This disclosure checklist has been prepared using the accounting and financial reporting guidance contained in pronouncements up to and including FASB Accounting Standards Updates No. 2015-16. Upon ASU 2016-14 becoming effective for all organizations, this checklist will be updated in future editions of this book to reflect its changes in terminology and additional disclosure requirements. Disclosure requirements for more recent standards are included in the relevant chapters of this book. This checklist has been prepared with careful consideration to ensure its accuracy and completeness. However, a checklist does not substitute for professional knowledge and judgment. In addition, this checklist focuses primarily on footnote disclosures for financial statements. For requirements as to the content and format of financial statements themselves, readers should refer to the applicable chapters of this guide. Financial statement preparers and auditors using this checklist should recognize their responsibility to determine the adequacy of disclosures for financial statements. Accordingly, this checklist should be used only as one tool in meeting these responsibilities.

A. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
  1. Does a note to the financial statements contain a summary of significant accounting policies?
  1. If the organization prepared its financial statements on a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), was disclosure made on the basis of presentation and how does that basis differ from GAAP? (FASB ASC 835-20-55)
  1. Does disclosure of significant accounting policies encompass important judgments as to the appropriateness of principles concerning recognition of revenue, and allocation of asset costs to current and future periods? (FASB ASC 235-10-50)
  1. Has the need been considered for disclosure of the impact of a new FASB Statement issued but not yet effective where restatement of prior periods will be required?
B. Nonmonetary Transactions
  1. Do the notes disclose the nature of these transactions, the basis of accounting used, and gains or losses recognized on the transfers?
C. Related-Party Transactions
  1. Are the following disclosures made of material related-party transactions, other than compensation agreements, expense allowances, and similar items?
    1. The nature of the relationship.
    1. A description of the transactions, including transactions to which no amounts or nominal amounts have been assigned, and such other information to understand the effects of the transactions on the financial statements.
    1. Dollar amounts of the transactions for each period that an operating statement is presented.
    1. Amounts due from related parties as of the date of each balance sheet presented. (FASB ASC 850-10-50)
  1. Is the nature and extent of any leasing transactions with related parties disclosed. (FASB ASC 840-10-50)
D. Accounting Changes
  1. For changes in accounting principles:
    1. The nature of and reason for the change in accounting principle, including an explanation of why the newly adopted accounting principle is preferable.
    1. The method of applying the change, and
      1. A description of the prior-period information that has been retrospectively adjusted, if any.
      1. The effect of the change on income from continuing operations, the appropriate captions of changes in the applicable net assets, any other affected financial statement line item for the current period and any prior periods retrospectively adjusted. Presentation of the effect on financial statement subtotals and totals other than income from continuing operations and other appropriate captions of changes in the applicable net assets is not required.
      1. The cumulative effect of the change on the components of net assets in the statement of financial position as of the beginning of the earliest period presented.
      1. If retrospective application to all prior periods is impracticable, disclosure of the reasons therefor, and a description of the alternative method used to report the change.
    1. If indirect effects of a change in accounting principle are recognized:
      1. A description of the indirect effects of a change in accounting principle, including the amounts that have been recognized in the current period.
      1. Unless impracticable, the amount of the total recognized indirect effects of the accounting change that are attributable to each prior period presented. (FASB ASC 250-10-50)
  1. For changes in accounting estimates, the effect on income from continuing operations and the other appropriate captions of changes in the applicable net assets of the current period for a change in estimate that affects several future periods, such as a change in service lives of depreciable assets. (FASB ASC 250-10-50)
  1. For changes in reporting entity, do the financial statements of the period of the change describe the nature of the change and the reason for it? In addition, the effect of the change on income before extraordinary items and the appropriate captions of changes in the applicable net assets should be disclosed for all periods presented. (FASB ASC 250-10-50)
  1. For correction of errors in previously issued financial statements, has the entity disclosed that its previously issued financial statements have been restated, along with a description of the nature of the error? The entity also is required to disclose the following:
    1. The effect of the correction on each financial statement line item affected for each prior period presented.
    1. The cumulative effect of the change on the appropriate components of net assets in the statement of financial position, as of the beginning of the earliest period presented.
    1. In addition, the entity should make the disclosures of prior-period adjustments and restatements. (FASB ASC 250-10-50)
E. Disclosures Relating to Leases (FASB ASC 840)
  1. Lessors
    1. For operating leases, is the following information disclosed?
      1. Cost and carrying amount of property on lease or held for leasing by major classes and the amount of accumulated depreciation as of the date of the latest statement of financial position presented.
      1. Minimum future rentals on noncancelable leases as of the date of the latest statement of financial position presented in the aggregate and for each of the five succeeding years.
      1. Total contingent rentals in operations for each period for which a statement of activities is presented.
    1. For sales-type and direct financing leases, are the following disclosed?
      1. Appropriate components of the net investment in the leases as of the date of each statement of financial position presented.
      1. Future minimum lease payments to be received for each of the five succeeding fiscal years as of the date of the latest statement of financial position presented.
      1. Total contingent rentals included in operations for each period for which a statement of activities is presented.
    1. Do the notes provide a general description of the lessor's leasing arrangements?
  1. Lessees
    1. For capital leases, are the following disclosed?
      1. Gross amounts of assets and the accumulated depreciation recorded by major classes as of the date of each statement of financial position presented.
      1. The lease obligations classified as current and long-term.
      1. Future minimum lease payments as of the latest statement of financial position presented in the aggregate and for each of the five succeeding fiscal years, with separate deductions for executory costs and imputed interest.
      1. Total future minimum lease sublease rentals under noncancelable subleases as of the date of the latest statement of financial position presented.
      1. Total contingent rentals incurred for each period for which a statement of activities is presented.
    1. For operating leases that have initial or remaining noncancelable lease terms in excess of one year, is the following information disclosed?
      1. Future minimum rental payments required as of the latest statement of financial position presented in the aggregate and for each of the five succeeding fiscal years.
      1. Total minimum rentals under noncancelable subleases as of the date of the latest statement of financial position presented.
    1. For all operating leases, is the following information disclosed?
      1. Rental expense for each period for which an operating statement is presented with separate amounts for minimum rentals, contingent rentals, and sublease rentals.
      1. A general description of the lessee's leasing arrangements, including
        1. Basis for determining contingent rentals.
        1. Terms of any renewal or purchase options or escalation clauses.
        1. Restrictive covenants.
F. Commitments and Contingencies (See also Y. Income Taxes)
  1. Are the nature and amount of accrued loss contingencies disclosed?
  1. For loss contingencies not accrued, do the notes disclose the nature of the contingency and an estimate of possible loss, a range of loss, or a statement that such estimate cannot be made?
  1. Are guarantees or any moral obligations assumed by the entity disclosed?
  1. Are the following disclosures made for unconditional purchase and other obligations not recorded on the balance sheet? (FASB ASC 440-10)
    1. Nature and term of the obligation.
    1. Amount of the fixed and determinable portion of the obligations as of the statement of financial position date and for each of the five succeeding fiscal years.
    1. Nature of any variable components of the obligation.
    1. Amounts purchased for each period for which an operating statement is presented.
  1. Is disclosure made of conditions that raise a question as to the entity's ability to continue as a going concern and viable plans to overcome this situation?
  1. Are gain contingencies adequately disclosed?
  1. Are disclosures provided for unused letters of credit and assets pledged for security?
  1. Are any material violations of legal and contractual provisions disclosed?
  1. If the organization has failed to maintain an appropriate composition of cash or other assets in amounts needed to comply with all donor restrictions, are the amounts and circumstances disclosed?
  1. If there is a reasonable possibility that noncompliance with donor-imposed restrictions has resulted in a material contingent liability having been incurred at the financial statement date, could lead to a material loss of revenue, or could cause inability to continue as a going concern, are the amounts and circumstances disclosed?
  1. Are loss contingencies disclosed when there is a reasonable possibility that a loss may have been incurred?
  1. If the organization has provided any guarantees, has the following information been disclosed about each guarantee, or each group of similar guarantees, even if the likelihood of the guarantor's having to make any payments under the guarantee is remote, except as provided in item 13 with respect to the disclosure specified in b. below? (FASB ASC 460-10-50)
    1. The nature of the guarantee, including the approximate term of the guarantee, how the guarantee arose, and the events or circumstances that would require the guarantor to perform under the guarantee.
