
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, “t” indicate tables and “b” indicate boxes.
“ACMru” Registry key, 8, 14, 162f, 163
Admin cleanup, 139b
Adobe Reader, 158–159
Advanced persistent threats (APT), 51
AmCache hive, 123
“a00001ds” key contents, 126f
files key, 127–128
files value data, 128f
hashing tool, 126
primary interest, 124
ProgramID key contents, 127f
SHA-1 hash, 126b
Volume GUID key contents, 125f
on Windows 8, 129b
AmCache.hve, 20b Python script, 51
Antivirus (AV), 146
“AppCompatCache” data, 46, 88–89
AppCompatFlags key, 119–121
AppInit_DLLs value, 114
Applets, 137–139
user’s applets key, 138f
Application compatibility assistant, 147–148
Application programming interface (API), 18–19, 153
Artifact categories, 62–63
Audio devices, 123
Audit policy
via Local Security Settings, 66f
on Windows 7 Ultimate system, 68f
auditpol.exe, 66
“auto_rip”, 188–189
AutoRuns, 49b, 62
Autorunsc.exe, 49b
AutoStart, 81
“legacy” Run keys, 136–137
new values correlation, 134b–135b
Run key, 134–136
RunOnce key, 136
temporal proximity, 136b
software hive, 109
AppCompatFlags key, 119–121
AppInit_DLLs value, 114
BHOs, 117
Image File Execution Options key, 111–113
Notify key, 110–111
Run key, 109–110
Scheduled Tasks, 118–119, 119f
shell extensions, 114–117
Windows Services, 81–87
BagMRU key, 170
Batch file, 55, 113
Big data, 46
Binary Foray, 28b
Browser Helper Objects (BHOs), 109, 117
Cain & Abel, 74–75
Cain.exe, 146
CentralProfile value, 102–103
Class identifier (CLSID), 145
ClearPagefileAtShutdown, 77–78
ComDlg32 key, 153
historical data, 156b
LastVisitedMRU, 155, 156f
MS Paint, 155f
OpenSaveMRU, 153–154
OpenSavePidMRU, 154–156
Windows Vista, 154f
Comma-separated values (CSV), 185
Command line interface (CLI), 172b
Command line tools, 140b–141b
Core analysis concepts, 4
Locard’s exchange principle, 4–6
Current-ControlSet key, 75–77
“Cut-and-paste” approach, 185–186
CWDIllegalInDllSearch values, 112b
Data sources, 159b
Data structures, 33b
DateCreated values, 107
DateLastConnected values, 107–108
“Dead box” analysis, 37, 59
“Debugger” value, 112
Deleted keys and values, 57–59
Device class identifier, 91
Differencing, 56–57
Documentation, 11–12
DWORD, 24–25
Dynamic link library (DLL), 5b, 110
hijacking, 116b
“ServiceDll”, 84–85
shell extension, 114–117
Dynamically linked library (DLL), 178
Early launch anti-malware (ELAM), 20
End user license agreement (EULA), 139
Event Log records, 7–8
Explorer Tasks, 41–42
F-Response, 37
File access
Adobe Reader, 158–159
application uses, 152b–153b
ComDlg32, 153–156
data sources, 159b
LiveID accounts, 157b
Microsoft Office File/Place MRUs, 156–157
Microsoft Word, 158b
Photos, 169–170
RecentDocs, 150–153
TrustRecords, 157–158
File associations, 164–165
File system settings, 80–81
File system tunneling, 2
File transfer protocol (FTP), 172–173 plugin, 89
“find” command, 54b, 57
Flags, 33
Forensic analysis, 39
deleted keys and values, 57–59
differencing, 56–57
memory, 59–60
parsers, 49 Python script, 51
parsing tools, 50–52
pros and cons, 52
Python-based ShimCacheParser, 50
RegRipper, 52–53
Shellbags, 51
UserAssist data, 50
timeline analysis, 53
Last–Write time, 53–54
RegRipper, 55
regtime.exe tool, 54
viewing registry hives, 39–49
pros and cons, 48–49
RegEdit, 40–41
Registry Explorer, 46–48
WRR, 41–46
Forensics Assist key, 141
Globally unique identifiers (GUIDs), 44, 141, 191
Graphical user interface (GUI), 15, 140, 178
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), 145b
handle.exe, 6–7
High Tech Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA), 168–169
