XML—the X in Ajax

Chapter Objectives

images Introduce the motivation and importance of XML technologies

images Explain the major technologies for defining XML dialects

images Illustrate how to parse, validate, and process XML documents

images Introduce XSL and XSLT for transforming XML documents

3.1 Overview


For two information systems to integrate smoothly, they must either adopt the same data structures or have the ability to interpret their partners’ data accurately. This is the data integration challenge, the focus of this chapter.

Different business data types have different logical structures. For example, hospital patients’ medical records have a totally different structure from bank transaction records. For efficient processing, each business data type must be represented in some well-defined format. Such data representations are not unique, and the different businesses may represent the same type of business data in different data formats. For example, different hospitals may represent their patients’ medical records in different data formats. Such inconsistencies could lead to difficulties in integrating the information systems of the cooperating businesses.

On the other hand, for computers to process and store a type of business data, each information system needs to implement the data format adopted by the business in a particular programming language. Different programming languages may have different data specification mechanisms and data types for specifying the same type of business data. If two cooperating information systems are implemented with different programming languages, they could have difficulties in processing their partners’ data. The properties of computer hardware, operating systems, and networking protocols could also complicate such data integration.

XML, or Extensible Markup Language, is a technology introduced mainly for business data specification and integration. XML is a simplified descendant of SGML, or Standard Generalized Markup Language. Like XHTML/HTML, XML uses tags and attributes to mark up data. But XML is generic and does not have a specific application domain. It does not limit what tag or attribute names can be used. For different types of business data you may need to define different concrete markup languages to define their data structures. Each of these concrete markup languages needs to follow the general syntax structure of XML but uses a set of tag and attribute names predefined with XML syntax specification mechanisms like DTD (Document Type Definition) or XML Schema, which will be introduced in the following sections. Because of this, people usually say that XML is a metalanguage for defining markup languages in specific application domains, and these markup languages are called XML dialects and can use only predefined tags and attributes. Each XML dialect document is a special case of an XML document and is called an instance document of the XML dialect specification. The popular XML dialects include XHTML for specifying web page structures, SOAP (originally standing for Simple Object Access Protocol and more recently for Service-Oriented Architecture Protocol) for specifying message structures representing remote method invocations, and BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) for specifying business processes.

For a particular type of business data, different information systems may have different specification mechanisms for their logical structure. An XML dialect could be defined and adopted by the cooperating systems and become an intermediate language for data exchange among these systems. For a system to exchange data with its partners, it only needs to have the ability to transform data between its proprietary format and the accepted XML dialect format. Because XML processing functions have been integrated into most operating systems and are freely available, such XML-based data integration is cost-effective.

This chapter first introduces the syntax of basic XML documents. DTD and XML Schema mechanisms are then used to define XML dialects for specifying logical data structures. The XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) and XSLT (XSL Transformation) techniques will then be introduced to transform XML documents into other data formats.

3.2 XML Documents


An XML document contains an optional XML declaration followed by one top-level element, which may contain nested elements and text, as shown by the following example (the contents are in file “dvd.xml”):



This XML document starts with an optional XML declaration. The second line is an example of an XML comment, which always starts with <!-- and ends with -->. Such comments can occur anywhere and continue over multiple lines in an XML document, and they are ignored by XML processors. The main content of this example XML document is an element named library, which includes two nested elements named dvd. Each dvd element in turn contains three elements named title, format, and genre. Each dvd element also contains an attribute id, which specifies a unique ID number. The nesting structure of such an XML document can be described by the following tree that grows downward. Here library is called the root, or top-level, element. Prefix @ is used to indicate that the following name is for an attribute.


3.2.1 XML Declaration

If it is used, the optional XML declaration must be the first line of an XML document. It declares the XML version and character encoding of the following XML document. Different versions of the XML specification have different capabilities and features (backward compatible), and in 2008 the latest XML version is 1.1 and the most popular version is 1.0. If an XML document does not have an XML declaration, the XML processors will assume the document is based on some default XML version and character encoding. Because such defaults are not standardized, it is much safer to declare them so that the XML processors will process the XML documents with predictable behavior.

3.2.2 Unicode Encoding

XML data are based on Unicode (, an industry-standard character coding system designed to support the worldwide interchange, processing, and display of the written texts of the diverse languages and technical disciplines of the modern world. The Unicode standard assigns unique integers, called code points, to characters of most languages, as well as defines methods for storing the integers as byte sequences in a computer. There are three approaches, named UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32, where UTF stands for Unicode Transformation Format. UTF-8 stores each Unicode character as a sequence of one to four 8-bit values (1 byte for the 128 US-ASCII characters, 2 or 3 bytes for most of the remaining characters, 4 bytes for some rarely used characters), and it is the most space-efficient data encoding method if the data is based mainly on the US-ASCII characters, as for English.

