2D Mario games, 259, 261

3D game, 6, 216217, 257258

3D graphics, 2, 61, 83, 91, 106, 251, 257258

The 7th Guest, 169

2010: The Text Adventure, 379

Action-adventure, 304305, 317

Active Time Battle (ATB), 82, 342

ADVENT, 355, 373374

Adventure Classic Gaming, 150, 357

Adventure Game Interpreter (AGI), 150

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, 369

AGI. See Adventure Game Interpreter

Airline Pilots, 33

Airline Transport Pilot (ATP), 101

Akalabeth, 335337, 340n

Alone in the Dark, 113

Amazing Maze Game, 182

America Online (AOL), 355356

Andromeda, 294

The Angel of Darkness, 266

Anniversary, 266

Apple II, 1516, 71

Flight Simulator II on, 99

flight simulator program, 94

John Madden Football on, 136

Apshai, 337

Arcade game, 200, 203, 240, 246

Arcade shooters, 238

Arctic Thunder, 33

Art of Fighting, 249

Artwick, Bruce, 9495, 100

Asteroids, 236

Asynchronous sharing, 220

Atari 2600 Video Computer System (VCS), 2, 26, 30, 233

Atari Basketball, 126

Atari Football, 135

ATP. See Airline Transport Pilot

Auto Test, 196

Ax Battler: A Legend of Golden Axe, 311

Axelay, 234

Baby Pac-Man, 188

Banjo-Kazooie, 266268

Bank of Zork Vault, 378

BAO. See Bruce Artwick Organization

The Bard's Tale, 41, 80

Bartle, Richard, 355

Baseball videogame, 124, 42, 46

Battlezone hardware, 103

Beach Head 2000, 33

Bejeweled, 296, 299300

Berez, Joel, 376

Berzerk, 20

Bespelled, 300

Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, 2123

Beyond Zork, 380381

The Bilestoad, 241

Black & White, 328

Blank, Marc, 373, 375376, 384

Blizzard, 364365

Blue Dragon, 91

Body Harvest, 111

Bonk's Revenge, 283

Bookworm. See Bespelled

Brawl, 253

Breakdance, 3334

British Legends, 355

Bruce Artwick Organization (BAO), 100

Bubble Bobble, 299

Bulletin Board Systems (BBS), 53n

The Burning Crusade, 367

Bushido Blade, 251

Business management simulations, 221

Business-simulation games, 222

Caesar, 221

Caesar IV 219

Capcom's games, 1, 12, 247

Capitalism, 221

Capitalism II, 221

Capitalism Plus, 221

Castle Wolfenstein, 1526

Castronova, Edward, 364

Casual gaming, 291, 300

Casual simulation approach (CSA), 93, 101

Catacomb 3D, 56

Cat and Mouse, 182

Catz, 329

Centipede, 234235

Chex Quest, 54

Civilization, 65, 209, 223

Coleco Colecovision game, 210, 237

Colossal Cave, 374

Colossal Cave Adventure. See ADVENT

Columns, 297298

Command and Conquer, 75

CompuServe, 355

Computer Gaming World, 152153, 344

Computerized fantasy simulation, 375

Computer role-playing game (CPRG), 39, 4142, 335, 339, 342, 352

Consumer Electronics Show (CES), 379

Contra, 305

Conway, John, 324

Crash Bandicoot, 266268

Crazy Taxi, 203

CRPG. See Computer role-playing game

Crusader series, 1819, 19n

CSA. See Casual simulation approach

Curse of the Azure Bonds, 356

Cytron Masters, 71

The Dallas Quest, 381

Dance Dance Revolution (DDR), 2737

game mode, 35

lesson mode, 35

training mode, 35

workout mode, 35

DDR. See Dance Dance Revolution

Dead or Alive, 251

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, 251

Death in the Caribbean, 380

Death Race, 197198

Defender, 234

Destruction Derby, 203

Devil World, 81

Diablo, 3950

Dogz, 329

Donkey Kong, 228, 272273, 277

Donkey Kong 64, 315

Doom, 5163

Double Dragon, 245246

Dr. Mario, 296

Dracula, 3

Dragon Quest, 7980, 305

Dragon's Lair, 29

Dragon Warrior, 305

The Drew Carey Show, 323

Duck Hunt, 305

Dune II, 6576

Dungeon Master, 4142

Dungeon Master II: Skullkeep, 347

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), 121, 355, 360, 374

Dungeon Siege, 40

Dungeons of Daggorath, 42, 231

EA Land, 331

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, 79

Elektronika 60, 293

Elektronorgtechnica, 295

Eternal Champions, 30

EverQuest, 353, 364, 367

EverQuest: Gates of Discord, 363

EverQuest II: Kingdom of Sky, 364, 366

EverQuest Online Adventures, 368

Facade, 388

Famicom, 304

Fatal Fury, 249

Fighters Megamix, 252

Fighting games, 239240, 244, 251

Fighting Vipers, 252

Final Fantasy, 305

Final Fantasy VII, 7792

Final Fantasy IX, 87

Final Fantasy X, 88

Final Fantasy XI, 88, 90, 367

Final Fantasy XII, 9091

Final Fantasy Tactics, 91

First-person shooter (FPS) control, 51

Flight Assignment: A.T.P 101

