Visual Basic has always had the simple assignment operator =. Visual Basic .NET added several new assignment operators to handle some common statements where a value was set equal to itself combined with some other value. For example, the following two statements both add the value 10 to the variable iterations:

iterations = iterations + 10 ' Original syntax.
iterations += 10             ' New syntax.

All the other assignment operators work similarly by adding an equals sign to an arithmetic operator. For example, the statement A ^= B is equivalent to A = A ^ B.

You can still use the original syntax if you like. However, the new syntax sometimes gives you better performance. If the left-hand side of the assignment is not a simple variable, Visual Basic may be able to save time by evaluating it only once. For example, the following code adds 0.1 to a customer order’s discount value. By using +=, the code allows Visual Basic to find the location of this value only once.

Customers(cust_num).Orders(order_num).Discount += 0.1

In most applications, performance is usually adequate whether you use += or the older syntax. Usually, you are best off if you use whichever version seems most natural and easiest to understand and only worry about performance when you are sure you have a problem.

The complete list of assignment operators is: =, ^=, *=, /=, =, +=, -=, &=, <<=, and >>=.

If you have Option Strict set to On, the variables must have the appropriate data types. For example, /= returns a Double, so you cannot use that operator with an Integer, as in the following code:

Dim i As Integer = 100
i /= 2                       ' Not allowed.

To perform this operation, you must explicitly convert the result into an Integer, as shown in the following statement:

i = CInt(i / 2)

This makes sense because you are trying to assign the value of floating-point division to an Integer. It’s less obvious why the following code is also illegal. Here the code is trying to assign an Integer result to a Single variable, so you might think it should work. After all, an Integer value will fit in a Single variable.

Dim x As Single
x = 10                     ' Not allowed.

The problem isn’t in the assignment but in performing the calculation. The following statement is equivalent to the previous one, and it is also illegal:

x = x  10                  ' Not allowed.

The problem with both of these statements is that the operator takes as arguments two Integers. If Option Strict is on, the program will not automatically convert a floating-point variable into an Integer for the operator. To make this statement work, you must manually convert the variable into an Integer data type, as shown in the following example:

x = CLng(x)  10 ' Allowed.

The += and &= operators both combine strings but &= is less ambiguous, so you should use it whenever possible. It may also give you better performance because it explicitly tells Visual Basic that the operands are strings.

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