    1. The maximum potential amount of future payments (undiscounted) the guarantor could be required to make under the guarantee. The maximum potential amount of future payments shall not be reduced by the effect of any amounts that may possibly be recovered under recourse or collateralization provisions in the guarantee (which are addressed under d. below). If the terms of the guarantee provide for no limitation to the maximum potential future payments under the guarantee, that fact shall be disclosed. If the guarantor is unable to develop an estimate of the maximum potential amount of future payments under its guarantee, the guarantor shall disclose the reasons why it cannot estimate the maximum potential amount.
    1. The current carrying amount of the liability, if any, for the guarantor's obligations under the guarantee (including the amount, if any, recognized under FASB ASC 450-20), regardless of whether the guarantee is freestanding or embedded in another contract.
    1. The nature of (1) any recourse provisions that would enable the guarantor to recover from third parties any of the amounts paid under the guarantee, and (2) any assets held either as collateral or by third parties that upon the occurrence of any triggering event or condition under the guarantee, the guarantor can obtain and liquidate to recover all or a portion of the amounts paid under the guarantee. The guarantor shall indicate, if estimable, the approximate extent to which the proceeds from liquidation of those assets would be expected to cover the maximum potential amount of future payments under the guarantee.
  1. For product warranties and other guarantee contracts that are excluded from the initial recognition and initial measurement requirements of FASB ASC 460-10 (collectively referred to as product warranties), a guarantor is not required to disclose the maximum potential amount of future payments specified in item 12b above. Instead, the guarantor is required to disclose for those product warranties the following information:
    1. The guarantor's accounting policy and methodology used in determining its liability for product warranties (including any liability [such as deferred revenue] associated with extended warranties).
    1. A tabular reconciliation of the changes in the guarantor's aggregate warranty liability for the reporting period.
  1. Has the entity disclosed the following information about each obligation, or each group of obligations, resulting from joint and several liability arrangements within the scope of ASU 2013-04?
    1. The nature of the arrangement, including:
      1. How the liability arose.
      1. The relationship with other co-obligors.
      1. The terms and conditions of the arrangement.
    1. The total outstanding amount under the arrangement, which shall not be reduced by the effect of any amounts that may be recoverable from other entities.
    1. The carrying amount, if any, of an entity's liability and the carrying amount of a receivable recognized, if any.
    1. The nature of any recourse provisions that would enable recovery from other entities of the amounts paid, including any limitations on the amounts that might be recovered.
    1. In the period the liability is initially recognized and measured or in a period the measurement changes significantly:
      1. The corresponding entry.
      1. Where the entry was recorded in the financial statements.
G. Subsequent Events
  1. Are financial statements adjusted for any changes in estimates resulting from subsequent events that provide additional information about evidence existing at the balance sheet date?
  1. Are events subsequent to the balance sheet date adequately disclosed?
  1. Are appropriate disclosures made for contingencies arising subsequent to the balance sheet date?
  1. Has the appropriate date through which management has evaluated subsequent events been disclosed, considering whether the organization is a conduit debt obligor? (FASB ASC 855)
H. Pension Disclosures (See also Chapter 25)
Are the following pension disclosures provided for employers that are public entities or electing nonpublic entities that sponsor one or more defined benefit pension plans or one or more defined benefit postretirement plans? (FASB ASC 715-20-50)
  1. A reconciliation of beginning and ending balances of the benefit obligation showing separately, where applicable, the effects during the period attributable to each of the following:
    1. Service cost
    1. Interest
    1. Contributions by plan participants
    1. Actuarial gains and losses
    1. Foreign currency exchange rate changes
    1. Benefits paid
    1. Plan amendments
    1. Business combinations
    1. Divestitures
    1. Curtailments
    1. Settlements
    1. Special termination benefits
(For purposes of these disclosures, the benefit obligation for defined benefit pension plans is the projected benefit obligation and for defined benefit postretirement plans is the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation.)
  1. A reconciliation of beginning and ending balances of the fair value of plan assets showing separately, where applicable, the effects during the period attributable to each of the following:
    1. Actual return on plan assets
    1. Foreign currency exchange rate changes
    1. Contributions by the employer
    1. Contributions by plan participants
    1. Benefits paid
    1. Business combinations
    1. Divestitures
    1. Settlements
  1. The funded status of the plans, the amounts not recognized in the statement of financial position, and the amounts recognized in the statement of financial position, including:
    1. The amount of any unamortized prior service cost.
    1. The amount of any unrecognized net gain or loss, including asset gains and losses not yet reflected in market-related value.
    1. The amount of any remaining unamortized, unrecognized net obligation or net asset existing at the initial date of application of SFAS 87 or SFAS 106.
    1. The net pension or other postretirement benefit prepaid assets or accrued liabilities.
    1. Any intangible asset and the amount of accumulated other comprehensive income recognized pursuant to FASB ASC 715-30. (For not-for-profit organizations, all changes in net assets flow through the statement of activities, so the amount reported as comprehensive income would be an equivalent amount that would have been reported in the statement of activities.)
  1. Information about plan assets:
    1. For each major category of plan assets, which shall include, but is not limited to, equity securities, debt securities, real estate, and all other assets, the percentage of the fair value of total plan assets held as of the measurement date used for each statement of financial position presented.
    1. A narrative description of investment policies and strategies, including target allocation percentages or range of percentages for each major category of plan assets presented on a weighted-average basis as of the measurement date(s) of the latest statement of financial position presented, if applicable, and other factors that are pertinent to an understanding of the policies or strategies such as investment goals, risk management practices, permitted and prohibited investments including the use of derivatives, diversification, and the relationship between plan assets and benefit obligations.
    1. A narrative description of the basis used to determine the overall expected long-term rate-of-return-on-assets assumption, such as the general approach used, the extent to which the overall rate-of-return-on-assets assumption was based on historical returns, the extent to which adjustments were made to those historical returns in order to reflect expectations of future returns, and how those adjustments were determined.
    1. Disclosure of additional asset categories and additional information about specific assets within a category is encouraged if that information is expected to be useful in understanding the risks associated with each asset category and the overall expected long-term rate of return on assets.
  1. For defined benefit pension plans, the accumulated benefit obligation.
  1. The benefits (as of the date of the latest statement of financial position presented) expected to be paid in each of the next five fiscal years, and in the aggregate for the five fiscal years thereafter. The expected benefits should be estimated based on the same assumptions used to measure the company's benefit obligation at the end of the year and should include benefits attributable to estimated future employee service.
  1. The employer's best estimate, as soon as it can reasonably be determined, of contributions expected to be paid to the plan during the next fiscal year beginning after the date of the latest statement of financial position presented. Estimated contributions may be presented in the aggregate:
    1. Combining contributions required by funding regulations or laws,
    1. Discretionary contributions, and
    1. Noncash contributions.
  1. The amount of net periodic benefit cost recognized, the expected rate of return on plan assets for the period, the amortization of the unrecognized transition obligation or transition asset, the amount of recognized gains and losses, the amount of prior service cost recognized, and the amount of gain or loss recognized due to a settlement or curtailment.
  1. The amount included within comprehensive income (changes in net assets for not-for-profit organizations) for the period arising from a change in the additional minimum pension liability recognized pursuant to FASB ASC 715-35.
  1. On a weighted-average basis, the following assumptions used in the accounting for plans:
    1. Assumed discount rate.
    1. Rate of compensation increase (for pay-related plans).
    1. Expected long-term rate of return on plan assets specifying, in a tabular format, the assumptions used to determine the benefit obligation and the assumptions used to determine net benefit cost.
  1. The measurement date(s) used to determine pension and other postretirement benefit measurements for the pension plans and other postretirement benefit plans that make up at least the majority of plan assets and benefit obligations.
  1. The assumed health care cost trend rate(s) for the next year used to measure the expected cost of benefit covered by the plan (gross eligible charges) and a general description of the direction and pattern of change in the assumed trend rates thereafter, together with the ultimate trend rate(s) and when that rate is expected to be achieved.
  1. The effect of a one-percentage-point increase and the effect of a one-percentage-point decrease in the assumed health care cost trend rates on:
    1. The aggregate of the service and interest cost components of net periodic postretirement health care benefit cost, and
    1. The accumulated postretirement benefit obligation for health care benefits.
  1. (For purposes of this disclosure, all other assumptions are held constant, and the effects are measured based on the substantive plan that is the basis of accounting.)