3.2.3 Tags, Elements, and Attributes

Each XML element consists of a start tag and an end tag with nested elements or text between. The matching start tag and end tag must be based on the same tag name, which is also called the element name. The nested elements or text between the matching start and end tags are called the value of the element. The start tag is of form <tagName>, and the end tag is of form </tagName>. For example, <format>Movie</format> is an element, its start tag is <format>, its end tag is </format>, the element is based on tag name format, so it is also called a format element. This format element has text Movie as its value. Any string consisting of a letter followed by an optional sequence of letters or digits and having no variations of “xml” as its prefix is a valid XML tag name. Tag names are case sensitive. An element that is not nested in another element is called a root, or top-level, element. By specification, an XML document can have exactly one root element.

If an element has no value, like <tagName></tagName>, it can be abbreviated into a more concise form, <tagName/>.

Elements can be nested. In the preceding example, title, format, and genre elements are nested inside dvd elements, which are in turn nested in a library element. Elements cannot partially overlap each other. For exam-ple, “<a><b>data</a>data</b>” contains two partially overlapping a and b elements and thus is not allowed in a valid XML document. For avoiding partial element overlapping, the element starting first must end last.

The start tag of an element may contain one or more attribute specifications, in the form of a sequence of attributeName=“attributeValue” separated by white spaces, as in <dvd id=“1”>, where the dvd element has attribute id, with its value being 1. Attribute values must be enclosed in either matching single straight quotes (') or matching double straight quotes (”). Any string consisting of a letter followed by an optional sequence of letters or digits can be a valid attribute name. Although most information of an XML document is in the form of element values, attributes are usually used for specifying short categorizing values for the elements.

3.2.4 Using Special Characters

The following five characters are used for identifying XML document structures and thus cannot be used in XML data directly: &, <, >, “, and’. If you need to use them as values of XML elements or attributes, you need to use &amp; for &, &lt; for <, &gt; for >, &quot; for ”, and &apos; for '. These alternative representations of characters are examples of entity references.

As an example, the following XML element is invalid:


whereas the following is valid XML data:


If your keyboard does not allow you to type the characters you want, or if you want to use characters outside the limits of the encoding scheme that you have chosen, you can use a symbolic notation called entity referencing. If the character that you need to use has hexadecimal Unicode code point nnn, you can use syntax &#xnnn; to represent it in XML documents. If the character that you need to use has decimal Unicode code point nnn, you can use syntax &#nnn; to represent it in XML documents. If you use a special character multiple times in a document, you could define an entity name for it in DTD, which will be covered in Section 3.3.3 of this chapter, for easier referencing. An entity assigns a string name to an entity reference. For example, if your keyboard has no Euro symbol (€), you can type &#8364; to represent it in XML documents, where 8364 is the decimal Unicode code point for the Euro symbol. If you need to use the Euro symbol multiple times in a document, you can define an entity name, say, euro, through a DTD declaration <!ENTITY euro “&#8364;”> (more explanation will be available in the section on DTD). Then you can use the more meaningful entity reference &euro; in your XML document. In general, if there is an entity name ccc for a character, you can replace it with syntax &ccc; in XML documents. Entity names “amp”, “lt”, “gt”, “quot” and “apos” are predefined for &, <, >, “and‘, respectively, and you can use them in your XML documents without declaring them with DTD. Table 2.2.1 on page 30 listed the popular HTML entities. The entity numbers in the third column can be used in XML documents too, but only the first five entity names are predefined in XML specifications.

3.2.5 Well-Formed XML Documents

A well-formed XML document must conform to the following rules, among others:

images Nonempty elements are delimited by a pair of matching start tags and end tags.

images Empty elements may be in their self-ending tag form, such as <tagName/>.

images All attribute values are enclosed in matching single (') or double (“) quotes.

images Elements may be nested but must not partially overlap. Each non-root element must be completely contained in another element.

images The document complies with its declared or default character encoding.

Both the SAX and DOM XML parsers will check whether the input XML document is well formed. If it is not, the parsing process will be terminated with error messages.

