
Ping — windowssystem32ping.exe


The primary function of Ping is to see if another computer is "alive" and reachable. Ping works on local networks and across Internet connections. For example, if you type ping at a command prompt and get at least one response like this:

Reply from bytes=32 time=78ms TTL=238

it means that a successful connection was established and the remote system responded to the ping. Otherwise, you'll see Request timed out, meaning that it is down or the connection has been severed. The syntax of Ping is as follows:

ping target [-t] [-a] [-i ttl] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] 
  [-w timeout] [-r count] [-s count] [-j host_list | 
  -k host_list] [-v tos]




The name or IP address of the remote machine.


Resolve IP addresses to hostnames.

-n count

Number of pings; default is 4. Has no meaning with -t.

-l size

The size of the packets to send, in bytes; default is 32 bytes.


Turn on the "Don't Fragment" flag in packet.

-w timeout

The amount of time, in milliseconds, before Ping gives up and displays Request timed out; default is 500.

-r count

Display Tracert data, where count is the number of hops.

-s count

Display a time stamp for count hops.


Pings continually until interrupted with Ctrl-C; press Ctrl-Break to show statistics without interrupting.

-j host_list

Impose a "loose" route (with -r) along which to ping.

-k host_list

Impose a "strict" route (with -r) along which to ping.

-i ttl

Specify the TTL (Time To Live); valid range 0 to 255.

-v tos

Specify the TOS (Type of Service); valid range 0 to 255.

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