#40 Getting the Map

In simple terms, this module gets a map. There are a number of details that have to be handled to do this.

The input to this module is a map description. It consists of the following elements:

centerThe center of the map
typeType of map (a topographical map or aerial photograph)
scaleThe scale of the map
sizeThe height and width of the map

The output consists of a matrix of image tiles that, when put together, make a map.

The Code

   1 use strict;
   2 use warnings;
   4 #
   5 # This module contains all the functions that
   6 # deal with the map server
   7 # and manipulate coordinates
   8 #
  10 package map;
  12 require Exporter;
  13 use vars qw/@ISA @EXPORT $x_size $y_size $scale/;
  15 @ISA = qw/Exporter/;
  16 @EXPORT=qw/
  17     $x_size
  18     $y_size
  19     $scale
  20     cache_dir
  21     get_file
  22     get_scale_factor
  23     get_scales
  24     init_map
  25     map_to_tiles
  26     move_map
  27     scale_exists
  28     set_center_lat_long
  29     set_map_scale
  30     toggle_type
  31 /;
  33 use Geo::Coordinates::UTM;
  34 use HTTP::Lite;
  36 use constant MAP_PHOTO => 1;# Aerial Photograph
  37 use constant MAP_TOPO => 2;# Topo map
  39 $x_size = 3;    # Size of the map in X
  40 $y_size = 3;    # Size of the map in Y
  41 $scale = 12;    # Scale for the map
  43 my $map_type = MAP_TOPO;# Type of the map
  45 # Grand Canyon (360320N 1120820W)
  46 # Grand Canyon (36 03 20N      112 08 20W)
  47 my $center_lat =
  48     36.0 + 3.0 / 60.0 + 20.0 / (60.0 * 60.0);
  49 my $center_long =
  50    -(112.0 + 8.0 / 60.0 + 20.0 / (60.0 * 60.0));
  52 my $cache_dir = "$ENV{HOME}/.maps";
  54 ################################################
  55 # convert_fract($) -- Convert
  56 #                       to factional degrees
  57 #
  58 #       Knows the formats:
  59 #               dddmmss
  60 #               dd.ffff         (not converted)
  61 ################################################
  62 sub convert_fract($)
  63 {
  64     my $value = shift;  # Value to convert
  66     # Fix the case where we have things
  67     # like 12345W or 13456S
  68     if ($value =~ /^([+-]?d+)([nNeEsSwW])$/) {
  69         my $code;       # Direction code
  70         ($value, $code) = ($1, $2);
  71         if (($code eq 's') || ($code eq 'S') ||
  72             ($code eq 'W') || ($code eq 'w')) {
  73             $value = -$value;
  74         }
  75     }
  76     # Is it a long series of digits
  77     # with possible sign?
  78     if ($value =~ /^[-+]?d+$/) {
  79         # USGS likes to squish things to
  80         # together +DDDmmSS
  81         #
  82         # Get the pieces
  83         $value =~ /([-+]?)(d+)(dd)(dd)/;
  84         my ($sign, $deg, $min, $sec) =
  85                 ($1, $2, $3, $4);
  87         # Convert to fraction
  88         my $result = ($deg + ($min / 60.0) +
  89                      ($sec / (60.0*60.0)));
  91         # Take care of sign
  92         if ($sign eg "-") (
  93             return (-$result);
  94         }
  95         return($result);
  96     }
  97     if ($value =~ /^[-+]?d*.d*$/) {
  98         return ($value);
  99     }
 100     print "Unknown format for ($value)
 101     return (undef);
 102 }
 103 ################################################
 104 # set_center_lat_long($lat, $long) --
 105 #       Change the center of a picture
 106 ################################################
 107 sub set_center_lat_long($$)
 108 {
 109     # Coordinate of the map (latitude)
 110     my $lat = shift;
 112     # Coordinate of the map (longitude)
 113     my $long = shift;
 115     $lat = convert_fract($lat);
 116     $long = convert_fract($long);
 118     if (defined($long) and defined($lat)) {
 119         $center_lat = $lat;
 120         $center_long = $long;
 121     }
 122 }
 124 #
 125 # Scales from
 126 #       http://terraserver.homeadvisor.msn.com/
 127 #               /About/AboutLinktoHtml.htm
 128 #
 129 # Fields
 130 #       Resolution -- Resolution of the
 131 #                       map in meter per pixel
