3. Working with Basic Diagrams

In This Chapter

How will templates save me time?

What make templates different?

How can Visio save my diagram?

How will using multiple windows help me develop mad multitasking skills?

Visio is all about making great visuals, and you will spend a lot of time focused on the drawings themselves. This chapter provides a good point to step back and see all the other features of Visio that will help you later as you work on those drawings. Consider how choosing the right canvas and frame can make a great work of art look awesome.

Templates, file formats, pages, backgrounds, and your work area are all fundamental to having the right canvas and frame for the drawings you create. We look at templates and the drawing window in detail in this chapter. Chapter 4, “Taking Control of Your Diagrams,” considers how pages and backgrounds further accentuate your work.

Making Diagrams

I enjoy building cabinets from scratch. Despite how satisfying the final product can be, finding the right wood and materials can be time consuming, and the project can also take much longer than expected (sorry, dear). For that reason I have on occasion been quite happy with purchasing a cabinet from IKEA and spending a fraction of the time assembling a very nice-looking cabinet.

Templates serve a similar purpose. No one questions your imagination and artistic abilities, and you certainly can create drawings from scratch in Visio if that is your preference. You will quickly appreciate the many advantages of using templates when you see how they save you time.

What Is a Template?

We’ve thrown this term around quite bit, but what is a template? Templates refer to the overall framework that determines appearance, purpose, and even the tools that are used to make your diagram. They include the sets of shapes and stencils present in the Shape panel; the size and scale of the page you work on; the paper size for printing; settings related to font, color, and many others that dictate the default behavior of shapes and connectors in your diagram. You might even see additional Ribbon tools unique to that template, as in the case of an Organization Chart template.

Find the Right Template

We used a Basic Flowchart template in Chapter 1, “Getting to Know Visio 2013,” and you no doubt were tempted to check out some of the other templates in the Template Gallery (see Figure 3.1). Visio 2013 Standard includes many predefined templates, and Professional has even more. The included templates have a very modern look with shapes and content that have been selected to reflect the times we live in.


FIGURE 3.1 Right away, you may recognize a few interesting-looking choices in the Template Gallery.

When you choose to start a new Visio diagram, you are presented with featured templates by default. You can refine the choices by using categories, which presents eight groups of templates as shown in Figure 3.2 (Business, Engineering, Flowchart, General, Maps and Floor Plans, Network, Schedule, and Software and Database).


FIGURE 3.2 There are eight categories of templates.

In addition you can search for online templates. We’ll come back to this feature later in this chapter.

Take a look at the purpose of these categories and what sets them apart from each other.

• Business templates include Organization Charts, Marketing, and Charts and Graphs. You find tools for analyzing processes such as Cause and Effect or Fault Tree. Many people have learned to use mind mapping or brainstorming diagrams.

• Engineering offers several templates, including Basic Electrical and Part and Assembly Drawing (see Figure 3.3).


FIGURE 3.3 Looking at a category of templates provides an array of choices, as these engineering templates illustrate.

• Flowchart templates include the Basic Flowchart, BPMN Diagram, and Workflow Diagrams.

• General includes Basic Diagram and Block Diagrams. This is a good area to start with if the diagram only needs very basic shapes and stencils.

• Maps and Floor Plans include many types of templates. You can create 2D or 3D map graphics for advertising, floor plans and layouts, detailed HVAC, ceiling grids, and site plans.

• Network templates include ways to represent the physical network, rack diagrams, and more conceptual diagrams to visualize Active Directory or LDAP Directories.

• Schedule templates provide tools for calendars, Gantt charts, and timelines.

• Software and Database has many templates, such as Data Flow, Database Notation, Program Structure, and Web Site Map.

When you select a specific template, a small window appears (see Figure 3.4) with a few details related to the purpose of the template and its origin. You can choose to use Metric or U.S. units of measurement and then select Create. You can also scroll to the left or right, clicking arrows to browse other templates.


FIGURE 3.4 Selecting a template provides you with an explanation of how you would use this template.

To learn how to create your own templates in Visio, see page 252.

Working Without a Template

You can start with a blank drawing if you decide not to use the templates for the sake of a quick diagram. You simply choose Blank Drawing from the selection of templates featured when you first open Visio.

If you have been working in Visio and want to create a new drawing, follow these steps:

1. Select the File tab to open the Backstage area.

2. Select New from the vertical menu to the left. You see the list of featured templates to the right.

3. Select Blank Drawing and Create on the pop-up window that appears. Blank drawings open with no shapes, stencils, or any other configuration settings (see Figure 3.5). You can still work right away, selecting shapes and such from the Home tab and the Tools menu.


FIGURE 3.5 Starting a drawing from scratch using a blank drawing.

