
When I arrived in America in 1981 at the age of 20, I had no experience, money, or the knowledge to even use an American payphone. Since then, it's been a wonderful road leading to this book and my life as an Assistant Professor at two University of Colorado campuses. I am such a lucky man to have met so many wonderful people.

First, to my wife, Kera, who moved mountains to help with graphics, meals, dictations, keeping me working, and sustaining a nominal level of sanity in our house. Thank you, Kera.

To my mother, Adeline, who was always there to encourage me, even in the darkest of times when I almost dropped out of Electrical Engineering. To my sister, Vivi, who keeps me grounded, and my late brother Murray, a constant reminder of how precious life is. To Keith and Nettie Lewis, who helped me figure out those American payphones. To Ben Easton, Brian Bucci, and Dennis Donahue, all of whom invited me into their families when I had nobody.

A special thanks to Dr. Zbigniew Ras, my PhD advisor, who became like a father to me, and to Dr. Terry Boult, my mentor and partner in the Bachelor of Innovation program at UCCS.

Last, but not least, to Clay Andres at Apress—he walked me through this process and risked his reputation by suggesting to a bunch of really intelligent people that I could author such a book as this.

Many thanks to you all.

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