Time for action – creating and including a style.css shell into your index.php page

Let's create our stylesheet:

  1. In your text editor, create a new file and name it style.css. Make sure it's in the same directory as your index.php file.
  2. Open your index.html file, and inside the <head> tags, just under the <title> tags, add the following link to your style.css file:
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="style.css" />

What just happened?

We created a new stylesheet called style.css and attached it to our index.html file with a line of code inside the <head> section of our HTML file.

For now our stylesheet is still empty, but we'll change that shortly.

Prepping for responsiveness – viewport and apple-mobile meta tags

Our theme is going to be responsive—its layout will adapt to the width of the device it's being viewed on. In order for this to work, and for mobile devices to display the site at the correct width, we need to add some more code to our <head> section in our index.html file.

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