 132 #       factor -- Scale factor to turn UTM into
 133 #                       tile number
 134 #       doq -- Aerial photo available
 135 #       drg -- Topo map available
 136 #
 137 my %scale_info = (
 138     10 => {
 139         resolution => 1,
 140         factor     => 200,
 141         doq        => 1,
 142         drg        => 0
 143     },
 144     11 => {
 145         resolution => 2,
 146         factor     => 400,
 147         doq        => 1,
 148         drg        => 1
 149     },
 150     12 => {
 151         resolution => 4,
 152         factor     => 800,
 153         doq        => 1,
 154         drg        => 1
 155     },
 156     13 => {
 157         resolution =>  8,
 158         factor     => 1600,
 159         doq        => 1,
 160         drg        => 1
 161     },
 162     14 => {
 163         resolution => 16,
 164         factor     => 3200,
 165         doq        => 1,
 166         drg        => 1
 167     },
 168     15 => {
 169         resolution => 32,
 170         factor     => 6400,
 171         doq        => 1,
 172         drg        => 1
 173     },
 174     16 => {
 175         resolution => 64,
 176         factor     => 12800,
 177         doq        => 1,
 178         drg        => 1
 179     },
 180     17 => {
 181         resolution => 128,
 182         factor     => 25600,
 183         doq        => 0,
 184         drg        => 1
 185     },
 186     18 => {
 187         resolution => 256,
 188         factor     => 51200,
 189         doq        => 0,
 190         drg        => 1
 191     },
 192     19 => {
 193         resolution => 512,
 194         factor     => 102400,
 195         doq        => 0,
 196         drg        => 1
 197     }
 198 );
 199 ################################################
 200 # map_to_tiles()
 201 #
 202 # Turn a map into a set of URLs
 203 #
 204 # Returns the url array
 205 ################################################
 206 sub map_to_tiles()
 207 {
 208     my @result;
 210     # Get the coordinates as UTM
 211     my ($zone,$easting,$north)=latlon_to_utm(
 212         'GRS 1980',$center_lat, $center_long);
 214     # Fix the zone, it must be a number
 215     $zone =~ /(d+)/;
 216     $zone = $1;
 218     # Compute the center tile number
 219     my $center_x =
 220         int($easting /
 221                 $scale_info{$scale}->{factor});
 223     my $center_y =
 224         int($north /
 225                 $scale_info{$scale}->{factor});
 227     # Compute the starting location
 228     my $start_x = $center_x - int($x_size / 2);
 229     my $start_y = $center_y - int($y_size / 2);
 231     # Compute the ending location
 232     my $end_x = $start_x + $x_size;
 233     my $end_y = $start_y + $y_size;
 235     for (my $y= $end_y-1; $y >= $start_y; --$y) {
 236         for (my $x = $start_x;
 237                 $x < $end_x; ++$x) {
 239             push (@result, {
 240                                 T => $map_type,
 241                                 S => $scale,
 242                                 X => $x,
 243                                 Y => $y,
 244                                 Z =>$zone}
 245             );
 246         }
 247     }
 248     return (@result);
 249 }
 251 ################################################
 252 # get_file($) -- Get a photo file from an URL
 253 #
 254 ################################################
 255 sub get_file($)
 256 {
 257     my $url = shift;    # URL to get
 259     # The name of the file we are going to
 260     # write into the cache
 261     my $file_spec =
 262        "$cache_dir/t=$url->{T}_s=$url->{S}_".
 263                "x=$url->{X}_y=$url->{Y}_".
 264                "z=$url->{Z}.jpg";
 265     if (! -f $file_spec) {
 266         # Connection to the remote site
 267         my $http = new HTTP::Lite;
 269         # The image to get
 270         my $image_url =
 271            "http://terraserver-usa.com/tile.ashx?".
 272            "T=$url->{T}&S=$url->{S}&".
 273            "X=$url->{X}&Y=$url->{Y}&Z=$url->{Z}";
 274         print "Getting $image_url
 276         # The request