  1. Where applicable, the amounts and types of securities of the employer and related parties included in plan assets, the approximate amount of future annual benefits of plan participants covered by insurance contracts issued by the employer or related parties, and any significant transactions between the employer or related parties and the plan during the period.
  1. Where applicable, any alternative amortization method used to amortize prior service amounts or unrecognized net gains and losses (pursuant to FASB ASC 715-30 and FASB ASC 715-60).
  1. Where applicable, any substantive commitment, such as past practice or a history or regular benefit increases, used as the basis for accounting for the benefit obligation.
  1. Where applicable, the cost of providing special or contractual termination benefits recognized during the period and a description of the nature of the event.
  1. An explanation of any significant change in the benefit obligation or plan assets not otherwise apparent in the other disclosures provided under FASB ASC 715-20.
  1. Are the following reduced disclosures provided by nonpublic entities? (FASB ASC 715-20-50)
    1. The benefit obligation, fair value of plan assets, and funded status of the plan.
    1. Employer contributions, participant contributions, and benefits paid.
    1. Information about plan assets
      1. For each major category of plan assets, which shall include, but is not limited to, equity securities, debt securities, real estate, and all other assets, the percentage of the fair value of total plan assets held as of the measurement date used for each statement of financial position presented.
      1. A narrative description of investment policies and strategies, including target allocation percentages or range of percentages for each major category of plan assets presented on a weighted-average basis as of the measurement date(s) of the latest statement of financial position presented, if applicable, and other factors that are pertinent to an understanding of the policies or strategies, such as investment goals, risk management practices, permitted and prohibited investments including the use of derivatives, diversification, and the relationship between plan assets and benefit obligations.
      1. A narrative description of the basis used to determine the overall expected long-term rate-of-return-on-assets assumption, such as the general approach used, the extent to which the overall rate-of-return-on-assets assumption was based on historical returns, the extent to which adjustments were made to those historical returns in order to reflect expectations of future returns, and how those adjustments were determined.
      1. Disclosure of additional asset categories and additional information about specific assets within a category is encouraged if that information is expected to be useful in understanding the risks associated with each asset category and the overall expected long-term rate of return on assets.
    1. For defined benefit pension plans, the accumulated benefit obligation.
    1. The benefits (as of the date of the latest statement of financial position presented) expected to be paid in each of the next five fiscal years, and in the aggregate for the five fiscal years thereafter. The expected benefits should be estimated based on the same assumptions used to measure the company's benefit obligation at the end of the year and should include benefits attributable to estimated future employee service.
    1. The employer's best estimate, as soon as it can reasonably be determined, of contributions expected to be paid to the plan during the next fiscal year beginning after the date of the latest statement of financial position presented. Estimated contributions may be presented in the aggregate combining (1) contributions required by funding regulations or laws, (2) discretionary contributions, and (3) noncash contributions.
    1. The amounts recognized in the statement of financial position, including the net pension and other postretirement benefit prepaid assets or accrued liabilities and any intangible asset and equivalent reported in the statement of activities pursuant to FASB ASC 715-30.
    1. The amount of net periodic benefit cost recognized and the amount recognized in the statement of activities arising from a change in the minimum pension liability recognized (pursuant to FASB ASC 715-30).
    1. On a weighted-average basis, the following assumptions used in the accounting for the plans: assumed discount rate, rate of compensation increase (for pay-related plans), and expected long-term rate of return on plan assets specifying, in a tabular format, the assumptions used to determine the benefit obligation and the assumptions used to determine net benefit cost.
    1. The measurement date(s) used to determine pension and other postretirement benefit measurements for the pension plans and other postretirement benefit plans that make up at least the majority of plan assets and benefit obligations.
    1. The assumed health care cost trend rate(s) for the next year used to measure the expected cost of benefits covered by the plan (gross eligible charges) and a general description of the direction and pattern of change in the assumed trend rates thereafter, together with the ultimate trend rate(s) and when that rate is expected to be achieved.
    1. Where applicable, the amounts and types of securities of the employer and related parties included in plan assets, the approximate amount of future annual benefits of plan participants covered by insurance contracts issued by the employer or related parties, and any significant transactions between the employer or related parties and the plan during the period.
    1. The nature and effect of significant nonroutine events, such as amendments, combinations, divestitures, curtailments, and settlements.
  1. Is the amount of cost recognized for defined contribution pension or other postretirement benefit plans during the period disclosed separately from the amount of cost recognized for defined benefit plans, including a description of the nature and effect of any significant changes during the period affecting comparability, such as a change in the rate of employer contributions? (FASB ASC 715-70-50)
  1. Is the amount of contributions to multiemployer plans during the period disclosed without disaggregating the amount attributable to pension and other postretirement benefits, but including a discussion of the nature and effect of any changes affecting comparability, such as a change in the rate of contributions? (FASB ASC 715-80-50)
  1. Has the following information been disclosed in the notes to its annual financial statements, separately for pension plans and other postretirement benefit plans?
    1. For each annual statement of activities presented, the net gain or loss and net prior service cost or credit recognized in the statement of activities apart from expenses. Those amounts shall be separated into amounts arising during the period and amounts reclassified as components of net periodic benefit cost of the period.
    1. For each annual statement of activities presented, the net transition asset or obligation recognized as a component of net periodic benefit cost of the period.
    1. For each annual statement of financial position presented, the amounts that have not yet been recognized as components of net periodic benefit cost, showing separately the net gain or loss, net period service cost or credit, and net transition asset or obligation.
    1. The amounts of net gain or loss, net prior service cost or credit, and net transition asset or obligation that arose previously and are expected to be recognized as components of net periodic benefit cost over the fiscal year that follows the most recent annual statement of financial position presented.
    1. The amount and timing of any plan assets expected to be returned to the not-for-profit employer during the 12-month period, or operating cycle if longer, that follows the most recent annual statement of financial position presented.
See Chapter 25 for additional disclosure requirements that will become effective for employers that participate in multiemployer pension and OPEB plans.
I. Related Entities (FASB ASC 958-810)
  1. Is the following information about for-profit subsidiaries and financially interrelated not-for-profit organizations disclosed?
    1. Where for-profit entities have been consolidated, are any applicable disclosures that would be required by FASB ASC 810-10 provided?
    1. Where for-profit entities are accounted for by the equity method, are any applicable disclosures that would be required by FASB ASC 323-10-50 provided, including the following?
      1. Identification of the for-profit entity and the percentage ownership held by the not-for-profit organization.
      1. Where an investee is 20% or more owned, but not accounted for under the equity method, the reasons why the equity method is not used should be disclosed. Where an entity is less than 20% owned, but is accounted for under the equity method, the reasons the equity method is used should be disclosed.
      1. The aggregate value of the investment based on the quoted price, when the quoted market price is available.
      1. Summarized information about the for-profit entity's assets, liabilities, and results of operations should be disclosed if equity method investments are, in the aggregate, material to the organization's financial position or changes in net assets.
    1. If a not-for-profit reporting organization controls a separate not-for-profit organization through a form other than majority ownership or voting interest and has an economic interest in that other organization, and consolidated financial statements are not presented, the notes to the financial statements of the reporting organization should include the following disclosures:
      1. Identification of the other organization and the nature of its relationship with the reporting organization that results in control.
      1. Summarized financial data of the other organization including:
        1. Total assets, liabilities, net assets, revenue, and expenses.
        1. Resources that are held for the benefit of the reporting organization or that are under its control.
      1. The related-party disclosures of FASB ASC 850-10-50 that are described above.
    1. If consolidated financial statements of financially interrelated not-for-profit organizations are presented, they should disclose any restrictions made by entities outside of the reporting entity on distributions from the controlled not-for-profit organization to the reporting organization and any resulting unavailability of the net assets of the controlled not-for-profit organization for use by the reporting organization.
  1. Are required disclosures provided for any mergers and acquisitions that occurred during the year? See Chapter 24 for disclosure requirements.
