Defining a Leader Vis-à-Vis Yogyathwa and Dharma


After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

  1. Understand the basic definition of a leader.
  2. Know how a transformational leader moves in his spheres of influence and makes a difference.

The Belief System of the Suzerain Who Understands Yogyathwa and Dharma

With awareness that there is such a thing as the Common Soul that governs all individuals, that through Yogyathwa one can find fusion with the Common Soul, that fusion with the Common Soul leads one to excellence, understanding that excellence can transform an organization, the leader takes to yoga and facilitates others towards the same.

A leader is self-assured that in dharma there would be a ‘righteous system’—which would be appropriate for the present moment and which would be in the best interest of everybody. He is also aware that when people do selfless work in dharma it will help them seek and attain the highest which humans can aspire for. He is confident that nothing in the world can give a person as much joy as connecting with the Common Soul can.


An individual who is aware of the significance of the Common Soul, the supreme self dharma and Yogyathwa is well disposed to play a transformational role in Suzerainty.

A suzerain, who is also a leader, having thus seen that Yogyathwa and dharma are two principles that can do immense good to society and organizations, would wish that they manifest when he takes up his work. He will be more than certain that Yogyathwa and dharma must instruct the approach to his work. He would want the hind limbs—excellence and dharma—to support the forelimbs—suzerainty and team needs—so, his work as a suzerain will facilitate dharma and excellence at all the places he has interphase with. He will do his best to move the system, at his disposal, towards dharma.

How a Leader Encounters an Organization

What are the actual areas a leader will focus upon in order to uphold dharma in and through his organization? What will he do in an organization that he is made responsible for—as a suzerain maybe—so that the benefits of Yogyathwa and dharma are imparted to the organization … ?

He Helps a New Organization Set-up Dharmic Goals

It is important that an organization must fit into the scheme of the overall system, which in turn is designed for the welfare of all of humanity (dharmic). This will mean that the goals set by a new team must also be in tune with an overall dharmic ethos. Therefore, during the formation of the team there is a need for proper aligning of interests of the stake holders in a manner that the togetherness befits dharma. And where this involves making choices and taking decisions, a leader prods the organization towards taking the kind of preliminary decisions that make the organization a partner and participant in dharma.

He Helps Set-up an Organizational Structure that is Conducive to Dharma

After defining the overall role of an organization in dharma, the next task would be the actual design and construction of the organization. This of course also requires managerial inputs which a leader may take care of by himself or execute with the help of experts; but ultimately, he would himself measure whether the structure that is established is indeed conducive to the thriving of the ‘supreme self’ in its members. It includes determining whether the relationships and interactions that are perceived between individuals, (at all levels and across all functions in an organization) would be conducive to bringing out the best from the members of the team/organization.


Goal setting, organization structuring, organizational decision making and living the life of one that believes are all based on the best wishes of the ‘Common Soul’.

He Helps the Organization Take Dharmic Decisions as it Goes Along

After having designed and constructed the organization then comes the task of running it. The primary role of a suzerain in running an organization is making decisions on its behalf. These decisions must be made in accordance with the wishes of the ‘supreme self’. That is, when the organization navigates through its field of action, a leader keeps it anchored along the path of dharmic excellence and his decisions reveal that.

He Stimulates His Fellow Workers to Raise their Levels to Inspiration

This definitely is the most visible, distinguishing feature of a leader. Leaders inspire; and as they say in military parlance—even for the ultimate sacrifice. This feature of leadership cannot be understood in any other way other than through acknowledging the spiritual nature of man. Something about the leader, what he says and does, his bearing, his thoughts, all have this inherent ability to raise people above their ‘individual-personal-interests’ so as to make them take up larger causes. This aspect cannot be imitated—it is at the level of experience and it manifests as ‘authority’ in a leader. And the best part is that the followers come happy out of their work … As Lord Krishna tells Arjuna at the battle field in the Bhagavad Gita ‘Slain in battle you will attain to heaven, victorious you will enjoy the earth’.

Summarizing the above four tasks of a leader in dharma we can say that he becomes a guardian of dharmic interests … A leader ensures that the cause for which they all work lies within the ambit of dharma—Right through from the conception to its construction and to its running, every aspect of the organization he checks against the litmus test of whether what is happening is in accordance with dharma or not. A leader must therefore allow the spirit of dharma to flow in his veins; it must grow up to be a part of his personality and culture. He must always remember that enduring organizations are built on dharma alone and desist from losing track at any stage.


A leader must allow the spirit of dharma to flow in his veins: it must grow up to be part of his personality and culture. He must always remember that enduring organizations are built in Dharma alone.

