

! (exclamation mark), 103, 197, 268

!=, 103

&&, 103


+/- icons, 553

==, 103

(), 103

@2x, 220

@3x, 220


A chips, 8

About, 554

About.plist file, 555

Accelerate, 125

acceleration, reading, with Core Motion, 645-647

acceleration data, 660

accelerometers, 639-642

accessibility attributes, 165-167

Accessibility Inspector, enabling, 167

Accessibility Programming Guide, 180


media items, 675-676

motion data, 643

orientation data, 643

System Sound Services, 326-327

tutorials, 880-884

Variable List, debuggers, 852-853

accessors, 85

Accounts, 123

action sheets, 322-324


adding, 239

Gestures project, 624-625

GettingAttention project, 332-333

ImageHop project, 266-267

LetsTab project, 476

Single View Application template, 206-207

BackgroundColor project, 541-543

BestFriend project, 732-733

ColorTilt project, 654-655

connecting to, 174-176

CustomPicker project, 431-432

DateCalc project, 418-419

FloraPhotographs project, 295-298

adding, 296-298

Gestures project, 623-625

GettingAttention project, 331-333

ImageHop project, 264-265

implementing, 338-341

Interface Builder (IB), 172-178

LetsNavigate project, 466-467

LetsTab project, 475-476

MediaPlayground project, 687-688

Modal Editor project, 386-387

responding to, alert controllers, 321-322

Scroller project, 310

setting up, 197-199

Single View Application template, 203-207

Survey project, 562-563

active size classes, setting, 821-823

adaptive segues, 358

disabling, 394

Add Missing Constraint menu option, 579


actions, 239

FloraPhotographs project, 296-298

GettingAttention project, 332-333

to ImageHop project, 266-267

LetsTab project, 476

Single View Application template, 206-207

animation resources, ImageHop project, 255

assets catalogs, Xcode projects, 38

audio directions, Cupertino project, 796-799

audio files, 796

AudioToolbox framework, 795-796

background modes, 799-800

blur effect, 549

BestFriend project, 744

Cupertino project, 768

constants, 540

ReturnMe project, 547

constraints, Auto Layout, 579-581

DateChooserViewController, 413

EditorViewController class, 378

frameworks, 684

BestFriend project, 730

generic view controller classes, 459-460, 471

gesture recognizers, 612-613

to views, 619-622

Hop button, 262

image resources, 547-548

CustomPicker project, 427

FlowerColorTable project, 499

FlowerDetail project, 508

Gestures project, 616

image views, ImageHop project, 256


to asset catalogs, 39-56

button templates, 220

media files, 684

navigation controller classes, 459-460

navigation controllers, LetsNavigate project, 460

navigation scenes, with show segues, 451-452

new scenes and associating the view controller, 379-380


to interfaces, 201-203

to scrolling view, 308

objects to views, 156-157

outlets, 238

FloraPhotographs project, 296

GettingAttention project, 331

to ImageHop project, 265

LetsNavigate project, 466-467

LetsTab project, 476

Single View Application template, 205-206

push count variable property, 468

LetsTab project, 476-477

resources, Xcode projects, 37

scenes, 352-353

LetsNavigate project, 461-462

LetsTab project, 472

scenes and associating view controllers, 472

scrolling behavior, 310-311

scrolling views, Scroller project, 305-306

segmented controls, FloraPhotographs project, 289

segments, 289-290

simulated devices, iOS Simulator, 69-71

sliders, ImageHop project, 259

speed output labels, 262

steppers, 261

styled buttons, 234

switches, FloraPhotographs project, 291

tab bar controller classes, 471

tab bar controllers, 471-472

tab bar item images, 471

tab bar scenes, 456-457

table views, 488

data source protocols, 491-494

delegate protocols, 494-495

prototype cell attributes, 489-491

setting table attributes, 488-489

text fields, FieldButtonFun project, 225

text views, FieldButtonFun project, 230-231

variable property, for image view size, 616-617

variables, SystemSoundIDs, 796

web views, FloraPhotographs project, 292

Address Book, 123, 713-714

Address Book framework, 716-717

BestFriend project. See BestFriend project

people picker navigation controller delegates, 715-716

Address Book framework, 716-717

Address Book people picker, displaying, 734

Address Book selection, tying to map displays, 740-741

Address Book UI framework, 121, 714-715

advanced delegate methods, picker views, 410-412

AirPlay, 671

alert controllers, 318

action sheets, 322-324

alerts, 318-321

responding to actions, 321-322

alert sounds, 327-328, 341-343

playing, 342

alertBody, 793

alerting users, 317

alert controllers, 318

action sheets, 322-324

alerts, 318-321

responding to actions, 321-322

GettingAttention project. See GettingAttention project

System Sound Services, 325-326

accessing, 326-327

alert sounds and vibrations, 327-328

vibrations, 341-343

alerts, 318-321, 333-338

multibutton alerts, 334-336

using in fields, 337-338

Align, 159-160

AllInCode project

programming interfaces

button touches, 606

defining variables and methods, 603

drawing interfaces when the application launches, 606

implementing interface update method, 604-605

initializing interface objects, 603-604

updating the interface when orientation changes, 606

setting up, 602

altitude property, 753

angles, 659

AnimalChooserViewController, 427

viewDidLoad, 439

animated image views, ImageHop project, 267-269

animation, starting/stopping, ImageHop project, 269-270

animation resources, adding, to ImageHop project, 255

animation speed

ImageHop project, 270-272

incrementing, 273-274

animations, ImageHop project. See ImageHop project

annotations, mapping, 723-724

map view delegate protocol, 724-725

Any, size classes, 833

AnyObject, 95

API Reference, 137

app icons

universal applications, 817

Xcode, 60-62

AppDelegate.swift, 194

Apple, blurs, 303

Apple Developer Program, 10-11

joining paid Developer Program, 12-14

registering as a developer, 11

Apple Developer tools, 23

Cocoa Touch, 24

Model-View-Controller (MVC), 24

Swift, 23

Apple iOS HIG document, 180

Apple Maps, 721

application data source, FlowerDetail project, 512-515

application data structures, 512-515

populating data structures, 515

application data structures, FlowerDetail project, 512-515

application designs, MVC (Model-View-Controller). See MVC (Model-View-Controller)