J. Risks and Uncertainties
  1. Is a description of the principal services/activities performed by the organization, including a description of each of its major classes of programs and the relative importance of each, and the revenue sources for the organization's services included in the financial statements? (FASB ASC 275-10-50 and 958-205-60)
  1. Is an explanation that the preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires the use of management's estimates included in the financial statements? (FASB ASC 275-10-50)
  1. Is disclosure regarding an estimate made when known information available prior to the issuance of the financial statements indicates that it is at least reasonably possible that a change in the estimate will have a material effect on the financial statements within one year and both the criteria in SOP 94-6, para 13, are met? (SOP FASB ASC 275-10-50)
  1. Is disclosure made of the concentrations (including concentrations of contributions from a particular donor or fundraising event; concentrations of sources of labor, material, or services; or geographical concentrations) if, based on information known to management prior to issuance of the financial statements, the criteria for disclosure are met? (FASB ASC 275-10-50)
K. Statement of Financial Position
  1. Does the statement of financial position or the notes to the financial statements of a not-for-profit organization include the following disclosures of FASB ASC 958-210?
    1. Total assets, liabilities, and net assets.
    1. Net assets by class.
    1. Assets and liabilities aggregated into reasonably homogeneous groups.
    1. Information about the various types of donor restrictions resulting in permanently restricted and temporarily restricted net assets (unless disclosed in the notes to financial statements).
    1. Liquidity of assets and liabilities either by sequencing assets and liabilities, or by presenting a classified statement.
    1. If a classified statement of financial position is presented, totals presented for current assets and current liabilities.
    1. Cash or other assets designated for long-term purposes or received with donor- imposed restrictions limiting their use to long-term purposes shown separately from similar assets available for current use. In addition, a separate line item should be presented on the statement called “Cash” or “Cash equivalents.”
    1. Significant categories of receivables presented separately, such as accounts receivable, contributions, grants, advance payments on purchases, and amounts due from affiliated organizations, employees, and directors. (FASB ASC 310-10-45)
  1. Do the notes to financial statements disclose the following information if it is not presented on the face of the statement?
    1. The liquidity of assets and liabilities.
    1. Information about the nature and amounts of different types of permanent or temporary net asset restrictions.
    1. Contractual limitations on the use of particular assets.
  1. Reclassifications or other changes that cause items for two or more periods to no longer be comparable should be disclosed. (FASB ASC 958-210)
  1. Organizations presenting summarized prior year financial information must describe the summarized nature of the presentation in a note to the financial statements.
  1. Has the not-for-profit organization disclosed the following?
    1. The nature and amounts of the different types of permanent restrictions and temporary restrictions (either presented on the face of the statement of financial position or in the notes to the financial statements).
    1. Significant limits on unrestricted net assets, such as:
      1. Limits in contracts with suppliers, creditors, or others.
      1. Limits resulting from loan covenants.
      1. Self-imposed limits, such as voluntary resolutions of the board of directors (optional).
L. Investments Other Than Derivatives
Is the following information related to investments disclosed? (FASB ASC 958-320-50)
  1. For the most recent statement of financial position presented:
    1. The nature and carrying value for each investment or group of investments that represents a significant concentration of market risk.
  1. For each statement of financial position presented:
    1. The aggregate carrying value of each major investment type.
    1. Mutual funds are not a “type” of investment for purposes of this disclosure. The disclosure must categorize mutual funds by their type (e.g., equity, bond, government, foreign, etc.).
    1. The basis for determining the carrying amount for investments other than debt securities and equity securities with readily determinable fair values.
    1. The methods and significant assumptions used to estimate fair values of investments other than financial instruments if those other investments are reported at fair value.
    1. If the fair value of assets for all donor-restricted endowment funds is less than the amounts required by donors or by law, the aggregate amount of the deficiencies.
  1. For each statement of activities presented: (FASB ASC 958-320-50)
    1. Information about the components of investment return, including investment income, net gains and losses on investments reported at fair value, and net realized gains and losses on investments reported at other than fair value.
    1. If investment return is separated into operating and nonoperating amounts, a reconciliation of investment return to amounts reported in the statement of activities.
    1. A description of the policy used to determine the amount of investment return included in the operating amount and, if applicable, the reason for any changes to that policy.
  1. The amount of investment expenses reported on the statement of activities as a reduction of investment income, gains, and losses. (FASB ASC 958-320-50)
  1. The policy for reporting restricted gains and investment income whose restrictions are met in the same reporting period if the organization chooses to show them as unrestricted support.
  1. For all investments in an unrealized loss position for which other-than-temporary impairments have not been recognized, has the following been disclosed?
    1. As of each date for which a statement of financial position is presented, quantitative information, aggregated by category of investment—each category of investment that the investor discloses in accordance with Statements—in tabular form:
      1. The aggregate amount of unrealized losses (that is, the amount by which cost or amortized cost exceeds fair value); and
      1. The aggregate related fair value of investments with unrealized losses.
    1. The disclosures in (1) and (2) above should be segregated by those investments that have been in a continuous unrealized loss position for less than 12 months and those that have been in a continuous unrealized loss position for 12 months or longer.
    1. As of the date of the most recent statement of financial position, additional information, in narrative form, that provides sufficient information to allow financial statement users to understand the quantitative disclosures and the information that the investor considered (both positive and negative) in reaching the conclusion that the impairments are not other than temporary. This disclosure could include:
      1. The nature of the investment(s).
      1. The cause(s) of the impairment(s).
      1. The number of investment positions that are in an unrealized loss position.
      1. The severity and duration of the impairment(s).
      1. Other evidence considered by the investor in reaching its conclusion that the investment is not other-than-temporarily impaired, including, for example, industry analyst reports, sector credit ratings, volatility of the security's fair value, and/or any other information that the investor considers relevant.
  1. For cost method investments, has the following been disclosed as of each date for which a statement of financial position is presented (when applicable)?
    1. The aggregate carrying amount of all cost method investments.
    1. The aggregate carrying amount of cost method investments that the investor did not evaluate for impairment.
    1. The fact that the fair value of a cost method investment is not estimated if there are no identified events or changes in circumstances that may have a significant adverse effect on the fair value of the investment, and
      1. The investor determined, in accordance with FASB ASC 825-10-50, that it is not practicable to estimate the fair value of the investment, or
      1. The investor is exempt from estimating fair value under FASB ASC 825-10-50.
  1. Has the following been disclosed regarding an organization's endowment funds? (FASB ASC 958-205-50)
    1. A description of the governing board's interpretation of the law(s) that underlies the organization's net asset classification of donor-restricted endowment funds.
    1. A description of the organization's policy(ies) for the appropriation of endowment assets for expenditure (its endowment spending policy(ies)).
    1. A description of the organization's endowment investment policies. The description shall include the organization's return objectives and risk parameters, how those objectives relate to the organization's endowment spending policy(ies), and the strategies employed for achieving those objectives.
    1. The composition of the organization's endowment by net asset class at the end of the period, in total and by type of endowment fund, showing donor-restricted endowment funds separately from board-designated endowment funds.
    1. A reconciliation of the beginning and ending balance of the organization's endowment, in total and by net asset class, including, at a minimum, the following line items (as applicable): investment return, separated into investment income (for example, interest, dividends, rents) and net appreciation or depreciation of investments; contributions; amounts appropriated for expenditure; reclassifications; and other changes.
  1. An organization also should provide information about the net assets of its endowment funds, including:
    1. The nature and types of permanent restrictions or temporary restrictions.
    1. The aggregate amount of the deficiencies for all donor-restricted endowment funds for which the fair value of the assets at the reporting date is less than the level required by donor stipulations or law.
  1. For organizations that have reported fair value measurements of investments in certain entities that calculated net asset value per share (or its equivalent) in accordance with FASB ASC 820-10-15-4 and 15-5, has the following been disclosed? (FASB ASC 820-10-50-6A)
    1. The fair value (as determined by applying paragraph 820-10-35-59 through 35-62) of the investments in the major category, and a description of the significant investment strategies of the investee(s) in the major category.
    1. For each major category of investment that includes investments that can never be redeemed with the investees, but the reporting entity receives distributions through the liquidation of the underlying assets of the investees, the reporting entity's estimate of the period of time over which the underlying assets are expected to be liquidated by the investees.
    1. The amount of the reporting entity's unfunded commitments related to investments in the major category.
    1. A general description of the terms and conditions upon which the investor may redeem investments in the major category (for example, quarterly redemption with 60 days’ notice).
    1. The circumstances in which an otherwise redeemable investment in the major category (or a portion thereof) might not be redeemable (for example, investments subject to a lockup or gate). Also, for those otherwise redeemable investments that are restricted from redemption as of the reporting entity's measurement date, the reporting entity shall disclose its estimate of when the restriction from redemption might lapse. If an estimate cannot be made, the reporting entity shall disclose that fact and how long the restriction has been in effect.