3.3 Document Type Definition (DTD)


DTD is the first mechanism for defining XML dialects. As a matter of fact, it is part of the XML specification 1.0, so all XML processors must support it. But DTD itself does not follow the general XML syntax. The following is an example DTD declaration for the earlier DVD XML document example (the contents are in example file dvd.dtd):


Because DTD is part of the XML specification, you should start its declarations with the XML declaration for XML version and character encoding.

3.3.1 Declaring Elements

To declare a new XML element or tag name (element type) in an XML dialect, use the following syntax:

images Empty Elements

Empty elements are declared with the keyword EMPTY in parentheses:


As an example, <!ELEMENT br (EMPTY)> declares that br is an empty element. Elements with Text or Generic Data

Elements with text or generic data are declared with the data type in parentheses in one of the following forms:


#CDATA means that the element contains character data that is not supposed to be parsed by a parser for markups like entity references or nested elements.

#PCDATA means that the element contains data that is going to be parsed by a parser for markups, including entity references, but not for nested elements.

The keyword ANY declares an element with any content as its value, including text, entity references, and nested elements. Any element nested in this element must also be declared. ANY is used mainly during the development stage of an XML dialect; it should not be used in the final XML dialect specification.

As an example, <!ELEMENT index (#PCDATA)> declares a new index element type so that the XML parsers will further identify markups, excluding nested elements, in values of this type of element. Elements with Children (Sequences)

An element with one or more nested child elements as its value are defined with the names of the child elements in parentheses:


where childElementNames is a sequence of child element names separated by commas. These children must appear in the same sequence in XML documents adopting this DTD declaration. In a full declaration, the child elements must also be declared, and the children can also have children.

As an example, <!ELEMENT index (term, pages)> declares an element type named index whose value contains a term element and a pages element in the same order.

As another example, <!ELEMENT footnote (message)> declares an element type named footnote that can only contain exactly one message element as its value.

For declaring zero or more occurrences of the same element as the value of a new element type, use syntax


Here symbol * indicates that the previous element should occur zero or more times, a notation originally adopted by regular expressions.

For example, <!ELEMENT footnote (message*)> declares that elements of type footnote should contain zero or more occurrences of message elements.

If you change the symbol * to symbol + in the preceding syntax, then elements of the new element type should have one or more occurrences of the child element.

For declaring zero or one occurrence of an element as the value of a new element type, use syntax


Here the ? symbol declares that the previous element can occur zero or one time, also a notation originated from regular expressions.

For example, <!ELEMENT footnote (message?)> declares that a footnote element should contain either elements or one message element as its value.

If an element can contain alternative elements, you can use the pipe symbol, |, to separate the alternatives. For example, DTD declaration


specifies that a section element contains either a section1 element or a section2 element, but not both. Declaring Mixed Content

For an example, look at declaration


The preceding example declares that an email element must contain in the same order at least one to child element, exactly one from child element, exactly one header element, zero or more message elements, and some other parsed character data as well.

3.3.2 Declaring Attributes

In DTD, XML element attributes are declared with an ATTLIST declaration. An attribute declaration has the following syntax:


As you can see from the preceding syntax, the ATTLIST declaration specifies the element that can have the attribute, the name of the attribute, the type of the attribute, and the default attribute value.

The attribute-type can have values including the following:

Value Explanation
CDATA The value is character data.
(eval1|eval2|’) The value must be one of the enumerated values.
ID The value is a unique ID.
IDREF The value is the ID value of another element.
ENTITY The value is an entity.

The attribute default-value can have the following values:

Value Explanation
Default-value The attribute is optional and has this default value.
#REQUIRED The attribute value must be included in the element.
#IMPLIED The attribute is optional.
#FIXED value The attribute value is fixed to the one specified.

DTD example:


XML example:


In the preceding example, the element circle is defined to be an empty element with the attribute radius of type CDATA. The radius attribute has a default value of 1. The first circle element has radius 10, and the second circle element has the default radius 1.

If you want to make an attribute optional but you do not want to provide a default value for it, you can use the special value #IMPLIED. In the preceding example, if you change the attribute declaration to


then the second circle element will have no radius value.

On the other hand, if you change the preceding attribute declaration to


then the second circle element is not valid and will be rejected by XML validating parsers because it misses a required value for its radius attribute.

If you change the preceding attribute declaration to


then all circle elements must specify 10 as their radius value, and the second circle element is not valid and will be rejected by XML validating parsers because it misses the required value 10 for its radius attribute.

The following line declares a type attribute for circle elements


which can take on either solid or outline as its value. If a circle element does not have a type attribute value specified, it would have the default type value solid.

