
The following table shows all CSS properties, including which version of CSS they first appear in. Note that, beyond the values shown below, CSS 2 also adds the Inherit value to all properties. See the explanation at the end of the table for values specified in italic.

Property Ver Example values Values
Font properties    
font 1 italic small-caps bold 18pt/22pt Helvetica, sans-serif combination of six properties – font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size, line-height and font-family, with '/' between size and line height
2 caption … caption, icon, menu, message, small-caption, status-bar
font-style 1 italic normal (the default), italic, oblique
font-variant 1 normal normal (the default), small-caps
font-weight 1 bold normal (the default), bold, bolder, lighter, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900
font-size 1 18pt larger Length, xx-large, x-large, large, medium (the default), small, x-small, xx-small, smaller, larger
font-family 1 Helvetica, sans-serif 'Times New Roman' comma separated alternative font names, first has preference; can be generic name (serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace); quote name with spaces, “Times New Roman” (but use single quotes in Style attributes)
font-size-adjust 2 0.58 Number, none (the default)
font-stretch 2 narrower normal (the default), wider, narrower, ultra-condensed, extra-condensed, condensed, semi-condensed, semi-expanded, expanded, extra-expanded, ultra-expanded
Color and background    
color 1 blue #FF0 Color
background 1 red url(boat.gif) no-repeat scroll 10% 10% combination (background-color, background-image, background-repeat, background-attachment, background-position)
background-color 1 green Color, transparent (the default)
background-image 1 url(boat.gif) URL, none (the default)
background-repeat 1 repeat-x repeat (default), repeat-x, repeat-y, no-repeat
background-attachment 1 fixed scroll (default), fixed
background-position 1 top 10mm 15mm top, center, bottom, left, right, Percent, (Length – x, y)
Text properties    
text-decoration 1 underline none (the default), underline, overline, line-through, blink
vertical-align 1 sub baseline (the default), sub, super, top, text-top, middle, bottom, text-bottom, Percent
2 2pt Length
text-align 1 center left, right, center, justify
2 “.” String
text-indent 1 1cm Length (default '0') (first line of text block, minus value gives hanging indent), Percent
letter-spacing 1 2pt normal (the default), Length
word-spacing 1 normal normal (the default), Length
text-transform 1 uppercase capitalize, uppercase, lowercase, none (the default)
line-height 1 22pt none, (default), Number, Length, Percent
text-shadow 2 3px 3px red 2pt 4pt, -2pt -4pt 1pt blue normal (default), Length (across) Length (down), and optional Length (blur angle) and optional Color (plus more optional shadows separate by commas)
Box properties    
margin 1 .3cm Length, Percent, auto – repeated ('x' = all margins, 'x x' = vertical and horizontal and 'x x x x' = top/right/bottom/left)
margin-left 1 .3cm Length (default 0), Percent, auto
margin-right 1 .3in Length (default 0), Percent, auto
margin-top 1 9pt Length (default 0), Percent, auto
margin-bottom 1 10% Length (default 0), Percent, auto
padding 1 1pt Length (default 0), percent*** – repeated ('x' = all edges, 'x x' = vertical and horizontal and 'x x x x' = top/right/bottom/left)
padding-left 1 1pt Length (default 0), Percent
padding-right 1 auto Length (default 0), Percent
padding-top 1 1em Length (default 0), Percent
padding-bottom 1 5pt Length (default 0), Percent
border 1 1in Length – repeated ('x' = all borders, 'x x' = vertical and horizontal and 'x x x x' = top/right/bottom/left) or URL (or, from v2, also set width, color and style – see below)
border-left 1 .3cm Length or URL (or, from v2, also set width, color and style – see below)
border-right 1 .3in Length or URL (or, from v2, also set width, color and style – see below)
border-top 1 9pt Length or URL (or, from v2, also set width, color and style – see below)
border-bottom 1 10% Length or URL (or, from v2, also set width, color and style – see below)
border-width 1 thick, thin 2pt 4pt 2pt 4pt thin, medium, thick, Length – repeated ('x' = all borders, 'x x' = vertical and horizontal and 'x x x x' = top/right/bottom/left)
border-left-width 1 thick thin, medium (default), thick, Length
border-right-width 1 thin thin, medium (default), thick, Length
border-top-width 1 medium thin, medium (default), thick, Length
border-bottom-width 1 3pt thin, medium (default), thick, Length
border-color 1 blue green Color – repeated ('x' = all borders, 'x x' = vertical and horizontal and 'x x x x' = top/right/bottom/left)
2 transparent as above, plus transparent
border-left-color 2 red Color
border-right-color 2 black Color
border-top-color 2 white Color
border-bottom-color 2 red Color
border-style 1 solid ridge solid ridge none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset – repeated ('x' = all borders, 'x x' = vertical and horizontal and 'x x x x' = top/right/bottom/left)
border-left-style 2 dotted none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset
border-right-style 2 ridge none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset
border-top-style 2 dashed none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset
border-bottom-style 2 dotted none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset
width 1 50px Length, Percent, auto (default)
min-width 2 50px Length, Percent
max-width 2 50px Length, Percent, none (default)
height 1 auto Length, auto (default)
2 15% as above, plus Percent
min-height 2 50px Length, Percent
max-height 2 50px Length, Percent, none (default)
float 1 left left, right, none (the default)
