Appendix V

The Beginning of the Plot Planner for A Lesson Before Dying


The Beginning of A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines

The story begins in summary, establishing the overarching conflict: An innocent man is sentenced to death by electrocution. This causes Miss Emma’s request, which in turn causes Grant’s desperate wish to “get away from here.”

When the sheriff agrees to allow Grant visitation rights with the prisoner, the stakes grow ever higher. Grant does not say yes, but he does not say no either. Vivian asks him to “go for us.”

Because of the pressure that is on Grant, he lashes out at his students, which in turn causes him feel that what he does is worthless.

Grant overhears a bet. This causes him to ask himself if he is to act like a teacher or like “the n----- I am expected to be?” He takes back control and decides to help Jefferson die with dignity.

In the next scene, the white superintendent visits the school. Although the superintendent humiliates him, Grant waves goodbye as he is expected to.

In the next scene, Grant reflects on Jefferson, who sat in the same classroom just a few years ago. That causes Grant to remember his mentor’s words.

In the final scene of the beginning, Grant visits Jefferson in jail.

The beginning portion of A Lesson Before Dying introduces the characters, establishes most of the protagonist’s Character Emotional/Psychological Plot Information, introduces the theme, begins with an enormous dilemma and ends on a cliffhanger. The beginning ends almost exactly on the one-quarter page count of the novel.

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