application logic

BackgroundColor project, 543

reading preferences, 545

storing preferences, 544-545

BackgroundDownload project, 808-809

BestFriend project

conforming to people picker delegate protocol, 734

contact information, 734-737

displaying Address Book people picker, 734

ColorTilt project, 656

acceleration data, 660

displaying attitude data, 659-660

initializing Core Motion Motion Manager, 656-657

managing motion updates, 657-658

preventing interface-orientation changes, 661-662

reacting to rotation, 661

Cupertino project

configuring location manager instance, 763

implementing location manager delegate, 763-766

location manager, 762-763

setting status bar to white, 766

updating, 771-776

updating plist files, 766

FieldButtonFun project, 243-245

FloraPhotographs project, 298

fixing up interface when app loads, 302

hiding/showing detail web views, 298-300

loading and displaying images and details, 300-302

FlowerColorTable project, 502

populating flower arrays, 502

table view data source protocols, 503-505

table view delegate protocols, 505-507

Gestures project, 625-626

pinch recognizer, 627-630

replacing image views, 626

responding to tap gesture recognizers, 627

rotation recognizer, 630-632

shake gestures, 634-635

swipe recognizer, 627

ImageHop project, 267

animated image views, 267-269

animation speed, 270-272

incrementing animation speed, 273-274

starting/stopping animation, 269-270

unreadable status bar, 274

implementing, 208

LetsNavigate project, 467

adding push count variable property, 468

incrementing/displaying counters, 468-469

LetsTab project, 476

adding push count variable property, 476-477

counter displays, 477

incrementing tab bar item badge, 477-478

triggering counter updates, 478-479

Modal Editor project, 388-389

hiding keyboards, 389

Orientation project

determining orientation, 650-651

registering orientation updates, 649-650

ReturnMe project, 557-559

Scroller project, 310

adding scrolling behavior, 310-311

SlowCount project, 802-804

Survey project

hiding keyboards, 564

showing survey results, 565-567

storing survey results, 564-565

application object (UIApplication), 128

application preferences, 527-529

pseudo preferences, 529-530

application resource constraints, iOS devices, 8

applicationDidBecomeActive, 788

applicationDidEnterBackground, 127, 567, 787-788

application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, 788

applicationIconBadgeNumber, 793

application:performFetchWithCompletionHandler, 808-809

applications, entering background, 127

applicationWillEnterForeground, 790-791

applicationWillResignActive, 788


iOS apps. See iOS apps

launching with iOS Simulator, 65-66

lifecycle of iOS apps, 126-127

quitting, 209

running Xcode, 53-54

testing, FloraPhotographs project, 303

ARC (Automatic Reference Counting), 107

Arrange, 159-160

Arrays, 89

arrays, 91-92

populating, FlowerColorTable project, 502

arrows, compass, 776

asset catalogs, 684

adding to Xcode projects, 38

images, adding, 39-56

retina image assets, 41-42

assistant editor, Xcode, 48-49

associating view controllers, 461-462

LetsTab project, 472

attitude, 646

reading with Core Motion, 645-647

attitude data, displaying, 659-660

attributed text versus plain text, 227


bar button items, 404

date pickers, 406-407

navigation bar item attributes, 450-451

prototype cell attributes, 489-491

tab bar item attributes, 455-456

table attributes, 488-489

Attributes Inspector, 164-165, 584

audio, adding task-specific background processing, 795-796

audio directions, adding, to Cupertino project, 796-799

audio files, adding, 796

audio formats, 671

audio playback, MediaPlayground project, 692-693, 695-696

controlling, 696

loading recorded sound, 696-697

audio recording, MediaPlayground project, 692-693

controlling, 694-695

implementing, 693-694

AudioToolbox framework, adding, 795-796


requesting for Core Location, 752

requesting for notifications, backgrounding, 792

Auto Layout

constraint errors, 586-590


adding, 579-581

centering, 590-592

content compression resistance, 585-586

content hugging, 585-586

designing rotatable and resizable interfaces, 576-577

gesture recognizers, 615

scrolling views, 311

Auto Layout Guide, 180

Auto Layout system, 161

constraints, 161-162, 164

Content Compression Resistance, 162-163

Content Hugging, 162-163

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), 107

autosizing features, reverting to old layout approach, 163

AV Audio Player, 677

completion, 677

AV audio recorder, 678-679

AV Foundation framework, 121, 676-677

AV Audio Player, 677

completion, 677

AV audio recorder, 678-679

availability, 142

AVAudioPlayer, 676

AVAudioRecorder, 676

AVEncoderAudioQualityKey, 678

AVFormatIDKey, 678

AVNumberofChannelsKey, 678

AVSampleRateKey, 678


Back button, 451

navigation controllers, 448

background color, ImageHop project, 262-264

Background Fetch mode, adding, 809

background fetches, 786-787, 806

BackgroundDownload project

adding Background Fetch mode, 809

application logic, 808-809

designing interfaces, 807

implementation overview, 806

outlets, 807-808

setting up, 807

background graphics, ImageHop project, 262-264

background image resources, Cupertino project, 759

background modes, 805

adding, 799-800

background processing, 785

background suspension, 790-791

background task processing, SlowCount project, 804-805

background touch, keyboard hiding, 242

background-aware application life cycle methods, 787-789

BackgroundColor project

application logic, 543

reading preferences, 545

storing preferences, 544-545

building apps, 545-546

designing interfaces, 540-541

implementation overview, 539-540

outlets and actions, 541-543

setting up, 540

BackgroundDownload project

adding Background Fetch mode, 809

application logic, 808-809

designing interfaces, 807

implementation overview, 806

outlets, 807-808

setting up, 807

backgrounding, 783-784

background fetches, 786-787

background-aware application life cycle methods, 787-789

disabling, 789-790

local notifications, 784-785, 792

creating/scheduling, 793-794

properties, 793

requesting authorization for notifications, 792

long-running background tasks. See long-running background tasks

suspension, 784, 790-791

task completion for long-running tasks, 785-786

task-specific background processing. See task-specific background processing

badges, source control projects, 871-872

bar button items, 403-404

attributes, 404

navigation controllers, 448

barItem, 475

batteries, locations, 756

BestFriend project

application logic

conforming to people picker delegate protocol, 734

contact information, 734-737

displaying Address Book people picker, 734

blur effect, adding, 549

designing interfaces, 731-732

configuring map view, 732

email logic

conforming to the mail compose delegate protocol, 741

displaying mail compose view, 741-742

mail completion, 742

implementation overview, 730

map logic, 737

controlling map display, 738-740

customizing pin annotation view, 740

requesting permission to use user’s location, 737-738

