits of, 62–65

description, 26–27

mobility moments, 58, 62, 66

overview, 57–58

questions to ask, 62–65

reasons for, 59–61

T person, 58–59


management, moving into, 91–93

managers, roles and responsibilities, 6–7

marketing yourself, 90

meaning balancing with money, 17–18

and purpose, 39

medium and meaningful exploratory experiences, 51–52

mentors, roles and responsibilities, 6–7

mobility moments

exploratory experiences, 48, 53

exploring a dream job, 48

lateral experiences, 58, 62, 66

the perfect enrichment question, 40

personal, 116

purpose of, 113–114

realignment, 72, 76

relocation, 99, 103, 105

the sludge guy, 36

upward movement, 85, 86, 91

money balancing with meaning, 17–18

as motivation, 86–88

moving to a new location. See relocation.


negative view of realignment, 72–74, 76


optionality in career paths, 16–17

orb charts, 18–20

orbiting models of work, 18–20

org charts vs. orb charts, 18–20

organizations, roles and responsibilities, 7

ownershift in career paths, 5–8

owning your career, 4–6


patterns in kaleidoscope views, 15–16

physical surroundings, switching, 38

promotions, 83–85. See also upward movement.


questions to ask

enriching your current situation, 40–41

guidelines for, 116

informational interviews, 51

lateral experiences, 62–65

movement into management, 92

realignment biases, 74–78

self-assessment, 90

sidetracks, 75

quitting. See relocation.



biases, questions to ask, 74

description, 27–28

mobility moments, 72, 76

negative view of, 72–74, 76

overview, 71–74

planning, 78

questions to ask, 74–78

rejuvenating a career, 72–73

right place, right time, 77–78

sidetracks, 75–77

vs. demotion, 74–75


alumni as ambassadors, 101

boomerang employees, 101, 104–106

description, 28

friends as resources, 100–101

making your exit, 104

mobility moments, 99, 103, 105

overview, 97–98

returning to a previous job.

See boomerang employees.

stay interviews vs. exit

interviews, 106–107

relocation, reasons for career advancement, 100–102

overall career fit, 103

stagnation, 98

summary of clues, 102, 104


sidetracks, 75–77

sideways movement. See lateral experiences.

skills component of a kaleidoscope view, 13–14

the sludge guy, 36

small and significant exploratory experiences, 50–51

stay interviews vs. exit interviews, 106–107

stepping back, description, 27–28

stepping down. See realignment.

success, defining, 4–5


T person, 58–59

talents, revealing, 40

telescope view of career paths, 13–20. See also kaleidoscope view of career paths.

tradeoffs of upward movement, 87


upward movement

current state of, 92–93

declining an opportunity, 91

into management, 91–92

marketing yourself, 90

mobility moments, 85, 86, 91, 116

money as motivation, 86–88

motivational checklist, 114–116

overview, 83

promotions, 83–85

readiness assessment, 88–91

right place, right time, 84–85

self-assessment questions, 90

tradeoffs, 87

upsides, 87

vertical career trajectory, 84–85

vertical moves, 28

upward movement, alternative career paths. See also specific alternatives.

defining success, 4–5

enriching your current situation, 26

exploratory experiences, 26

lateral experiences, 26–27

mobility, 5

overview, 29–30. See also specific alternatives.

ownershift, 5–8

owning your career, 4–6

realignment, 27–28

relocation, 28

sideways options, 26–27

stepping back, 27–28

upward movement, requirements for collaboration with peers, 39, 112

commitment, 112

confidence, 113

connectedness, 113

courage, 111–112


values component of a kaleidoscope view, 14–15

vertical career trajectory, 84–85.

See also upward movement.

vertical mobility. See upward movement.


wastewater management, 36

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