    1. Any other significant restriction on the ability to sell investments in the major category at the measurement date.
    1. If a reporting entity determines that it is probable that it will sell an investment(s) for an amount different from net asset value per share (or its equivalent) as described in paragraph 820-10-35-62, the reporting entity shall disclose the total fair value of all investments that meet the criteria in paragraph 820-10-35-62 and any remaining actions required to complete the sale.
    1. If a group of investments would otherwise meet the criteria in paragraph 820-10-35-62 but the individual investments to be sold have not been identified (for example, if a reporting entity decides to sell 20 percent of its investments in private equity funds but the individual investments to be sold have not been identified), so the investments continue to qualify for the practical expedient in paragraph 820-10-35-59, the reporting entity shall disclose its plans to sell and any remaining actions required to complete the sale(s).
M. Inventories
  1. Does the organization include the following disclosures about inventories in its financial statements? (FASB ASC 330-10-50)
    1. Basis for stating inventories.
    1. Method of determining costs (e.g., average cost).
    1. Unusual losses resulting from lower of cost or market adjustments or losses on firm purchase commitments (if material, the losses should be disclosed separately from cost of goods sold in the statement of activities).
N. Long-Lived Assets and Depreciation
  1. Do the financial statements include the following disclosures about long-lived assets and depreciation?
    1. Description of the organization's capitalization policy, including basis of valuation.
    1. Balances of major classes of depreciable assets for each period presented.
    1. Depreciation expense for each period presented and accumulated depreciation as of the end of each period presented.
    1. Description of the methods used to compute depreciation on each major class of depreciable assets and range of estimated lives of the assets.
    1. Donor-restricted assets that are to be used to invest in property and equipment.
    1. Property and equipment not recorded on the statement of financial position because its title is held by grantors, although the asset is used by the not-for-profit organization. Property and equipment acquired with restricted assets and whose title may revert to a third party should also be disclosed.
    1. Property and equipment pledged as collateral or subject to a lien.
    1. Donor-imposed or legal restrictions on the use of property and equipment or the proceeds from the disposition of property and equipment should be described in the footnotes.
    1. Amounts capitalized for works of art, historical treasures, and similar items that do not meet the definition of a collection.
  1. If an impairment loss is recognized in the statement of activities, are the following disclosures included in the notes to the financial statements? (FASB ASC 360-10-50)
    1. Description of the impaired asset or asset group and the situation surrounding the impairment.
    1. Amount of impairment loss and the methods used to determine fair value.
    1. When more than one impairment loss is not reported separately or parenthetically, the caption where the losses are aggregated.
    1. The business segment affected, if applicable.
  1. Are disclosures to be made in the case of assets to be disposed of provided as follows? (FASB ASC 410-20-50)
    1. A description of the facts and circumstances leading to the expected disposal, the expected manner and timing of that disposal, and, if not separately presented on the face of the statement, the carrying amount(s) of the major classes of assets and liabilities included as part of a disposal group.
    1. The gain or loss recognized and if not separately presented on the face of the income statement, the caption in the statement of activities that includes that gain or loss.
    1. If applicable, amounts of revenue and pretax profit or loss reported in discontinued operations.
    1. If applicable, the segment in which the long-lived asset (disposal group) is reported.
  1. Is the following information disclosed about asset retirement obligations? (FASB ASC 410-20-50)
    1. A general description of the asset retirement obligations and the associated long-lived assets.
    1. The fair value of assets that are legally restricted for purposes of settling asset retirement obligations.
    1. A reconciliation of the beginning and ending aggregate carrying amount of asset retirement obligations showing separately the changes attributable to (1) liabilities incurred in the current period, (2) liabilities settled in the current period, (3) accretion expense, and (4) revisions in estimated cash flows, whenever there is a significant change in one or more of those four components during the reporting period.
    1. If the fair value of an asset retirement obligation cannot be reasonably estimated, that fact and the reasons therefor shall be disclosed.
O. Intangible Assets (FASB ASC 350-30-50)
  1. Are the following disclosures about intangible assets provided?
    1. The period and method of amortization.
    1. The following information should be disclosed for an impaired intangible asset:
      1. A description of the impaired intangible asset and the circumstances surrounding its impairment.
      1. The amount of the impairment loss reported in the statement of activities and the method for determining fair value.
  1. For intangible assets acquired either individually or with a group of assets, the following information shall be disclosed in the notes to the financial statement in the period of acquisition:
    1. For intangible assets subject to amortization:
      1. The total amount assigned and the amount assigned to any major intangible asset class.
      1. The amount of any significant residual value, in total and by major intangible asset class.
      1. The weighted-average amortization period, in total and by major intangible asset class.
    1. For intangible assets not subject to amortization, the total amount assigned and the amount assigned to any major intangible asset class.
    1. The amount of research and development assets acquired and written off in the period and the line item in the income statement in which the amounts written off are aggregated.
  1. The following information shall be disclosed in the financial statement or the notes to the financial statements for each period for which a statement of financial position is presented:
    1. For intangible assets subject to amortization:
      1. The gross carrying amount and accumulated amortization, in total and by major intangible asset class.
      1. The aggregate amortization expense for the period.
      1. The estimated aggregate amortization expense for each of the five succeeding fiscal years.
    1. For intangible assets not subject to amortization, the total carrying amount and the carrying amount for each major intangible asset class.
    1. The changes in the carrying amount of goodwill during the period including:
      1. The aggregate amount of goodwill acquired.
      1. The aggregate amount of impairment losses recognized.
      1. The amount of goodwill included in the gain or loss on disposal of all or a portion of a reporting unit.
  1. For each impairment loss recognized related to an intangible asset, the following information shall be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements that include the period in which the impairment loss is recognized:
    1. A description of the impaired intangible asset and the facts and circumstances leading to impairment.
    1. The amount of the impairment loss and the method for determining fair value.
    1. The caption in the income statement or the statement of activities in which the impairment loss is aggregated.
    1. If applicable, the segment in which the impaired intangible asset is reported.
  1. For each goodwill impairment loss recognized, the following information shall be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements that include the period in which the impairment loss is recognized:
    1. A description of the facts and circumstances leading to impairment.
    1. The amount of the impairment loss and the method of determining the fair value of the associated reporting unit (whether based on quoted market prices, prices of comparable businesses, a present value or other valuation technique, or a combination thereof).
    1. If a recognized impairment loss is an estimate that has not yet been finalized (refer to paragraph 22), that fact and the reasons therefor and, in subsequent periods, the nature and amount of any significant adjustments made to the initial estimate of the impairment loss.
P. Collections
  1. Is the not-for-profit organization's accounting policy for recognizing contributions of collection items described and, if applicable, its definition of direct care?
  1. Are the additional disclosures that are required when collections are not capitalized or are capitalized prospectively after the adoption of FASB ASC 958-360-50 provided? The following additional disclosures should be provided: (FASB ASC 958-360-50)
    1. Description of the collections, including their relative significance to the organization, and the organization's accounting and stewardship policies for collections.
    1. If collection items not capitalized have become no longer accessible during the period:
      1. Description of the items given away, damaged, destroyed, lost, or otherwise deaccessed during the period, or
      1. The fair value of such items.
Q. Pledges and Other Receivables
  1. Are accounts and notes receivable due from officers, employees, and affiliated organizations shown separately with appropriate disclosures? (FASB ASC 310-10-45-13)
  1. If a note is noninterest-bearing or has an inappropriate stated interest rate:
    1. Is the discount or premium presented as a deduction from or addition to the face amount of the note?
    1. Does the disclosure include the effective interest rate and face amount of the note?
    1. Is amortization of discount or premium reported as interest in the statement of activity? (FASB ASC 835-30-45)
  1. Are valuation allowances for receivables shown as a deduction from the related receivable? (FASB ASC 310-10)
  1. Do organizations that receive unconditional promises to give disclose the following?
    1. The amounts of promises receivable in less than one year, in one to five years, and in more than five years.
    1. The face amount of contributions promised to the organization.
    1. The amount of any allowance for uncollectible promises receivable.
    1. Unamortized discount.
    1. Amounts pledged as collateral or otherwise limited as to use. (FASB ASC 958-310-50)
  1. Do organizations that receive conditional promises to give disclose the following?
    1. The total of the amounts promised.
    1. A description and amount for each group of promises having similar characteristics (such as promises conditioned on establishing new programs, completing a new building, and raising matching gifts by a specified date). (FASB ASC 958-310-50)
  1. If receivables are sold with recourse:
    1. Is the amount of the recourse obligation computed reported as a liability? Or
    1. If it is not practicable to estimate the fair value of the recourse obligation incurred, is a description of the recourse agreement and the reasons why it is not practicable to estimate the fair value of the obligation disclosed?