Flight simulation, 93

for Apple II, 94

Flight Simulator, 9596

Flight Simulator II, 9899

FMV. See Full-motion video

Football videogames, 123

Foot Craz, 30

Fortune Builder, 210211

Full-motion video (FMV), 169

Galaga, 229, 232, 236

Galaxian, 230, 232

Game of Life, 324

Garriott, Richard, 120, 335343, 345, 347, 349, 359, 363, 369

Gas powered games, 40

Gates of Delirium, 350

Gauntlet Legends, 48

Gemstone, 355

Gerasimov, Vadim, 293

Glider 4.0, 102

God games

Black & White, 328

Populous, 326327

SimCity, 207

Golden Axe Warrior, 309

Golden Tee games, 130

Grand Theft Auto III (GTA III), 105, 114

Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA IV), 117

Grand Theft Auto Mission Pack, 109

Gran Trak 10, 196197

Gran Trak 20, 197

Gran Turismo, 203

Graphical adventure game, 144

The Great Videogame Crash of 1984, 30, 186, 228, 273, 274

Gremlins, 198

Gross domestic product (GDP), 364

Guild wars, 362

Guilty Gear, 251

Guinness Book of Records, 95, 182

Habitat, 356

Half-Life, 62

Halloween, 3

Hardball!, 125

Hard Drivin, 201202

Harvest Moon, 327328

Haunted House, 23

Herzog Zwei, 73

Hexic, 296

Highway, 197198

Hillsfar, 43

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 377, 389

Hockey game, 132

Horror-themed games, 3

Hovertank 3D, 5556

Ikari Warriors, 305

Ikaruga, 238

ImagiNation Network (INN), 357

Impossible Mission, 23

Indianapolis 500, 201203

Indy 800, 197

Infocom, 371, 375380

Interactive fiction (IF) novels, 372

International Karate, 244

Japanese games, 225238

Jaws, 230

Jensen, Jane, 154155

John Madden Football, 135136

Jong, Philip, 168, 176, 357

Julius Erving and Larry Bird Go One-on-One, 126

Jumping Flash!, 259260

Karate Champ, 242243, 247

Karate Champ Player vs. Player, 243

Karateka, 245

Karate Kid, 242

Karma system, 361

K.C. Munchkin!, 186

Keith Courage in Alpha Zones, 284

King of Fighters, 249

King's Quest, 144, 149

King's Quest II, 150

King's Quest III, 151

King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow, 154

The King's Quest Companion, 148

Leader Board Golf, 130

Legend, 266

The Legend of Zelda, 303317

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, 308

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four Swords, 310, 313

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, 310, 312

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, 315

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, 311313

The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, 310

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, 310

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, 316

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, 315

Linden Scripting Language (LSL), 331

Link: The Faces of Evil, 310

Little Computer People, 325

Living Planet, 214

Lord British. See Garriott, Richard

The Lost Treasures of Infocom, 384

Lovecraft, H. P., 4

Lunar Lander, 102

Madden NFL 97, 139

Madden NFL 98, 139

Madden NFL 2000, 139

Magnavox's game, 186

Mail Order Monsters, 326

Maita, Aki, 329330

Mario, 271290

Mario Tennis, 280

Marvel vs. Capcom, 252

Mask of Eternity, 157158, 349

Massively multiplayer online (MMO), 171, 330331, 369

Mattel's Intellivision, 3

Maxwell Manor, 45

Melee, 253

Meridian 59, 358

Metal Gear, 2324

Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator, 99

Microsoft Flight Simulator, 97

Microsoft Space Simulator, 101

Microsoft Xbox, 60, 63, 91

Microsoft Xbox 360, 4, 13, 37, 89, 91, 111

Midtown Madness, 203

MMORPG, 319, 354, 356, 362, 367, 369

Mockingboard card, 342

Moebius, 43

Monster Rancher, 327

Mortal Kombat, 32, 250

M-rated game, 117

Ms. Pac-Man, 186

MUD object-oriented (MOOs), 356

Multi-user dungeons (MUDs), 354355

Musical game, 216

MySims, 333

Mystery House, 144

Myst, 143, 146, 149, 156, 161, 163177, 382, 386

Myst III, 170

Namco's F-1, 196

The Need for Speed, 203, 205

Neutopia, 316

Neverwinter Nights, 356357

The New Nightmare, 1213

NFL Football, 135

NFL GameDay, 138

Night Driver, 198199

Night mode, 218

Nights into Dreams, 266268

Nintendo, 281, 289, 295, 305, 308, 310, 311, 316

Nintendo 64 game, 60, 63, 78, 111, 253, 258, 280, 288, 315316

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games, 98n, 271, 273, 275, 281, 305