3.3.3 Declaring Entity Names

An entity name can be declared as a nickname or shortcut for a character or a string. It is used mainly to represent special characters that must be specified with Unicode or long strings that repeat multiple times in XML documents.

To declare an entity name, use the following syntax:


where entityName can be any string consisting of a letter followed by an optional sequence of letters or digits. The following two declarations define “euro”as an entity name for the Euro symbol (€) and “cs” as an entity name for string “Computer Science”.


XML documents can use syntax &entityName; in their text to represent the character or string associated with entityName. For example, if an XML document includes the preceding two DTD declarations, then &euro; and &cs; in its text will be read by XML parsers as the same as € and Computer Science. Table 2.2.1 on page 30 listed the popular HTML entities. The entity numbers in the third column can be used in XML documents too, but only the first five entity names are predefined in XML specifications.

3.3.4 Associating DTD Declarations with XML Documents

To specify that an XML document is an instance of an XML dialect specified by a set of DTD declarations, you can either include the set of DTD declarations inside the XML document, which is less useful but convenient for teaching purposes, or save the DTD declarations in a separate DTD file and link the XML document to it, which is common practice.

If the DTD declarations are to be included in your XML document, they should be wrapped in a DOCTYPE definition with the following syntax


and the DOCTYPE definition should be between the XML declaration and the root element of an XML document.

For example, file dvd_embedded_dtd.xml has the following contents:



To link a DTD declaration file to an XML document, use the following DOCTYPE definition between the XML declaration and the root element:


where DTD-URL can be either a file system path for the DTD file on the local file system or a URL for the DTD file deployed on the Internet.

The following content of file dvd_dtd.xml shows how it links to the DTD file dvd.dtd next to it in the local file system.


3.4 XML Schema


Although DTD is part of the XML specification and supported by all XML processors, it is weak in its expressiveness for defining complex data structures. XML Schema ( is an alternative industry standard for defining XML dialects. XML Schema itself is an XML dialect; thus, it can take advantage of many existing XML techniques and processors. It also has a much more detailed way to define what the data can and cannot contain, and it promotes declaration reuse so that common declarations can be factored out and referenced by multiple element or attribute declarations.

The following is an example XML Schema declaration for the earlier XML DVD dialect, and file dvd.xsd contains this declaration.


3.4.1 XML Namespace

For convenient usage, XML element and attribute names should be short and meaningful. Therefore, XML dialects declared by different people or companies tend to adopt the same names. If an XML document uses elements from more than one of these dialects, then naming conflicts may happen. XML namespace was introduced to avoid XML name conflicts.

A set of XML elements, attributes, and data types can be associated with a namespace, which could be any unique string. To help ensure uniqueness, namespaces are normally related to the declaring company or institution's URL. For example, “” is the namespace for the 2001 version of XML Schema, and “ xhtml” is the namespace for XHTML 1.0 Transitional, as specified in all the XHTML examples in the previous chapter (refer to Section 2.2.2). String “” could be another example namespace for XML Schema declared by Pace University's School of Computer Science and Information Systems. Although namespaces normally look like URLs, they do not have to. There are usually no web resources corresponding to namespaces.

To specify XML elements, attributes, or data types of a namespace in an XML document, they are supposed to be qualified by their namespace. Because namespaces are normally long to be unique, namespace prefixes, which are normally one to four characters long, could be declared to represent the full namespaces in an XML document. Each XML document can choose its own namespace prefixes. In the earlier example, “xs” is an XML prefix representing namespace “”. The association between a namespace prefix and a namespace is specified in the start tag of the root element in the form of attribute specification, except that the namespace prefix has its own prefix, xmlns:. For example, to specify that “xs” is the namespace prefix for namespace “”, the following two lines in the example XML document are used:


In an XML document, if an element is qualified by its namespace prefix, as xs:element for element element declared in namespace “ 2001/XMLSchema”, its attributes and nested elements by default belong to the same namespace.

If an XML document uses several namespaces, but most of the elements and attributes use the same namespace, you can use attribute xmlns to declare the default namespace in the start tag of the root element so that those elements, attributes, or data types not qualified by namespace prefixes will be assumed to belong to this default namespace. As an example, if an XML document has the following attribute declaration in the start tag of its root element,


then all unqualified elements and attributes in this document are supposed to belong to namespace “”.

