
You've noticed it and it's marvellous: that version of you which is you at your best: clear focus, bags of energy and a sense of humour. Creative, able to solve any challenge and brilliant at working with others. Confident but not arrogant, happy to say ‘no’ and go home on time and able to switch off easily at the weekend. Working on some exciting long-term plans, not worrying about money and yet keeping all the background stuff flowing well, too.

Yes, there is a version of you which is amazing. Unfortunately, for many of us, it is not only transient – appearing and disappearing apparently at whim – we have no idea how to access it.

There is a You, Only Better.

This book will show you how to find the best version of you and hang on to him or her. He/she is not as elusive as you think: a few simple shifts, perhaps a bit of additional knowledge and one or two fresh ways of thinking and you'll have that even better version of you.

Each chapter covers a major strand of the quest, e.g. being at your best. It'll give you easily implemented ideas, answer your toughest questions and share how someone else tackled the same problem. The book is eminently practical: we'll keep coming back to the challenges of being busy and of needing to squeeze change into an already busy lifestyle. There'll be nothing weird or that will require expenditure. You, Only Better is just a few simple ideas and shifts away.

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