Chapter 10
Leverage plans

When I think about where and how we should be getting leverage, I start by reminding myself that business is a simple process at heart, as shown in figure 10.1.

Figure 10.1: the business process

The rest, as the original Management Guru, Peter Drucker, would say, is cost. The three priority areas to systemise are therefore:

  • marketing (step 1)
  • customer lock-in (steps 2 and 3)
  • HR (all of the above).

What you're looking for in all three areas is leverage. In marketing, you want to create a machine that generates a stream of qualified leads. You will lock the customer in by having people and processes that ensure that your customers buy from you again and again. And of course, your people are the ultimate leverage, enabling you to achieve far greater results than you could do on your own (we deal with that in part V because people are a Breakpoint all of their own).

Leverage in my mind is like a yield ratio: for this much input I get this much output. Back in the day we had a wonderfully leveraged product: we invested time and skill in preparing and delivering the workshops, but the numbers of paying subscribers represented excellent leverage of the product. Now we are focused on leveraging people's skills and new marketing systems.

What follows is a guide to thinking about your leverage systems. They're not plans as such, but they may well be headings for your plan.

Marketing strategy

Let's start with the basics: getting customers. We start there because you can have a business with nothing else except customers and it would be a business. In fact it might even be quite a good business. Someone once told me they had a perfect business running an online portal: ‘no stock, no staff, no shit'.

A lot of business owners will rush to this chapter, just as they rush to the next marketing seminar or consultant, looking for the answer to the problem of getting more business. Let me save you some time: the answer isn't here. But here's the good news: you already know the answer, you just don't ask the right question. All you need is a new way of thinking about what you already know.

This first leverage plan looks at what you have to think about in order to answer your own question.


You need to be clear about your competitive focus, why customers should buy from you rather than your competitors or substitutes — your differentiators.

Decide whether you are a product company, a service business or a price leader. The proposition is that you have to meet the market in two of these areas and beat the market in one, as figure 10.2 shows.

Figure 10.2: point of difference

I have always liked this model, as it generates good debate about how we're different — who we are and what we need to be good at. You can call this your differentiator. The way to answer those questions is to break the differentiators out still further into things such as convenience, product features, and so on. Then make sure that our differentiators have a customer benefit (otherwise there's no point to them) and that they are supported by our internal processes.


Most of us are product companies, even though we might have hefty elements of service or installation. A lot of us think we are in the customer experience game, and to be honest the discussion can get a wee bit academic, except in one regard. The choice of competitive focus tells us about the critical competencies we need as an organisation. And often, when I'm trying to help members define their competitive focus, I go to the critical competencies to get to their point of difference.

The definition of a product offer is that it's one to many. The product doesn't vary as a result of customer input — even when you select the colour and the features, it's still the XYZ model. The critical competency in a product organisation is innovation in:

  • product development
  • speed to market.

For many of us, service is now bundled into product. We have expectations around delivery times and standards, support, self-help facilities, even packaging. The standout company that really competes on product is Apple, and they're so successful that they don't have to worry about support. If you can't find it in one of their forums, you ain't gonna find it.

So if product is your point of focus, don't imagine that good service adds the dimension that allows you to beat your competitors. They're all doing that too so it's a hygiene factor (which is lowest common denominator stuff — a bit like food safety in a restaurant. It doesn't make you want to go there, but its absence would certainly put you off).

But the real genius comes when we are in synch with the unarticulated desires of customers and prospects. Did the world really need an iPod? It didn't until it could have one. And then it really really did. Only a mad genius like Steve Jobs can be so aligned with his global customer that he could hit the mark so often (and he had his failures too).

So you have to listen to your customer, but you have to do so with care. Henry Ford said that if he had asked his customers what they wanted they would have said, ‘A faster horse'. The critical competencies in a product company are around strength in innovation and brand marketing. They focus on:

  • development
  • design
  • time to market
  • flexible culture.

To me, what gets described as ‘positioning' gets wrapped up in product. The positioning is what you are buying when you buy the product; it's part of the point of difference.

BMW, for example, position their products as ‘the ultimate driving machine'. Their point of difference is that they are built for people who fancy themselves as drivers as opposed to people who primarily think of a car as a form of transportation or who worry about reliability or economy. Everything BMW does reflects this focus on the person who likes to drive, from the way the steering is engineered through to the advertising.