If an XML Schema document declares an XML dialect belonging to a particular namespace, its root element should contain a targetNamespace attribute to specify the target namespace for elements, attributes, and data types declared in this dialect. As an example, if an XML Schema document's root element includes attribute targetNamespace, like


then all elements, attributes, and data types declared in this document belong to namespace “”. Example file dvd-ns.xsd contains the same contents as file dvd.xsd, but it declares all elements and attributes under namespace “”. Without such a target-Namespace attribute in the XML Schema root element, the XML dialect does not belong to any namespace, as in the previous example.

All XML Schema declarations for elements and data types immediately nested in the root schema element are called global declarations. Normally, the declarations of attributes are nested inside the declarations of their elements, and the declarations of the nested elements are nested inside the declaration of their hosting element. The proper usage of global declarations can promote declaration reuse, as you will see soon.

In the following examples, namespace prefix xs is assumed for the XML Schema namespace.

3.4.2 Declaring Simple Elements and Attributes

A simple element is an XML element that can contain only text based on simple data types defined in XML Schema specification (including string, decimal, integer, positiveInteger, boolean, date, time, anyType), those derived from such simple data types, or user custom types. It cannot contain any other elements or attributes. The following are some examples.

To declare element color that can take on any string value, use


As a result, element <color>blue</color> will have value “blue”, and element <color/> will have no value.

To declare element color that can take on any string value, with “red” to be its default value, use


As a result, element <color>blue</color> will have value “blue”, and element <color/> will have the default value “red”.

To declare element color that can take on only the fixed string value,“red”, use


As a result, element <color>red</color> will be correct, element <color>blue</color> will be invalid, and element <color/> will have the fixed (default) value “red”.

Although simple elements cannot have attributes, the syntax for declaring attributes in XML Schema is similar to that for simple elements.You just need to change xs:element to xs:attribute in the preceding examples. For example,


declares that lang is an attribute of type xs:string, and its default value is EN. Such attribute declarations are always embedded in the declarations of complex elements to which they belong.

Attributes are optional by default. You can use attribute element's use attribute to specify that the declared attribute is required for its hosting element. For example, if the earlier attribute lang does not have a default value but it must be specified for its hosting element, you can use the following declaration:


3.4.3 Declaring Complex Elements

A complex element is an XML element that contains other elements and/or attributes. There are four kinds of complex elements:

images Empty elements

images Elements that contain only other elements

images Elements that contain only customized simple types or attributes

images Elements that contain both other elements and text

To declare that product is an empty element type with optional integer-typed attribute pid, you can use the following:


Example product elements include <product/> and <product pid=“1”>.

The following example declares that an employee element's value is a sequence of two nested elements: a firstName element followed by a lastName element, both of type string.


The following is an example employee element:


Such nested element declarations have two problems. First, the width of paper or computer display will make deep element nesting hard to declare and read. Second, what if you also need to declare a manager element that also contains a sequence of firstName and lastName elements? The type declaration for the employee and manager elements would be duplicated.

Fortunately, you can use global declarations and XML Schema element's type attribute to resolve the preceding two problems. The following is the previous employee element declaration in global declaration format as well as the declaration of a new manager element type.


The following example declares a complexType element, shoeSize. The content is defined as an integer value, and the shoeSize element also contains an attribute named country:


An example shoeSize element is <shoeSize country=“france”>35</shoeSize>.

A mixed complex type element can contain attributes, elements, and text. You use attribute mixed=“true” of the complexType element to specify that the value is a mixture of elements and text. The following declaration is for a letter element that can have a mixture of elements and text as its value:



The following is an example letter element:


3.4.4 Controlling Element Order and Repetition

For elements that contain other elements, the application of the sequence element (sequence, all, and choice are called order indicators of XML Schema) enforces an order of the nested elements, as for the previous employee element in which the nested lastName element must follow the firstName element. If you need to stipulate that each nested element can occur exactly once but in any order, you can replace the sequence element with the all element, as in the following modified employee example:


If you need to specify that an employee element need contain either a firstName element or a lastName element, but not both, you can replace the all element with the choice element in the previous example.

Occurrence indicators are used to define how many times an element can be used. XML Schema has two occurrence indicators, maxOccurs and minOccurs; both are attributes of XML Schema element element.

Attribute maxOccurs specifies up to how many times that its hosting element can occur at that location. It takes on a nonnegative integer or “unbounded” as the upper limit. Its default value is unbounded (unlimited).

Attribute minOccurs specifies at least how many times that its hosting element should occur at that location. It takes on a nonnegative integer as the lower limit. Its default value is 1.

As an example, the following declaration specifies that the dvd element can occur zero or an unlimited number of times.


