

abortion clinics, 28

accountability, electoral, 64, 147, 165, 173–174

“activist” courts, 102

Acton, Lord, 151

Adams, Abigail, 115

Adams, John Quincy, 142

Adelson, Sheldon, 196n51


First Amendment and, 38, 39–41

free press and, 41–43, 44–49

imbalance and, 33, 35

radio and television, 45, 54, 120,

Affordable Care Act, 28, 183


out-of-state funding and, 82

voter instructions in, 171

Albuquerque, New Mexico, spending limits in, 82–83

Alien and Sedition Acts, 114

Alito, Samuel, 41, 86

American Civil Liberties Union

(ACLU), 41–42, 54, 70, 82, 125, 154, 197n64

American Conservative Union, 70

American Revolution, 37, 61

American Tradition Partnership, 117

American University, 110

Americans Against Political Corruption, 153

anonymous donations, 38, 88

anonymous speech, 38, 44

anti-corruption acts, 120

Arizona, public campaign funding in, 91, 120


school desegregation in, 118

voter instructions in, 171

Articles of Confederation, 105–106, 113, 115–116, 140, 146

Assange, Julian, 30

Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce, 86, 90

awareness, creating, 180–181


Baker, Howard, 15

balance of speech, 25–26

Barbier, Carl, 23

Bennett, Bob, 125

Biden, Joe, 179–180

Bill of Rights, 39, 123

Bingham, Jonathan, 126

Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold), 85–86, 88, 90, 155, 185