  1. If an impairment of a loan has been recognized, have the following disclosures been made, where applicable?
    1. The total recorded investment in the impaired loans, the amount of impaired loans for which there is a related allowance for credit losses and the amount of that allowance, and the amount of impaired loans for which there is no related allowance for credit losses.
    1. The policy for recognizing interest income on impaired loans.
    1. The average recorded investment in impaired loans, the related amount of interest income recognized for the time that the loan was impaired within the period, and, if practicable, the amount of interest income recognized using a cash basis method of accounting during the time that the loan was impaired within the period. (FASB ASC 310-10-50)
  1. For contracts with customers for which the entity has implemented the requirements of ASU 2014-09, the entity should disclose sufficient information to enable users of financial statements to understand the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers. Qualitative and quantitative information is required about:
    1. Contracts with customers—including revenue and impairments recognized, disaggregation of revenue, and information about contract balances and performance obligations (including the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations).
    1. Significant judgments and changes in judgments—determining the timing of satisfaction of performance obligations (over time or at a point in time), and determining the transaction price and amounts allocated to performance obligations.
    1. Assets recognized from the costs to obtain or fulfill a contract.
R. Debt-Related Disclosures
  1. Is there disclosure of interest rates, maturities, and other terms and conditions, including assets pledged as collateral, of loan agreements, bond indentures, and any special borrowing agreements?
  1. If a note is noninterest-bearing or does not have an inappropriate stated interest rate, are the following disclosures provided?
    1. The discount or premium presented as a deduction from or addition to the face amount of the note.
    1. The effective interest rate and face amount of the note.
  1. If a short-term obligation is classified as a long-term borrowing, do disclosures include the following?
    1. A general description of the financing agreement.
    1. Terms of any new obligation incurred or expected to be incurred, as a result of the refinancing. (FASB ASC 470-10)
  1. If debt was considered to be extinguished by in-substance defeasance prior to the effective date of SFAS 125, is a general description of the transaction and the amount of debt that is considered extinguished at the end of the period disclosed so long as the debt remains outstanding? (FASB ASC 860-30-50)
  1. If assets are set aside after December 31, 1996, solely for satisfying scheduled payments on a specific obligation, is a description of the nature of the contractual restrictions placed on those assets disclosed? (FASB ASC 860-30-50)
  1. If a troubled debt restructuring occurred during the period, have the following disclosures been made?
    1. A description of the principal changes in terms, the major features of settlement, or both.
    1. The aggregate gain on restructuring of payables.
    1. The aggregate gain or loss on assets transferred to a creditor to settle a debt. (FASB ASC 470-60-50)
  1. For periods after a troubled debt restructuring, have the following disclosures been made?
    1. The extent to which amounts contingently payable are included in the liability for the restructured payables.
    1. Total amounts contingently payable and the conditions under which those amounts would become payable or be forgiven. (This disclosure is required if it is reasonably possible that a liability for contingent payments will be incurred.)
  1. For periods in which an exit or disposal activity is initiated and any subsequent period until the activity is completed, the following disclosures should be made: (FASB ASC 420-10-50)
    1. A description of the exit or disposal activity, including the facts and circumstances leading to the expected activity and the expected completion date.
    1. For each major type of cost associated with the activity (for example, one-time termination benefits, contract termination costs, and other associated costs):
      1. The total amount expected to be incurred in connection with the activity, the amount incurred in the period, and the cumulative amount incurred to date;
      1. A reconciliation of the beginning and ending liability balances showing separately the changes during the period attributable to costs incurred and charged to expense, costs paid or otherwise settled, and any adjustments to the liability with an explanation of the reason(s) therefor.
    1. The line item(s) in the statement of activities in which the costs in (b) above are aggregated.
    1. For each reportable segment, the total amount of costs expected to be incurred in connection with the activity, the amount incurred in the period, and the cumulative amount incurred to date, net of any adjustments to the liability with an explanation of the reason(s) therefor.
    1. If a liability for a cost associated with the activity is not recognized because fair value cannot be reasonably estimated, that fact and the reasons therefor.
S. Statement of Activities
  1. Are the following disclosures made in the statement of activities?
    1. The amount of unrestricted revenue by major category.
    1. The amount of unrestricted support by major source.
    1. The amount of current restricted revenue and support by major source.
    1. The amount of gifts and other income restricted by nonexpendable purposes.
    1. The change in net assets by class and in total.
  1. Is the following information disclosed in the financial statements or related notes?
    1. The amount of interest cost incurred and charged to expense during the period.
    1. The amount of interest cost capitalized during the period, if any.
    1. The amount of advertising costs for the period.
T. Contributions
  1. Has the organization disclosed the following in its notes to the financial statements?
    1. The accounting policy that the organization follows regarding implied time restrictions on the use of contributed long-lived assets (and cash contributed for purchases of long-lived assets) when donors do not place stipulations about how long the assets must be used. (FASB ASC 958-360-50)
    1. The accounting policy that the organization follows regarding classification of donor-restricted contributions as unrestricted if the restrictions are met in the same reporting period in which the contributions are received. (FASB ASC 958-360-50)
    1. For not-for-profit organizations that are the recipients of unconditional promises to give:
      1. The amounts of promises receivable in less than one year, in one to five years, and in more than five years.
      1. The amount of the allowance for uncollectible promises receivable. (FASB ASC 958-360-50)
  1. Not-for-profit organizations that are the recipients of conditional promises to give should disclose:
    1. The total of the amounts promised.
    1. A description and amount of each group of promises having similar characteristics, such as amounts of promises conditioned on establishing new programs, completing a new building, and raising matching gifts by a specified date. (FASB ASC 310-50)
  1. Has the following information about contributed services been disclosed? (FASB ASC 958-605-50)
    1. A description of the program or activities for which contributed services were used.
    1. A description of the nature and extent of contributed services received during the period.
    1. The amount recognized as revenues during the period.
    1. Not-for-profit organizations are encouraged to disclose the fair value of services received but not recognized as revenues, if it is practicable.
  1. Have the following financial statement presentations for split-interest agreements been made? (NFP Audit Guide, para 6.15)
    1. Assets and liabilities that result from split-interest agreements disclosed separately from other assets and liabilities in the statement of financial position or in the related notes.
    1. Contribution revenue and changes in the value of split-interest agreements recognized under such agreements disclosed as separate line items in the statement of activities or in the related notes.
  1. Are the following disclosed in the notes to the financial statements?
    1. General terms of current split-interest agreements.
    1. The basis used by the organization for recognized assets.
    1. Actuarial assumptions used in calculating present values.
  1. If the not-for-profit organization transfers assets to a recipient organization and specifies itself or its affiliate as the beneficiary, has the following been disclosed? (FASB ASC 958-605-50)
    1. The identity of the recipient organization to which the transfer was made.
    1. Whether variance power was granted to the recipient organization and, if so, a description of the terms of the variance power.
    1. The terms under which amounts will be distributed to the resource provider or its affiliate.
    1. The aggregate amount recognized in the statement of financial position for those transfers and whether the amount is recorded as an interest in the net assets of the recipient organization or as another asset.
U. Functional Reporting
  1. Has the not-for-profit organization disclosed the following information related to functional reporting? (FASB ASC 758-720-45)
    1. A description of the nature of the organization's activities, including a description of each of its major programs, either on the statement of activities or in the notes to financial statements.
    1. Expenses reported by functional classifications either on the face of the statement of activities or in the notes to financial statements. (FASB ASC 958-720-45)
    1. If the components of total program expenses are not evident from the captions used on the face of the statement of activities, total program expenses and information about why the amount disclosed does not agree with that reflected on the statement of activities.
    1. Payments to affiliated organizations that cannot be allocated to functional expense classifications reported as a separate support service line item on the statement of activities captioned “Unallocated Payments to Affiliated Organizations.”