3.4.5 Referencing XML Schema Specification in an XML Document

Not like DTD declarations, XML Schema declarations are always put in files separated from their instance document files. When you create an XML document, you may want to declare that the document is an instance of an XML dialect specified by an XML Schema file. The method of such association depends on whether the XML Schema declaration uses target namespaces. Specifying an XML Schema without Target Namespace

Assume that an XML dialect is specified with an XML Schema file schemaFile.xsd without using a target namespace, and the Schema file has URL schemaFileURL, which is either a local file system path like “schemaFile. xsd” or a web URL like “”. The instance documents of this dialect can be associated with its XML Schema declaration with the following structure, where rootTag is the name of a root element, xsi is defined as the namespace prefix for XML Schema Instance, and the latter includes a noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute for specifying the location of the XML Schema file that does not use a target namespace.

images Specifying an XML Schema with Namespace

Assume that an XML dialect is specified with an XML Schema file schemaFile.xsd using target namespace namespaceString (say, http://csis, and the Schema file has URL schemaFileURL, which is either a local file system path like “schemaFile.xsd” or a web URL like “”. The instance documents of this dialect can be associated with its XML Schema declaration with the following structure, where rootTag is the name of a root element, xsi is defined as the namespace prefix for XML Schema Instance, and the latter includes a schemaLocation attribute for specifying the location of the XML Schema file that uses a target namespace.


3.5 XML Parsing and Validation with SAX and DOM


Most XML applications need to read in an XML document, analyze its data structure, and activate events when some language features are found. SAX (Simple API for XML) and DOM (Document Object Model) are two types of popular XML parsers for parsing and processing XML documents. SAX works as a pipeline. It reads in the input XML document sequentially and fires events when it detects the start or end of language features like elements and attributes. An application adopting a SAX parser needs to write an event handler class that has a processing method for each interested event type, and the methods are invoked by the SAX parser when corresponding types of events are fired. Because the XML document does not need to be stored completely in computer memory, SAX is efficient for some types of applications that do not need to search information backward in an XML document.

On the other hand, a DOM parser builds a complete tree data structure in the computer memory so it can be more convenient for detailed document analysis and language transformation. Even though DOM parsers use more computer memory, DOM is the main type of XML parser that is used with the Ajax technique.

Both SAX and DOM can work in validation mode. As part of the parsing process, they can check whether the input XML document is well formed. Furthermore, if the parser is fed both the XML dialect specification in DTD or XML Schema as well as an XML document, the parser can check whether the XML document is an instance of the XML dialect.

Because SAX is not used on the client in Ajax, this book will not discuss SAX further. DOM parsing will be discussed in the next chapter.

3.6 XML Transformation with XSLT


As intermediate language representation of business data, XML instance documents must be transformable into other XML dialects or into XHTML documents for customized web presentation.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specified XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) as the standard language for writing stylesheets to transform XML documents among different dialects or into other languages. XSL stylesheets themselves are pure XML documents, so they can be processed by standard XML tools. XSL includes three components: XSLT (XSL Transformation) as an XML dialect for specifying XML transformation rules or stylesheets, XPath as a standard notation system for specifying subsets of elements in an XML document, and XSL-FO for formatting XML documents. This section briefly introduces XPath and XSLT. Most recent web browsers support XPath and XSLT, and so do Sun's recent JDK (Java SE Development Kit) versions.

Most examples in this section are based on file dvd.xml with the following contents:


3.6.1 Identifying XML Nodes with XPath

Before you can specify transformation rules for an XML dialect, you need to be able to specify subsets of XML elements that will be transformed based on some rules. You can visualize all components in an XML document, including the elements, attributes, and text, as a graph of nodes. And you can describe an XML document as an upside-down tree in which a node is connected to another node under it if the latter is immediately nested in the former or is a parameter or text value of the former. This is basically a DOM tree for representing an XML document in computer memory. The parameter names have symbol @ as their prefix in such a tree. The sibling nodes are ordered as they appear in the XML document. As an example, the contents of file dvd.xml can be described by the following tree.


XPath uses path expressions to select nodes in an XML document. The node is selected by following a path similar to file system paths. There are two ways to specify a path expression for the location of a set of nodes: absolute and relative. An absolute location path starts with a slash, /, and has the general form of


whereas a relative location path does not start with a slash and has the general form of


In both cases, the path expression is evaluated from left to right, and each step is evaluated in the current node set to refine it. For an absolute location path, the current node set before the first step is the empty set, and the first step will identify the root element. For a relative location path, the current node set for the first step is defined by its context environment, which is normally another path expression. Each step has the following general form (items in square brackets are optional):


where the optional axis name specifies the tree relationship between the selected nodes and the current node, the node test identifies a node type within an axis, and zero or more predicates are for further refining the selected node set.