“Hive” files, 19–20, 19f
HKEY_CURRENT_USER SessionInformation key, 22
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Hardware key, 22
Identifier (ID), 91
Image File Execution Options key, 111–113
initialization files (ini files), 15
Internet Explorer (IE), 160
Key LastWrite time, 30b, 47–48, 53–54, 94, 108
Knowledge Base (KB), 3, 65, 136
KnownDLLs, 114–115
LANDesk, 121–122, 122f
LastKey value, 139b
LastVisitedMRU, 155
LastWrite time, 18–19, 30, 53–54
Least frequency of occurrence (LFO), 6–8 plugin, 87b
“Legacy” Run keys, 136–137
LiveID accounts, 157b
LiveView, 71b, 74
Load Hive, 40
Local Security Policy, 65–66
Locard’s exchange principle, 4–6
Mac platforms, 38
Magic number, 29
Malware, 89–90, 149–150
Software hive, 122–123
Mapping devices to drive letters, 92
DiskClassGUID keys, 96f
excerpt of values, 93f
MountedDevices key, 93, 93f
ParentIdPrefix value, 97
portable devices, 95b–96b
TrueCrypt volume, 95f
Unicode, 94
USB devices, 97b–98b, 98
USBStor key, 96–97 RegRipper plugin, 94
VolumeClassGUID keys, 97f
Master boot record (MBR), 94–95
Medium access control (MAC), 5–6
Memory, 59–60
“Metro” desktop, 169
Microsoft (MS), 3, 65
Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN), 124b
Microsoft Malware Protection Center (MMPC), 109
Microsoft Office File/Place MRUs, 156–157
Microsoft Word, 158b
MiTeC, 41
Most recently used list (MRU list), 132–133 plugin, 94
MuiCache key, 169
Mutex, 6
N plugin, 104
Network Cards, 104
Network interfaces, 78 plugin, 108
NoInstrumentation, 147b
Notify key, 110–111
“ntreg.h”, 27
NTUSER.DAT hive, 21, 100b–101b, 131–132
AutoStart, 134
“legacy” Run keys, 136–137
new values correlation, 134b–135b
Run key, 134–136
RunOnce key, 136
temporal proximity, 136b
file access, 150
Adobe Reader, 158–159
application uses, 152b–153b
ComDlg32, 153–156
data sources, 159b
LiveID accounts, 157b
Microsoft Office File/Place MRUs, 156–157
Microsoft Word, 158b
RecentDocs, 150–153
TrustRecords, 157–158
file associations, 164–165
malware, 149–150
MRUList value, 133
program execution, 137
admin cleanup, 139b
applets, 137–139
application compatibility assistant, 147–148
command line tools, 140b–141b
LastKey value, 139b
“PaintRecent File List” key, 138f
remote desktop tools, 149b
SysInternals, 139–141, 140f
Terminal Server Client, 148–149
user’s applets key, 138f
UserAssist key, 141–147
versions of Windows, 142b
Vigenere encryption, 143b
Windows 7 UserAssist key, 142f
system configuration information, 133
user activity, 159
Searches, 161–164
TypedPaths, 159–160
TypedURLS, 160–161
writing to Registry, 160b
Object-oriented interface (OO interface), 27
OpenSaveMRU, 153–154
OpenSavePidMRU key, 154–155
OphCrack applications, 75
“PaintRecent File List” key, 138f
ParentIdPrefix key, 92
Parse::Win32 Registry, 57–58
Parsers, 49 Python script, 51
parsing tools, 50–52
pros and cons, 52
Python-based ShimCacheParser, 50
RegRipper, 52–53
Shellbags, 51
UserAssist data, 50
Partial WRR user interface, 43f
Peer-to-peer (P2P), 17b
Photos, 169–170
Plug-and-Play (PnP), 90–91
Plugin Browser, 60
Plugins, 181–185
creating new, 185–187
metadata, 190f
Portable devices, 95b–96b
Portable executable (PE), 28
Prefetch settings, 81
Prefetching, 3
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), 154–155
ProDiscover, 38
ProfileList key, 101
CentralProfile value, 102–103
changing user’s profile type, 103f, 103b
contents of ProfileList subkey, 102f
example contents, 101f
Profiles, 182
Program compatibility assistant (PCA), 147
Program execution, 87–88
AppCompatCache, 88–89
PSExec tool, 140
Python-based ShimCacheParser, 50
