The coordinate system

The coordinate system adjusts the mapping from coordinates to the 2D plane of the computer screen. Among the different coordinate systems available in ggplot2, the Cartesian system is the most common coordinate system for two dimensions, while the polar coordinate system is often used for special plots, such as pie charts. When you create a plot, the coordinate system for the graph will be set with default values, which, in most cases, would be Cartesian coordinates. If you want a different coordinate system, you can overwrite the default value using the appropriate function. Such functions have the general form coord_x, where x is replaced by the specific coordinate desired.

The following is a table summarizing the main functions of coordinate systems; a more exhaustive list can be found on the package website:

Main coord functions


coord_cartesian(xlim, ylim)

This is a Cartesian coordinate system.

xlim and ylim can be used to provide limits for the axis. They are provided as vectors indicating the range.

coord_fixed(ratio , xlim , ylim)

These are Cartesian coordinates with a fixed relationship between the x and y scales.

The ratio argument defines the ratio between the two axes expressed as y/x.


This flips the Cartesian coordinates by inverting the x and y axes.

coord_polar(theta , start , direction)

These are polar coordinates.

The theta argument is used to define the variable to which the map should be mapped; it can be x or y.

start is used for the offset of the starting point from twelve o´clock. It is expressed in radians.

direction can be 1 (clockwise) or -1 (counterclockwise).

We will now see a couple of examples of how to use a few of these functions. We will first have a look at the coord_flip() function which simply changes the axes of the plot. In most cases, you will not need any additional argument, so for instance, if we consider the plot in Figure 2.14, representing the data from the ToothGrowth dataset, we have already seen in the previous section how we can obtain the same plot defining the different layers with ggplot(). If now, we want to flip the coordinates, we simply need to change the coordinate system. The following code shows this:

ggplot(data=ToothGrowth, aes(x=dose, y=len, col=supp)) + geom_point() + coord_flip()

This code will create the plot in Figure 3.5, where the x and y axes are flipped compared to the default coordinates:

The coordinate system

Figure 3.5: This is a plot of length versus dose from the ToothGrowth dataset with an inverted coordinate system

One other very useful function is the coord_fixed() function which allows us to create a plot with a fixed ratio of the y and x axes. The default value for the ratio argument is 1 which creates a plot with the same fixed axis extension for x and y, ensuring that one unit on the x axis is the same length as one unit on the y axis. Just remember that this does not mean that the two axes will have the same range but simply that the unit extension would be the same.

So, for instance, if we take the plot in our previous example, we could, instead of flipping the coordinates, set them to a fixed value. The following code shows this:

ggplot(data=ToothGrowth, aes(x=dose, y=len, col=supp)) + geom_point() + coord_fixed(ratio=0.1)

In this case, we have fixed the ratio of the two axes to 0.1, meaning that one length unit on the x axis will be translated to 10 units on the y axis. The plot generated with the previous code is represented in Figure 3.6:

The coordinate system

Figure 3.6: This shows a plot of length versus dose from the ToothGrowth dataset using a fixed coordinate system with a ratio of 0.1 for y/x

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