


Account executives (AEs), 64

Acquirer strategic shift, 156157

Acquisitions, 5859, 155159

acquirer strategic shift, 156157

due-diligence issues, 159

expectation mismatch, 157158

hiring employees, 158159

lack of chemistry, 158

lack of competitive bidding situation, 158

lack of relationship, 156

networking, 155156

selling, 155

Admiral Greer, 142

AdWords, 80

AEs. See Account executives

Airbnb, 96

Amazon, 4, 18, 49, 61, 65, 66, 72, 75, 78, 102

Android, 9, 23, 82, 128

Angel investment, 104

Angel investors, 103, 104, 107, 108, 116, 122, 136

Anti-spam products, 22

APIs. See Application programming interfaces

Apple, 4, 9, 2325, 7274, 125, 126, 130, 135

Apple App Store, 61, 67

Apple Newton, 23, 25

Apple Super Bowl (1984), 78

Application programming interfaces (APIs), 82

Assisted-viral products, 23

Audience, communication with, 146147


Bad communication, 87

Bad contracts, 69

Bad market, 67

Bad news, delivery of, 9394

Bad products, 1527

building incredible technology, 1718

failure to focus, 1820

friction to achieve adoption, 20

magic of product chemistry, 2324

product blindness, 1517

product delivery, 2426

prototype products, 26

simple, universal and viral products, 2223

users of product, 2122

Bad sales process, 6970

Ballmer, Steve, 120

B2B. See Business-to-business company

Benioff, Marc, 30, 31, 166

Bezos, Jeff, 78, 102, 107

BHAG. See Big Hairy Audacious Goal

Bias, fighting, 62

Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG), 78, 89

Big Idea, The, 31

Big-idea company, building, 101103

Big markets, 45

Blank, Steve, 8

Board meetings, managing, 9193

Bootstrapped entrepreneurs, 116, 73

Brand identity, 8283

Brin, Sergei, 120

Business-to-business (B2B) company, 64, 172

Buzz, 7879


Capital, invested, 162

Capital E, entrepreneur with, 2930

Capitalization, 1112

Capital markets, 58

Capital planning model (CPM), 150

Cash management, 115118

debt, 117118

product-market fit, cash flows from, 115118

Cash out date, 122

CEO and acquirers, lack of chemistry, 158

Cialdini, Robert, 76

CityVille, 5

CLV. See Customer lifetime value

Collins, Jim, 78

Communication, 8798

with audience, 146147

bad news delivery, 9394

with customers, 9596

delivering good news, 94

expectations, 8990

failure, 9798

managing board meetings, 9193

success, 9798

success story, 9697

with team, 9495

vision, 8788

Company's cost per click (CPC), 5758

Competitive bidding situation, 158

Consumer company, valuation of, 53

Content-hosting solution, 57

COO, hiring, 120, 121

Cook, Scott, 107

Cook, Tim, 120

Cost per acquisition (CPA), 5758

CPA. See Cost per acquisition

CPC. See Company's cost per click

CPM. See Capital planning model

CRM. See Customer relationship management

Customer financing, 107108

Customer lifetime value (CLV), 5860

Customer relationship management (CRM), 79

Customers, communication with, 9596


D. E. Shaw & Co, 78

Deal failure, 158

Debt, cash management, 117118

Dell, Michael, 30

Demand generation, 61

Destiny control, 106108

customer financing, 107108

investors, 107

nights and weekends plan, 107

rent and ramen plan, 106

Direction, changing, 10

Dropbox, 22, 66, 73, 76

Due diligence, 148, 159

Duffield, Dave, 35


EA. See Electronic Arts

Early-adopter program, 17

Early execution vs. executing at scale, 118119

Earn-outs, 160

eBay, 12, 102, 103

Economies of scale, 4

Electronic Arts (EA), 5

E-mail–based payments, 12

Employees, hiring, 158159

Entrepreneur(s), 2941

acting like entrepreneur, 38

with capital E, 2930

communicating point of view, 97

goal of, 4

hiring for operations, 3536

hiring great people, 3637

Marc Benioff, 3031

personal health, 170171

product selection, 3132

quest, 31

repeated failure, 4041

starting vs. leading, 3940

success story, 9697

targetting small markets, 5

teams without clear vision, 3233

users, importance of, 3335

weaknesses, improving on, 3839

Entrepreneurship, motivations, 165167

Equivalent, in business context, 22

Excite, 125

Executing at scale, 118119

Execution, 111131, 174

cash management, 115118

debt, 117118

product-market fit, cash flows from, 115118