Let us first look at some simpler path expressions in which the axis names and predicates are not used. Here the most useful path expressions include the following:

Expression Description
nodeName Selects all child nodes of the named node
/ Selects from the root node
// Selects nodes in the document from the current node that match the
selection, no matter where they are
. Selects the current node
.. Selects the parent of the current node
@ Selects attributes
text() Selects the text value of the current element
* Selects any element nodes
@* Selects any attribute node
node() Selects any node of any kind (elements, attributes,’)

Relative to the previous XML document dvd.xml, path expression library selects all the library elements in the current node set; /library selects the root element library; library/dvd selects all dvd elements that are children of library elements in the current node set; //dvd selects all dvd elements, no matter where they are in the document (no matter how many levels in which they are nested in other elements) relative to the current node set; library//title selects all title elements that are descendants of the library elements in the current node set, no matter where they are under the library elements; //@id selects all attributes that are named “id” relative to the current node set; and /library/dvd/title/text() selects the text values of all the title elements of the dvd elements.

Predicates in square brackets can be used to further narrow the subset of chosen nodes. For example, /library/dvd[1] selects the first dvd child element of library (IE5 and later use [0] for the first child); /library/dvd[last()] selects the last dvd child element of library; /library/dvd[last()-1] selects the last dvd child element next to the last of library; /library/dvd[position()<3] selects the first two dvd child elements of library; //dvd[@id] selects all dvd elements that have an id attribute; //dvd[@id=‘2’] selects the dvd element that has an id attribute with value 2; /library/dvd[genre=‘Classic’] selects all dvd child elements of library that have “Classic” as their genre value; and /library/dvd[genre=’Classic’]/title selects all title elements of dvd elements of library that have “Classic” as their genre value. Path expression predicates can use many popular binary operators in the same meaning as they are used in programming languages, including +, -, div (division), = (equal), != (not equal), <, <=, >, >=, or (logical disjunction), and (logical conjunction), and mod (modulus).

You can use XPath wildcard expressions, *,@*, and node() to select unknown XML elements. For example, for the previous XML document dvd.xml, /library/* selects all the child nodes of the library element; //* selects all elements in the document; and //dvd[@*] selects all dvd elements that have any attribute.

Several path expressions can also be combined by the disjunctive operator | for logical OR. For example, //title | //genre selects all title and genre elements in the previous document.

XPath also defines a set of XPath axes for specifying node subsets relative to the current node in a particular direction in the XML document's tree representation. The following table lists the popular XPath axis names and their meanings.

Axis Name Result
ancestor Selects all ancestors (parent, grandparent, etc.) of the current node
ancestor-or-self Selects all ancestors (parent, grandparent, etc.) of the current node and the current node itself
attribute Selects all attributes of the current node
child Selects all children of the current node
descendant Selects all descendants (children,grandchildren, etc.) of the current node
descendant-or-self Selects all descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.) of the current node and the current node itself
following Selects everything in the document after the end tag of the current node
following-sibling Selects all siblings after the current node
namespace Selects all namespace nodes of the current node
parent Selects the parent of the current node
preceding Selects everything in the document that is before the start tag of the current node
preceding-sibling Selects all siblings before the current node
self Selects the current node

As examples relative to the XML document dvd.xml, child::dvd selects all dvd nodes that are children of the current node; attribute::id selects the id attribute of the current node; child::* selects all children of the current node; attribute::* selects all attributes of the current node; child::text() selects all text child nodes of the current node; child::node() selects all child nodes of the current node; descendant::dvd selects all dvd descendants of the current node; ancestor::dvd selects all dvd ancestors of the current node; and child::*/child::title selects all title grandchildren of the current node.

3.6.2 Transforming XML Documents into XHTML Documents

XSLT is the major component of XSL, and it allows you to use the XML syntax to transform the instance documents of a particular XML dialect into those of another XML dialect or into other document types such as PDF. One of the popular functions of XSLT is to transform XML documents into HTML for web-based presentation, as shown in the examples in this section.

XSLT is based on DOM tree representation in computer memory. A common way to describe the transformation process is to say that XSLT transforms an XML source tree into an XML result tree. In the transformation process, XSLT uses XPath expressions to define parts of the source document that should match one or more predefined templates. When a match is found, XSLT will transform the matching part of the source document into the result document.

