Template instructions

A number of instructions may appear within a template, including comments, processing instructions, elements and attributes.

Template entity

The instructions allowed directly within a Template element are in some cases also allowed within the instructions themselves (with the exception of the Param element). For convenience, the Template entity is defined to group these elements:

<!ENTITY % template " (#PCDATA %instructions;
                 %result-elements;)* " >

Elements that refer to this entity include the If, When, Otherwise, With Parameter, Variable, Parameter, Copy, Message and Fallback elements.

Comment element

A Comment element is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:comment %char-template; >

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows. The fact that all these elements can occur within a comment shows how the content of the comment does not have to be specified as a simple text string; its content can be determined using the full power of XSLT:

<!ELEMENT xsl:comment ( #PCDATA |
             xsl:apply-templates | xsl:call-template |
             xsl:apply-imports | xsl:for-each |
             xsl:value-of | xsl:copy-of |
             xsl:number | xsl:choose | xsl:if |
             xsl:text | xsl:copy | xsl:variable |
             xsl:message | xsl:fallback )* >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:comment %space-att; >

With the entity replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:comment
          xml:space (default|preserve) #IMPLIED >

For example:

<xsl:comment xml:space="preserve">
This is a comment.

Processing Instruction element

The Processing Instruction element is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:processing-instruction %char-template; >

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows. It is not clear why these elements are allowed to occur here, as they can have no purpose within a processing instruction:

<!ELEMENT xsl:processing-instruction ( #PCDATA |
          xsl:apply-templates | xsl:call-template |
          xsl:apply-imports | xsl:for-each |
          xsl:value-of | xsl:copy-of |
          xsl:number | xsl:choose | xslif |
          xsl:text | xsl:copy | xsl:variable |
          xsl:message | xsl:fallback )* >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:processing-instruction
                    name    %avt;   #REQUIRED
                    %space-att; >

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:processing-instruction
          name      CDATA              #REQUIRED
          xml:space (default|preserve) #IMPLIED >

For example:

<xsl:processing-instruction name="ACME">

Element element

The Element instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:element %template;>

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows (with any output elements to be added). Note that an element can contain another element, which is necessary to build element hierarchies for output within a single template:

<!ELEMENT xsl:element ( #PCDATA |
          xsl:apply-templates | xsl:call-template |
          xsl:apply-imports | xsl:for-each |
          xsl:value-of | xsl:copy-of |
          xsl:number | xsl:choose | xslif |
          xsl:text | xsl:copy | xsl:variable |
          xsl:message | xsl:fallback |
          xsl:processing-instruction | xsl:comment |
          xsl:element | xsl:attribute )* >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:element
             name                %avt;        #REQUIRED
             namespace           %avt;        #IMPLIED
             use-attribute-sets  %qnames;     #IMPLIED
             %space-att; >

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:element
     name                CDATA                #REQUIRED
     namespace           CDATA                #IMPLIED
     use-attribute-sets  NMTOKENS             #IMPLIED
     xml:space           (default|preserve)   #IMPLIED >

For example:

<xsl:element name="TITLE">
  A <xsl:element name="EMPH">Title</xsl:element>

Attribute element

An Attribute instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:attribute %char-template;>

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows (with any output elements to be added). Note that an element can contain another element, which is necessary to build element hierarchies for output within a single template:

<!ELEMENT xsl:attribute ( #PCDATA |
          xsl:apply-templates | xsl:call-template |
          xsl:apply-imports | xsl:for-each |
          xsl:value-of | xsl:copy-of |
          xsl:number | xsl:choose | xsl:if |
          xsl:text | xsl:copy | xsl:variable |
          xsl:message | xsl:fallback )* >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:attribute
             name               %avt;        #REQUIRED
             namespace          %avt;        #IMPLIED
             use-attribute-sets %qnames;     #IMPLIED
             %space-att; >