Clone Your Drawing

When you have invested blood, sweat, and tears into a diagram, you might not want someone else to tamper with it. Imagine that you need to make an updated version of an organization chart after a promotion has occurred in your company. Maybe you want to present a couple of similar variations of a diagram in a proposal with your customer. Rather than grabbing the original and modifying it, it might be wiser to clone the original and modify the copy. That way, you always have an intact original to refer back to.

Use a Recent Drawing

If you need to tweak a diagram or present variations of the same diagram, a nice feature is the capability to easily create a copy of an existing drawing from the Recent Drawings list in Visio.

1. Open Visio and look for the list labeled Recent off to the left.

2. Right-click a file and select Open a copy as shown in Figure 3.6. (The link at the bottom of Recent files labeled Open Other Drawings will take you to the Recent Drawing list discussed in the next set of steps.)


FIGURE 3.6 Use Open a Copy to protect your original diagram from accidents.

3. Notice a copy has opened with a name like Drawing1. Any alterations to this drawing will have no effect on the original; they are completely separate.

4. To save this copy, Select File and Save As to assign a unique name and location.

If the drawing is not listed in the Recent Drawing list, open it first so you have the option to right-click as described.

There is another way to get to this list of recent drawings:

1. Select the File tab and then select Open.

2. As shown in Figure 3.7, helpful thumbnails display when you view the list in this way.


FIGURE 3.7 The Recent Drawings list can also display thumbnails of your diagrams.

3. Right-click a drawing and select Open a copy.

If you anticipate using a drawing as a base for future copies or just want to keep it handy, you can also pin the drawing to the Recent Drawing list. As you hover your mouse over the document in the Recent list, you see a pushpin to the right. As shown in Figure 3.6, when you click the pin you see the document pinned to the top of this list until you unpin it.

Find Online Templates and Samples

As mentioned earlier, when you look at the Template Gallery you see at the top of the page a field that allows you to search for templates from office.com. In addition, you can search other websites and then download templates and samples to use as a starting point for your own diagrams. Try to download from trusted sources to avoid unexpected surprises.

To find recommendations for online templates and samples, see page 311.

Save Your Diagram

Save your work. It’s easy to say, but it’s not something we always remember to do. The mere thought might bring back memories of frustration and the Luke Skywalkian cry of “Nooo!” that escaped your lips when an application froze or power was lost once long ago. Visio provides a few ways to save you from those feelings of remorse.

Save As

Save As is an important place to start soon after you create a new drawing. When you select the Save icon in the Quick Access toolbar for the first time, it automatically takes you to the Save As screen (see Figure 3.8). You can also click the File tab and choose Save As on the left, or you can use Ctrl+S on the keyboard.


FIGURE 3.8 You have a few places to choose from when saving your work.

A new feature in Visio 2013 is the inclusion of SkyDrive as a location to save your work. This cloud-based location is associated with your Live ID. When saved to this SkyDrive, you can access the content from any computer with Internet access, and you can even share files from your SkyDrive.

To learn more about sharing your drawings using SkyDrive, see page 230.

When you use Save As, you can choose the file format that you want to use. As you can see in Figure 3.9, there are many formats to choose from. The default is named Visio Drawing; it is a new format and uses the .vsdx file extension. The Visio 2003–2010 Drawing format choice may be practical when sharing drawings with others who use older versions of Visio.


FIGURE 3.9 From Visio, you have many choices when choosing how to save your diagrams.

To learn more about other formats, see page 235.


AutoSave does what the name implies; it automatically saves your work—if it is configured, that is. Whereas your concern about saving a test diagram may not be the same as saving an organization chart you have worked on for the past three days, it is a good idea to know AutoSave is enabled and which settings are being used (see Figure 3.10).


FIGURE 3.10 You have several options when using AutoSave.

1. Click the Home tab to access the Backstage area.

2. Click Options at the bottom of the vertical menu on the left.

3. Select Save under Visio Options and verify your settings.

4. Click OK to save changes.

In Figure 3.10, you see the setting options for Save. Here you can change the default format using the Save Files in This Format drop-down menu. Save AutoRecover Information Every X Minutes allows you to enable and change the default of 10 minutes to a shorter period of time. It is not enabled by default. To minimize the amount of work that can be lost due to a power outage or because a computer suddenly stopped working, some people change this to 5 minutes or even less. If the file itself is extremely large or complex you might notice a slight hit on performance. If that happens then increase the interval. You may prefer to enable or disable other settings here if you desire to further fine-tune your save experience.

Image Tip

If you find that the AutoSave settings do not work consistently, they may have been applied only to whichever drawing was open at the time you made adjustments. Close all drawings and follow the previous steps to open the Save options. Confirm the settings you want enabled and then click OK. Now when you open new or old drawings they should have these Save settings.

