Time for action - adding the Theme Customizer to our theme

To do this, we need to add some code to our functions.php file.

  1. Open your theme's functions.php file.
  2. Before the closing ?> tag, add the following:
    function add_theme_customizer( $wp_customize )
      add_action( 'customize_register', ' add_theme_customizer'),
  3. Save the functions.php file.
  4. To view the Theme Customizer, go to Appearance | Themes, and then in the links below your theme, click on Customize.

What just happened?

We added a new function to add Theme Customizer capability to our theme. Let's have a look at that function:

  • First we define our function, add_theme_customizer. You can give this any name you want, the name we've used makes it easy to see what the function does.
  • The space between the braces is where all the code will go to add specific options to our Theme Customizer.
  • After closing the braces, we add an action. This will run the code inside our add_theme_customizer function when WordPress runs the customize_register function, which is a default function.

Now we can view the Theme Customizer for our theme. As we haven't defined any additional functions, it currently includes the default options provided by WordPress:

What just happened?

We can see the default customizations added by WordPress:

  • Site Title & Tagline: Here we can change the site's name and description
  • Navigation: Change the menu used in the main navigation area
  • Static Front Page: Change the Reading settings if you want the front page to display a static page instead of the latest posts

We can add more options to the Theme Customizer, so let's do it.

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