JMP Home Window
Note: The JMP Home Window is applicable only on Windows. It is the default window when you open JMP. On Macintosh, the JMP Starter appears. See JMP Starter Window.
The JMP Home Window is divided into the following panels:
• Recent Files: Shows recently opened files. See Recent Files.
• Window List: Shows open JMP windows. See Window List.
• Recent Help: Shows recently opened Help topics. Click on a topic to open it.
• Projects: Shows open JMP projects. See Projects.
Tip: If you close a panel and want to reopen it, select View > Home Window Panes and select the panel that you want to open.
Figure 2.2 Example of the JMP Home Window
To open the Home Window, select View > Home Window or click the JMP Home Window button in the lower right corner of most JMP windows. If you cannot see the JMP Home Window button, select View > Status Bars.
Tip: If you prefer to see the JMP Starter or the Window List upon start-up, you can specify that in Preferences. Select File > Preferences > General and select an option from the Initial JMP Window list.
JMP Home Window Buttons
The JMP Home Window panels can contain the following buttons:
The Open Selected button opens recent files.
The Sort By Name button sorts recent files alphabetically.
The Filter button filters the types of files that appear in the Recent Files and Window List panels.
The Clear Filter button clears any filters that are set in the Recent Files and Window List panels, showing all types of files and windows. If this button is dimmed, no filters are selected.
The New Project button creates a new project.
The Open Project button opens a project file.
The Save Selected Project button saves the selected project.
The Close button closes the panel.
Recent Files
The Recent Files list provides quick access to files that you recently opened. The last 20 files also appear in the File > Recent Files menu.
Use the right-click menu to:
• Open a file
• Copy the location path to a file
• Open a file within the folder that contains it
• Sort files alphabetically by name or by most recent
• Remove a file (alternatively, you can select files and press the DELETE key)
• (JSL scripts only) Edit, run, or debug a script
• (Text files only) Change the import method or open as plain text
When you open a non JMP file in the Recent Files list, JMP applies your import preferences to arrange the data. You can right-click on a text file to change the import method or to open the file in a text editing window. Your import preference is bolded in the right-click menu.
Window List
The Window List shows open JMP windows, such as data tables, reports, and scripts. You can open, close, rearrange, and hide JMP windows.
• If you hover over a file in the Window List, a thumbnail appears.
• To open the Window List in its own window, select View > Window List.
• To display windows side-by-side, right-click the selected windows and select Arrange.
• To always automatically display the Window List inside maximized windows, select File > Preferences > Windows Specific and select Dock the Window List in maximized windows.
Use the right-click menu to:
• View a window
• Close a window (alternatively, you can select files and press the DELETE key)
• Close all windows except the currently selected window (if the selected window is a report window, the dependent data table also remains open)
• Move a window to the back
• Hide or unhide a window (hides the window from the Windows task bar)
• Select all windows, or clear all selections
In the Projects panel, you can use the project buttons to create a new project, open an existing project, and save a project. Right-click a project to add items to the project and customize the project. For details about projects, see JMP Projects (Windows Only) in Save and Share Data.
Tip: Select View > Projects to open the project list in a new window.
Rearrange Panels in the Home Window
To rearrange the panels in the Home Window, click and drag the title bar of the panel. Drop the title bar onto a top, bottom, left, or right arrow to position the panel. A blue box indicates where the panel will be placed. To turn the panels into tabs, drag and drop any panel into the middle of the Home Window.
Tip: To put the Home Window back into its original order, select View > Home Window Panes > Revert to Factory Layout.
JMP Starter Window
The JMP Starter window is a good place to begin if you are not familiar with JMP or data analysis. Options are categorized and described, and you launch them by clicking a button. The JMP Starter window covers many of the options found in the Analyze, Graph, Tables, and File menus.
• To open the JMP Starter window, select View (Window on the Macintosh) > JMP Starter.
• To display the JMP Starter automatically when you open JMP, select File > Preferences > General, and then select JMP Starter from the Initial JMP Window list.
Figure 2.3 The JMP Starter Window
JMP Personalization Window
The very first time that you open JMP, the Personalization window appears. This window also appears if you re-install JMP and you do not have an existing preference file.