  1. Voluntary health and welfare organizations must provide a statement of functional expenses presented as a basic financial statement showing the nature of the expenses and costs incurred in each functional category, and information in enough detail for a reader to obtain a general understanding of the organization. (FASB ASC 958-720-45)
  1. Has the not-for-profit organization disclosed the following related to fundraising?
    1. Total fundraising expenses.
    1. If joint costs of informational materials and activities that include fundraising appeals are incurred, has disclosure been made of the type of activities for which joint costs have been allocated, that such costs have been allocated, the total amount allocated during the period, and the portion allocated to each functional expense category?
V. Cash Flows
  1. Not-for-profit organizations are encouraged to use the “direct” method of presentation.
  1. Have the following disclosures been made related to the statement of cash flows? (FASB ASC 230-10-45)
    1. The accounting policy for determining which items are treated as cash and cash equivalents should be disclosed and should exclude cash equivalents purchased with contributions restricted to long-term investment. Descriptive terms such as cash or cash equivalents should be used rather than terms such as funds.
    1. The net effect of cash flows and cash equivalents during the period should be shown in a manner that would enable the financial statement reader to reconcile beginning and ending cash and cash.
    1. Cash receipts and cash payments must be classified as operating, investing, and financing activities. Cash inflows and outflows from investing and financing activities should be reported separately.
    1. Investing and financing cash flows should be shown gross, not net.
    1. The total amount of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning and end of the period shown in the statement of cash flows should be the same (or easily reconcilable) as similarly titled line items or subtotals in the statement of financial position.
    1. A reconciliation of the change in net assets and net cash flows from operating activities that reports all major classes of reconciling items separately, including, at a minimum, changes during the period in receivables and payables pertaining to operating activities and in inventory, should be presented.
    1. Items reconciling the change in net assets to net cash flows from operating activities should include separately all major classes of operating items, including, at a minimum, changes in receivables and payables related to operating activities and changes in inventory. A separate reconciliation may be presented either in the statement itself or in a separate schedule when the indirect method is used.
    1. The following classes of operating cash receipts and payments should be shown separately when using the direct method:
      1. Cash collected from customers, service recipients, grants, and contributions. They should not include cash collected from donors for donor-restricted for long-term purposes.
      1. Interest and dividends received that are not donor-restricted for long-term purposes.
      1. Cash paid to employees, suppliers, and other contractors, vendors, or grantees for programmatic purposes.
      1. Other operating cash receipts and cash payments.
      1. Interest and income taxes (where applicable) paid.
    1. Noncash investing and financing transactions should be disclosed either in narrative form or summarized in a schedule. (FASB ASC 230-10-50)
    1. If the indirect method of reporting cash flows from operating activities is used, the amounts of interest paid (net of any amounts of interest that have been capitalized) and unrelated business income taxes or excise taxes (where applicable) paid during the period should be disclosed. (FASB ASC 230-10-45)
W. Financial Instruments
  1. Do disclosures of all significant concentrations of credit risk arising from all financial instruments, whether from an individual counterparty or group of counterparties (except for certain insurance and investment contracts, purchase and pension obligations), include the following?
    1. Information about the (shared) activity, region, or economic characteristic that identifies the concentration.
    1. The maximum amount of loss due to credit risk that, based on the gross fair value of the financial instrument, the entity would incur if parties failed completely to perform according to the terms of the contracts and the collateral or other security, if any, for the amount due proved to be of no value to the organization.
    1. The organization's policy of requiring collateral or other security to support financial instruments subject to credit risk, information about the organization's access to that collateral or other security, and the nature and a brief description of the collateral or other security supporting those financial instruments.
    1. The organization's policy of entering into master netting arrangements to mitigate the credit risk of financial instruments, information about the arrangements for which the entity is a party, and a brief description of the terms of those arrangements, including the extent to which they would reduce the organization's maximum amount of loss due to credit risk.
SFAS 126 made disclosures about the fair value of financial instruments required by FASB ASC 825-10-50 optional for an entity that meets all of the following criteria:
    1. The entity is a nonpublic company.
    2. The entity's total assets are less than $100 million on the date of the financial statements.
    3. The organization has no instrument that, in whole or in part, is accounted for as a derivative instrument under FASB ASC 815 during the reporting period.

Entities meeting this exemption are not required to disclose items 2 and 3.

  1. Is the fair value of financial instrument for which it is practicable to estimate that value disclosed, together with the related carrying amount, in a form that makes it clear whether the fair value and carrying amount represent assets or liabilities and how the carrying amount relates to what is reported in the statement of financial position? (FASB ASC 825-10-50)
  1. Has the entity disclosed the methods and significant assumptions used to estimate the fair value of financial instruments?
X. Derivatives (Chapter 29 includes the additional disclosure requirements for derivative instruments required by FASB ASC 815.)
  1. Are derivative instruments that are within the scope of SFAS 133 accounted for as assets or liabilities in the statement of financial position and measured at their fair values? (FASB ASC 310-10-15; 815-10)
  1. Are gains and losses included in the change in net assets for the following?
    1. Derivative instruments that are not designated as a hedging instrument, and derivative instruments that are designated as cash flow hedges. (FASB ASC 815-25)
    1. Derivative instruments designated and qualifying as a fair value hedge, along with the offsetting loss or gain on the hedged item and the effects of hedge ineffectiveness. (FASB ASC 815-25)
  1. Are gains and losses on derivative instruments or nonderivative financial instruments that are designated and qualifying as hedges of a foreign currency exposure of a net investment in a foreign operation accounted for in the same manner as a translation adjustment? (FASB ASC 815-25)
  1. Does the organization disclose the following information about derivative instruments it holds or issues? (FASB ASC 815-10-50)
    1. Its objectives for holding or issuing those instruments.
    1. The context necessary to understand those objectives.
    1. Its strategies for achieving those objectives.
  1. Do the disclosures described in item 7 distinguish between instruments designated as (a) fair value hedging instruments, (b) cash flow hedging instruments, (c) hedges of foreign currency exposure of net investments in foreign operations, and (d) all other derivatives and describe the following? (FASB ASC 815-10-50)
    1. The organization's risk management policy for each of the types of hedges.
    1. A description of the items or transactions for which risks are hedged.
  1. For derivative instruments not designated as hedging instruments, does the organization describe the purpose of holding or issuing the derivatives? (FASB ASC 815-10-50)
  1. Did the organization consider providing additional qualitative disclosures about its overall risk management profile? (FASB ASC 815-10-50)
  1. Is the following information about fair value hedges disclosed? (FASB ASC 815-10-45)
    1. The net gain or loss recognized in the change in net assets for the sum of (1) the amount of the hedge's ineffectiveness, and (2) the component of the derivative instrument's gain or loss, if any, excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness.
    1. A description of where the net gain or loss is reported in the statement of activities.
    1. The amount of net gain or loss recognized in earnings when a hedged firm commitment no longer qualifies as a fair value hedge.
  1. Is the following information about hedges of the net investment in a foreign operation disclosed?
    1. The net amount of gains or losses included in the cumulative translation adjustment during the reporting period.
  1. For financial instruments and derivative financial instruments that are offset or subject to a master netting arrangement, are the following disclosed? (ASU 2011-11; FASB ASC 210-20-50)
    1. An entity shall disclose at the end of the reporting period the following quantitative information separately for assets and liabilities that are within the scope of paragraph 210-20-50-1:
      1. The gross amounts of those recognized assets and those recognized liabilities.
      1. The amounts offset in accordance with the guidance in Sections 210-20-45 and 815-10-45 to determine the net amounts presented in the statement of financial position.
      1. The net amounts presented in the statement of financial position.
      1. The amounts subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement not otherwise included in (2):
        1. The amounts related to recognized financial instruments and other derivative instruments that either:
          1. Management makes an accounting policy election not to offset; or
          1. Do not meet some or all of the guidance in either Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45.
    1. The amounts related to financial collateral (including cash collateral).
      1. The net amount after deducting the amounts in (d) from the amounts in (c).
    1. The information required by the preceding paragraph should be presented in a tabular format, separately for assets and liabilities, unless another format is more appropriate. The total amount disclosed in accordance with paragraph 210-20-50-3(d) for an instrument should not exceed the amount disclosed in accordance with paragraph 210-20-50-3(c) for that instrument.