tying map display to Address Book selection, 740-741

outlets and actions, 732-733

setting status bar to white, 744-745

setting up, 730-731

social networking logic, 742-743

displaying compose view, 743-744

Blame mode, 876

blueButton.png, 220

Bluetooth, 9

blur effect, adding, 549

to BestFriend project, 744

to Cupertino project, 768

blurs, Apple, 303

Bool, 89

Boolean values, 91

Bottom Layout Guide, 151

branching, source control, 865, 877-880

breakpoint navigators, 853


removing, 854

setting, 845-847

bridged data types, 129-130

browsing documentation, Xcode, 138

build schemes, choosing, 52-53

built-in actions, connections, 176

button attributes, editing, 235

button templates, slicing, 219

adding images, 220

button touches, AllInCode project, 606

buttons, 132, 215-216

Back button, 451

bar button items, 403-404

attributes, 404

custom button images, setting, 235-237

styled buttons, adding, 234


calculateDateDifference, 421

calculating heading to Cupertino, 773-774

cameras, MediaPlayground project, 697-700

canBecomeFirstResponder, 632


configuring to display in table view, 504-505

custom cells, 490

tables, 487

centering constraints, 590-592

CFNetwork, 123

CGFloat(), 646

CGRect, 88

chaining, methods, 101

changing state, 235

check boxes, 282

checkout, 864

child properties, 553

chooseImage method, 698

choosing build schemes, 52-53

chosen images, showing, 698-699

chosenColor, 173

CIFilter, 682-683

class declaration, 84

class fields Swift variable properties declarations, 84-85

class files

Single View Application template, projects, 194-195

Swift, 82-83

class declaration, 84

constant declaration, 85

declaring methods, 86-87

ending, 87

IBOutlet declarations, 85-86

import declaration, 83-84


Cocoa Touch, Playground feature, 131-132

Core Application classes, 128

application object (UIApplication), 128

onscreen controls (UIControl), 129

responders (UIResponder), 128-129

view controllers (UIViewControllers), 129

views (UIView), 128

windows object (UIWindow), 128

data type classes, 129

bridged data types, 129-130

nonbridged data types, 130-131

interface classes, 132

buttons (UIButton), 132

labels (UILabel), 132

pickers (UIDatePicker/UIPicker), 134

popovers UIPopoverPresentationController), 134-135

sliders (UISlider), 133

steppers (UISteppers), 133-134

switches (UISwitch), 133

text fields (UITextField/UITextView), 134

OOP (object-oriented programming), 79

classes interface classes segmented control (UISegmentedControl), 133


image picker, 699-700

movie player, MediaPlayground project, 691

CLGeocoder class, 738

CLHeading, 758

CLLocation, 754

CLLocationDistance, 753

closures, 318

methods, 102

Cocoa, 119

Cocoa Touch, 24, 117-119, 317


data type classes, 129-131

Playground feature, 131-132

Core Application classes, 128-129

interface classes, 132-135

layers, 120

Address Book UI framework, 121

Event Kit UI, 121

Game Kit, 120

iAd, 121

Map Kit, 120

Message UI framework, 121

Notification Center framework, 121

PhotosUI, 121

UIKit, 120


debuggers, 848-850

Interface Builder (IB), 170

implementing, 171-172

object identity, 178-179

opening projects, 170

outlets and actions, 172-178

writing, 178

keyboard hiding, 242-243

low-level code, 446


activating tabbed editing, 50

adding marks, to do’s and fix me’s, 47-48

assistant editor, 48-49

code completion, 44-46

editing tools, 42

navigating, 42

searching with search navigator, 46-47

snapshots, 50-51

symbol navigator, 43

code completion, Xcode, 44-46

color, background color, ImageHop project, 262-264

colorChoice, 172

ColorTilt project

application logic, 656

acceleration data, 660

displaying attitude data, 659-660

initializing Core Motion Motion Manager, 656-657

managing motion updates, 657-658

preventing interface-orientation changes, 661-662

reacting to rotation, 661

designing interfaces, 653

implementation overview, 652

outlets and actions, 654-655

setting up, 652-653

comments, adding marks, to do’s and fix me’s, 47-48

commits, source control projects, 873-874

committing changes, source control, 864

Comparison mode, 876

compass, 768

arrows, 776

Cupertino project. See Cupertino project, updating user interfaces, 769-770

setting up, 768-769

compiling, 52

component constants, 428

compose view, displaying in BestFriend project, 743-744

configureView, 521

configuring, 289-290

cells to display in table view, 504-505

devices for development, 16-17

installed size classes, 823

location manager instance, 763

map views, 732

navigation controllers, LetsNavigate project, 460

popover segue, 362-365

popovers, 391-392

projects, as universal, 816-817

segue style, 370-371


to actions, 174-176

to exits, 367-368


AllInCode project, 602

BestFriend project, 730-731

built-in actions, 176

ColorTilt project, 652-653

creating to outlets, 173-174

Cupertino project, 759

CustomPicker project, 427-428

DateCalc project, 414-415

editing with Quick Inspector, 177

FloraPhotographs project, 288

FlowerColorTable project, 499

FlowerDetail project, 509-510

Gestures project, 616

ImageHop project, 255

LetsNavigate project, 463

LetsTab project, 472

MediaPlayground project, 685

Modal Editor project, 381

Orientation project, 647

planning, 197-199

SlowCount project, 801

verifying, Connections Inspector, 625

Connections Inspector, 174-175, 446

connectivity, iOS devices, 9

constant declaration, 85

constants, 428, 537

adding, 540

ReturnMe project, 547

component constants, 428

declaring, 95

location constants, 759-760

OOP (object-oriented programming), 80

table section constants, 499

constants radian conversion constants ColorTilt project, 653

constraint errors, 586-590

constraint objects, top/bottom layout guides, 581

constraint tools, 589


adding with Auto Layout, 579-581

Auto Layout system, 161-162, 164

centering, 590-592

editing via Size Inspector, 582-585

horizontal constraints, 581

iOS devices, 8

matching sizes, 598-600

Modal Editor project, 382

setting, 595-597

storyboards, size classes, 830

vertical constraints, 581

viewing via Size Inspector, 582-585

Xcode, 579

constraints objects, navigating, 581-590

contact information, BestFriend project, 734-737

contacts applications, 447

Content Compression Resistance, 162-163, 585-586

Content Hugging, 162-163, 585-586

controlHardware method, 657


navigation controllers. See navigation controllers

tab bar controllers. See tab bar controllers

view controllers, multiscene development, 446


audio playback, MediaPlayground project, 696

audio recording, MediaPlayground project, 694-695

controls, expanding, 592-597

convenience initialization method, 268, 285

convenience methods, 93-94

copy and paste, 229

Core Application classes, 128

application object (UIApplication), 128

onscreen controls (UIControl), 129

responders (UIResponder), 128-129

view controllers (UIViewControllers), 129

views (UIView), 128

windows object (UIWindow), 128

Core Audio, 121

Core Bluetooth, 125

Core Data, 32, 123, 190, 568

Core Foundation, 123, 536

Core Graphics, 122

Core Image, 121, 682

filters, 682-683, 700-702

Core Location, 123, 751

Cupertino project