Domino's Pizza built their entire empire on owning the convenience positioning in their market. They were the first to guarantee 30-minute delivery, and their product was based on meeting that positioning. The founder, Tom Monaghan, insisted on a limited menu: only small and large pizzas and Coke to drink. A former CFO recalled that they had to beg on their knees to get Diet Coke in. And it worked. Monaghan sold Domino's in the mid-1990s for $10 billion.

While it's ideal to take a single position, many small businesses in a small market have to take two positions: being efficient and competitive in commodity markets and being customised/specialised in premium markets. The genius of 42 Below was to carve out a premium place in a commodity market.

The final point to make about a product focus is that you have to be detached about your products. Most products are susceptible to the product life-cycle, and you need to start cannibalising your product set as they start to plateau (life is a series of S curves for products too). There are a few exceptions: Coke is one, and others are guitar companies Fender and Gibson. When you're just that good, there's no need to change.

Operational excellence/price

Price is not just about being the cheapest. It's the whole package in terms of operational excellence, because that's what delivers price. It is about lowest total cost to the customer (including convenience, reliability, servicing, upgrades, and so on).

Sustaining this competitive point of difference requires:

  • superb operations and execution
  • reasonable quality at a competitive price
  • volume to drive value, reducing unit cost and therefore price.

Price/efficiency companies typically have a task-oriented attitude towards personnel, which means they focus on:

  • processes and cycle times
  • productivity
  • streamlined operations
  • supply chain management.

If you want to excel in price competitiveness, good measuring systems are critical.

But here's the thing. Many small companies compete on price as a default setting. They don't have big overheads, they can customise here and there, so they can run a loss leader without reference to higher management or shareholders.

For the company to grow it has to get away from cheap and become efficient — and the two are not the same thing at all. Efficiency is about smart processes, maximum productivity from resources at every step of the production process. Cheapness is about the lowest cost, be that labour, goods or equipment.

Efficient is a very different state of mind from cheap.

Customer intimacy

Customer intimacy is the hardest to achieve. This is beyond service; it is more about how well you understand your customer and how you craft an offering to them based on needs and wants they may not even know they have.

Companies in this space:

  • excel in customer attention and customer service — the customer connection
  • tailor products and services to individual customers
  • carry large variation in product assortment.

They have a focus on:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems
  • delivering on time and above customer expectations
  • lifetime value concepts
  • reliability
  • being close to the customer
  • giving decision authority to employees who are close to the customer.

My wife goes to a mid-range fashion label called Shoshanna. The women who work there are really good at phoning her when an item comes in that they know would suit her — a wonderful combination of CRM, being close to the customer and understanding lifetime value. And the point is this: there is no magic to it, it's not unique, anyone could do it. But not everyone does it — think how many salespeople read the name on the credit card and say, ‘Thank you Mr [Surname]'. The best do it day in, day out. It's a critical value process.

My all-time favourite salesperson was a Russian woman who worked at a menswear shop. Not only was she personable, she was also really good at selecting items that would go with things I'd already selected. Once I went in there with my wife intending to buy two pairs of trousers and a jacket. I walked out with four pairs of trousers, two jackets, a pair of boots and a pair of shoes. I had mixed feelings when she left that job — my wealth increased but my appearance went backwards. Notice what excelling at customer intimacy requires: really great people who connect your offering with your customers.

The other thing it requires, outside the clothing retail sector examples, is the ability to customise solutions for customers based on their very specific needs. This is how many small businesses get their start and create a niche: I often hear business owners say ‘customers come to us because they can get personal attention, they can get variations and modifications, in fact they can get anything they want from us because “it's all about the customer”'. Many owners pride themselves on being really responsive, agile, proactive, friendly — all wrapped up in something called ‘personal service'.

It's a good phrase, because the other place I use it is to distinguish between our personal and business lives. Businesses based on that degree of personal service are barely businesses because it's really hard to scale up. You don't have standard products; you create the solution for each customer. You don't have standard processes; you do it a different way each time. At the start the business depends on you, but even if you manage to transfer that knowledge to someone else, the business dependency then transfers to them.

The best example of a viable customer intimacy model is Amazon: ‘because you bought this, you might like that'.

Brilliant. I have probably bought twice as much as I would otherwise have bought as a result of that. (By the way, I haven't necessarily bought it from Amazon. Many's the time I've had an Amazon recommendation that I've then researched with local online retailers and bought from them because of delivery times.)

