

Abnormal and heroic behaviour, 149

Accident factor, 77

Ancient Indian insights and models, 109110

Anti-definitions, 36

Artha, 6, 110

Arts influence in yogyathwa, 205


Bhakti yoga, 148

Brahman, 53

Breath control, 195


Common soul, 17, 27, 34, 175

and the natural state, 3637

characteristics of, 27

theory of leadership, 1932

Common soul theory, 19, 136

frame-work of, 27

Concentration, 196

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 161


Dharma, 5, 111, 132, 176

for this age, 158159

four components of, 136

of present age, 152159

Dharmic system, 124

Dormant suzerainty, 71


Enlightened anarchy, 68

Era specificity, 126

Establishing theories through proofs, 47

Ethics in an organization, 163

Excellence, 104, 176

study of, 103107


God-on-earth, 145

Great epics influence in yogyathwa, 205

Gyan yoga, 121, 148


Human nature; model of, 110


Kaizen, 105

Kama, 5, 110

Karma yoga, 38, 148


Leader, 4, 9, 11, 168, 175

complete, 1315

journey of a, 177

presence of true, 75

primary role of, 132

servant, 187

the chief attribute of a, 3441

Leadership, 9, 10, 11, 76

by example, 188

chief task in, 35

common soul theory of, 1930, 136

confusing synonyms of, 712

difficult, 179190

elephant, 14

Gandhiji’s, 171

holistic view on, 13

journeys, 167

Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s, 170

observations on, 153156

power of, 28

pursuit of, 11

quotes, 179186

seven ideas of, 1314

statements, 180


Majestic leadership elephant (MLE), 14, 15, 174

Material’ perspective of life, 112

Meditation, 197

Model(s), 45, 47

credibility of, 137

important conclusions from the, 137

of human nature, 110

Moksha, 6, 111, 197

Motivation theory, 105


Negative suzerains, 169

Neuro linguistic programming (NLP), 196

Newspeak, 7

Nirvana, 6, 55, 197

Niyam, 194


Oldspeak, 7

Operations theory, 104


Path of knowledge, 137

Path of yoga, 117

Potential leaders, 168

Prakriti, 4,53

Pranayama, 195

Purusha, 4, 5, 53


Real boss, 27

Rule of Law, 123


Sahaanuboothi, 111

Satyagraha, 57, 171

Self-actualization, 113

Self-realization, 55, 197

Self-restraint, 194

Sense of duty, 124

Serendipity factor, 77

Seventh factor, 77

Soul, 34

Supreme self, 124

Surrendering the ego, 148

Suzerain(s), 4, 67, 168, 188

determining, 78

four point focus for, 86

four tasks of, 89

good, 80

role of, 91

selection of good, 8488

Suzerainty, 11, 6269, 184, 190, 206

dormant, 71

three point focus of, 90

Suzerainty-leadership matrix, 167


The common soul theory of leadership, 1930, 136

The four impeller model

of human nature, 110111

of motivation, 136

The journey of the complete leader, 174178

The model of the universal brahman, 53

The rule-of-law, 124

The supreme self, 120

The theory of the universal brahman, 53

The three point focus of organizations, 93

Thought police, 7

Three point focus of organizations, 93

Truth about the nature of man, 48

Two impeller perspective of life, 112


Universal brahman, 4, 53

the model of, 136


Vedanta, 109


Withdrawal from the senses, 195


Yoga, 5, 38, 52, 55, 148, 211, 212

origins of the idea of, 52

Yogasana, 5, 194

Yogi, 40

Induction Effect of, 40

Yogic practices, 207

Yogic skills, 200

influences used to transfer, 203

transforming, 200203

Yogyathwa, 17, 51, 55, 137, 168, 175, 193

developing, 192198

disciplines, 193

interfaces, 200207

principle of, 55

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