application logic, 762-767

designing views, 760-761

implementation overview, 759

outlets, 762

setting up, 759-760

getting headings, 757-758

getting locations, 751-752

location accuracy and update filter, 756

location errors, 754-756

location manager delegate protocol, 752-754

requesting authorization and plist files, 752

Core Motion, 123, 643, 645-647

Motion Manager, 656-657

radians, 653

reading acceleration, 645-647

Core OS layer, 125

Accelerate, 125

Core Bluetooth, 125

External Accessory, 125

Local Authentication, 125

Security framework, 125

System framework, 125

Core Services layer, 123

Accounts, 123

Address Book, 123

CFNetwork, 123

Core Data, 123

Core Foundation, 123

Core Location, 123

Core Motion, 123

Event Kit, 124

Foundation, 124

HealthKit, 124

HomeKit, 124

Newsstand, 124

Pass Kit, 124

Quick Look, 124

Social, 124

Store Kit, 125

System Configuration, 125

Core Text, 122

correcting errors with issue navigator, 54-57

Count Down Timer, date picker attributes, 406

counter displays, LetsTab project, 477

counter updates, triggering, 478-479


incrementing/displaying, 468-469

initializing, 803

updating, 803-804

Counting Navigation Controller, 462

countLabel, 463

CPU usage, monitoring, 855-856

createStory method, 244

Cupertino project


audio, 795

audio directions, 796-799

background modes, 799

blur effect, 768

application logic

configuring location manager instance, 763

implementing location manager delegate, 763-766

location manager, 762-763

setting status bar to white, 766

updating, 771-776

updating plist files, 766


implementation overview, 768

outlets, 771

setting up, 768-769

updating user interfaces, 769-770

designing views, 760-761

implementation overview, 759

outlets, 762

setting up, 759-760

curly braces, 318

custom button images, setting, 235-237

custom cells, 490

custom picker views, 405, 407-408, 432-438

changing component and row sizes, 436

CustomPicker project, scene segue logic, 438-439

data source protocols, 433-434

delegate protocols, 434-435

implicit selection, 438

loading picker data, 432-433

reacting to selections, 436-438

custom pickers, 425-436

CustomPicker project

creating segues, 431

custom picker views, 432-438

implementation overview, 426

outlets and actions, 431-432

setting up, 426-428

implementation overview, 426


interfaces, 164

accessibility attributes, 165-167

Attributes Inspector, 164-165

keyboard displays with text input traits, 228-229

pin annotation view, 740

CustomPicker project, 427-428

connections, 427-428

creating segues, 431

custom picker views, 432-438

changing component and row sizes, 436

data source protocols, 433-434

delegate protocols, 434-435

implicit selection, 438

loading picker data, 432-433

reacting to selections, 436-438

designing interfaces, 428-430

implementation overview, 426

outlets and actions, 431-432

scene segue logic, 438-439

setting up, 426-428



acceleration data, 660

attitude data, displaying, 659-660

sharing between tab bar scenes, 457-458

sharing between navigation scenes, 452

data detectors, 232-233

data models, MVC (Model-View-Controller), 190

data source protocols

custom picker views, 433-434

FlowerColorTable project, 501

picker view data source protocol, 408-409

table view data source protocols, FlowerColorTable project, 503-505

table views, 491-494

data storage, 530

direct file system access, 534-535

file paths, 536-537

reading/writing data, 537-538

storage locations for application data, 535-536

settings bundles, 532-534

user defaults, 530-531

reading/writing, 531-532

data structures, populating, 515

data type classes, 129

bridged data types, 129-130

nonbridged data types, 130-131

URLs (NSURL), 131

data types

declaring, 89

object data types, 93

Date, date picker attributes, 406

Date and Time, date picker attributes, 406

date calculation logic, 419

determining the differences between dates, 420

displaying date and time, 419-420

getting dates, 419

implementing date calculation and display, 421-422

updating date output, 422-423

date formats, 420

date output, updating, 422-423

date pickers, 405-406

attributes, 406-407

DateCalc project, 412

creating segues, 417

date calculation logic. See date calculation logic

designing interfaces, 415-417

implementation overview, 413

implementing scene segue logic, 424-425

outlets and actions, 418-419

setting up, 413-415

DateCalc project, 412

building apps, 425

connections, 414-415

creating segues, 417

date calculation logic, 419

determining the differences between dates, 420

displaying date and time, 419-420

getting dates, 419

implementing date calculation and display, 421-422

updating date output, 422-423

designing interfaces, 415-417

implementation overview, 413

implementing scene segue logic, 424-425

outlets and actions, 418-419

setting up, 413-415

variables, 414-415

DateChooserViewController, 414

adding, 413

dates, determining the differences between dates, 420

dates (NSDate), 130

Debug, 842

debug, Xcode, 33

debug navigators, 853-855

DebuggerPractice project, 843-845

debuggers, 841-842

accessing Variable List, 852-853

breakpoint navigators, 853

breakpoints, setting, 845-847

code, 848-850

Debug, 842

debug navigators, 853-855

DebuggerPractice project, 843-845

lldb, 845

monitoring CPU and memory usage, 855-856

Release, 842

variable states, 847-848

view hierarchy, checking, 856-858

watchpoints, 851-852

decision making, 102

declaration, 142


class declaration, 84

constant declaration, 85

IBOutlet declarations, 85-86

import declaration, 83-84

variable properties declarations, 84-85

declared in, 142


constants, 95

methods, 86-87

variables, 89

arrays, 91-92

Boolean values, 91

convenience methods, 93-94

data types, 89

dictionaries, 92-93

integers and floating-point numbers, 89-90

object data types, 93

optional values, 95-97

strings, 90-91

default images, ImageHop project, 257

default selections, 438

default simulated devices, 154

default states, FloraPhotographs project, 292

default transitions, 361

delegate protocols

custom picker views, 434-435

FlowerColorTable project, 501, 505-507

location manager delegate protocol, 752-754, 763-766

mail compose delegate protocol, 741

map view delegate protocol, 724-725

people picker delegate protocol, 734

picker views, 409-410

table views, 494-495

describeInteger, 843, 854

description, 142

designing interfaces

adding objects, 201-203

BackgroundColor project, 540-541

BackgroundDownload project, 807

BestFriend project, 731-732

configuring map view, 732

ColorTilt project, 653

CustomPicker project, 428-430

DateCalc project, 415-417

FieldButtonFun project, 224

adding styled buttons, 234

adding text fields, 225

adding text views, 230-231

customizing keyboard displays with text input traits, 228-229

editing button attributes, 235

editing text field attributes, 225-227

editing text view attributes, 231-232

scrolling options, 233-234

setting custom button images, 235-237

setting simulated interface attributes, 224

FloraPhotographs project, 288, 295

adding segmented controls, 289

adding switches, 291