Nintendo Game Boy, 138

Ocarina of Time: Master Quest, 314315

Oddballz, 329

Oddly-Angled Room, 378

The Office, 332

Omega Race, 236

Online gaming, 358

On-Line Systems, 144, 166, 385

Origin Systems, 341

Out Run, 201

Pac-Man, 179, 254, 271, 274275, 293, 387

Pac-Man 2, 188

Pac-Man Championship Edition (Pac-Man C.E.), 188

Pac-Mania, 188

Pac-Man World, 188

Pajitnov, Alexey, 291, 293294, 296, 301

Paper Mario, 288

PaRappa the Rapper, 34

PCjr platform, 143

Petz, 329

Phantasy Star Online, 367

Pinball Fantasies, 101

Piper Archer aircraft, 98

Pitstop, 200201

Pkillers, 359361

Player vs. environment (PVE), 365366

Player vs. player (PVP), 362, 364365

Pokemon series, 326

Pole Position, 195206

Japanese version of, 195

as racing game, 195196

Pool of Radiance, 351, 356

Populous, 73, 326327

The Princeless Bride, 155

Prince of Persia, 245

The Princess, 144

Princess Rosella, 153

Professor Pac-Man, 188

Puyo Puyo, 297299

Puzzle Bobble, 297, 299

Puzzle Quest, 300

PVE. See Player vs. environment

PVP. See Player vs. player

Quake II, 61

Questron, 350

Racetrack, 200

Racing Destruction Set, 200

Racing game

Pole Position as, 195196

realistic, simulation-style, 202203

Raid on Bungeling Bay, 211212

Railroad Tycoon, 221

R.C. pro-am, 203

Real-time strategy (RTS) game, 65, 6970, 76

Red Alert, 75

Red Baron, 103104

Rescue Raiders, 66

Resident Evil, 1112

Return to Zork, 382

Ridge Racer, 202

River Raid, 233234

Rock N’ roll Racing, 203

Rockstar North, 107

Rogue, 354

Role playing games (RPGs), 3940, 43, 7879, 8182, 89

RPGs. See Role playing games

RTS game. See Real-time strategy game

Ryan, Michael E., 364

Samba de Amigo, 35

Samurai Shodown, 249

Sandbox game, 105, 118

Schneider, Peer, 315

SCI. See Sierra's Creative Interpreter

Scott Adams games, 385

Scrolling games, 233234, 236

Second Life, 331332, 364

Secret Quest, 308

Sega Game Gear, 138

Sega Genesis, 138

Sensible Soccer series, 131

The Shadow of Yserbius, 357

Shooter games, 235236

Sid Meier's Civilization, 222

Sid Meier's Railroads!, 221

Sierra On-Line, 144, 337, 339340

Sierra's Creative Interpreter (SCI), 150

Silent Hill, 1

SimAnt, 214215

SimCity, 320

building blocks for fun and profit, 207224

commodore 64 version of, 209, 213

as god games, 207

SimCity 4, 218219

SimCity 2000, 215

SimCity 3000, 217

SimCity Creator, 220

SimCity Societies, 219220

SimCity Urban Renewal Kit, 216

SimCopter, 216, 322

SimEarth, 214

SimFarm, 214

SimLife, 214

Simlish, 322323

The Simpsons, 246

The Sims, 319333

job types, 322

people simulator, 328

personality attributes, 320

virtual pet aspects, 320

The Sims 2, 330, 332

The Sims 2 Store, 332

The Sims Online, 330331

The Sims Stories, 333

SimTunes, 216

The Simulation, 201203

Slaughter Gulch, 11

Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA), 337, 360

Sonic Adventure 2, 262

Sonic and Knuckles, 287

Sonic CD, 287

Sonic the Fighters, 252

Sonic the Hedgehog, 284285, 288

Sony computer entertainment (SCE), 259

Sony PlayStation 1 (PS1), 33

Sony PlayStation 2 (PS2), 13, 34, 83, 88, 90, 105

Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3), 4, 13, 118, 126

Sony's EyeToy, 35

Soulcalibur, 251

Soulcalibur IV 252

Space Invaders, 292, 303

as fixed-screen game, 236

Japanese games, 225238

sound effect of, 231, 238

VCS version of, 233

Space Invaders Collection, 237

Spacewar!, 373

Spectrum Holobyte, 294

Speed Race, 197

Spellbreaker, 379

Splatterhouse series, 4

Spore, 220

Spy Hunter, 203

SSA. See Strict Simulation Approach

Star League Baseball, 125

Star Wars, 231

Stationfall, 378

Street Fighter, 297

Street Fighter II, 239254

Street Fighter III, 249

Street Fighter IV 253

Street Fighter Alpha, 249

Streets of SimCity, 217

Strict Simulation Approach (SSA), 93