RecentDocs, 150–153
Windows XP, 151f
Redirection, 133b
regdiff.exe, 57
RegEdit, 40–41
exported hive loaded in, 42f
regedit.exe, 145–146
Regional Computer Forensics Group (RCFG), 168–169
Editor, 15, 16f
Explorer, 46–48, 47f
hives, 131
and searches, 26b
redirection, 21b
value cells, 32–34, 32f, 33t–34t
values and system behavior, 3b
Viewer interface, 46, 47f
virtualization, 21b
Registry analysis
AmCache.hve, 20b
challenges, 12–15
core analysis concepts, 4–15
documentation, 11–12
goals, 10–11
least frequency of occurrence, 6–8
leaving trace, 5b
malware, 14b
remnants, 9–10
Windows, 8–9
Windows Registry, 1, 14b, 15–25
Registry key(s)
cells, 30–32
structure details, 31t
structure with node ID and LastWrite time, 31f
and values, 61–62
RegRipper, 52–53, 177
create our own profiles, 187–188
creating new plugins, 185–187
description, 180f
e-mail, 190–191
extending, 188–189
Perl source code, 178
plugins, 181–185
metadata, 190f
profiles, 182
software, 189
static tool, 183
“superparser” for Windows Registry, 177–178
UI, 183f
RegShot, 56
Regslack, 28, 57–58
regtime.exe tool, 54
Relative identifier (RID), 69–70
Remnants, 9–10
Remote access Trojan (RAT), 9, 59, 82
Remote desktop protocol (RDP), 67, 148–149
Remote desktop tools, 149b
Right-to-left override (RLO), 52–53, 89
rip, 184
rip.exe, 178, 181b, 184, 187–188, 60 plugin, 89
Routes, 78–80 plugin, 90
Run count, 143–144, 144b
RunOnce key, 136
SAM hive, 69
cracking user passwords, 74–75
disappearing user account, 73b
password not required, 72b–73b plugin, 69–70, 71
“UserPasswordHint”, 70
Windows 7, 70f plugin, 69–71, 73
SANS Investigative Forensic Toolkit (SIFT), 178–179
Scheduled Tasks, 118–119, 119f
Searches, 161–164
Windows XP Search, 161f
Security hive, 63
Audit policy
via Local Security Settings, 66f
on Windows 7 Ultimate system, 68f
FTK Imager, 69
GSecDump tool, 64
PolAcDmS key, 65
for Windows 7, 66
on Windows XP, 67–69
Security identifiers (SIDs), 64–65
“ServiceDll”, 84–85
Shell extensions, 114–117
Shell item, 171, 172b
Shellbags, 51, 170
nested Registry keys, 172
Registry hives, 173
RegRipper plugin, 174
“shell item”, 171, 172b
Windows 10 shellbags artifacts, 171f
Shiny object syndrome, 10 plugin, 90
sleep() function, 83b–84b RegRipper plugin, 110
Software hive, 98–99
AutoStart, 109
AppCompatFlags key, 119–121
AppInit_DLLs value, 114
BHOs, 117
Image File Execution Options key, 111–113
Notify key, 110–111
Run key, 109–110
Scheduled Tasks, 118–119, 119f
shell extensions, 114–117
malware, 122–123
program execution, 121
LANDesk, 121–122, 122f
redirection, 99b
system configuration information, 100
Network Cards, 104
NTUSER.DAT hive, 100b–101b
ProfileList, 101–103
Windows version, 100–101
wireless connections, 104–109
Solitaire game, 131 plugin, 105–106
Steganography, 168–169
Sticky keys, 112, 113f
Syscache.hve, 24
SysInternals, 139–141, 140f
System configuration information, 77, 133
ClearPagefileAtShutdown, 77–78
excerpt of network interface values, 79f
file system settings, 80–81
network interfaces, 78
prefetch settings, 81
right system, 77b
routes, 78–80
software hive, 100
Network Cards, 104
NTUSER.DAT hive, 100b–101b
ProfileList, 101–103
Windows version, 100–101
wireless connections, 104–109
system name, 77
System hive, 75
AutoStart, 81
Windows Services, 81–87
current RegRipper plugins, 76b
Current-ControlSet, 75–77
malware, 89–90
program execution, 87–88
AppCompatCache, 88–89
via RegEdit, 76f
system configuration information, 77
ClearPagefileAtShutdown, 77–78
excerpt of network interface values, 79f
file system settings, 80–81