adding web views, 292

segments, adding/configuring, 289-290

setting default state, 292

setting web view attributes, 293-294

sizing controls, 291

FlowerColorTable project, 500-501

Gestures project, 617-618

GettingAttention project, 329-330

ImageHop project, 256

adding Hop button, 262

adding image views, 256

adding sliders, 259

adding speed output labels, 262

adding steppers, 261

background graphics and color, 262-264

making copies, 258

setting default images, 257

setting slider range attributes, 259-261

setting stepper range attributes, 261-262

LetsNavigate project, 465-466

LetsTab project, 473-474

MediaPlayground project, 685-686

Modal Editor project, 381-384

Orientation project, 648

ReturnMe project, 548

Scroller project, 305

adding objects, 308

adding scrolling views, 305-306

resetting View Controller Simulated Size, 309

setting freeform size, 306-307

SlowCount project, 802

setting simulated interface attributes, 199-201

Survey project, 560-561

designing views, Cupertino project, 760-761

desiredAccuracy, 756

detail scenes, updating, 511-512

detail view controllers, 497

FlowerDetail project, 519

displaying detail view, 520-521

detail views, displaying, 520-521

detail web views, hiding/showing, FloraPhotographs project, 298-300

detailItem, 519, 521

details, loading/displaying, FloraPhotographs project, 300-302

developers, 9-10

Apple Developer Program, 10-11

joining paid Developer Program, 12-14

registering, 11

installing Xcode, 14-16

who can become iOS developer, 9-10

development provisioning profiles, iOS apps, 16

device models

universal applications, 819

device orientations, Xcode, 59


configuring for development, 16-17

default simulated devices, 154

iOS devices, 5-6

Dictionaries, 89

dictionaries, 92-93

didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation, 577

different screen sizes, accommodating, 7

direct file system access, 530, 534-535

file paths, 536-537

reading/writing data, 537-538

storage locations for application data, 535-536

direction image resources, Cupertino project, 769

directionArrow, 775


adaptive segues, 394

backgrounding, 789-790

editing, Master-Detail Application template, 518

dismissDateChooser, 418

dismissing modal scenes, programmatically, 366


Address Book people picker, 734

attitude data, 659-660

compose view, BestFriend project, 743-744

counters, 468-469

date and time, 419-420

detail views, 520-521

images and details, FloraPhotographs project, 300-302

mail compose view, 741-742

media picker, 704-705

displays, 6-7

updating, 803-804

distanceFromLocation method, 764

distanceView outlet, 762

distantPast(), 95

doAcceleration, 660

doActionSheet method, 339-340

doAlert method, 333, 793-794

doAlertInput, 337

doAttitude, 659-660

document outline, storyboards, 149-152

document outline objects, storyboards, 153-154

documentation, Xcode, 135-136

browsing, 138

navigating, 139-140

searching, 137-138

setting up documentation downloads, 136-137

Documents directory, 536

doMultipleButtonAlert, 335

Done button, keyboard hiding, 240-242

doSound method, 341-342

Double, 89

doVibration method, 343

do-while loops, 106-107

downcasting, 97

downloading changes, source control, 865

downloads, documentation, setting up, 136-137



button attributes, 235

code, Xcode, 42

connections, with Quick Inspector, 177

constraints, via Size Inspector, 582-585

disabling, Master-Detail Application template, 518

tabbed editing, Xcode, 50

text field attributes, 225-227

text view attributes, 231-232

editing tools, Interface Builder (IB), 157

guides, 157-158

selection handles, 158-159

Size Inspector, 159-161

editor, Xcode, 33

Editor menus, 589

EditorViewController, 376

adding, 378

email, 717-719

BestFriend project. See BestFriend project

mail compose view controller delegate, 719

email logic, BestFriend project

conforming to the mail compose delegate protocol, 741

displaying mail compose view, 741-742

mail completion, 742

empty selections, 706

endBackgroundTask, 801

ending class files, Swift, 87


constraint errors, 586-590

correcting with issue navigator, 54-57

location errors, 754-756

placement errors, 588

Event Kit, 124

Event Kit UI, 121

exclamation mark (!), 197, 268

Exit icon, 151

exits, 351, 389

connecting to, 367-368

multiscene projects, 366-368

view controllers, 381

expanding controls, 592-597

expressions, 102-103

if-then-else, 103-104


do-while loops, 106-107

for loops, 105-106

while loops, 106-107

switch statements, 103-104

syntax, 103

extensions, OOP (object-oriented programming), 80

External Accessory, 125


feedback, iOS devices, 9

FieldButtonFun project, 217

application logic, 243-245

building apps, 245

designing interfaces, 224

adding styled buttons, 234

adding text fields, 225

adding text views, 230-231

customizing keyboard displays with text input traits, 228-229

editing button attributes, 235

editing text field attributes, 225-227

editing text view attributes, 231-232

scrolling options, 233-234

setting custom button images, 235-237

setting simulated interface attributes, 224

keyboard hiding, 240-243

outlets and actions, 237-239

preparing button templates with slicing, 219-224

setting up, 218-219

fields, alert, 337-338

file formats, web views, 284

file paths, direct file system access, 536-537

file storage

implementation overview, 559-560

Playground feature, 538-539

Survey project

application logic, 564-567

designing interfaces, 560-561

outlets and actions, 562-563

setting up, 560

fileExistsAtPath, 537

files, removing, from Xcode projects, 37-38

filtering, 35


Core Image, 682-683, 700-702

media picker, 673

fireDate, 793

First Responder icon, 151

first responders, 632-634

FIXME, 47-48

Flash Professional, 10

Float, 89

floating-point numbers, 89-90

FloraPhotographs project, 287

application logic, 298

fixing up interface when app loads, 302

hiding/showing detail web views, 298-300

loading and displaying images and details, 300-302

designing interfaces, 288, 295

adding segmented controls, 289

adding switches, 291

adding web views, 292

segments, adding/configuring, 289-290

setting default state, 292

setting web view attributes, 293-294

sizing controls, 291

outlets and actions, 295-298

setting up, 288

testing apps, 303

FlowerColorTable project

application logic, 502

populating flower arrays, 502

table view data source protocols, 503-505

table view delegate protocols, 505-507

connections, 499

data source protocols, 501

delegate protocols, 501

designing interfaces, 500-501

implementation overview, 499

setting up, 499

variables, 499

FlowerDetail project

application data source, 512-515

application data structures, 512-515

populating data structures, 515

connections, 509-510

detail view controllers, 519

displaying detail view, 520-521

master view controllers, 515

creating table cells, 516-517

creating table view data methods, 515-516

disabling editing, 518

handling navigation events from a segue, 518-519

setting up, 508-510

tweaking interfaces, 510-512

updating detail scenes, 511-512

updating master scenes, 510

web view outlets, 512