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:attribute
     name               CDATA              #REQUIRED
     namespace          CDATA              #IMPLIED
     use-attribute-sets NMTOKENS           #IMPLIED
     xml:space          (default|preserve) #IMPLIED >

For example:

<xsl:attribute name="author">J. Smith</xsl:attribute>

Apply Templates element

An Apply Templates instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:apply-templates (xsl:sort|xsl:with-param)*>

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:apply-templates
             select             %expr;        "node"
             mode               %qname;       #IMPLIED >

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:apply-templates
             select            CDATA          "node"
             mode              NMTOKEN        #IMPLIED >

Call Template element

A Call Template instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:call-template (xsl:with-param)* >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:call-template
             name               %qname;       #IMPLIED >

With the entity replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:call-template
             name               NMTOKEN       #IMPLIED >

Apply Imports element

The Apply Imports instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:apply-imports EMPTY >

It has no attributes.

For example:

<xsl:apply-imports />

For Each element

A For Each instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:for-each (#PCDATA %instructions;
                       %result-elements; | xsl:sort )* >

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows (with any output elements to be added). Note that an element can contain another element, which is necessary to build element hierarchies for output within a single template:

<!ELEMENT xsl:for-each ( #PCDATA |
          xsl:apply-templates | xsl:call-template |
          xsl:apply-imports | xsl:for-each |
          xsl:value-of | xsl:copy-of |
          xsl:number | xsl:choose | xsl:if |
          xsl:text | xsl:copy | xsl:variable |
          xsl:message | xsl:fallback |
          xsl:processing-instruction | xsl:comment |
          xsl:element | xsl:attribute | xsl:sort )* >

This model does not capture the precise requirement when the Sort element is used. If it occurs, it must precede all other elements and text.

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:for-each
             select             %expr;       #REQUIRED
             %space-att; >

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:for-each
     select               CDATA              #REQUIRED
     xml:space          (default|preserve)   #IMPLIED >

For example:

<xsl:for-each select="item">
  <xsl:comment>There was an item here.</xsl:comment>

Value Of element

The Value Of instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:value-of EMPTY >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:value-of
             select                   %expr;    #REQUIRED
             disable-output-escaping  (yes|no)  "no">

With the entity replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:value-of
             select                   CDATA     #REQUIRED
             disable-output-escaping  (yes|no)  "no">

For example:

<xsl:value-of select="@price" />

Copy Of element

A Copy Of instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:copy-of EMPTY >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:copy-of   select    %expr;     #REQUIRED >

With the entity replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:copy-of   select    CDATA      #REQUIRED >

For example:

<xsl:copy-of select="table" />

Number element

The Number instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:number EMPTY >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:number
          level    (single|miltiple|any)  "single"
          count    %pattern;              #IMPLIED
          from     %pattern;              #IMPLIED
          value    %expr;                 #IMPLIED
          format   %avt;                  "1"
          lang     %avt;                  #IMPLIED
          letter-value       %avt;        #IMPLIED
          grouping-separator %avt;        #IMPLIED
          grouping-size      %avt;        #IMPLIED >

With the entities replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:number
          level    (single|multiple|any)  "single"
          count    CDATA                  #IMPLIED
          from     CDATA                  #IMPLIED
          value    CDATA                  #IMPLIED
          format   CDATA                  "1"
          lang     CDATA                  #IMPLIED
          letter-value       CDATA        #IMPLIED
          grouping-separator  CDATA        #IMPLIED
          grouping-size       CDATA        #IMPLIED >

For example:

<xsl:number level="multiple"
            format="1.a.i" />

Choose element

The Choose instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:choose (xsl:when+, xsl:otherwise?) >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:choose %space-att; >

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:choose
               xml:space  (default|preserve)   #IMPLIED >

See below for a description of the content of this element.