Figure 2.4 Personalization Window
This window contains two panels:
Menu Options
Deselect any menu options that you want to hide from your JMP view.
General Options
Select from common general preferences. For more information about these preferences, see General in JMP Preferences.
Data Tables
In JMP, data points are organized into rows and columns referred to as the data table. A data table has two parts: the data table panels at left and the data grid at right.
Figure 2.5 Parts of a Data Table
The data table has the following characteristics:
• Column names can contain any keyboard character, including spaces, and can be up to 255 characters long.
• The maximum length of the data table’s name depends on your computer’s operating system.
• Change the default size and font for names and values selecting File > Preferences > Fonts. (On the Macintosh, select JMP > Preferences > Fonts.)
• Column names automatically wrap in the column name area to accommodate the column width that you specify.
• Move column boundaries and enlarge the column to view long values. Adjust widths of all selected columns at once by pressing the ALT key as you drag the double arrow cursor on any of the selected column boundaries.
• The number of rows and columns in a data table is limited only by your computer’s memory.
Data Table Panels
Data tables contain three panels:
• Table panel
• Columns panel
• Rows panel
These panels are located on the left of the data grid. They contain information about the table and its contents. Each panel has interactive areas. See Figure 2.6.
Figure 2.6 Interacting with the Data Table Panels
Table Panel
The Table panel contains the following elements:
• Name of the data table
• Red triangle menus containing table and script options
• (Optional) Table variables
• (Optional) Table scripts
Figure 2.7 Example of a Table Panel
Table Options
Clicking on the red triangle menu next to the data table name shows these options:
Contains the same options as the Tables menu. See Reshape Data.
New Table Variable
Creates a new table variable, which can be text or any other constant character value that you always want to be available in the data table. Table variables are normally used to document tables. Using the Formula Editor, you can incorporate table variables into formulas or JSL scripts. There are instances when JMP automatically creates table variables, such as the following:
– If you open a data table created by an earlier release of JMP and the table has table notes in it, a table variable called Notes appears with the note’s text. For an example, see Use Table Variables in Enter and Edit Data.
– If you create a design table with the Design of Experiments (DOE) commands, JMP creates a table variable named Design with the name of the design type as its value.
Note: To rename a table variable, double-click on it and type a new name in the Name field.
New Script
Creates a JSL script to save with the data table. Using the Formula Editor, you can incorporate these scripts into formulas. After selecting this command, name the script and type in the value (the JSL commands). After you click OK, the new script is listed in the Table panel and you can click its red triangle menu to run, edit, or delete it. See Create and Save Scripts in Enter and Edit Data.
Suppress Formula Eval
Turns off the feature that automatically evaluates formulas. You can turn off evaluation and build sections of a formula, and then turn evaluation on to test the formula.
Lock Data Table
Locks the data table so that values cannot be edited or added. You can still run analyses, assign characteristics, add rows and columns, and so on. See Lock Tables in Enter and Edit Data.
Copy Table Script
Copies the script that recreates the table. To recreate the table, paste the script into a new script and run it.
Rerun Formulas
Re-evaluates all columns containing formulas within the data table.
Script Options
Clicking on the red triangle menu next to a script name shows these options:
Run Script
Runs the script.
Debug Script
Opens the script in the JSL Debugger.
Opens the script in a window so that you can edit it.
Deletes the script.
Copies the script. You can then paste it into the Table panel of another data table.
Additional Options
In the Table panel, you can also do the following actions:
• Double-click a table variable or script name to edit the name and content.
• Click and drag on a table variable or script to rearrange it.
Columns Panel
The Columns panel contains the following information:
• Column options (same options as the Cols menu)
• Total number of columns and number of columns selected in the data table
• A list of columns found in the data table
• Icons indicating each column’s modeling type (see About Data Types and Modeling Types in Set Column Properties)
• Icons representing characteristics and properties assigned to the columns (not shown, see Figure 2.9)
Figure 2.8 Example of a Columns Panel
Icons Representing Column Characteristics and Properties
Icons to the right of each column name indicate characteristics and properties the columns contain.
Figure 2.9 Icons Indicating Column Characteristics and Properties
Note: Italics indicate that the column is locked into place. When you scroll horizontally, the column remains visible.