variables, 509-510

flowerView, 173

fonts, size classes, 826

for loops, 105-106

Foundation, 124

foundPinch method, 628

foundRotation method, 630-631

foundSwipe method, 627

foundTap method, 627

frames, adding, in BestFriend project, 730

frameworks, 117, 119

Accelerate, 125

Accounts, 123

adding, 684

Address Book, 123

Address Book UI framework, 121

AudioToolbox, adding, 795-796

AV Foundation framework, 121

CFNetwork, 123

Core Audio, 121

Core Bluetooth, 125

Core Data, 123

Core Foundation, 123

Core Graphics, 122

Core Image, 121

Core Location, 123

Core Motion, 123

Core Text, 122

Event Kit, 124

Event Kit UI, 121

External Accessory, 125

Foundation, 124

Game Kit, 120

HealthKit, 124

HomeKit, 124

iAd, 121

Image I/O, 122

Local Authentication, 125

Map Kit, 120

Media Player framework, 122

Message UI framework, 121

Metal, 122

Newsstand, 124

Notification Center framework, 121

OpenGL ES, 122

Pass Kit, 124

Photos framework, 122

PhotosUI, 121

Quartz Core, 122

Quick Look, 124

Security framework, 125

Social, 124

Store Kit, 125

System Configuration, 125

System framework, 125

UIKit, 120

freeform size, setting up in Scroller project, 306-307

fullscreen view, transitioning to in media player, 671

functions versus methods, 190


Game Kit, 120


multitouch events, 66-67

output, from Playground, 110-112

generic view controller classes, adding, 459-460, 471

geocoding, 725-728

Playground feature, 727-728

geographic north, 757

gesture recognizers, 614

adding, 612-613

to views, 619-622

Auto Layout, 615

projects, Gestures project. See Gestures project

gesture-recognizer classes, 612

gestures, multitouch gesture recognition, 611-612

Gestures project

adding gesture recognizers to views, 619-622

application logic, 625-626

pinch recognizer, 627-630

replacing image views, 626

responding to tap gesture recognizers, 627

rotation recognizer, 630-632

shake gestures, 634-635

swipe recognizer, 627

building apps, 635

designing interfaces, 617-618

implementation overview, 614-615

outlets and actions, 623-625

setting up, 616-617

shake recognizer, 632

getFlower, 172

getters, 85

GettingAttention project

action sheets, 338-341

alert sounds and vibrations, 341-343

alerts, 333-338

creating multibutton alerts, 334-336

fields, 337-338

designing interfaces, 329-330

outlets and actions, 331-333

setting up, 328-329

Git, 863

branching/merging, 865

committing changes, 864

downloading changes, 865

repositories, 865-866

connecting to remote repositories, 868-869

creating local, 866-868

working copies, 870-871

Google Maps, 721

GPS, 751

graphics, 6-7

grouped tables, 486

guides, 142

Interface Builder (IB), 157-158

gutters, 844

gyroscope, 639, 642


heading updates, Cupertino project, 771-772, 774-776

headingAvailable, 757, 771

headingFilter, 775


calculating, Cupertino project, 773-774

Core Location, 757-758

HealthKit, 124

hideKeyboard method, 242, 564


detail web views, FloraPhotographs project, 298-300

keyboards, 564

Modal Editor project, 389

Hint attributes, 166

hi-res images, loading for retina display, 258

HomeKit, 124

Hop button, adding, 262

horizontal constraints, 581

hueSlider, 540


iAd, 121

IB editor, 589

@IBAction, 189-190

@IBOutlet, 188-189, 197

IBOutlet declarations, 85-86

icons, app icons

universal applications, 817

Xcode, 60-62

IDE (integrated development environment), 29

identifier attribute, 534

identifiers, 359

if-then-else, 103-104

Image I/O, 122

image picker, 679-680

cleanup, 699-700

MediaPlayground project, photo library and camera, 697-698

image resources

adding, 547-548

CustomPicker project, 427

FlowerColorTable project, 499

FlowerDetail project, 508

Gestures project, 616

Cupertino project, 759

image views, 253

adding to ImageHop project, 256

animated image views, ImageHop project, 267-269

replacing, Gestures project, 626

ImageHop project, 253-254

application logic, 267

animated image views, 267-269

animation speed, 270-272

incrementing animation speed, 273-274

starting/stopping animation, 269-270

unreadable status bar, 274

building apps, 274-275

designing interfaces, 256

adding Hop button, 262

adding image views, 256

adding sliders, 259

adding speed output labels, 262

adding steppers, 261

background graphics and color, 262-264

making copies, 258

setting default images, 257

setting slider range attributes, 259-261

setting stepper range attributes, 261-262

outlets and actions, 264-265

adding outlets, 265

setting up, 254-255

adding animation resources, 255



to asset catalogs, 39-56

to button templates, 220

chosen images, 698-699

default images, ImageHop project, 257

direction image resources, Cupertino project, 769

hi-res images, loading for retina display, 258

JPEG images, 40

loading/displaying, FloraPhotographs project, 300-302

PNG images, 40

retina image assets, 41-42

size classes, 826-827

tab bar item images, adding, 471

UI image picker controller delegate, 680-682

imperative programming, 78


application logic, Single View Application template, 208

audio recording, MediaPlayground project, 693-694

code, Interface Builder (IB), 171-172

interface update method, 604-605

Single View Application template, 191-192

split view controllers, 496-497

implicit preferences, 539

BackgroundColor project

application logic, 543-545

designing interfaces, 540-541

implementation overview, 539-540

outlets and actions, 541-543

setting up, 540

implicit selection, custom picker views, 438

implicit unwrapping, 97-98

import declaration, class files, 83-84

incrementCount, 468

incrementCountFirst, 475

incrementCountSecond, 475

incrementCountThird, 475


animation speed, 273-274

counters, 468-469

tab bar item badge, 477-478

indexed tables, 486

initializing, interface objects, 603-604

initializing Core Motion Motion Manager, 656-657

initWithContentURL, 689

input. See also output

FieldButtonFun project, 217

application logic, 243-245

building the app, 245

designing interfaces. See designing interfaces

keyboard hiding, 240-243

preparing button templates with slicing, 219-224

setting up, 218-219

iOS devices, 9

inspecting output from Playground, 110-112

installed size classes, configuring, 823

installing, Xcode, 14-16

instance methods, OOP (object-oriented programming, 80

instances, OOP (object-oriented programming), 80

instantiation, 149

OOP (object-oriented programming), 80

Int, 89

integers, 89-90


buttons, 215-216

labels, 216

text fields, 216

text views, 216

Interface Builder (IB), 147-148

Auto Layout system, 161

constraints, 161-162, 164

Content Compression Resistance, 162-163

Content Hugging, 162-163

connecting to code, 170

implementing, 171-172

object identity, 178-179

opening projects, 170

outlets and actions, 172-178

writing code, 178

customizing interfaces, 164

accessibility attributes, 165-167

Attributes Inspector, 164-165

editing tools, 157

guides, 157-158

selection handles, 158-159

Size Inspector, 159-161

overview, 148

previewing interfaces, 168-169

resources, 179

storyboards, 149

document outline, 149-152

document outline objects, 153-154

user interfaces

adding object to views, 156-157