The problem is that the customer intimacy model is not that hard to achieve for a small business, but it's really hard to scale. When you customise everything for each customer, it's impossible to ‘standardise, streamline and automate' because there are no standard processes. The offering is modified in the course of the interaction with the customer. In fact, the customer almost defines the offering.

In terms of positioning, I think it's necessary to widen the customer intimacy model beyond understanding what the customer wants and delivering it to them any way we can. To escape the trap of being forever boutique, we have to think about creating an experience for the customer that feels to them like an intimate experience in a deeply personal way, but which is actually produced for every single customer.

Let's call this the customer experience model, but let's go one better and call it a world-class customer experience. We have all heard about customer-centric organisations, customer focus and other customer-y things. I like the idea of creating a world-class customer experience because it transcends service or even product. It engages everyone in the organisation, because in a world-class customer experience, even administration is customer service. There is no such thing as front and back office — everything is front office in a world-class customer experience. We will revisit this concept in the section on how we achieve lock-in, entitled ‘World-class customer connection'.

A-class marketing

I noted earlier that under-marketing is one of the big problems of small businesses. I think part of the reason it's done so poorly is that business owners do this stuff intuitively rather than analytically or deliberately. They come up with a product that they think the market will like or that they can see a real need for. They figure out a price based on what else is out there, and generally it's lower because:

  • that's the easiest thing to sell it on
  • they're not entirely confident in its value
  • they're not entirely confident in themselves.

The most successful growth businesses are the ones that think very consciously about each of these dimensions and can give a coherent story that underpins their marketing strategy. And the other thing that breakthrough businesses do better than treadmill businesses is have a marketing strategy.

Before we develop a couple of approaches to marketing strategy, let's first ask who we're targeting and who we're avoiding.

Segment your way to happiness and riches

This is one of the most effective and underrated business growth strategies. It would be surprising if more than 1 per cent of businesses adopted the strategy — though it would not be surprising if they were also in the top 1 per cent of their industries.

Here's the thing. This totally drives your strategy, or it should. You will stay small until you categorise your customers and adopt strategies designed to get and keep more A-class customers.

Think about your best customer: the biggest, most profitable and most satisfying to do work with. Would you prefer a business based on dozens, hundreds, thousands of customers like that, or would you prefer to leave it to chance, see who rocks up and hope for the best?

There are two parts to a successful segmentation strategy (that is, a successful marketing strategy). Be clear about:

  • who your target segment is, what they want and how you reach them — and focus relentlessly on that segment
  • who your target segment is not, and stay the hell away from them.

Seriously, the second is every bit as important. In fact, we would argue that you are going to struggle to grow your business until you've decluttered your current setup. In chapter 6 we discussed the D-class categories to get rid of, and bad customers are in that camp.

There are lots of ways to segment your customers/prospects. The easiest is the RFM method, shown in figure 10.3:

Figure 10.3: the RFM method

For a more sophisticated approach, you can identify the three or four things that characterise your best clients or customers. You might include the RFM above, and you might extend it to include things such as how many referrals they provide, how easy they are to deal with, how much potential upside for your new products and so on.

The next level up is to develop a segmentation strategy that matches your offering to the value of the segment. Assign scores to levels of each criterion, for example A-class customers provide more than five referrals a year, Bs provide one to five, and Cs none. A D would be someone who badmouths you. This is known as ‘weighting and ranking', but I avoid using that phrase in public.

The cost-effective remarkable customer connection

You are trying to create a truly ‘remarkable' experience. Now I am reliably and regularly informed that I am pedantic when it comes to words (don't use ‘agreeance' around me), but I want to emphasise ‘remarkable': I mean that your ideal customers feel they have something to remark on to other people, that it is so worthy of noting in their lives that it can be a subject for discussion. That can of course happen in a negative way. Is it stating the obvious to say that this is to be avoided?

But perhaps your eye was drawn to ‘cost-effective'.

We've probably heard people talking about customer experience and customer focus, and they've probably said that we should create this remarkable experience not just once, but every time and all the time.

I don't agree. I think we have to ensure we cover off the hygiene factors. This is the stuff that if not done properly is likely to dissatisfy customers — it's literally the equivalent of clean toilets in a hotel. The hygiene factors have to be covered 100 per cent of the time, and any exception is likely to result in one of those negative ‘remarkables'.