Working with Drawing Windows

As you become more proficient with Visio, you might want more than one drawing open at a time. Visio allows you to easily navigate among open drawings. The way Visio handles multiple open drawings deserves a quick overview.

The Visio application is itself a window and can be moved, resized, and minimized, like any Microsoft application. This application window includes the tabbed ribbon interface. The main Visio application window can contain any open Visio files, the same as modern web browsers allow for multiple tabbed web pages in one window. You might notice what appear to be several stacked windows on the Windows task bar; they are likely all contained in one Visio application window. For this reason the ribbon and tabs across the top do not appear to alter when changing from one diagram or drawing window to another.

Image Note

You may occasionally have a diagram that has a unique tab that is needed only by that diagram, as in the case of an office layout that uses a Plan tab. If you switch between a flowchart diagram and an office layout diagram, the Plan tab appears or disappears, depending on the drawing window that is active.

Drawing windows refer to the work area below the ribbon interface where you create your diagrams and drawings. Drawing windows can be minimized, maximized, and arranged below the tabbed ribbon bar.

Image Caution

If you decide to close a drawing window, make sure you choose the correct X to do this. When your drawing window is maximized, you see the standard application window controls in the upper-right corner of the Visio window for Help, Minimize, Maximize, and Close. Below that you see a second X, which is the one to use to close the drawing window.

Task Panes

Besides the Drawing window, you have likely noticed task panes by now. These may reveal more detailed information or provide additional options to work with your diagram. There are four common task panes in Visio:

• Shapes

• Shape Data

• Pan and Zoom

• Size and Position

In the Show section of the View tab you can enable or disable task panes by clicking the Task Panes drop-down button and selecting to toggle it on or off. In Figure 3.11 you can see four task panes listed. Shapes and Pan & Zoom are toggled on and can be seen below in the drawing window.


FIGURE 3.11 Task panes can be turned on or off from the View tab.

The Shapes task pane we used previously and by default is turned on anytime we open a new drawing window. It is docked on the left side of the window by default.

Image Tip

You can undock the Shape pane and let it float elsewhere. Hover your pointer over the word Shapes in the header area of the pane. When you see the cursor change, click and drag the pane to a different location. Alternatively, you can minimize its size by clicking the small arrow to the left of the word Shapes, as shown in Figure 3.12. The pane shrinks to the left and reveals a single column of shapes. Click the arrow again to expand.


FIGURE 3.12 You can see all open drawing windows at once using Arrange All.

You may see other task panes occasionally, and some are unique to certain templates. They all can be moved, docked to the edge of a drawing window, resized, and anchored to the edges of a drawing window. Anchoring the pane allows you to automatically hide (Auto Hide) them so they fly open only when you hover over them.

Switching Between Windows

If you open the View tab, you notice a section labeled Window. This refers to the drawing windows you may have open. You see four buttons here:

• New Window

• Arrange All

• Cascade

• Switch Windows

To quickly jump between windows, you may be able to use Ctrl+Tab on the keyboard. Another option is to click Arrange All to split the available screen space among the open drawings. This provides a way to see a portion of all open drawings, as shown in Figure 3.12. You might use this to compare drawings side by side.

You can also select the Cascade button to see the open windows arrayed by their Title bar (see Figure 3.13). This can be useful when you have many open drawings and you need to quickly find a specific one. When you select the drawing you want, you can maximize the drawing window by double clicking the Title bar or by using the traditional Windows maximize button located in the upper-right corner of the window. This also removes the cascade effect.


FIGURE 3.13 You can use Cascade view to get a handle on what is open.

Use the New Window button to open a second view of the current drawing. You are not making a copy; you have an additional drawing window to the same drawing. Changes made in the first window are seen in the second, and vice versa. This can be useful when working with a large diagram; one window can focus on one area, and the second can position over another area. Now you can jump between drawing windows rather than move back and forth on the diagram. Notice how this is used in Figure 3.14; both Kitchen Remodel:1 and Kitchen Remodel:2 are different views of the same drawing arranged side by side.


FIGURE 3.14 The New Window feature enables you to see the same drawing from different perspectives.

Working with Full Screen Windows

Full screen or Presentation mode enables you to look at your Visio drawings like a PowerPoint slideshow (see Figure 3.15). To enter Presentation mode, click the projector screen on the bottom status bar just to the left of the zoom slider, or press F5. To escape, hit F5 again, Esc, or right-click and Close.


FIGURE 3.15 Full screen provides an unobstructed view of your drawing page.

You are not able to modify the drawing while in full screen, but you can evaluate how the finished product will look. You can navigate through multiple pages by right-clicking and using the Go To menu or by using your arrow keys.

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