Icons that can appear in the Columns panel are described as follows:
Indicates that points on plots corresponding to the column will be labeled by the value instead of the row number. See Label Rows and Columns in Enter and Edit Data.
Indicates that the column will be excluded from the calculations. See Exclude Rows and Columns in Enter and Edit Data.
Indicates that the column will not be included in graphs. See Hide Rows and Columns in Enter and Edit Data.
Can be X or Y. Indicates that the column has been assigned the preselected role of x or y. See Assign a Preselected Analysis Role in Set Column Properties.
Indicates that the column contains one or more properties. Click to reveal a list of properties the column contains.
Indicates that the values in the column result from a formula. When formula evaluation is suppressed, the icon appears gray. Double-click to view and edit the formula. See Use Formula Editor Options in Formula Editor.
Indicates that the range check or the list check option is turned on. Click to view and edit the range or list. See Range Check in Set Column Properties and List Check in Set Column Properties.
Indicates that the column has been assigned the preselected role of weight. See Assign a Preselected Analysis Role in Set Column Properties.
Indicates that the column has been assigned the preselected role of frequency. See Assign a Preselected Analysis Role in Set Column Properties.
Rows Panel
The Rows panel contains the following information:
• Row options (same options as the Rows menu)
• Total number of rows
• Number of selected (highlighted), excluded, hidden, and labeled rows
Figure 2.10 Example of a Rows Panel
Right-click the categories in the Rows panel to select rows, clear the selection, or to create a data view.
A data view creates a linked subset of the main data table. For example, if several rows are marked hidden, and you want to open a window that shows you only the hidden rows, right-click Hidden in the Rows panel and select Data View.
Figure 2.11 Creating a Data View from the Rows Panel
When using a data view, continue to do most of your editing in the main data table. When you make changes in either the main data table or in the data view, the changes are reflected in both. You can make minor changes (such as changing some data or adding a column) in the data view. However, if you want to make major changes (like adding a formula) you must make those changes in the main data table.
Data Grid
The data grid is the main part of the data table that contains your data. Figure 2.12 illustrates how to interact with the data grid. See also Select Rows in Enter and Edit Data.
Figure 2.12 Interacting with the Data Grid
Hides or shows the data table panels.
Click to deselect any selected columns. To select all columns, hold down the SHIFT key and click.
Shows the columns menu.
Click to select the column.
Double-click to view the Column Info window. See Assign Column Properties in Set Column Properties.
Right-click for column options. See Context Menu for Columns.
Double-click on the column name to edit it.
Click and drag to adjust the width of the column. To simultaneously adjust the widths of all of the selected columns, hold down the ALT key as you click and drag.
Click to select the row.
Double-click to open the Row Editor. See Use the Row Editor in Enter and Edit Data.
Right-click for row options. See Context Menu for Rows.
Shows the rows menu.
Click to deselect all selected rows. To select all rows, hold down the SHIFT key and click.
Context Menu for Columns
Right-clicking in a column heading shows these options:
Column Info
Opens the Column Info window. See Assign Column Properties in Set Column Properties.
Column Properties
Contains a list of column properties. Select one to open the Column Info window and apply it to the column. This list is also available from the Column Info window. See Assign Column Properties in Set Column Properties.
Modeling Type
Contains a list of modeling types. Select one to apply it to the column. See About Data Types and Modeling Types in Set Column Properties.
Preselect Role
Contains a list of roles. Select one to apply it to the column. See Assign Column Properties in Set Column Properties.
Opens the Formula Editor. See the Formula Editor.
Color Cells
Provides a color palette. Select a color to apply it to the selected cells in the column. To revert back to the original color, select black.
Labels or unlabels selected columns in all plots. See Label Rows and Columns in Enter and Edit Data.
Scroll Lock/Unlock
Scroll lock locks a column in place so that when you scroll horizontally, the column remains visible. See Lock Columns in Place in Enter and Edit Data.
Hides or shows selected columns in all plots and graphs. See Hide Rows and Columns in Enter and Edit Data.
Excludes or includes selected columns from analyses. See Exclude Rows and Columns in Enter and Edit Data.