Object Library, 154-155

interface classes, 132

buttons (UIButton), 132

labels (UILabel), 132

pickers (UIDatePicker/UIPicker), 134


UIPopoverPresentationController), 134-135

sliders (UISlider), 133

steppers, 133-134

switches (UISwitch), 133

text fields (UITextField/UITextView), 134

interface classes segmented control (UISegmentedControl), 133

interface objects, initializing, 603-604

interface rotation events, 644

interface update method, implementing, 604-605

interface-orientation changes, preventing, 661-662


customizing, 164

accessibility attributes, 165-167

Attributes Inspector, 164-165

designing, 199-203

adding objects, 201-203

setting simulated interface attributes, 199-201

expanding controls, 593-595

iOS 7, 7

previewing, 168-169

programmatically defined interfaces. See programmatically defined interfaces

responsive interfaces

designing rotatable and resizable interfaces, 576-578

rotation, 573-574

rotation, enabling, 574-575

tweaking. See tweaking interfaces

interpreting results, of Quick Help, 142-143

Intrinsic Size setting, Auto Layout system, 163

iOS 6, segmented controls, 290

iOS 7, interfaces, 7

iOS Accessibility Inspector, enabling, 167

iOS applications, data storage, 527-529

iOS apps

configuring devices for development, 16-17

development provisioning profiles, 16

launching, 19-22

lifecycle of iOS apps, 126-127

running, 16-19

iOS Dev Center, 14

iOS developers, 9-10

Apple Developer Program, 10-11

joining paid Developer Program, 12-14

registering as a developer, 11

installing Xcode, 14-16

iOS devices, 5-6

application resource constraints, 8

connectivity, 9

display and graphics, 6-7

feedback, 9

input, 9

registering multiple devices, 17

iOS Human Interface Guidelines, 180

iOS Simulator, 63-64

adding addition simulated devices, 69-71

data storage, 535

launching apps, 65-66

multitouch events, generating, 66-67

rotating, simulated devices, 67

running, first time, 57

testing other conditions, 68-69

iPads, screens, 6

iPhone, 6

iPhone 5, screens, 7

iPhone 6, screens, 6

iPhone 6+, screens, 6


popovers, 393-395

screens, 6

iPod touch, 6

isAnimating, 269

issue navigator, correcting, errors, 54-57

items, navigation controllers, 448


JPEG images, 40


key constants, 540

ReturnMe project, 547

keyboard displays, customizing with text input traits, 228-229

keyboard hiding

adding code, 242-243

FieldButtonFun project, 240-243

background touch, 242

Done button, 240-242

Modal Editor project, 389

keyboard types, 229


hiding, 564

virtual keyboards, 217

keychains, 17


Label attributes, 166

labels, 216

getting in scolling view, 309

UILabel, 132

lastSound, 797

launch images, Xcode, 60, 62-63

launch screens

universal applications, 818

Xcode, 60, 62-63


apps, iOS Simulator, 65-66

iOS apps, 19-22

layers, 119

Cocoa Touch, 120

Address Book UI framework, 121

Event Kit UI, 121

Game Kit, 120

iAd, 121

Map Kit, 120

Message UI framework, 121

Notification Center framework, 121

PhotosUI, 121

UIKit, 120

Core OS layer, 125

Accelerate, 125

Core Bluetooth, 125

External Accessory, 125

Local Authentication, 125

Security framework, 125

System framework, 125

Core Services layer, 123

Accounts, 123

Address Book, 123

CFNetwork, 123

Core Data, 123

Core Foundation, 123

Core Location, 123

Core Motion, 123

Event Kit, 124

Foundation, 124

HealthKit, 124

HomeKit, 124

Newsstand, 124

Pass Kit, 124

Quick Look, 124

Social, 124

Store Kit, 125

System Configuration, 125

Media layer, 121

AV Foundation framework, 121

Core Audio, 121

Core Graphics, 122

Core Image, 121

Core Text, 122

Image I/O, 122

Media Player framework, 122

Metal, 122

OpenGL ES, 122

Photos framework, 122

Quartz Core, 122

layout guides, 581

leading, 579

leading space, 581

LetsNavigate project

application logic, 467

adding push count variable property, 468

incrementing/displaying counters, 468-469

building apps, 469

designing interfaces, 465-466

implementation overview, 458-459

outlets and actions, 466-467

setting up, 459

adding scenes and associating view controllers, 461-462

adding/configuring navigation controllers, 460

connections, 463

variables, 463

show segues, creating, 464-465

LetsNavigate project setting up adding navigation controllers and generic view controller classes, 459-460

LetsTab project

adding scenes and associating view controllers, 472

application logic, 476

adding push count variable property, 476-477

counter displays, 477

incrementing tab bar item badge, 477-478

triggering counter updates, 478-479

building apps, 479

designing interfaces, 473-474

implementation overview, 470

outlets and actions, 475-476

setting up, 470

adding tab bar controller and generic view controller classes, 471

adding tab bar controllers, 471-472

connections, 472

variables, 472

tab bar relationships, creating, 472-473

LetsTab project setting up adding tab bar item images, 471

Library/Caches directory, 536

lifecycle of iOS apps, 126-127

lifecycles, background-aware application life cycle methods, 787-789

limitations, MVC (Model-View-Controller), 186

linking, 52


Activating Interface Rotation, 575

Add a Method as a Placeholder for the Unwind Segue, 381

Adding a Method in GenericViewController.swift to Update Each Scene’s Counter, 478

Adding Audio Feedback When the Heading Updates, 798-799

Adding the foundRotation Method, 630-631

Adding the getFlower Implementation, 300-301

Applying a Filter to the Image in the UIImageView, 700-701

Asking to Become a First Responder, 634

Calculating a Heading to a Destination, 774

Calculating the Date Difference, 422

Calculating the Difference Between Two Dates, 421

Calculating the Distance When the Location Updates, 764-765

Calling the NSLog Function, 839

Centering the Map and Adding an Annotation, 739

Changing the Label as the Orientation Changes, 650

Cleaning Up After the Movie Player, 691

Completed setOutput Method, 208

The Completed setSpeed Method, 270-271

Completing the recordAudio Method, 696

Configuring a Cell to Display in Table View, 504-505

Configuring and Displaying the Mail Compose View, 741

Configuring the Detail View Using the detailItem, 521

Configuring the Sections and Row Count for the Table View, 492

Creating a Method to Display the User’s Selection, 437

Creating and Initializing the Audio Recorder, 693

Creating the Location Manager Instance, 763

Customizing the Annotation View, 724, 740

Defining Handlers Within Alert Actions, 322

Defining the Minimum Background Fetch Interval, 808

Disable the Adaptive Segue, 394

Disabling Editing of Table Cells, 518

Disabling Editing of the UI, 518

Disabling Interface Rotation, 662

Dismissing the Mail Compose View, 742

Dismissing the Modal Scene, 424, 439

Displaying the Media Picker, 704

The doAlertInput Implementation, 337

Editing the viewDidLoad Method, 842-844

Enabling Scrolling in Your Scroll View, 311

Enabling the Ability to Be a First Responder, 632

Example of the Tap Gesture Recognizer, 613

The Final viewDidLoad Implementation, 703-704

Finishing the Background Fetch by Implementing application:performFetchWithCompletionHandler, 808-809