early execution vs. executing at scale, 118119

failure, 111112

first-mover advantage, myth of, 124125

fluid organizations, 112113

goal, 123124

hiring, 119122

knowing numbers, 122123

late entrants, 125126

market, outruns, 129131

market leader, 126129

under-resourced/over-resourced, 113115

Expectation mismatch, 157158


Facebook, 36, 18, 20, 21, 39, 66, 75, 76, 79, 82, 103, 120, 124, 125, 135

Failing fast, great startup, 63

Farming user base, 67

File-sharing market, 72

Financial markets, 103

First-mover advantage, myth of, 124125

Fluid organizations, startups, 112113

Founder liquidity, 162

Framing, 143145

Freemium model, 6466

Friendster, 26, 125


Gates, Bill, 120, 166

Gerstner, Lou, 130

Getting started, 99110

big-idea company, 101103

destiny control, 106108

location, 109110

making the leap, 99101

surviving lack of capital, 103106

team building, 108

users and customers, 108109

Good news, delivery of, 94

Good to Great, 78

Google, 4, 9, 18, 39, 72, 75, 79, 103, 120, 124126, 135

Google AdWords, 47, 58, 61, 80

Great design, 24

Great liquidity events, 163

Great marketing, 83

Great operators, 120

Great people, hiring, 3637

Great product-market fit, 9

Great product(s), 27

bad market, 67

building, 173

design, 24

Great wave to ride, 56

Groupon, 51

Grove, Andy, 96


Healthcare startups, 8

Hiring, from companies, 119

Hunt for Red October, The, 142


IBM, 12, 130

Inability to scale, 36

Ineffective sales people, 68

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, 76

Infographics, 81

Initial public offerings (IPOs), 163

Insiders, 162

Institutional buyers, 153

Intel, 23

Interim liquidity, 162

Internet, 21

Intuit, 12, 107


decisions, 149

opportunity and risk, 5253

process, 138139

Investor(s), 107

lump failures, 7173

motivations, 137138

vision of, 139141

Invisible startups, 7183

brand, 8283

buzz, 7879

investors lump failures, 7173

mobile, 8182

product innovation, 7375

search, 7981

social media, 7778

viral marketing, 7576

iPhone, 9, 23, 61, 82, 128

IPO. See Initial public offerings


Jobs, Steve, 78, 101, 120, 166, 168


Keynote Mobile Solutions, 102

Klaff, Oren, 143


Leading vs. starting, 3940

Life-science company, 8

LinkedIn, 23, 66, 75, 76, 136

Liquidity management, 153163

acquisitions, 155159

deals, 159160

events, 153155

great liquidity events, 163

IPOs, 163

payment, 160161

secondary markets and interim liquidity, 162


Mad Men, 61

Main Street, 53


efficiency, 172

importance of, 52

leadership, 126129

reaching, 910

size, 172

Marketing, spending money on, 4748

Marquee investors, 136

Mass market, 53

Media sharing, 76

Memorandum of understanding (MOU), 159

Mentors, 175

Microsoft, 5, 12, 72, 74

Mobile, 8182

Momentum investors, 136

Monetization, 8, 53

Money, raising, 103106

Money lost on sales, 5770

acquisition, 5859

CPA, 5758

CPC, 5758

customer lifetime value, 5960

inherent bias, 6162

purchase of products, 6061

sales engine, 6870

sales leverage, 6368

sales team turnover, 6263


fueling entrepreneurship, 165167

investor, 137138

MOU. See Memorandum of understanding

Murdoch, Rupert, 125

Musk, Elon, 101

MySpace, 68, 125


Net adoption curve, 50

Net Promoter Score (NPS), 5455

Networking, 155156

News Corp, 125

New York Times, 81

Nights and weekends plan, 107

NPS. See Net Promoter Score


oDesk, 81, 82, 106

Omidyar, Pierre, 102, 103

Online advertising, 57

Over-resourced, startups, 113115

P, Q

Page, Larry, 120

Palm Pilots, 12

Pandora, 22, 82

Partnering, sales leverage, 67

Partner meetings, 150151

Partnerships, 120, 150

PayPal, 12

PeopleSoft, 35

Personal health, of entrepreneur, 170171

Pincus, Marc, 5, 102, 103

Pitch Anything, 143

Pitches, 135151

due diligence, 148

evaluation, 141142

investor motivations, 137138

partner meetings, 150151

perfection, 142

framing, 143145

presentation failure, 145

audience, connecting with, 146147

be succinct, 147148

process matters, 138139

right investors, 135136

spell it out, 141

sponsor, supporting, 149

time consuming, 136137

vision, 139141

Pivoting, 1012, 70

Poor product-market fit, 313

big markets, 45

capitalizing, 1112

failure, 1213