Dharma as an Imparted Feeling

While the list above ‘explains’ the role of a leader, it can be addressed in a different way when seen from the point of view of a leader with ‘feel’ for the ‘action’ he must take up. To arrive at this, consider the following:

It is said in ancient wisdom that when there is a conflict in society, the following steps must be taken in sequence (ascending order) until the conflict is resolved. (source anon)

  1. If there is a conflict, first refer to ‘common practice’ and try to resolve it
  2. If it does not get resolved then go to the next higher parameter ‘traditions’; find what traditions have to say and try resolving the conflict.
  3. If still unresolved refer to ‘books of law’ to determine what is right.
  4. And if a conflict still persists despite referring to law then refer to ‘dharma’.

Clearly, this list places ‘dharma’ at the highest reference point. And this is because dharma, as we have already seen, relates intimately to the essential nature of man—to the ‘supreme self’. It is this essential ‘divine’ nature of man which impels the proper design of the laws which are in turn made to govern humans. Therefore, dharma is even more than just rule-of-law; it signifies both, what is codified in law and even what is not. It operates at a level of ‘feeling’ and therefore addresses every possible human relationship and interaction. Dharma instructs how one must interact with the spouse, children, parents, friends, workmen, seniors, colleagues … how one must treat animals and plants … how one must take care of his body, how one must eat his food, how he must spend his time… It is about how a mother takes care of her child. It is about how a doctor takes care of his patient, about how a warrior must go to battle … It even says how one must interact with his Guru, with the priests in one’s religion—which ever religion. It instructs how one must approach one’s work, life, relationships, the deities one worships, possessions, aspirations … everything. It is all about spirituality. It is about everything a human being can do and it involves checking whether it is being done in the interests of the supreme self/Common Soul. It is based on a universality that transcends all kinds of groups. Dharma is the religion of living … .


Dharma is even more than rule of law. It operates at the level of feeling and therefore addresses every possible human relationship and interaction. It is about everything a human being can do.

Having said that, what is the role of a leader vis-à-vis dharma?

The Primary Role of the Leader in Dharma

It is often the case that men are lost in the pursuit of Kama and Artha in life. All that matters to them is what they get in terms of satisfying their bodies’ urges or in terms of the status they achieve in life and/or the material possessions they accumulate. People who have such an approach are said to be lost in ignorance. And that pursuit with ignorance is known to create great misery for him who sees himself in a rat-race.

The leader infuses the sense of Dharma in his followers; he transforms their pursuit of Kama and Artha into an exalted process that is at the same time liberating and joyous; thus opening for them a gate to Nirvana.

Or in other words, he instills Yogyathwa in them so that their pursuit of satisfying Kama and Artha urges gets transformed into a delightful pursuit; and Nirvana takes centre stage instead.

This is the basic definition of a leader … This is his basic role.


Ultimately a leader instills Yogyathwa in his followers so that their pursuit of satisfying Kama and Artha urges get transformed into a delightful pursuit (un attached); and Nirvana takes centre stage instead. This is the basic definitions of the leader.

A suzerain will truly be a leader if and only if he succeeds in achieving this transition in his followers … after this has happened in the organization he successfully inspires or transforms, excellence is but a natural consequence and all kinds of success and prosperity follow thereafter.


A leader must facilitate others’ pursuit of the ‘highest ideal’ and must pursue it himself. He must participate in establishing and sustaining the rule of law, he must ensure that it is updated according to the times and ensure that everyone is participating in it to the best of their ability. By infusing a sense of dharma into the mundane life of followers lost in the pursuit of objects that satisfy Kama and Artha urges, he inspires them to contentment and excellence and opens for them the gate to nirvana.

Case Studies

  1. Use outstanding addresses by famous leaders of industry addressed to workers or to shareholders and analyse the same for dharmic content. Analyse how the leader in him exhorts co-workers.
  2. Use written communications by distinguished leaders to the members of their organizations and find out the dharmic elements pertaining to the four aspects that a leader must take note of in order to set up a dharmic organization.


  1. Write a short speech of 500 words, which when delivered before your class would encourage your classmates to put extra efforts studying for their MBA degree without being impelled by expectations but rather on account of dharmic motivations. Do not use technical jargon in your speech.
  2. On the black board ask the class to volunteer ‘reasons why they wished to join college’. After some time ask each student to list his top three priorities in descending order through secret ballot … ask for honesty in answers… tally the score for each reason by giving 3 for first preference, 2 for second and 1 for third. Therefore, find out what are the top motivators in class. Repeat the same for ‘what gives you most joy?’ Compare the conclusions with the recommendation for dharmic excellence.
  3. Essay: 500 words; distinguish between suzerain and leader.
  4. Debate: The present democratic systems are dharmic
  5. Role Play: Consider that you are a minister for industries. Frame a policy preamble for industrial development which will ensure that industry plays a supportive role in the overall dharmic environment of your nation. 500 words max.
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