If element

The If instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:if %template; >

With the entity replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:if ( #PCDATA |
          xsl:apply-templates | xsl:call-template |
          xsl:apply-imports | xsl:for-each |
          xsl:value-of | xsl:copy-of |
          xsl:number | xsl:choose | xsl:if |
          xsl:text | xsl:copy | xsl:variable |
          xsl:message | xsl:fallback |
          xsl:processing-instruction | xsl:comment |
          xsl:element | xsl:attribute )* >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:if
             test          %expr;            #REQUIRED
             %space-att; >

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:if
     test                  CDATA             #REQUIRED
     xml:space          (default|preserve)   #IMPLIED >

For example:

<xsl:if test="@type='secret'">
  <xsl:message>Found secret paragraph</xsl:message>

Text element

The Text template instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:text (#PCDATA) >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:text
             disable-output-escaping (yes|no) "no">

For example:

<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
create HTML &lt;P&gt; (paragraph) &lt;/P&gt;

Copy element

The Copy instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:copy %template; >

With the entity replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:copy ( #PCDATA |
          xsl:apply-templates | xsl:call-template |
          xsl:apply-imports | xsl:for-each |
          xsl:value-of | xsl:copy-of |
          xsl:number | xsl:choose | xsl:if |
          xsl:text | xsl:copy | xsl:variable |
          xsl:message | xsl:fallback |
          xsl:processing-instruction | xsl:comment |
          xsl:element | xsl:attribute )* >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:copy
             use-attribute-sets    %qnames;   #REQUIRED
             %space-att; >

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:copy
     use-attribute-sets NMTOKENS             #REQUIRED
     xml:space          (default|preserve)   #IMPLIED >

For example:

  <xsl:message>Copied source element -
  but no attributes</xsl:message>

Variable element

The Variable instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:variable %template; >

With the entity replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:variable ( #PCDATA |
          xsl:apply-templates | xsl:call-template |
          xsl:apply-imports | xsl:for-each |
          xsl:value-of | xsl:copy-of |
          xsl:number | xsl:choose | xsl:if |
          xsl:text | xsl:copy | xsl:variable |
          xsl:message | xsl:fallback |
          xsl:processing-instruction | xsl:comment |
          xsl:element | xsl:attribute )* >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:variable
                name       %qname;       #REQUIRED
                select     %expr;        #IMPLIED >

With all entities replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:variable
                name       NMTOKEN       #REQUIRED
                select     CDATA         #IMPLIED >

For example:

<xsl:variable name="Copyright">
  <xsl:text>(c) ACME Productions</xsl:text>

<xsl:variable name="BookTitle" select="/book/title" />

Message element

The Message instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:message %template; >

With the entity replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:message ( #PCDATA |
          xsl:apply-templates | xsl:call-template |
          xsl:apply-imports | xsl:for-each |
          xsl:value-of | xsl:copy-of |
          xsl:number | xsl:choose | xsl:if |
          xsl:text | xsl:copy | xsl:variable |
          xsl:message | xsl:fallback |
          xsl:processing-instruction | xsl:comment |
          xsl:element | xsl:attribute )* >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:message
                 terminate        (yes|no)       "no"
                 %space-att; >

With the entity replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:message
     terminate          (yes|no)             "no"
     xml:space          (default|preserve)   #IMPLIED >

For example:

<xsl:message>Error in processing</xsl:message>

Fallback element

The Fallback instruction is defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:fallback %template; >

With the entity replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ELEMENT xsl:fallback ( #PCDATA |
          xsl:apply-templates | xsl:call-template |
          xsl:apply-imports | xsl:for-each |
          xsl:value-of | xsl:copy-of |
          xsl:number | xsl:choose | xsl:if |
          xsl:text | xsl:copy | xsl:variable |
          xsl:message | xsl:fallback |
          xsl:processing-instruction | xsl:comment |
          xsl:element | xsl:attribute )* >

The attributes are as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:fallback        %space-att; >

With the entity replaced, the true model is as follows:

<!ATTLIST xsl:fallback
     xml:space          (default|preserve)   #IMPLIED >

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