network interfaces, 78
prefetch settings, 81
right system, 77b
routes, 78–80
system name, 77
USB devices, 90, 97b–98b
in EnumUSBStor key, 91f
mapping devices to drive letters, 92–98
unique instance ID, 91f
System name, 77
“System32”, 172
Temporal fingerprint, 64
Temporal proximity, 136b
Terminal Server Client, 148–149
Terminal Services Client, 112–113
Time references, 145, 145b
Time stomping, 87b
Timeline analysis, 53
Last–Write time, 53–54
RegRipper, 55
regtime.exe tool, 54
Tools, 37, 38b–39b
TrustRecords, 157–158
TypedPaths, 159–160
TypedURLS, 160–161
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), 67
USB devices, 90, 97b–98b
in EnumUSBStor key, 91f
mapping devices to drive letters, 92–98
unique instance ID, 91f RegRipper plugin, 92b
User activity
NTUSER.DAT file, 159
Searches, 161–164
TypedPaths, 159–160
TypedURLS, 160–161
writing to Registry, 160b
User hives
AutoStart, 134–137
file access, 150–159
file associations, 164–165
malware, 149–150
MRUList value, 133
program execution, 137–149
system configuration information, 133
user activity, 159–164
Registry hives, 131
AutoStart, 165–166
file access, 169–170
program execution, 166–169
shellbags, 170–174
User passwords, cracking, 74–75, 136
UserAssist key, 141
binary data, 144
Cain.exe, 146
Count key values, 143f
NoInstrumentation, 147b
Registry values, 147
RegRipper plugin, 144
run count, 143–144, 144b
time references, 145, 145b
UserAssist data, 50 RegRipper plugin, 142
Vigenere encryption, 143b
Windows 7, 142f, 146–147
Windows XP, 142f
USRCLASS.DAT hive, 21, 131, 165
See also NTUSER.DAT hive
AutoStart, 165–166
file access, 169
Photos, 169–170
program execution, 166–169
shellbags, 170–174
Value slack, 47–48, 48f
“Value type” element, 33
Virtual machine (VM), 20b
Vista systems, 163
Volatility plugins, 59–60
Volume Shadow Copies (VSCs), 56
“Window Washer”, 5b, 58
Windows, 8–9
Event Logs, 9
Media Player File menu item, 18f
versions, 100–101, 142b
Vista ComDlg32 key, 154f
Windows 10
shellbags artifacts, 171f
systems, 168b
Windows 7, 23b
SAM hive, 70f
Search history, 163f
UserAssist key, 142f
Windows Registry, 1, 2b, 14b, 15
data, 23–24
Editor, 15, 16f, 41f
examples, 2
information in registry, 2
instructions and KB articles, 15–16
location on disk, 19–23
nomenclature, 24–25, 25f
purpose, 16–17
devices, 17
LastWrite time, 18–19
user’s activities, 17
Windows Media Player File menu item, 18f
settings, 3
structure, 25
registry hives and searches, 26b
registry key cells, 30–32
registry value cells, 32–34
values and system behavior, 3b
Windows Registry Recovery (WRR), 41–46
“Find” dialog in, 45f
partial WRR user interface, 43f
windows installation info available via, 44f
Windows Services, 81–82
emergency incident response, 83b–84b
EnumRootLEGACY_∗ keys, 85f plugin, 87b
LEGACY_∗ entry, 87
LEGACY_∗ keys, 86
RegRipper, 83
“ServiceDll”, 84–85
side effect, 85
“time stomping”, 87b
on Windows systems, 82
Windows systems, 81, 147
services on, 82
Windows XP
LastVisitedMRU value, 156f
Recent Documents menu listing, 151f
Search, 161f
Search Assistant to ACMRu subkey mappings, 162f
UserAssist key, 142f
Windowssystem32config folder, 19–20
WinReg.txt, 27
Wireless access point (WAP), 5–6, 104
Wireless connections, 104
connection properties, 105f
MAC address, 108–109
Managed and Unmanaged subkeys, 107 plugin, 108
by Windows, 105–106
wireless interface profile keys, 106f
wireless interface values, 107f
Wireless interface, 105–106
profile keys, 106f
values, 107f
WordWheelQuery key, 163
XPMode, 23b
ZBot infection, 111b

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