The Stygian Abyss, 55

subLOGIC, 95, 9698, 100101

Super Mario 64, 255269, 314 vs. Tomb Raider, 262

Super Mario Bros., 82, 271290, 303, 305, 307

Super Mario Bros. 2, 278281

Super Mario Bros. 3, 281

Super Mario Galaxy, 261

Super Mario Kart, 203204

Super Mario Sunshine, 261

Super Nintendo (SNES), 138, 249, 308

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, 297

Super Smash Bros., 252253

Super Sprint, 197

Super Street Fighter II, 249

Super Street Fighter II Turbo, 249

Suspect, 379

Tabula Rasa, 352, 369

Tamagotchi, 329

Tass Times in Tone Town, 381

TBS games. See Turn-based strategy games

Tecmo Bowl, 135

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 246

Tekken, 251

Tempest, 235

Temple of Apshai Trilogy, 338

Tennis videogames, 132

Test Drive, 203

Tetris, 291301

Atari's arcade conversion of, 294

as sliding block, 291

The Tetris Company, 295296

Tetrominoes, 291

Theme Hospital, 222

Theme Park, 222

The Sierra Network (TSN), 357

Third Dawn, 368

Third-person perspective, 257

Times of Lore, 347

Time Zone, 144

Tolkien, J. R. R., 340, 374

Tomb Raider, 255269

Sega Saturn version of, 262, 264

vs. Super Mario 64, 262

Top Skater, 32

Top Spin, 134

Tornado Baseball, 124

Trak 10, 197

Trammel, 363

Triforce of Wisdom, 304

Trilobyte's game, 168

Trubshaw, Roy, 355

Turbo, 199

Turn-based strategy (TBS) games, 6667, 69

Ultima, 80, 303, 305, 335352

Ultima: Escape from Mt. Drash, 341

Ultima: The Reconstruction, 350

Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress, 340

Ultima III: Exodus, 337, 341342

Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar, 343344

Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny, 344345

Ultima VI: The False Prophet, 345346

Ultima VII, Part Two: The Silver Seed, 348

Ultima VII: The Black Gate, 43, 105106, 346347, 360

Ultima VIII: Pagan, 348

Ultima IX: Ascension, 349

Ultima X: Odyssey, 352

Ultima Online, 335, 353370

character creation from, 354

key elements in, 353

Ultima Online: Kingdom Reborn, 368

Ultima Online: Renaissance, 363

Ultima Online: Stygian Abyss, 361

The Ultimate History of Video Games, 228

Ultima Trilogy, 345

Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss, 348

Umbrella Crow's Nest, 167

Underworld, 266

Utopia, 7173, 210

Video Information System (VIS), 129

Video Jogger, 30

Video Reflex, 3031

Videogame Crash of 1984, 30, 186, 228, 273, 274

Virtua Fighter 5, 251

Virtua Fighter Remix, 252

Virtua Racing, 202, 257

Virtua Tennis, 134

Virtual Dollhouse, 319320

Warcraft, 69, 74

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, 369

Warrior, 241

Way of the Exploding Fist, 245

Welltris, 296

Williams, Ken, 156, 357

Williams, Roberta, 143145, 147, 149, 152, 155, 160161, 339, 349

Wizardry, 40, 337, 342, 352

Wolfenstein 3D, 24n, 55

Wonder Boy, 284

World of Warcraft, 353, 364366

Worlds of Ultima: Martian Dreams, 348

Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire, 348

The World Warrior, 247

Wrath of the Lich King, 367

Wright, Will, 207, 319

Xbox Live Arcade, 189

XE Game System (XEGS), 98n

Xevious, 234

X-Men, 246

Yume KImagejImage Doki Doki Panic, 278

Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon, 310, 312

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, 306307

Zelda cartridges, 307

Zelda's Adventure, 310

Z-Machine, 376

Z-Machine Interpreter (ZIP), 376

Zork, 355, 371, 375

Zork: Grand Inquisitor, 384385

Zork: The Undiscovered Underground, 384

Zork I: The Underground Empire, 378

Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz, 375, 378

Zork III: The Dungeon Master, 378

Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands, 384

Zork Zero, 381

Z-targeting, 314

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