finding fit, 89

great product, bad market, 67

great wave to ride, 56

market, reaching, 910

market sucess, 1213

pivoting, 1011

pivots that worked, 12

product-market fit, 34

structural issues, 8

Porras, Jerry, 78

Premature scaling, 123

Pre-money valuation, 139

Presentation failure, 145

audience, connecting with, 146147

be succinct, 147148

Pricing, mismatched, 69

Private markets, 104


blindness, 1517

chemistry, 2324

delivery, 2426

innovation, 21, 7375

purchase of, 6061

scaling, 26

selection, 3132

usage, 16

users of, 2122

vision, 173

visionaries, 120

Product-market fit, 34, 173174

cash flows from, 118

problem, 4849

Profit-based earn-out goals, 161

Promoters, 5556

Prototype products, 26

Public markets, 104

Public-market stocks, 162


Real cost of spending, 4547

Rent and ramen plan, 106

Repeatable, profitable acquisition mechanism, 123124

Right investors, 135136

Robertson, Niel, 119

Ryan, Jack, 142


SaaS. See Software as a Service

Saban, Nick, 18

Sales and marketing, investment in, 4556

creating value, 51

NPS, 5455

opportunity and risk involved, 5253

poor execution, 4849

promoters, 5556

real cost of spending, 4547

spending money on marketing, 4748

traction curve, 4951

Sales engine, clogging up, 6870

bad contracts, 69

bad sales process, 6970

ineffective sales people, 68

mismatched pricing, 69

Sales engineers (SEs), 64

Sales-execution problem, 6162

Salesforce, 75, 4, 20, 30, 31, 67, 79

Sales Learning Curve (SLC), 49, 50, 52

Sales leverage, 6368

freemium model, 6466

monetizing users, 6768

partnering, 67

software delivery, 64

traditional way, 6364

word of mouth, 6667

zero-cost user acquisition, 66

Sales team turnover, 6263

Sandberg, Sheryl, 120

Schmidt, Eric, 120

Search engine marketing (SEM), 79

Search engine optimization (SEO), 57, 79

Secondary markets and interim liquidity, 162

SecondMarket, 162

Self-motivation, 100, 167168

Selling, 155

SEM. See Search engine marketing

SEO. See Search engine optimization

SEs. See Sales engineers

Shane, Scott, 169

SharesPost, 162

Siebel, 20

Simple products, 2223

SLC. See Sales Learning Curve

Small and medium businesses (SMBs), 80

Social gaming, 5

Social media, 7778

Software as a Service (SaaS), 64

Sony, 5

Sponsor, supporting, 149

Starting vs. leading, 3940

Startup diet, the, 170

Startup Genome Project, 123

Startup's success, 4, 40

Stepping stones, to startup victory, 165176

failure, avoiding, 171175

building great product, 173

craziness, 175

destiny control, 172173

execution, 174

great mentor, 175

market efficiency, 172

market size, 172

persistence, 174

product-market fit, 173174

product vision, 173

simplification, 175

stubbornness, 174

target market, 171

willingness to change mind, 174

fast failure, 175176

friction leading to failure, 168169

motivations, 165167

myth of working, 167168

personal health, 170171

value chasm, 169170

Structural issues, product-market fit, 8

Sunk costs, 124


Target market, 9, 12, 171

Team building, 108

Team communication, 9495

Team expectations, 8990

TechCrunch, 176

Technology, building, 1718

Timeshare, 6

Time value of money, 170

Town Hall, 5

Traction curve, 4951

Traditional way, sales leverage, 6364

Trickle-down effect, 7

TripAdvisor, 61

Trust and Safety Center, 96

Twitter, 22


Under-resourced, startups, 113115

"United Breaks Guitars", 73

Universal products, 2223

Use case, 16


and customers, 108109

importance of, 3335

monetizing, 6768


Value chasm, 169170

Venture-backed company, challenges in, 18

Venture-backed entrepreneurs, 115

Venture funds, 105

Venture investment, 51, 104

Venture investors, 106, 122, 169

VentureBeat, 176

Viral marketing, 22, 7576

Viral products, 2223

Virtual goods, purchase of, 6


communication, 8788

of investors, 139141

vWorker, 82, 106

W, X

Walmart, 4

Warm coffee comfort problem, 146

Welch, Jack, 130

Whittaker, Lou, 171

Wireless carriers, 9

Word of mouth, 6667


Yahoo, 125

Yelp, 61

YouTube, 75, 77


Zappos, 66, 67, 82

Zero-cost user acquisition, 66

Zuckerberg, Mark, 120, 166

Zynga, 3, 5, 6, 21, 74, 102

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