 277         my $req = $http->request($image_url);
 278         if (not defined($req)) {
 279             die("Could not get url $image_url");
 280         }
 282         # Dump the data into a file
 283         my $data = $http->body();
 284         open (OUT_FILE, ">$file_spec") or
 285            die("Could not create $file_spec");
 286         print OUT_FILE $data;
 287         close OUT_FILE;
 288     }
 289     return ($file_spec);
 290 }
 292 ################################################
 293 # toggle_type -- Change the map type
 294 ################################################
 295 sub toggle_type()
 296 {
 297     if ($map_type == MAP_TOPO) {
 298         if ($scale_info{$scale}->{doq}) {
 299             $map_type = MAP_PHOTO;
 300         }
 301     } else {
 302         if ($scale_info{$scale}->{drg}) {
 303             $map_type = MAP_TOPO;
 304         }
 305     }
 306 }
 308 ################################################
 309 # get_scale_factor -- Get the current scale
 310 ################################################
 311 sub get_scale_factor()
 312 {
 313     return ($scale_info{$scale}->{factor});
 314 }
 316 ################################################
 317 # set_map_scale($scale) -- Set the scale for map
 318 #
 319 # Returns
 320 #       true if the scale was set,
 321 #       false if it's not possible to set
 322 #               the scale to the give value
 323 ################################################
 324 sub set_map_scale($)
 325 {
 326     # The scale we want to have
 327     my $new_scale = shift;
 329     if (not defined($scale_info{$new_scale})) {
 330         return(0);
 331     }
 332     if ($map_type == MAP_TOPO) {
 333         if (not $scale_info{$new_scale}->{drg}) {
 334             return(0);
 335         }
 336     } else {
 337         if (not $scale_info{$new_scale}->{doq}) {
 338             return(0);
 339         }
 340     }
 341     $scale = $new_scale;
 342     return (1);
 343 }
 345 ################################################
 346 # scale_exists($scale)
 347 #
 348 # Return true if the scale exists for
 349 #       this type of map
 350 #################################################
 351 sub scale_exists($)
 352 {
 353     my $test_scale = shift;     # Scale to check
 355     if ($map_type == MAP_TOPO) {
 356         if(not $scale_info{$test_scale}->{drg}) {
 357             return (0);
 358         }
 359     } else {
 360         if(not $scale_info{$test_scale}->{doq}) {
 361             return (0);
 362         }
 363     }
 364     return (1);
 365 }
 366 ################################################
 367 # get_scales -- Get an array of possible scales
 368 ################################################
 369 sub get_scales()
 370 {
 371     return ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %scale_info);
 372 }
 373 ################################################
 374 # move_map($x, $y) -- Move the map in
 375 #       the X and Y direction
 376 ################################################
 377 sub move_map($$)
 378 {
 379     my $x = shift;    # Amount to move in X tiles
 380     my $y = shift;    # Amount to move in Y tiles
 382     my ($zone,$east,$north)=
 383         latlon_to_utm('GRS 1980',
 384                 $center_lat, $center_long);
 386     $east -= $x * get_scale_factor();
 387     $north -= $y * get_scale_factor();
 389     ($center_lat, $center_long) =
 390         utm_to_latlon('GRS 1980',
 391                 $zone, $east, $north);
 392 }
 393 ################################################
 394 # cache_dir -- Return the cache directory
 395 ################################################
 396 sub cache_dir()
 397 {
 398     return($cache_dir);
 399 }
 400 ################################################
 401 # init_map -- Init the mapping system.
 402 ################################################
 403 sub init_map()
 404 {
 405     if (! -d $cache_dir) {
 406         if (not mkdir($cache_dir, 0755)) {
 407             die("Could not create cache directory");
 408         }
 409     }
 410 }
 412 1;