What the hotel missed was quite simple, and it relates back to their customer segmentation strategy. They said that most people stay one night, and when you think about it, the small size wouldn't matter to such people. They're not there long enough to use more than two towels, they probably don't need any extra pillows and probably only have time for a single cup of tea (actually, they conceded that was just a mistake — they do 600 rooms a day and mistakes happen).

Their service levels were optimised for what is probably their ideal client: short stay, low expectations for the room, focused on the experience outside the room. That's cost effective and entirely appropriate. It's perfectly fine for people who are likely to stay there only once in their lives and who value location over room experience. Extra towels, robes, pillows, and so on would be completely wasted, as it would not increase return guest rates, referrals or TripAdvisor ratings.

We booked for four nights. I don't know whether that makes us A- or D-class guests — we're good revenue, but maybe high cost. As it turns out, we were strategic customers because we were TripAdvisor users, and they were very sensitive to TripAdvisor entries. A really sophisticated customer connection strategy would observe that we came through TripAdvisor (I'm pretty sure this can be tracked), were staying for four nights at top rates and would therefore warrant a little extra care and better experience so that we might at least give them a good rating on TripAdvisor, if not return for a stay of similar length next time.

Here's the thing to bear in mind about quality: it just has to be fit for purpose. The low level of appointment was fit for purpose for 95 per cent of their guests. But for the 5 per cent who pay more, it failed the hygiene test.

What are the messages from this?

  • We can get it wrong both ways: we think our customers will really value this little flourish and that little detail, when maybe all they want is the basics. Flourishes have to be valued by the customer if they are to justify the additional cost.
  • Other customers, perhaps on a different price or value point, might have different requirements. Therefore we have to understand the different characteristics of different customer types.
  • We have to understand what the hygiene factors are for our target customers. To do that we have to understand who our target customers are and what they value.

A good segmentation strategy will:

  • dissuade Ds from darkening your door
  • drive an offer (or a standard of service) based on relevant criteria. The Sydney hotel's service offering was on the button for 95 per cent of their market, but the 5 per cent market is high value and needed a higher standard.

Later on in this chapter we will talk about the customer connection, and how to deliver that to your A-class customers, but first let's wrap this thinking up into a simple marketing plan.

Marketing plans

There are many ways to do a marketing plan. The framework I like is simple, and focused on prospects and customers (that is, pre- and post-sale). The plan has an introduction and three sections based on answering how we find, win, and keep and grow A-class customers.

Note the assumption that we know what an A-class prospect looks like, and that our marketing is focused on them. Why would it be focused on anyone else?


The first question: How do we find our target prospects? Actually there's a question even before the first question, which is ‘Who are our target prospects?', because when we answer that we can develop a message that attracts their interest.

Our plan has to start with an introductory statement about what experience our target market is buying.

Here's a well-known example: Harley-Davidson motorbikes are technically unsophisticated and do not perform as well as cheaper bikes. And yet their business tripled from 1996 to 2003 when they realised that they were really an experience. One of their executives was quoted as saying, ‘What we sell is the ability for a 43-year-old accountant to dress in black leather, ride through small towns and have people be afraid of him'.

So that's Harley-Davidson's target market. And if you don't know what your target market is, go back to the segmentation we talked about a few pages back. Take a look at your best customers, the ones who pay the most, who appreciate what you're about, who stay the longest and who provide multiple referrals.

Actually this is not as straightforward as it sounds. It can't be, because I recently got it wrong. A consultant we'd engaged to help us with our marketing asked us this question: who's your target customer? So we said it's someone, probably aged between 35 and 45, who is working too hard for too little, who isn't making enough money and isn't getting time with their families.

Later I realised we had it wrong. They were our biggest and most obvious target market, but they were not our best market as measured in terms of lifetime value, value exchanged, referrals and pleasure to work with. Our true target market is people who don't need us at all, but work with us because they want to — they believe we can add value to their business and help them get where they want to go. They're all right where they are, but they want to do better. That took us to a different positioning, which was more aspirational and less about the pain points. We put more emphasis on the value being created for the customer, and less on the problem being solved. Our simple message to our target prospects is that if you work with us, you will achieve the full potential your business holds. Note that there is nothing about how or what we do, just what customers will gain.