clear 1 left left, right, both, none (the default)
overflow 2 hidden visible (the default), hidden, scroll, auto
clip 2 auto Shape, auto (the default)
visiblity 2 visible visible, hidden, collapse (default is 'inherit')
z-index 2 12 auto (the default), Integer
Generated content    
content 2 open-quote “My prefix” close-quote String, URL, Counter, attr(…), open-quote, close-quote, no-open-quote, no-close-quote (and any combination)
quotes 2 none " " " " "<"">" none, String String (repeating)
counter-reset 2 section -1 imagenum 99 none (the default) or Identifier, then optional Integer (repeating)
counter-increment 2 section 10 item 1 none (the default) or Identifier, then optional Integer (repeating)
list-style 1 decimal outside combination of list-style-type, list-style-image, list-style-position
list-style-type 1 circle disc, circle (the default), square, decimal, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, upper-alpha, none
 2 circle as above, plus decimal-leading-zero, lower-greek, upper-greek, lower-latin, upper-latin, hebrew, armenian, georgian, cjk-ideographic, hiragana, katakana, hiragana-iroha, katakana-iroha
list-style-position 1 inside inside, outside (the default)
list-style-image 1 url(boat.gif) URL, none (the default)
Paged media    
size 2 8cm 12cm auto (the default), protrait, landscape, Length (one or twice)
marks 2 crop cross none (the default), crop cross
page-break-before 2 left auto (the default), always, avoid, left, right
page-break-after 2 always auto (the default), always, avoid, left, right
page-break-inside 2 avoid auto (the default), avoid
page 2 auto auto (the default), Identifier
orphans 2 3 Integer (default '2')
widows 2 3 Integer (default '2')
caption-side 2 left top (the default), bottom, left, right
table-layout 2 fixed auto (the default), fixed
border-collapse 2 separate collapse (the default), separate
border-spacing 2 3pt 3pt 5pt Length (default '0'), optional Length
empty-cells 2 hide show (the default), hide
speak-header 2 always once (the default) always
User interface    
cursor 2 crosshair, default url(eggtimer.gif), wait auto (the default), crosshair, default, pointer, move, e-resize, ne-resize, nw-resize, n-resize, se-resize, sw-resize, s-resize, w-resize, text, wait, help, or URL() (repeating?)
outline 2 red dashed 2pt combination of outline-color, outline-style, outline-width
outline-width 2 2pt thin, medium (the default), thick, Length – repeated ('x' = all borders, 'x x' = vertical and horizontal and 'x x x x' = top/right/bottom/left)
outline-style 2 dashed none (the default) , hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset – repeated ('x' = all borders, 'x x' = vertical and horizontal and 'x x x x' = top/right/bottom/left)
outline-color 2 red invert (the default), Color
Aural styles    
volume 2 medium Number, Percent, silent, x-soft, soft, medium (the default), loud, x-loud
speak 2 spell-out normal (the default), non, spell-out
pause 2 12ms 9ms combination of pause-before and pause-after
pause-before 2 12ms Time, Percent
pause-after 2 9ms Time, Percent
cue 2 url(squeek.gif) url(go.gif) url(stop.gif) combination of cue-before and cue-after
cue-after 2 url(squeek.gif) url(…), none (the default)
cue-before 2 url(squeek.gif) url(…), none (the default)
play-during 2 url(squeek.gif) repeat auto auto (the default), none, url(…) mix? repeat?
azimuth 2 far-right behind 240deg nnn deg, leftwards, rightwards or left-side, far-side, left, center-left, center (the default), center-right, right, far-right, right-side followed by behind
elevation 2 far-right behind 240deg nnn deg, below, level (the default), above, lower, higher
speech-rate 2 faster 120 (words per minute) nnn, x-slow, slow, medium (the default), fast, x-fast, faster, slower
voice-family 2 churchill female male, female, child, (specific voice such as 'comedian')
pitch 2 low 200Hz x-low, low, medium (the default), high, x-high, numberHz
pitch-range 2 44 0–100 (default 50)
stress 2 53 0–100 (default 50)
richness 2 70 0–100 (default 50)
speak-punctuation 2 code code, none (the default)
speak-numerals 2 digits digits, continuous (the default)
display 1 inline none, block (default), inline, list-item
2 block compact table-row none, block, inline (default), list-item …PLUS… run-in, compact, marker, table, inline-table, table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row, table-column-group, table-column, table-cell, table-caption
marker-offset 2 section 10 item 1 Length, auto (the default)
position 2 relative static (the default), relative, absolute, fixed
top 2 2pt Length, Percent, auto
bottom 2 2pt Length, Percent, auto
left 2 2pt Length, Percent, auto
right 2 2pt Length, Percent, auto
direction 2 rtl ltr (the default), rtl (right-to-left)
unicode-bidi 2 embed normal (the default), embed, bidi-override
white-space 1 pre normal (the default), pre (pre- formatted), nowrap (single line)

Length – inches (in), centimetres (cm), millimetres (mm), points (pt), picas (pc), ems (em), x-height (ex), pixels (px). A '+' or '-' prefix is allowed.

Percent – '+' or '-', followed by number, then '%', e.g. 200% = twice size.

Color – black, navy, blue, aqua, purple, maroon, green, red, gray, fuchsia, teal, lime, yellow, white, olive, silver, #rgb (hexadecimal), #rrggbb (hexadecimal), rgb(r,g,b) (each value decimal or percentage).

Number – digits, optionally prefix with '+' or '-', may include decimal point.

Integer – digits, optionally prefix with '+' or '-', not including decimal point.

Time – Number plus 'ms' (milliseconds) or 's' (seconds).

String – Quotes characters, single or double, no embedded quotes of same type, use '”' or ''' instead. Newline is 'A' and just '' to split text over lines in stylesheet.

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