
Thus, (u, w) is a critical point of E T(u, w) since it fulfills the EulerLagrange equations. Because of the convexity of the functional in one variable whenever the other one is fixed, we have that (u, w) actually is a local minimizer. The stated space inclusions hold due to the estimates shown in Proposition 4.1 (see Remark 4.5). T = 0

For E0, as we have discussed before, and as can be seen in [4, Thm. 2], we are lacking information on the compactness of the iterates. Thus, the convergence of the alternating minimization scheme in the one-to-one correspondence model can not be proven in the continuous case by compactness arguments. One way of regaining compactness is to restrict the model to (finite dimensional) sampled images by means of a proper discretization. We may therefore restrict ourselves to a finite number Nθ of admissible rotation angles We define For acertain grid constant τ > 0 we set

P ̃ = Õ τ2 ,

P̃ c = Õ c τ2 .

We note that û is considered to be a function on Õ c, such that the evaluation for y Õ c P̃ c still makes sense.

In general, also for the continuous case, we consider the following alternating minimization algorithm:

Algorithm 4.11 (Alternated minimization of E0). Initialization: choose u0 with u0 û For k solve

As discussed before, we can set νk to be the measure which is induced by the measurable one-to-one correspondence map φ: P ̃ P̃ c × M θthat maps x to (y, θ) such that is minimal for each x P̃. Further, for x P ̃ we have the discrete minimizer of (4.46) can be computed by (see also (4.7))

In general, we have the following convergence result, which can be adapted to the discrete and finite dimensional setting where actually compactness is guaranteed.

Proposition 4.12. Assume that the sequence (uk , wk) generated by the algorithm is actually compact in A0.(Let us stress that in the discrete case this assumption is validated, while for the continuous setting the compactness of the sequence is an open issue.) Then its limits are critical points of the energy E 0.

Proof. Since uk and νk are bounded there exists a subsequence (ukj , νkj ) converging to (ū , ν̄). Then clearly, by the definition, ν̄ is a minimizer of ν E 0(ū, ν). We will now show that ukj+1 ukj converges to zero.

The sequence (E0(uk , νk))k, obtained from the alternating minimization scheme on E 0(u, ν), is monotonically decreasing and bounded below because E 0(u, w) 0 for all (u, w) ?0 and hence a convergent sequence. Furthermore, since E 0(uk , νk) E0(uk+1, νk) E0(uk+1, νk+1), we have that

We rewrite E0(uk , νk) E0(uk+1, νk) with the notation z = (y, θ), ? = Õ × Õ c × [0, 2π], uk = uk(x + h), likewise for uk+1, ûθ = û(y + rθ(h)) and work in the integral notation for better readability:

The first term on the right-hand side is zero due to the fact that uk+1 is the minimizerof E0(u, νk) with νk fixed and since 2 ?2 g(h)(ûθ uk+1)(uk+1 uk)dhdνk(x, z) isprecisely the variational derivative of E0 at (uk+1, νk) and in direction uk+1 uk. Wemay proceed as in (3.3) and (3.4) to obtain that for almost every x the following estimateholds:

due to the radial symmetry of g, the fact that 2 g(h)dh = 1, and the fact that νx is a probability density for all x O. Thus, in view of (4.48) and (4.49), uk+1 uk converges to zero as k 0, and in particular ukj+1 ukj converges to zero as kj 0. We proceed as in the proof of Proposition 4.10 to obtain equations similar to (4.43) and (4.44) and deduce that ū is a minimizer of E 0(u, ν̄) with ν̄ fixed. Hence (ū, ν̄) is a local minimizer of E0(u, ν).

4.4.2Analysis of E,T

We will now analyze the functional E,T, for T > 0. We will show the existence of minimizers and examine their properties. Thereafter, we will show convergence of the alternated optimization scheme.

Let us consider the functional of the patch non-local Poisson model

subject to

We define the set of admissible function pairs (u, w) based on definition of ? in (4.8) from Section

We recall the EulerLagrange equations which were derived in Section The minimizer E,T(u, ) for fixed u is given by


is the normalization to make w a probability density (to fulfill (4.51)).

For a fixed w and minimizing with respect to u we obtain

where of minimizers

In this section we shall prove the existence of minimizers to the following minimization problem:

Proposition 4.13. Assume that u ̂ W2,2(Oc) W1,(Oc) L(Oc) and g W1,(2, +) has compact support in Ωp = Br(0) and is radially symmetric, that is g(h) = g(|h|). Then there exists a solution to thevariational problem (4.57). Moreover, for any solution (u, w) of (4.57) we have u W1,2(O) (O) L(O) for all p [0,) and w W1,(Õ × Õ c × [0, 2π]).