You never finish crafting your value proposition because your market never stops evolving.

Next question: where do we find our segment? This is really about distribution, how you go to market. Distribution is the difference between breakthrough companies and companies that stay small. I remember the former CEO of New Zealand's largest company saying to me, ‘What most people don't understand is that it is all about distribution'.

Let's consider some examples:

  • Sovereign, now New Zealand's largest insurer, only started in the mid-1980s. They realised that distribution was the key and they offered massive commissions to brokers and agents — twice as much as their nearest rival. They were rewarded with a huge amount of business, not all of it good, but good enough to provide an investment pool that made the real money.
  • Xero has built its book in New Zealand and now the world by teaming up with accountants. They worked out that it's really hard to get to the small business market because there's no such thing as a small business market. By teaming up with progressive accountants, the small business's trusted adviser would deliver the business to Xero.

The thing to think about is simply this: how can I reach the largest number of decision-makers in my target market? Who else has relationships with them, and can we add value to that relationship?

The bridge between finding and winning them is AIDA: attention, interest, desire, action, as shown in figure 10.4.

Figure 10.4: the AIDA model


I don't have anything new or original to say about how to win customers. My learning from selling is that if you really need the sale, you're unlikely to get it. And that's because the emphasis is on you rather than the customer.

I have long had a habit of pausing before I go into a sales meeting, and with one hand on the door handle, consciously repeating my mantra: ‘I'm going to add value to this person'. That's all.

When the conversation starts, I'm asking questions that might lead to me being able to add value with some observation or advice. I don't worry about how it will be perceived, because I'm not trying to sell; I'm trying to add value. If I do that well, I am positioned to be bought rather than having to sell. If in the course of the conversation it becomes apparent that the person would benefit from involvement with us, then I am adding value by telling them about our approach, how it would work for them and why it would be a worthwhile investment.

The cynic might sneer at the happy coincidence of my adding value and our products, but I don't introduce them if I don't think the prospect is ready or willing. There's an internal checking mechanism at play for us: I'm not a compelling enough salesperson to convince someone to buy what they don't need, and I also don't want people on our program who are anything less than 100 per cent committed.

Actually my experience with sales is irrelevant. The objective should be that it is the company that wins the order rather than a salesperson. The greater challenge for a breakthrough company is how to create attention, interest, desire and action without having to actually ‘sell'.

This is the job of your brand. The ‘find' phase is about getting in front of your prospect. The ‘win' part happens when your brand — the customer experience promise — is sufficiently well developed so that prospects in your segment:

  • stop what they were doing, if only briefly, to pay attention to your promise
  • have enough information about your relevance to them to be interested
  • appreciate its value to the point where they want what you're offering
  • are motivated to take action and start a relationship with you.

These are quite high hurdles. I don't think we clear them. I recently got some feedback from a prospect who attended one of my talks. While he enjoyed it, this totally A-class prospect thought I was pitching at a lower level than him. In that case, I had his interest but I failed to provide relevant information and then missed the last two completely of course — he didn't appreciate the value on offer and so wasn't motivated to take action.

How is a talk part of my brand? Everything is part of your brand. There is nothing that is not part of your brand. I think of brand like personality: it's the unique essence of your company, even though you might be like others in some respects.

Your brand is who you are.

And interestingly, the great artists are the ones who manage to reveal the most about their essence in their art. Their take on a song or their painting is completely unique because they have stripped away everything that stands between their core essence and the canvas or microphone or page. This is not the same as deep introspection or navel-gazing; for example, Bob Dylan's art is that his songs are drawn from his unique perspective, but at the same time are not really about him. They are about our experience, as relayed by Dylan.

We're getting into deep waters here, so let's pull it back to a simple challenge: what do you need to do to make your brand work harder for you?

Keep and grow

Now that you've got the customers, the critical thing is to keep them. You do that by creating a deep connection with them.

You need to think about what drives your growth as an engine, with all the sense of machinery that the word implies. Machines replace personal effort, and breaking through means having a business that doesn't rely on your personal effort. You don't have to hand-crank a growth business (in fact you can't hand-crank yourself to the next level).

Retention is the prerequisite of growth. All growth engines start with ‘stickiness' — an enduring customer connection beyond mere loyalty. Breakthrough performance comes from moving beyond customer focus to customer connection. Focus is what we do to our customer, while connection is a two-way relationship: what we do with our customer. Connection has an emotional component, a relationship that goes way beyond transactions.