Bohlinger, John, 158

Booth, Sherman, 119

Bopp, James, 87

Bossie, David, 87–89

Boulder, Colorado, amendment support in, 157

Boxer, Barbara, 69

BP, 22–23

Bradley, Bill, 31

Brennan, William, 73, 198n102

Brown, Jerry, 7

Brown v. Board of Education, 102, 118

Bruton v. United States, 101

Buchanan, James, 119

Buckley, James, 69, 70–71, 92, 163

Buckley v. Valeo

attempts to reverse, 124, 132, 149–154

and corruption, 76–77, 89

First Amendment interpretations and, 73–76

origins of, 69–71

Buckley, William F., Jr., 70

Buckley, William F., Sr., 70

Buffalo News, 154

Bullock, Steve, 43, 117–118

Burger, Warren, 75

Bush, George H. W., 103

Bush, George W., 86, 185

Byrd, Robert, 128


C-SPAN, 23


and convention of the states, 175

direct election and, 138

electoral financing in, 6–8, 79, 81

GMOs in, 58

state constitution of, 164

voter guides in, 175

voter instructions in, 17, 142–144, 161–165, 169

California Clean Money Campaign, 162

California Common Cause, 161

campaign reform organizations, 187–188

Cantil-Sakauye, Tani, 164

catastrophes, responses to, 13–15

Catawba, 70

Center for Media and Democracy, 157, 187

Center for Responsive Politics, 83

change, scope of, 15–16, 179–180

Chase, Samuel, 111

Chicago, Illinois, voter instructions in, 160, 172

Chisholm v. Georgia, 141

Christ Fellowship Church (Greensboro, North Carolina), 26–27

Christian Coalition, 154

Cincinnati, Ohio, spending limits in, 83–84

Citizens United (organization), 46, 47

Citizens United v. FEC, 149, 155–157

Citizens United v. Gessler, 47

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 15

classified information, 30

Clinton, Bill, 87, 154, 176

Clinton, Hillary, 46, 87–88, 167, 184

code of conduct, judicial, 110–111


amendment support in, 157, 185–186

free press in, 47

voter instructions in, 159, 160, 171

Colorado Fair Share, 159

Committee on the Constitutional

System, 151

Common Cause, 154, 156–157, 158, 159, 161, 186, 187

Common Sense, 37–38, 40, 135nn38-39

Connecticut, electoral actions in, 120, 141

Conservative Party, 70


Articles of Confederation, 105–106, 113, 115–116, 146

Supreme Court authority and, 93–95

Supreme Court interpretations of, 87, 116, 183–184

see also Bill of Rights; specific amendments

constitutional amendments

creating, 123–134

language of, 132–133, 157–158

opposition by reformers to, 152–154

organizing for, 104–106

steps towards passing, 135–147, 170–179

support for, 155–157

versus incremental changes, 179–180

see also specific amendments

constitutional crises, 17–18, 106–107, 118, 146–147, 172–173

content of speech, 29–30

conventions of the states, 108, 146–147, 175–177

Corcoran, Howard, 72

Corrupt Practices Act, 71

corruption, 51–68

definition of, 63–67

of ideas, 35, 47, 69, 74, 86

political money and, 76–79, 88–90, 151

quid pro quo, 64, 67, 77

Courage Campaign, 162, 187

court-packing, 107–110

courts, role of, 93–95

CREDO Action, 162, 187

Crow, Harlan, 111

Cruz, Ted, 9, 42, 130

Cutler, Lloyd, 151


Dane County, Wisconsin, amendment support in, 157

Davis, Kenneth, 1

debate, fair, 126–128

Declaration of Independence, 15, 61, 128, 177

Delli Paoli v. United States, 101

democracies, versus oligarchies, 61–62

Democracy Day, 170

Democracy for All amendment, 129–130

Democracy for America, 162

Democracy Initiative, 187

Democrats, campaign finance and, 154, 165–169, 184

Demos, 187

Diaz, Joe, 82–83

Dickinson, John, 141

digital voters’ guides, 120–121

Dillon, Douglas, 151

Dingell, John, 172

direct action, 177–179

direct election, 16, 136–147

disclosure requirements, 16, 41, 119–120, 166, 186

District of Columbia Federal Court, 80

diversity of views, 34, 53–55, 58, 62, 68

Donnelly, Tim, 6–8, 19, 192n11, 193n13

Douglas, William O., 200n96

Dred Scott decision, 15, 94, 108, 184

Dworkin, Ronald, 152


Edgar, Bob, 151, 156, 158


advertisements and, 44–47

spending limits and, 42, 125, 127, 129–130

Edwards, John, 154

Egypt, pro-democracy activists in, 178

Eisenhower, Dwight, 118

Election Assistance Commission, 172