For the proof of Proposition 4.13 we need the following two lemmas.

Lemma 4.14. Assume that u ̂ W1,(Oc) and g as in Proposition 4.13. Let (u, w) ? and E,T(u, w) C. Then

Proof. Let us first note that for a, b m and any ε > 0


By assumption, we have that E,T(u, w) C and thus exists C1 = C1(C) > 0 suchthat

We rewrite the term on the left-hand side and use (4.59) with to estimate that

By (4.60) and (4.61)

where dθdydx is bounded by a constant depending on wL1 and û.

Finally, we observe that

which concludes the proof.

Lemma 4.15. Assume that û W2,2(Oc), u W1,2(O), u|O = û|Oc and g as above.Then

are bounded in L(Õ × Õ c × [0, 2π]).

Proof. Let us write ui(x) = xi u(x), û i(x) = xi û(x), i = 1, 2. Then for i {1, 2} we have

We observe that

The second term on the right-hand side in (4.64) is estimated as follows:

Finally, for the last term on the right-hand side of (4.64) we have

Now let ξ {y, θ} and i {1, 2}. Then

We are now in a position to prove Proposition 4.13.

Proof of Proposition 4.13. Let (un, wn) be a minimizing sequence of (4.57). We proceed as in the proof of Proposition 4.1: Since Ω is a bounded domain, we have that

is bounded. Hence by [2, Prop. 1.27] (wn)n is equi-integrable. Then we apply the DunfordPettis theorem to obtain that (wn)n is relatively weakly compact in L1. We deduce a subsequence exists, again denoted by wn, which weakly converges in L1(Õ × Õ c × [0, 2π]) to some w ?. By Lemma 4.14, we have that un is uniformly boundedin W1,2(Õ ). By Lemma 4.15, we have that ξ 2 |hu(x + h) hû(y + rθ(h))|2g(h)dh, ξ = x, y, θ, are uniformly bounded in L1(Õ × Õ ×[0, 2π]). Hence a subsequence exists, again denoted by un, which is such that un u almost everywhere and in L2(Õ ), un u weakly in L2(Õ ) and, by the theorem of AscoliArzelá, 2 g(h)(hun(x +h) hû(y + rθ(h)))2dh converges uniformly to some function W(x, y, θ).

By the same argumentation as in the proof of Proposition 4.1, using Mazurs Lemma,we obtain an estimate like the one in (4.25) and deduce for n that

Proceeding as in (4.26) we deduce that

To prove that and w W1,(Õ × Õ c × [0, 2π]), let (u, w) ? be a solution to the variational problem (4.57). Then, by Lemma 4.14, u W1,2(O), and since (u, w) is the minimizer of E,T the Euler Lagrange equations (4.53) and (4.55) are satisfied. Then in particular u is a solution of the Poisson equation:


Furthermore, w fulfills

where the normalization factor Z,T(u)(x) is given by

As in the proof of Proposition 4.1 we observe that Z,T(u)(x) is bounded and bounded away from zero by Lemmas 4.14 and 4.15.With equations similar to (4.29), (4.30), and (4.31) we obtain that w W1,(Õ × Õ c × [0, 2π]). With this result and (4.69) we havethat υ(w) W1,(O)2. Then the solution u of (4.68) is in for any p [0, ), cf. [4, 33].

Remark 4.16. Notice that if a pair (u, w) ? fulfills (4.53) and (4.55) and if E,T(u, w) C < then w W1,(Õ × Õ c × [0, 2π]) and for any p [0, ). of the alternated minimization scheme

In this section we shall prove the convergence of the alternated optimization scheme for E,T, T > 0, described in Algorithm 4.17. As is the case for ET, T > 0, the presented results hold in the continuous and discrete setting.

Algorithm 4.17 (Alternated minimization of E,T). Initialization: choose u0 with u0 û For k solve

Under the assumptions made in Proposition 4.13 one may show the following result:

Proposition 4.18. The iterated optimization algorithm converges (modulo a subsequence) to a critical point (u, w) ? of the energy ET. The solution obtained satisfies the regularity properties stated in Proposition 4.13, that is u W1,2(O) (O) L(O) for all p [0,) and w W1,(Õ × Õ c × [0, 2π]).