Using the Module

The first thing you do is call init_map to initialize the module. The mapping system assumes that you have a 3×3-tile topographical map centered around the Grand Canyon.

At this point, you can call map_to_tiles and get a set of image specifications for this map (nine tiles for your 3×3 map). To turn a specification into a file, call get_file.

The function move_map will move the map a certain number of tiles in any direction. If you want to go to a different place entirely, call set_center_lat_long.

You use the toggle_type function to change from a topographical map to an aerial photograph.

Finally, the scale of the map can be adjusted using set_map_scale.

These are the major pieces; we'll get into some of the nasty details in the section "How It Works."

The USGS is responsible for mapping the nation. The folks there are the ones who produce topographical maps. Microsoft maintains a web server that allows you to download a topographical map or aerial photograph for any place in the United States.

The Results

The result is that when you call map_to_tiles, you pass to get_file to get a set of files that you can put together to make a map.

How It Works

The USGS data is online and can be accessed by anyone. Instructions on how to download this data can be found at:


Coordinate Systems

Earth is not flat. This is a big problem for mapmakers because maps are flat. Most people locate a point on Earth using longitude and latitude. However, these units suffer from some limitations. For example, it's difficult to measure the distance between two longitudes.

Mapmakers would much rather deal with a flat Earth than a round one. For small patches, it's OK to pretend that Earth is flat. So the standard makers have devised a rectangular coordinate system for mapping points on Earth called the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system. There are several different versions of this coordinate system out there and each one uses its own ellipsoid for coordinate conversion. The United States Geological Survey uses the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) version.

Perl has a module to convert longitude/latitude to UTM. But there's a problem. This module has no provision for the NAD83 ellipsoid. Turns out that that NAD83 is the same as an earlier standard, the Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS 1980). (It took me about three weeks of searching the Web to discover that GRS 1980 and NAD83 are the same. Obviously, Perl programmers aren't the only ones who can be a bit cryptic.)

Figuring out the language the various mapping agencies are using and all the abbreviations is half the battle. The other half is Perl code.

Downloading Map Tiles

From the TerraServer you can download a 200×200-pixel tile containing a map or aerial photograph of any place in the United States. But you need to know the name of the tile. The first step in the process is to turn the longitude/latitude coordinate into the UTM coordinate used by the server:

 210     # Get the coordinates as UTM
 211     my ($zone,$easting,$north)=latlon_to_utm(
 212         'GRS 1980',$center_lat, $center_long);

To download a tile, you need to know five numbers:

XThe easting number divided by a scale factor
YThe northing number divided by a scale factor
ZThe zone number
SThe scale factor
TThe map type (1=Topographical, 2= Aerial Photograph, 3=Urban Aerial Photographs)

Table 10-1 shows the various scale factors for each zoom level.

Table 10-1. Conversion Factors1
ThemeScale ValueResolution (Meters per Pixel)UTM Multiplier
DOQ, Urban101200
DOQ, DRG, Urban112400
DOQ, DRG, Urban124800
DOQ, DRG, Urban1381,600
DOQ, DRG, Urban14163,200
DOQ, DRG, Urban15326,400
DOQ, DRG, Urban166412,800
DOQ, DRG, Urban1712825,600
DOQ, DRG, Urban1825651,200

[1] From the API specification: http://terraserver-usa.com/about.aspx?n=AboutLinktoHtml

The TerraServer contains three types of data. The first, digital raster graphic (DRG), is a topographical map. The next, digital orthophoto quadrangle (DOQ), is an aerial photograph. Finally there is Urban, which indicates a USGS Urban Area photograph. This script does not handle Urban images because they cover only a limited area and because at the time the script was originally written, this type of data was not available.