Eleventh Amendment, 141

elitism, 67

Ellsberg, Daniel, 29–30

Equal Rights Amendment, 99–100

equality, political, 128–129

Eugene, Oregon, voter instructions in, 160

Every Voice, 187


Facebook, 34

Faircloth, Duncan “Lauch,” 125

Faubus, Orville, 118

FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life, 87

Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), 69, 73, 174–175

Federal Elections Commission (FEC), 87–88

Federalist Papers, The, 38, 40, 44, 195n38

Feingold, Russ, 106, 154

Ferguson, Missouri, protests in, 27

filters, information, 34–35, 49–50

First Amendment

advertising and, 38, 39–41

balance and, 2–3, 10–11, 26–28, 67–69, 84

Buckley v. Valeo and, 69, 71, 73–77, 84

campaign finance regulations and, 71–73

court interpretations of, 73–77, 81

inequality and, 2–3, 10–11, 26–28, 67–69, 84

limitations of, 2–3, 10–11, 23–29, 47–48, 67–69, 131

payment source and, 3, 10, 45, 47, 74

press and, 38–39, 47–50, 74

states and, 114, 116

First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, 78, 79

food labeling, 57–58

Ford, Gerald, 69, 103

Fortas, Abe, 110

Fourteenth Amendment, 78, 90, 116, 118, 133, 202n135

Fourth Amendment, 124

Fox News, 10

Frank, Barney, 127

Free Speech for People, 156, 157, 158, 169, 187

Freund, Paul, 47–48

Friedman, Milton, 10

Fugitive Slave Act, 119

fundamental change, 15–16, 179–180


Gandhi, Mahatma, 135

Gardner, Cory, 166

Gardner, John, 186

genetically modified organisms

(GMOs), 57–58

George, King, 139

Gephardt-Frank amendment, 127

Gephardt, Richard, 127

Gingrich, Newt, 87, 113

Glover, Joshua, 119

Google, 11, 45–46

government legitimacy, 17, 61, 93, 137

Graham, Lindsey, 165, 184

Great Depression, 17, 107, 108

Greensboro, North Carolina, 26–27

Greenwald, Glenn, 194n29

group intelligence, 53

Guantanamo Bay, 29


Haddock, Doris “Granny D,” 163

Hamilton, Alexander, 38

Hawaii, amendment legislation in, 156–157

Henry, Patrick, 139

Heritage Foundation, 110

Hickenlooper, John, 47

Hillary: The Movie, 87–88

Hitler, Adolf, 14

Hobby Lobby case, 183

Hollings, Ernest (Fritz), 44–45, 124–125, 129, 152, 153, 203n156

Hollings-Specter amendment, 124, 128, 154, 165, 206n197

Homans, Rick, 83

Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, 163

Hughes, Doug, 178

Hurricane Katrina, 13


I-166 (Montana initiative), 158–160

ideas, freedom of, 35, 40, 47, 54, 69, 74, 86


and convention of the states, 175

direct election and, 138

impeachment, judicial, 110–112

incremental change, 15–16, 179–180, 193n19, 206n197


classified, 30

consumption of, 31–35, 194n33

filters, 34–35, 49–50

unsolicited, 45–46

instructions see voter instructions

intelligence, group, 53

interstate compacts, 176–177

Iraq, troop movements in, 29 “iron-jawed angels,” 136

“issue ad loophole,” 87


Jackson, Andrew, 99

Jay, John, 38

Jefferson, Thomas, 39, 114–115, 156

Johnson, Andrew, 137

Johnson, Lyndon, 15

judicial turnover, 102–104

judiciary, role of, 93–95, 110–112

junk mail, 49–50


Karlton, Lawrence, 81

Kashkari, Neel, 6–8, 192n11, 193n13

Kassebaum, Nancy, 151

Keating, Charles, 60–61

Kennedy, Anthony, 88, 100

Kennedy, Edward, 154

Koch, Charles, 3, 70, 111, 185

Koch, David, 70, 111, 185

Koch, Fred, 70

Kovacs v. Cooper, 194n23

Kramer, Larry, 94


La Follette, Bob, 172

labeling, 57–58

language, campaign reform amendment and, 132–133, 157–158

legitimacy in government, 17, 61, 93, 137

Lessig, Larry, 173, 208n212

level playing fields, 168–169

Lieu, Ted, 162–163

limitations of speech, 21–35

content, 29–30

duration, 2, 22–23, 25

information overload and, 31–35

location, 27–28

reasonable, 124–126

timing, 24–26

versus bans, 47

Lincoln, Abraham, 94

Liu, Goodwin, 163–165

local organizing, 138–139

location of speech, 27–28

Lochner v. New York, 107

Los Angeles, California

public campaign funding in, 120

voter instructions in, 161–162, 172, 189–191

Los Angeles Times, 138, 161, 164

Love, Nikki, 156


McCain-Feingold Act (Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act), 85–86, 88, 90, 155, 185