Proof. Let us show that wk is bounded and bounded away from zero independently of k: Since wk fulfills the EulerLagrange equation we have that

where the normalization factor Z,T(uk1)(x) is given by

By Lemma 4.14 uk is uniformly bounded in W1,2(O) such that is uniformly bounded by Lemma 4.15. Therefore exist constants b > a > 0 and c > 0 which are independent of k such that

a Z,T(uk1)(x) b ,

and for any choice of (x, y, θ) Õ × Õ c × [0, 2π]

By equations similar to (4.29), (4.30), and (4.31),we have that wk is uniformly boundedin W1,(Õ × Õ c × [0, 2π]). Thus, we may extract a subsequence wkj which weakly converges to some w in Lp for all p [1, ] and ukj converges weakly to some u W1,2(O).

With a similar argument as in the proof of Proposition 4.10 we obtain

where γ > 0, and deduce that Hence also wkj+1 weakly convergesto w in Lp for all p [1, ].

As kj we have that

and hence (u, w) ? is a critical point of E,T, such that u is a solution to the EulerLagrange equation (4.55) and w is a solution to the EulerLagrange equation (4.53). By Remark 4.16 we have the stated regularity.

4.4.3Conclusion and future perspectives

In this work a variational framework for exemplar-based image inpainting under rotation invariance of the exemplar patches was presented. The framework is both suited to the case of one-to-one correspondences and probabilistic correspondences. For the application to image inpainting problems the one-to-one correspondences model proves to be more relevant. However, the given framework shows the connections to other fields in mathematical imaging, namely image denoising and regularization and provides a basis for unified treatment.

The newly introduced L2-based error functions which incorporate the rotation invariance of the exemplar patches can be computed using tools which were developed in this work and be efficiently implemented by FFT-based convolutions.

Let us now briefly depict possible practical and theoretical extensions to the work presented herein. images

For the treatment of inpainting problems on color images, one shall define error functions for color patches as the sum of the three scalar components:

where u : Ω 3 denotes the color image with three different color channels ui. The scalar error function ϵ can for instance be chosen as one of the rotation invariant patch error functions introduced in Section 4.2.1. This choice of color error function ensures that the image update in the corresponding EulerLagrange equation is accomplished with one correspondence map for all three channels at the same time, and hence the inpainting information of the three color channels are matching. error functions

Once the rotation invariant inpainting algorithms are implemented, one can try to combine the patch non-local means and the patch non-local Poisson scheme to take advantage of the advantages of both methods. Controlled by a parameter λ one can examine the quality of the results of convex combinations ϵλ of the two error functions ϵNLmeans (2.2) and ϵNLPoisson (2.3), that is

ϵλ := (1 λ)ϵNLPoisson + λϵNLmeans .

In an analysis of this matter [5] suggest a convex combination parameter of λ 0.1. schemes

Exemplar-based inpainting methods heavily depend on the size of the patch which is used for the reconstruction, as we have seen in Section 4.3.3. Also, the critical point to which the alternated optimization scheme converges is in general only a local minimizer. A heuristic to avoid local minimizers is to use a multiscale scheme. The motivation is that this helps to find a good initialization at the finest scale and therefore might even save computational cost (Section 4.3.3). At the same time images often contain structures of different sizes (large structures and detailed textures). The multiscale scheme incorporates the search over matching structures of different scale and thus can reproduce these structures properly. Moreover, multiscale schemes are a common approach in exemplar-based inpainting, cf. [5, 38, 56].

As we have stated before, the ability of exemplar-based inpainting algorithms to reconstruct structures without exemplars is not well understood. Motivated by this problem we have introduced the possible rotation of patches to increase the quality of available patches. Clearly, for certain inpainting problems this helps to nicely reconstruct the image, see Section 4.3.3. In a next step, one should try to quantify the benefit of having the possibility to rotate patches on the capability to reconstruct structures in the image. First steps into this direction could be geared to the approach of comparing different inpainting models in [8, Section 7].

Furthermore, an analysis of the patch non-local Poisson scheme for T = 0 should be finalized. This should include a proof of existence of minimizers and convergence results for following the functional


(u, ν) ?,0 := {(u, ν) ?0 : u W1,2(O), u|O = û|Oc } .

Using similar tools as in the proofs of the functionals E0 and E,T, T > 0, it should be possible to prove corresponding results for the above model.

Acknowledgment: The authors acknowledge the support of the START Project SparseApproximation and Optimization in High-Dimensions.

The authors thank the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) for their hospitality during the preparation of this work.


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