So let's see what it takes to create a map of the Grand Canyon. You start with the coordinates of the visitor's center in the park:

36°03′20″N 112°08′20″W

Now you need to get the S, T, X, Y, and Z values for the tile. You want a topographical map, so the type is 1 (T=1), and you want the highest resolution possible. For topographical maps, that is 1 meter per pixel. Looking through the table, you can see that the scale factor is 11 (S=11).

When you convert the longitude/latitude to UTM, you get this:


The TerraServer wants the zone without the north/south indicator, so the zone is 12 (Z=12).

The table shows that the scale factor is 800. Dividing that into the easting, you get 496 (X=496). Performing a similar conversion on the northing gives you a Y of 4988. As a result, the full URL for the map tile is http://terraserver-usa.com/tile.ashx?T=2&S=12&X=496&Y=4988&Z=12.


The X- and Y-coordinate numbers are consecutive. So by decrementing the X number by 1, you get the tile to the left of the current tile, incrementing the Y number by 1 gives the tile below the current tile, and so on.

Getting the Data

The get_file function is responsible for turning a tile specification into an image file. The module HTTP::Lite is used to fetch the file.

The first thing you do is create a HTTP::Lite object for downloading:

 266         # Connection to the remote site
 267         my $http = new HTTP::Lite;

Next you turn your tile specification into a URL:

 269         # The image to get
 270         my $image_url =
 271            "http://terraserver-usa.com/tile.ashx?".
 272            "T=$url->{T}&S=$url->{S}&".
 273            "X=$url->{X}&Y=$url->{Y}&Z=$url->{Z}";

The next step is to create an HTTP request to get the data:

 276         # The request
 277         my $req = $http->request($image_url);
 278         if (not defined($req)) {
 279             die("Could not get url $image_url");
 280         }

This gets all sorts of information about the page. All you want is the data, so you take the body of the page and dump it to a file. It is this file that you give back to the user as the image file they want:

 282         # Dump the data into a file
 283         my $data = $http->body();
 284         open (OUT_FILE, ">$file_spec") or
 285            die("Could not create $file_spec");
 286         print OUT_FILE $data;
 287         close OUT_FILE;
 288     }

Moving the Map

You allow the map to be panned to the left or right. The move_map function moves the map by tiles. But you store your center point as longitude/latitude. Changing the center is not as simple as just adding in a constant to these values.

The problem is that longitude curves. So in order to recenter, you need a rectangular coordinate system, in this case UTM. The amount to move is determined by the scale factor. The move_map function schanges the center point by one tile in the X or Y direction or both. Each parameter to this function can have the value 1, 0, or -1. The result of this function is a new map with a different center point.

 373 ################################################
 374 # move_map($x, $y) -- Move the map in
 375 #       the X and Y direction
 376 ################################################
 377 sub move_map($$)
 378 {
 379     my $x = shift;    # Amount to move in X tiles
 380     my $y = shift;    # Amount to move in Y tiles
 382     my ($zone,$east,$north)=
 383         latlon_to_utm('GRS 1980',
 384                 $center_lat, $center_long);
 386     $east -= $x * get_scale_factor();
 387     $north -= $y * get_scale_factor();
 389     ($center_lat, $center_long) =
 390         utm_to_latlon('GRS 1980',
 391                 $zone, $east, $north);
 392 }

Hacking the Script

This module was created by the process of successive experimentation: try something, see if works, try something else, see if it works, add a little to the code, and so on. In other words, there's not a whole lot of design that went into this module.

As a result, the API is a little more complex and cluttered than it needs to be. The code could use a little cleaning up. But then again, this is Wicked Cool Perl Scripts, not Clean Pretty Perl Scripts, so have fun.

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