McCain, John, 154

McCarthy, Eugene, 70

McConnell, Mitch, 125, 155, 167, 185, 206n197

McCutcheon, Shaun, 92

McCutcheon v. FEC, 92, 178

McGlaughlin, Gayle, 1

McGovern, Jim, 128–129

Madison, James, 38, 39, 123

mailers, 11, 41, 43–44, 49–50

Maine, public campaign funding in, 120

Manning, Bradley, 29

Marbury v. Madison, 93–94

Marshall, John, 99

Marshall, Thurgood, 75

Maryland, voter instructions in, 140

Mason, John, 71


reform measures in, 78, 108

voter instructions in, 141, 159, 160

Massachusetts Corrupt Practices Act, 78

Massachusetts Supreme Court, 78

Mayday PAC, 173

Measure 6 (Oregon), 81–82

Measure 9 (Oregon), 80–81

Melgen, Solomon, 66

Menendez, Bob, 66

Michigan, campaign funding in, 86

Missoula, Montana, contribution restrictions in, 157

Missouri, contribution limits in, 80, 84–85, 86, 128

momentum, building, 138–139

Money Out Voters In, 161, 162, 169, 187


campaign advertising in, 43, 44

campaign funding in, 85

Supreme Court defiance by, 117–119

voter instructions in, 158–160, 170, 171, 185–186

Montana Statesman, 43–44

Moore, Michael, 87

Move to Amend, 156, 157, 159, 187


Mubarak, Hosni, 178


National Industrial Recovery Act, 108

National Security Agency (NSA), 30

National Voting Rights Institute, 83

New Deal, 17, 107, 108, 166

New Hampshire

advertising in, 54

voter instructions in, 141

New Jersey, and convention of the states, 175

New Mexico, spending limits in, 82–83, 157

New York City, public campaign funding in, 120

New York State, voter instructions in, 141, 142

New York Times

amendment opposition by, 154

censorship and, 9, 130

editorials in, 46–47, 127

information overload and, 32

Pentagon Papers and, 30

printing costs of, 40

voter instructions and, 142, 160

Newberry, Truman, 71

Newberry v. United States, 71

Newkirk, Kai, 21–22, 25–26, 78, 162, 178

newspapers, definition of, 43

Nineteenth Amendment, 16, 136

99Rise, 25, 162, 178, 187

Nixon, Richard, 29–30, 73

Nixon v. Shrink Missouri Government

PAC, 80, 84–85

noise ordinances, 26–27

nonviolent protest, 177–179

North Carolina

noise restrictions in, 26–27

voter instructions in, 140, 141


Obama, Barack, 5, 29, 118, 166

Occupy Wall Street, 24–25

O’Connor, Sandra Day, 86, 184

Ohio, spending limits in, 71

oligarchies, 61–62

online videos, 120–121

opposition, stages of, 137–138


contribution limits in, 80–82

GMOs in, 57–58

voter instructions in, 144–145, 161

organizations, campaign reform, 187–188


paid speech, 9–12, 37–50

filters and, 49–50

free press and, 44–47

limitations on, 47–49

source of, 37–38, 44–47

Paine, Thomas, 37–38

Paul, Alice, 135–136

Paul, Ron, 114

Pearl Harbor, bombing of, 14

Pentagon Papers, 30

People for the American Way, 157, 187

Perot, Ross, 175

persuasion, as political tactic, 100–101

Philadelphia Inquirer, 154

Phillips, David Graham, 145

playing field, leveling the, 168–169

poison pills, 146–147

Poland, solidarity movement in, 178

polarization, Congressional, 165–167

political disobedience, 112–114

political parties, campaign contributions and, 165–169

polling places, speech limitations and, 28

populism, 67

Powell, Lewis, 73, 78

press, freedom of, 10–11, 38–39, 41–43, 44–50, 129–130

Project Gutenberg, 11

property rights, 14, 27, 37, 40

Proposition 49 (California), 17, 161–165, 169

Proposition 208 (California), 81

Proposition A (Missouri), 80

Proposition C (Los Angeles), 161–162

protest, nonviolent, 177–179

Proxmire, William, 65

public campaign funding, 120

Public Citizen, 157, 187

Putin, Vladimir, 164


quid pro quo corruption, 64, 67, 77


radio advertising, 45, 54, 120, 153

Rapoport, Miles, 183–186

Reagan, Ronald, 71

reasonable limitations, 124–126

Reclaim the American Dream, 188

Red Cross, 13


liberal disagreement over, 152–154

scale of, 15–16, 152, 155, 179–180, 193n19, 206n197

timeline of, 179–181, 206n197

Rehnquist, William, 78–79, 86

Reid, Harry, 165

Republicans, campaign finance and, 154, 165–169

resources, campaign reform, 187–188

Restoring Confidence in Our

Democracy Act, 172

Reuss, Henry, 150–151

reversals, Supreme Court, 79–81, 100–101

Richmond, California

City Council in, 1–2, 11–12, 23, 49, 193n15

voter instructions in, 161

ridicule, in democratic process, 137–138, 152–154

Robbins, Alan, 65–66

Roberts Court

and campaign funding, 87, 91

constitutional interpretations by, 87, 116, 183–184