Data Filter
Opens the Data Filter. See The Data Filter in JMP Platforms.
Sorts all of the rows in the table by the values in the selected column. The rows are sorted by ascending order. To choose descending order, select Sort again.
Delete Columns
Deletes all selected columns.
Copy Column Properties
Copies all of the column properties for the selected column.
Paste Column Properties
Pastes all of the copied column properties into the selected column.
Context Menu for Rows
Right-clicking in a row heading shows these options:
Excludes or includes selected rows from analyses. See Exclude Rows and Columns in Enter and Edit Data.
Hides or shows selected rows in all plots and graphs. See Hide Rows and Columns in Enter and Edit Data.
Labels or unlabels selected rows in all plots. See Label Rows and Columns in Enter and Edit Data.
Provides a color palette. Select a color to apply it to the selected rows. The color is used in plots and graphs. See Assign a Color to Rows in Enter and Edit Data.
Provides a palette of markers or symbols. Select a marker to apply it to the selected rows. The marker is used in plots and graphs instead of points. See Add Markers to Rows in Enter and Edit Data.
Color Rows by Row State
Colors the row the same as the current row state color. For more details, see Assign Colors or Markers to Rows Based on Column Values in Enter and Edit Data.
Select Matching Cells
Selects rows in the active data table with values that match the selected row(s).
Invert Selection
Selects all previously deselected rows, and deselects all currently selected rows.
Clear Row States
Clears all active row states in the data table. All rows become included, visible, unlabeled, and show in plots as black dots. It does not affect row states saved in row state columns.
Delete Rows
Removes all selected rows from the data table. Use the Undo command on the Edit menu to undo an accidental deletion. See Delete Rows and Columns in Enter and Edit Data.
Cursor Forms
The cursor takes different forms, depending on its location in the data grid.
Arrow Cursor
The standard arrow cursor appears in the following locations:
– In the panels area to the left of the data table
– In the triangular rows and columns area, located in the upper left corner of the data grid
– In the middle or bottom of a column heading
You can perform the following actions with the arrow cursor:
– To select a column using the arrow cursor, click its name in the Columns panel.
– Double-click a column name in the Columns panel to edit it. Or, in the column heading, double-click on the column name to edit it.
– Click the triangular areas in the upper left corner of the data grid to deselect rows and columns.
Selection (Large Plus) Cursor
When the cursor is at the top of a column heading, or in a row number area, it becomes a large plus, indicating that you can select rows or columns. When you click, that row or column is selected and highlighted. Click and drag to select multiple rows or columns, and hold down the CTRL key and click to select discontiguous rows or columns.
– Double-click a column heading area to see the Column Info window for that column.
– Select a column to change the column name. The column highlights. Begin typing (if it is not in a locked column or locked data table).
– Double-click the row number area to edit the rows using the Row Editor.
I-beam Cursor
When you select editable text, the cursor becomes a standard I-beam. To edit text, position the I‑beam within highlighted text. Click to mark an insertion point, or drag to select text for replacement.
Double Arrow Cursor
The cursor changes to a double arrow when it is on a column or a panel boundary. Drag this cursor left or right to change the width of a column or panel. Changing the width of a column does not affect the column field width specified in the Column Info window (accessed by double-clicking a column name).
Note: You can adjust widths of all selected columns at once by pressing the ALT key as you drag the double arrow cursor on any of the selected column boundaries.
List Check Cursor
The cursor changes form when you move the mouse over values in columns that have data validation in effect. It becomes a small, downward-pointing arrow on a column with list checking. When you click, the value is highlighted and the cursor becomes the I-beam. Enter or edit data as usual with any values defined as valid text or valid numbers. See List Check in Set Column Properties, for details.
Pointer Cursor
The cursor changes to a pointer over these objects:
– Red triangle menus for options
– Triangular disclosure buttons that open or close panels
– Data table titles for editing
– Table script titles for opening
– Modeling type icons for changing
Open Data Files
Note: For more details about opening files, see the Import Your Data.
To open a data file, select File > Open and select the file type. Some file types have additional features and options that appear in the Open Data File window. See Table 2.1.
• Windows only: To open the same file type every time, select the Select this filter the next time this window is invoked check box.
