
Book Description

Find your drive and redefine your business priorities

Breakpoints is the business owner's guide to regaining your passion and driving your business forward. If you're feeling stuck, stale or stalled, this book is your ticket out of the rut and into profitable growth. You'll learn the 7 Mistakes Business Owners Make, and identify the choices, behaviours and practices that are keeping your business in a holding pattern. Practical formulas, frameworks, strategies and tools get you started right away on refocusing and reprioritising, and taking back your life. Coverage includes both hard and soft topics that business owners frequently struggle to master, along with expert insight on execution and what lies beyond success. Written simply and directly, without jargon or acronyms, this no-nonsense guide is designed to be easy to read and easy to apply so you can get back to work quickly, inspired with a whole new outlook and equipped with practical tools to improve your business. Written in a style that is both conversational and entertaining, author Dr Mike Ashby offers numerous anecdotes and analogies drawn from working with hundreds of business owners.

Owning a business can be exciting and terrifying at the same time. There's too much to do, and all accountability leads to you. If you've gotten hung up in the day-to-day running of your business, this book helps you regain sight of the big picture and get back on track to success.

  • Learn what's holding you back from business success
  • Adopt the tools and practices that end the stalemate and get things done
  • Find clarity and focus, and reconnect with your business
  • Leverage your strengths to achieve personal and business growth

Business owners need to be well-versed in both strategy and execution. If you feel like you and your business have reached a plateau, Breakpoints will reignite the spark that drives business success.

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword by Justine Ross
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Introduction
    1. The framework for this book
    2. A bit about me
    3. Talking about you
    4. What you'll find in this book
    5. Making it real
  4. Part I: The seven mistakes
    1. Up next
    2. Chapter 1: Thinking small and under-marketing
      1. Thinking small
      2. Under-marketing
    3. Chapter 2: Settling for less and working too hard
      1. Settling for less
      2. Working too hard
    4. Chapter 3: Complexicating, spending too much time In and not enough On, and knowing but not doing
      1. Complexicating
      2. Spending too much Time In, not enough Time On
      3. Knowing it but not doing it
  5. Part II: Breakpoint — Get a life
    1. Up next
    2. Chapter 4: Physical energy
      1. Energy booster 1: Breathing
      2. Energy booster 2: Hydration
      3. Energy booster 3: Sleep
      4. Energy booster 4: Eat
      5. Energy booster 5: Fitness
      6. Creating healthy habits
    3. Chapter 5: Mental wealth
      1. Wellbeing
      2. Declutter your way to health and happiness
      3. Emotional energy
      4. Gratitude
  6. Part III: Breakpoint — Get Free
    1. Up next
    2. Chapter 6: Freedom
      1. From doing to being
      2. Not a time management system
      3. Energy management strategy
      4. Decomplexify
      5. D-class categories to decomplexify
    3. Chapter 7: Allocation
      1. Delegation
      2. Letting go
      3. The S curve
  7. Part IV: Breakpoint — Get clear
    1. Up next
    2. Chapter 8: Aspiration
      1. Vision and purpose
      2. Barriers
      3. Strategies
    3. Chapter 9: Your most important goals
      1. 4DX
      2. Big rocks
      3. MIGs and RIGs
    4. Chapter 10: Leverage plans
      1. Marketing strategy
      2. A-class marketing
      3. Marketing plans
  8. Part V: Breakpoint — Get help
    1. Up next
    2. Chapter 11: People plan
      1. Find
      2. Win
      3. Keep
      4. Grow
      5. Evolving your role
    3. Chapter 12: The work of team
      1. The work
      2. Need to lead
      3. Teams and dreams
    4. Chapter 13: Governance
      1. Get wise
      2. A board's role
      3. Setting up an advisory board
  9. Part VI: Mastery — A bigger game
    1. Up next
    2. Chapter 14: Mastery defined
      1. Focus and intensity
      2. 100 per cent/100 per cent
  10. Last words
  11. Index
  12. Advert
  13. EULA