corruption and, 63–67, 77, 89, 117

defiance of, 172–173

Roberts, John, 78, 86, 88, 91–92, 173

Roberts, Owen, 109, 173

Roberts, Pat, 42, 53

Roe v. Wade, 100

Rogers, Jim, 2

Romney, Mitt, 5, 160

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1, 17, 107, 108–109, 133

Roth, William, 124–125, 129, 154

Rowling, J. K., 123

Russia, as oligarchy, 62


San Francisco, California, voter instructions in, 160, 161, 170, 172

Sanders, Bernie, 167, 184

Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific

Railroad, 90

Saturday Night Live, 9, 42, 130

Scalia, Anthony, 92, 125

Schiff, Adam, 131

Schweitzer, Brian, 158

Sedition Act, 114, 156

senatorial elections, direct, 16, 136–147

Seventeenth Amendment, 16, 136–139, 144–147, 177

Shelby County v. Holder, 183

Shirky, Clay, 34

Siena, Italy, democracy in, 180–181

Simon, Herbert, 33

Simon, Paul (former senator), 31

Sixteenth Amendment, 133, 204

slavery, 15–16

Snowden, Edward, 30

Socialist Labor Party, 70

Socialist Workers Party, 70

soft money, 168

Solomon, King, 75

Soros, Jonathan, 42

Souter, David, 86, 88–89, 103, 199n116

South Africa, apartheid in, 178

South Carolina, voter instructions in, 140

Specter, Arlen, 124, 152, 153


anonymous, 38, 44

limitations of, 2, 22–23, 25, 26–28, 48 v. FEC, 90

spending limits

ballot measures and, 79

corruption and, 76–79, 88–90

judicial power and, 93–95

outside influence and, 81–82

Super PACS and, 90–91

Supreme Court rulings on, 71–73, 79–81

Stamp Act Resolutions, 139

Stand with Montanans, 158


action by, 114–117, 138–139

conventions of, 108, 146–147, 175–177

electoral reform through, 174–175

Stevens, John Paul, 37, 40, 48, 103, 131–132

Stevens, Ted, 151

Stewart, Malcolm, 41

Stewart, Potter, 73

Steyer, Tom, 3, 168

Stone, William, 172

subscriptions, 44–45

Super PACs, 90–91

Supreme Court

confirmation battles and, 171–172

constitutional authority of, 93–95

constitutional interpretations by, 87, 116, 183–184

membership of, 171

packing of, 107–110

reversals by, 79–81, 100–101

turnover in, 102–104

see also Roberts Court; specific decisions

Sutter, Michele, 161

“switch in time” decision, 109–110, 173


Taft, William Howard, 145

Tallahassee, Florida, public campaign funding in, 120

Tea Party, 28, 174

television, campaign ads and, 120

Tenth Amendment, 203

Tenth Circuit Court, 47

Thomas, Clarence, 110–111, 125

Thomas, Ginni, 110

“ticklers,” 39–40

timing of speech, 24–26

tobacco companies, 55–57

Todd, Chuck, 51, 52, 196n58

Torricelli, Bob, 154

“Treason of the Senate,” 145

“treating,” 39

turnover, Court personnel, 102–104

Twenty-sixth Amendment, 14, 135

2012 election, super PACs and, 5

Twitter, 33, 34

Tyler, John, 142


Udall, Mark, 166

Udall, Tom, 129, 130, 165–166

United States v. Classic, 71, 200n96

US Department of Health and

Human Services, 56

US PIRG, 188

US Public Interest Research Group, 154


Valeo, Francis R. “Frank,” 70


and convention of the states, 175

electoral financing in, 84, 85, 86, 155

voter instructions in, 141

videos, online, 120–121

Vietnam War, 30


campaign financing in, 39–40

voter instructions in, 140, 141

volume of speech, 26–27, 48

voter instructions

amendment support and, 157–160, 165–166

binding power of, 141–142, 160–161

enforcement of, 169–170

historical precedents for, 16–17, 139–141

national vote on, 171–172, 174

opposition to, 137–138

sample measure, 189–191

Seventeenth Amendment and, 144–147

voter participation rates, 3

voters’ guides, digital, 120–121

voting age, 14, 135

Voting Rights Act, 183


Wall Street Journal, 138, 160

Warren, Earl, 101, 184

Warren, Elizabeth, 160

Washington (state) GMOs in, 58

voter instructions in, 171

Washington, DC, contribution limits in, 128

Washington, George, 39

Washington Monthly, 158

Washington Post, 44–45

Watergate scandal, campaign reform and, 15, 69, 70, 71, 75, 83, 91

Watson, John, 49

Waxman, Henry, 162

wealth distribution, 59–62

“wealth primary,” 6, 192n10

Wertheimer, Fred, 152

Wheeler, Burton, 108

White, Byron, 84, 89–90

WikiLeaks, 30

Williamson, Marianne, 162

Wilson, Woodrow, 136


direct election and, 138

Supreme Court defiance by, 119

Wisconsin Right to Life, 155

Wolf PAC, 175, 188

women’s suffrage, 16, 136

workarounds, 119–121

World War I, 172

World War II, 13–14, 172

Wright, Skelly, 74, 150


Zucotti Park, 24

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