Forward Geocoding, 725

Handling a Cancel Action in the People Picker, 715

Handling a Popover Dismissal, 374

Handling a Row Selection Event, 506

Handling a User’s Music Selection, 705

Handling Button Touches, 606

Handling Drilling Down to Individual Properties, 716

Handling Empty Selections in the Media Picker, 706

Handling Heading Updates, 758

Handling Location Manager Errors, 763-764

Handling Playback Completion, 677

Handling Rotation in didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation, 606

Handling the Cancellation of a Media Selection, 674

Handling the Cancellation of an Image Selection, 681, 699

Handling the Composition Completion, 719

Handling the Heading Updates, 775-776

Handling the Notification of Playback Completion, 672

Handling the Selection of a Contact, 735-736

Handling the Selection of a Person in the Address Book, 716

Handling the Selection of an Image, 681

Handling the Selection of Media Items, 674

Handling the User’s Selection of an Image, 699

Hiding the Keyboard, 243

Hiding the Keyboard When Its Done Key Is Pressed, 389

Hiding the Keyboard When It Isn’t Needed, 564

Implementing a Custom Picker Data Source Protocol, 408

Implementing a Custom Picker Delegate Protocol, 409-410

Implementing a UIActionSheet Class, 323-324

Implementing an Alert-styled UIAlertController, 319-320

Implementing playAudio Method, 696

Implementing the chooseImage Method, 698

Implementing the controlHardware Method, 657-658

Implementing the createStory Method, 244

Implementing the describeInteger Method, 843

Implementing the doAccleration Method, 660

Implementing the doActionSheet Method, 339-340

Implementing the doAlert Method, 333

Implementing the doAttitude Method, 659

Implementing the doMultipleButtonAlert Method, 335

Implementing the doRotation Method, 661

Implementing the doVibration Method, 343

Implementing the Final setBackgroundHueValue Method, 544

Implementing the foundPinch Method, 628

Implementing the foundSwipe Method, 627

Implementing the foundTap Method, 627

Implementing the incrementCount Method, 468

Implementing the Initial setBackgroundHueValue method, 543

Implementing the newBFF method, 734

Implementing the playMusic Method, 706

Implementing the setValuesFromPreferences Method, 558

Implementing the showResults Method, 566

Implementing the Simple Tweet Compose View, 743-744

Implementing the storeSurvey Method, 564-565

Implementing the toggleFlowerDetail Method, 300

Implementing the viewDidLoad Method, 626

Implementing updateInterface, 604-605

Initializing the Interface When the Application Loads, 606

Initializing the Motion Manager, 657

Initializing the Movie Player, 689-690

Initializing the Sound File References in viewDidLoad, 796-797

Initiating Movie Playback, 690-691

Loading and Playing a Sound, 327

Loading the Animation, 267-268

Loading the Data Required for the Picker View, 432-433

Loading the Settings When the Initial View loads, 559

Performing a Default Calculation When the Date Chooser Is First Displayed, 423

Placing an Annotation, 723

Populating the Field with the Current Email Address, 388

Populating the Flower Data Structures, 513

Prepare the Interface (But Don’t Display It Yet), 603

Preparing and Showing the Compose Dialog, 719

Preparing the Audio Player with a Default Sound, 695-696

Preparing to Post to Facebook, 721

Presenting the Picker with Custom Views, 411

Processing a CIImage with a CIFilter, 682

Providing a Custom View for Each Possible Picker Element, 434-435

Reacting to a User’s Selection, 437

Reacting to a User’s Touch, 494

Reacting to Core Location Errors, 755

Requesting Heading Updates, 771-772

Requesting Notification Authorization, 792

Responding to a Shake Gesture, 634-635

Returning a Count of the Rows (Array Elements) in Each Section, 503

Returning a Heading for Each Section, 504

Returning the Number of Components, 433

Returning the Number of Elements per Component, 434

Returning the Number of Sections in the Table, 503

Reverse Geocoding, 726

A Sample Interface File, 83

Scheduling a Timer When the Application Starts, 803

Set a Preferred Size for the Popover, 425

Set a Size for the Editor Popover, 391

Set the Popover Presentation Controller Delegate, 394

Setting a Custom Height and Width for the Picker Components and Rows, 436

Setting a Default Selection, 438

Setting an Exit Point, 367

Setting the Detail View Controller’s detailItem, 519

Setting the End of Background Processing, 805

Setting the Initial Scene’s Label to the Editor Scene’s Field, 389

Setting the Start on Background Processing, 805

Setting the Status Bar Appearance in preferredStatusBarStyle, 274, 745, 766

Setting Up and Displaying the Image Picker, 680

A Silly Implementation of tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath, 493

Starting and Stopping the Animation in toggleAnimation, 269-270

Storing the Recently Received Location for Later Use, 772-773

Supporting All Interface Orientations, 602

Typical Setup and Display of a Media Picker, 673

Update the viewDidLoad Method to Ask for Location Authorization, 738

ateAnimalChooserViewController’s viewDidLoad Method, 439

Updating doAlert to Register a Local Notification, 793-794

Updating the Counter, 804

Updating the Display in viewWillAppear:animated, 469

Updating the Display Using the Counter Values, 477

Updating the Initial recordAudio Method, 694

Updating the Settings in viewDidLoad, 545

Updating the Tab Bar Item’s Badge, 477-478

Updating the viewDidLoad Method to Set the Initial Display, 302

Updating viewDidLoad to Loop 2,000 Times, 851

Using prepareForSegue:sender to Grab the View Controllers, 375

Using the Motion Manager, 646

The ViewController.swift Outlets and Actions, 266-267

ViewController.swift with Connections Defined, 198

Watching for Orientation Changes, 649

Your First Code Exercise, 44

lldb, 845


hi-res images for Retina display, 258

images and details, FloraPhotographs project, 300-302

picker data, 432-433

recorded sound, 696-697

remote content, web views, 284-285

sound, 326-327

loadRequest, loading remote content, 284-285

Local Authentication, 125

local notifications, backgrounding, 784-785, 792

creating/scheduling, 793-794

properties, 793

requesting authorization for notifications, 792

local repositories, Git, 866-868

location accuracy, Core Location, 756

location constants, Cupertino project, 759-760

location errors, 754-756

location manager, Cupertino project, 762-763

location manager delegate implementing, 763-766

location manager delegate protocol, 752-754

location manager instance, configuring, 763

location managers, Core Location, 751-752


batteries, 756

Core Location. See Core Location

mapping, 728-729

north, 757

permissions, requesting to use user’s location, 737-738

storing recent, Cupertino project, 772-773

locMan, 764

Log mode, 876

long pressing, 612

long-running background tasks, 800

SlowCount project

application logic, 802-804

background task processing, 804-805

designing interfaces, 802

implementation overview, 800

outlets, 802

setting up, 801

long-running tasks, task completion for long-running tasks, 785-786


do-while loops, 106-107

for loops, 105-106

while loops, 106-107

low-level code, 446

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