• Windows only: Open a file by dragging it onto the JMP Home Window.
• To change which directory the File > Open command looks in, see File Locations in JMP Preferences.
• To quickly access a directory that you frequently use, add a shortcut to your Favorites folder by clicking this button: . Then open your Favorites folder by clicking this button: .
Table 2.1 Additional Features and Options by File Type 
File Type
Additional Features and Options
JMP Data Tables
Table notes, the number of columns (Cols), and the number of rows appear.
Use the Select Columns option to select which columns are imported into the data table. On Windows, click the arrow next to Open and then use the Select Columns option to specify which columns are imported into the data table. On Macintosh, you can select which columns to import after you click Open.
Excel Files
• Convert the first row into column headings.
• If the file includes multiple worksheets, specify which worksheets to import. Click the arrow next to Open and then use the Open Selected Worksheets option.
Text Files
• To automatically determine data arrangement, select one of the following options:
– Open as data using preferences
– Open as data using a best guess
– (Windows only) Open as plain text into a script window
• To manually specify data arrangement, select the Data with preview option. See Text Import Preview Options in Import Your Data.
SAS Data Sets (options are for Windows only)
• Use SAS variables for column names
• Enter a password when you open a password-protected data set.
• (SAS Transport files only) Select columns before opening
SPSS Data Files
Use SPSS variable or label names for column names.
All Files
• To automatically determine data arrangement, select one of the following options:
– Open as data using preferences
– Open as data using a best guess
– (Windows only) Open as plain text into a script window
• To manually specify data arrangement, select the Data with preview option.
• (Windows only) To open text files using your computer’s default text editor, select Use default program to open.
Display and Arrange Open Windows
In JMP, typically you have several windows open at once (for example, data tables, reports, and the JMP Home Window). JMP provides several ways to arrange and display these open windows.
On Windows:
• Press the CTRL + TAB keys to switch between windows.
• Use the Reveal feature (F9 or Window > Reveal). See Using the Reveal Feature.
• Use the options in the Window menu. Note that Arrange options are also available using the Arrange Menu in the bottom right corner of most windows.
• To display the JMP Home Window, click the JMP Home Window button in the lower right corner of most windows, or hold down CTRL and press 1.
• To show the data table for a report, click View Associated Data button in the bottom right corner of the report.
Tip: If you cannot see the Arrange Menu, JMP Home Window, and View Associated Data buttons, select View > Status Bars.
• To open an associated report when you are viewing a data table, double-click the thumbnail preview of the report in the bottom pane. To enlarge the preview, place your cursor over the thumbnail. See Figure 2.13.
Figure 2.13 Thumbnail Previews of Open Reports
On Macintosh:
• Use the options in the Window menu.
• Use the Expose feature (F9 or F3).
Using the Reveal Feature
On Windows, press F9 to use the Reveal feature. The Reveal feature shows a top-level window with thumbnails of all open JMP windows.
• Click on a window to activate it.
• Press the space bar to turn on Preview mode, where a full-sized view of the thumbnail under the cursor appears in the center of the screen.
• By default, the windows are ordered to match the original ordering on the screen in a top-down, left-to-right order. Press S to sort the thumbnails by name.
• To exit the Reveal feature, press F9, ESC, or ALT+TAB and select another application.
Anatomy of a JMP Session
Figure 2.14 Anatomy of a Typical JMP Session on Windows
JMP Home Window Actions
Your files, windows, projects, and recent help can be accessed and managed from the Home Window. See JMP Home Window.
Figure 2.15 JMP Home Window Actions
Data Table Actions
You can enter, view, edit, and manipulate data using data tables. In a data table, each variable is a column, and each observation is a row. See Data Tables.
Figure 2.16 Data Table Actions
Launch Window Actions
Specify your analysis using the launch window for the type of analysis that you want to run. For example, Figure 2.14 shows the Distribution launch window. See Launch Windows in JMP Platforms.
Figure 2.17 Launch Window Actions
Report Window Actions
Once you launch your analysis, the report window appears. The report window shows the output of your analysis using interactive graphs and text reports. See the JMP Platforms.
Figure 2.18 Report Window Actions
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