XSLT is an XML dialect that is declared under namespace “”. Its root element is stylesheet or transform, and its current version is 1.0. The following is the contents of file dvdToHTML.xsl, which can transform XML document dvd.xml into an HTML file.


The root element stylesheet declares a namespace prefix “xsl” for XSL namespace “”. This root element could also be transform. The fourth line's xsl:output element specifies that the output file of this transformation should follow the specification of HTML 4.0. Each xsl:template element specifies a transformation rule: if the document contains nodes satisfying the XPath expression specified by the xsl:template's match attribute, then they should be transformed based on the value of this xsl:template element. Because this particular match attribute has value “/” selecting the root element of the input XML document, the rule applies to the entire XML document. The template element's body (element value) dumps out an HTML template linked to an external CSS file named style.css. After generating the HTML table headers, the XSLT template uses an xsl:for-each element to loop through the dvd elements selected by the xsl:for-each element's select attribute. In the loop body, the selected dvd elements are first sorted based on their genre value. Then the xsl:value-of elements are used to retrieve the values of the elements selected by their select attributes.

To use a web browser to transform the earlier file dvd.xml with this XSLT file dvdToHTML.xsl into HTML, you can add the following line after the XML declaration:


The resultant XML file is dvd_XSLT.xml, and its entire contents is shown below.


The following CSS file style.css is used for formatting the generated HTML file:


The following screen capture shows the web browser presentation of the HTML file generated by this XSLT transformation.


Element xsl:value-of can also be used to retrieve the value of attributes. For example, to retrieve the value of attribute id of the first dvd element, you can use


3.7 Summary

XML technologies are at the core of supporting platform- and language-independent system and data integration across networks. They support the portable approaches of defining customized languages for describing business data structures, parsing and validating business data, and transforming business data among various forms.

3.8 Self-Review Questions

1. XML is used mainly for specifying business data in a platform-and programming language-independent way.

a. True

b. False

2. An XML document can contain multiple root elements.

a. True

b. False

3. An XML dialect is a special XML document type that uses a predefined set of tag and attribute names and follows a predefined set of syntax rules, and it is for specifying the data structure of a particular type of document.

a. True

b. False

4. DTD and XML Schema are the main mechanisms for declaring XML dialects.

a. True

b. False

5. XML Schema is more expressive than DTD in declaring XML dialects.

a. True

b. False

6. An XML instance document can be claimed valid without referring to its dialect specification in DTD or XML Schema.

a. True

b. False

7. The value of an attribute must be inside a pair of double quotes or a pair of single quotes.

a. True

b. False

8. A namespace is for avoiding naming conflicts for element or attribute names so that several XML dialects can be used in one XML instance document.

a. True

b. False

9. If a namespace string is in the form of a URL, then there must be a corresponding web resource deployed at that URL.

a. True

b. False

10. SAX can always parse large XML documents more efficiently.

a. True

b. False

11. Each template element in an XSL document functions like a transformation rule.

a. True

b. False

12. XML processing tools are part of the latest web browsers and Sun Java JDKs.

a. True

b. False

Keys to the Self-Review Questions

1.a 2.b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6.b 7. a 8. a 9.b 10. b 11. a 12. a

3.9 Exercises

1. What are the main functions of XML in today's IT systems?

2. What kinds of XML documents are well formed?

3. What kinds of XML documents are valid?

4. Why are namespaces important in XML technologies?

5. What are the similarities and differences between SAX and DOM parsers?

6. List some XML features that can be specified with XML Schema but not with DTD.

7. What are the major differences between CSS and XSL stylesheets?

8.What is the function of XPath in XSLT?

3.10 Programming Exercises

1. Declare an XML dialect for specifying a subset of student course registration information with DTD.

2. Declare an XML dialect for specifying a subset of student course registration information with XML Schema.

3. Write an XSLT document to transform the instance documents of the previous XML dialect into HTML through a web browser.

3.11 References

Michael Morrison. Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, Second Edition, Sams, 2002. ISBN 0-672-32213-7.

Paul Whitehead, Ernest Friedman-Hill, and Emily Vander Veer. Java and XML, Wiley, 2002. ISBN 0-7645-3683-4.

W3C. Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition).

W3C. XML Schema.

W3C. The Extensible Stylesheet Language Family (XSL).


W3C. Document Object Model (DOM).

XML Tutorial.

Sun Microsystems. Simple API for XML.

XML DOM Tutorial.

XSLT Tutorial.

XPath Tutorial.

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