    1. An entity shall provide a description of the rights of setoff associated with an entity's recognized assets and recognized liabilities subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement disclosed in accordance with paragraph 210-20-50-3(d), including the nature of those rights.
    1. If the information required in this section is disclosed in more than a single note to the financial statements, an entity shall cross-reference between those notes.
Y. Income Taxes (including excise tax on net investment income of private foundations, and compliance with state charitable solicitation laws)
  1. Is information about the organization's tax status disclosed, such as the Internal Revenue Code section under which it is exempt?
    1. If the organization is exempt under Section 501(c)(3), is its private foundation status disclosed?
  1. Disclose the amount of income tax expense and the nature of the activities giving rise to the tax.
  1. If there are timing differences between “book” and taxable income (e.g., unrealized gains/losses on investments held by a private foundation), have the disclosures regarding deferred taxes required by FASB ASC 740-10 been made?
  1. Has disclosure been made regarding any contingencies related to income tax status, for example, possible monetary penalties or loss of exempt status resulting from the following?
    1. Excessive unrelated business income.
    1. Failure to file required reports (including state).
    1. Private inurement or benefit.
    1. Excessive lobbying or political activities.
    1. Private foundation
      1. Self-dealing.
      1. Failure to make minimum distributions.
      1. Jeopardy investments or excess business holdings.
      1. Prohibited expenditures.
    1. Noncompliance with rules related to provision to donors of information relating to charitable deductions.
    1. Noncompliance with rules regarding public availability of information returns.
    1. Violation of state or local laws relating to charitable solicitations.
    1. Activities inconsistent with its exempt status.
Z. Fair Value Measurements
  1. For assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis in periods subsequent to initial recognition, has the following information for each interim and annual period (except as otherwise specified) separately for each class of assets and liabilities been disclosed? (FASB ASC 820-10-50)
    1. The fair value measurements at the reporting date.
    1. The level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements in their entirety fall, segregating fair value measurements using quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1), significant other observable inputs (Level 2), and significant unobservable inputs (Level 3).
    1. For fair value measurements using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3), a reconciliation of the beginning and ending balances, separately presenting changes during the period attributable to the following:
      1. Total gains or losses for the period (realized and unrealized), segregating those gains or losses included in earnings (or changes in net assets), and a description of where those gains or losses included in earnings (or changes in net assets) are reported in the statement of income (or activities).
      1. Purchases, sales, issuances, and settlements (gross).
      1. Transfers in and/or out of Level 3 (for example, transfers due to changes in the observability of significant inputs).
    1. The amount of the total gains or losses for the period in subparagraph c.(1) above included in earnings (or changes in net assets) that are attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to those assets and liabilities still held at the reporting date and a description of where those unrealized gains or losses are reported in the statement of income (or activities).
    1. Disclosures about inputs and valuation techniques. A reporting entity should provide disclosures about the valuation techniques and inputs used to measure fair value for both recurring and nonrecurring fair value measurements. These disclosures are required for fair value measurements that fall in either Level 2 or Level 3 and include a description of the valuation technique (or multiple valuation techniques) used, such as the market approach, income approach, or the cost approach, and the inputs used in determining the fair values of each class of assets or liabilities. If there has been a change in the valuation technique(s) (for example, changing from a market approach to an income approach or the use of an additional valuation technique), the reporting entity shall disclose that change and the reason for making it.
  1. For assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis in periods subsequent to initial recognition (for example, impaired assets), has the following information for each interim and annual period (except as otherwise specified) separately for each class of assets and liabilities been disclosed? (FASB ASC 820-10-50)
    1. The fair value measurements recorded during the period and the reasons for the measurements.
    1. The level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements in their entirety fall, segregating fair value measurements using quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1), significant other observable inputs (Level 2), and significant unobservable inputs (Level 3).
    1. For fair value measurements using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3), a description of the inputs and the information used to develop the inputs.
    1. In annual periods only, the valuation techniques(s) used to measure fair value and a discussion of changes, if any, in the valuation techniques(s) used to measure similar assets and/or liabilities in prior periods.
    1. Disclosures about inputs and valuation techniques. A reporting entity should provide disclosures about the valuation techniques and inputs used to measure fair value for both recurring and nonrecurring fair value measurements. These disclosures are required for fair value measurements that fall in either Level 2 or Level 3 and include a description of the valuation technique (or multiple valuation techniques) used, such as the market approach, income approach, or the cost approach, and the inputs used in determining the fair values of each class of assets or liabilities. If there has been a change in the valuation technique(s) (for example, changing from a market approach to an income approach or the use of an additional valuation technique), the reporting entity shall disclose that change and the reason for making it.
The quantitative disclosures required by FASB ASC 820-10-50 should be presented using a tabular format.
The reporting entity is encouraged, but not required, to combine the fair value information disclosed under this Statement with the fair value information disclosed under other accounting pronouncements in the periods in which those disclosures are required, if practicable. The reporting entity also is encouraged, but not required, to disclose information about other similar measurements, if practicable. (FASB ASC 820-10-50)
The following disclosures are required by FASB ASC 820-10-50 for items measured at fair value under the option in this Statement.
  1. As of each date for which a statement of financial position is presented, has the following been disclosed?
    1. Management's reasons for electing a fair value option for each eligible item or group of similar eligible items.
    1. If the fair value option is elected for some but not all eligible items within a group of similar eligible items:
      1. A description of those similar items and the reasons for partial election.
      1. Information to enable users to understand how the group of similar items relates to individual line items on the statement of financial position.
    1. For each line item in the statement of financial position that includes an item or items for which the fair value option has been elected:
      1. Information to enable users to understand how each line item in the statement of financial position relates to major categories of assets and liabilities presented.
      1. The aggregate carrying amount of items included in each line item in the statement of financial position that are not eligible for the fair value option, if any.
    1. The difference between the aggregate fair value and the aggregate unpaid principal balance of:
      1. Loans and long-term receivables (FASB ASC 320-10-15) that have contractual principal amounts and for which the fair value option has been elected.
      1. Long-term debt instruments that have contractual principal amounts and for which the fair value option has been elected.
    1. For loans held as assets for which the fair value option has been elected:
      1. The aggregate fair value of loans that are 90 days or more past due.
      1. If the entity's policy is to recognize interest income separately from other changes in fair value, the aggregate fair value of loans in nonaccrual status.
      1. The difference between the aggregate fair value and the aggregate unpaid principal balance for loans that are 90 days or more past due, in nonaccrual status, or both.
    1. For investments that would have been accounted for under the equity method if the entity had not chosen to apply the fair value option, the information required by FASB ASC 323-1, The Equity Method of Accounting for Investments in Common Stock.
  1. For each period for which an income statement is presented, has the following about items for which the fair value option has been elected been disclosed? (FASB ASC 825-10-50)
    1. For each line item in the statement of financial position, the amounts of gains and losses from fair value changes included in earnings during the period and in which line in the income statement those gains and losses are reported. (An entity is not precluded from meeting this requirement by disclosing amounts of gains and losses that include amounts of gains and losses for other items measured at fair value, such as items required to be measured at fair value.)
    1. A description of how interest and dividends are measured and where they are reported in the income statement.
    1. For loans and other receivables held as assets:
      1. The estimated amount of gains or losses included in earnings during the period attributable to changes in instrument-specific credit risk.
      1. How the gains or losses attributable to changes in instrument-specific credit risk were determined.
    1. For liabilities with fair values that have been significantly affected during the reporting period by changes in the instrument-specific credit risk:
      1. The estimated amount of gains and losses from fair value changes included in earnings that are attributable to changes in the instrument-specific credit risk.
      1. Qualitative information about the reasons for those changes.
      1. How the gains and losses attributable to changes in instrument-specific credit risk were determined.
The disclosure requirements in FASB ASC 825-10-50 do not eliminate disclosure requirements included in other GAAP pronouncements, including other disclosure requirements relating to fair value measurement.
  1. In annual periods only, have the methods and significant assumptions used to estimate the fair value of items for which the fair value option has been elected been disclosed?
  1. If an entity elects the fair value option at the time one of the events in FASB ASC 825-10-25 occurs, has the following been disclosed in financial statements for the period of the election?
    1. Qualitative information about the nature of the event.
    1. Quantitative information by line item in the statement of financial position indicating which line items in the income statement include the effect on earnings of initially electing the fair value option for an item.
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