Beyond customer satisfaction lies connection.

Customer connection isn't just about service. The first level of customer connection is customer heroics, when we win or save a customer by going way beyond the normal service levels. The next level is when we customise solutions and products for customers.

But that's not enough, and it's actually a growth trap, because it's very difficult to scale customised solutions. The breakthrough happens when we develop a deep understanding of what our best customer segments value about their relationship with us. This will be based on what they tell us, both in their direct feedback and in their behaviour. We obviously need to constantly monitor and improve the customer experience, and amplify the voice of the customer.

But over and above that, we need to work out how we can continue to evolve to keep our best customers as they evolve.

The economics of customer connection are simple: As Earl Sasser from Harvard Business School says, while it is normal for businesses to lose 15 to 20 per cent of their customers annually,

When defections are cut in half, the average growth rate more than doubles. A 5 per cent change in rate of retention sees profit increase from 25 per cent all the way to 100 per cent.

How come?

Getting new customers carries an acquisition cost from marketing and sales. I have no idea whether a sale to a new customer is seven times more expensive than a sale to an existing customer, and I don't know how anyone would work it out. But it is clearly a lot cheaper in terms of time and resource to fish at your feet.

So if you think about your growth engine, the first thing is to keep what you've got. The next ingredient is your ability to grow your existing customers. Before you go and get a single new customer, ask yourself how you might grow your existing customers, where you've already got a relationship. Have you got:

  • something you can sell to them again
  • an upgrade with more features and a higher price
  • an accessory to what they have
  • an extension?

Your existing customers are your best market. How can you increase the lifetime value of your best customers?

We'd all like to think we're customer focused. That's probably true at an individual level, because as human beings interacting with other human beings, let alone as business people trying to secure or retain an income, we're programmed to be nice to customers. However, as Bill Thomas and Jeff Tobe pointed out in Anticipate, the real trick is to be focused on your customer in the aggregate. And Keith McFarland (author of The Breakthrough Company) makes the point that as we grow, we have to move from ‘customer heroics', where we celebrate our staff doing heroic things to save the customer, to a position where we've anticipated their needs and organised ourselves so that heroics are unnecessary.

Good processes are more valuable than heroic staff.

Thomas and Tobe make the point that while retention is obviously a good thing in itself, it's even more important if you want to grow because it's actually your growth engine. It's not new customers who grow your business, it's additional customers.

Connecting deeply with your best customers allows you to:

  • Have a stable base to which you add new customers. You will not grow unless you can keep existing customers. When a corporate I was involved with was dealing with some operational crises, we went to our advertising agency and said, ‘we need some new customers, we're losing too many'. The ad people went away and came back with a surprising and impressive recommendation: you could tip more water in the bucket, but until the holes are fixed, you'd just be wasting your money. The young ad exec said, very bravely I thought, ‘you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig'. Sadly, she was right.
  • Increase the lifetime value of the customer. The longer you have a relationship with your best customers, the lower the cost to serve, meaning that they become even more profitable.
  • Multiply your customer base through referrals. We all know that word of mouth is the most effective and efficient form of marketing, and A-class customers often bring their A-class friends. This is important if you don't have repeat customers, for example if you are a home builder. The best way for you to think about it is to try to extend the time that your clients are warm towards you, because in that period they're more likely to refer.
  • Predict where your market is heading. Especially if you can harness the power of bellwether customers.

Customer connection strategies are how you keep and grow your existing business base. They inform your marketing strategies, which to me are about how you acquire new customers. I think it's really helpful to keep prospects and customers distinct in our minds. There are overlaps, because both strategies should be informed by meeting the current and future needs of your A-class customers. Your marketing strategy will be based on how you can attract more customers like your As, and your connection strategies will be based on deepening the relationship with existing As.

market to prospects, connect with customers.

Being nice at an individual level is only part of a customer connection strategy. It's obviously important on its own account, but it has to be in the wider context of who your customer is, what they want and, most important, what they want next. Whether you are selling a product, customer experience or low price, you need to be ahead of your customer so that when they arrive at the point of needing you, you're already there. Even better, they realise they have a need for your offer when you tell them about it.

World-class customer experience

Not much to dispute about the value of that. So how do you do it?

It's the way you think as much as what you do. As the Anticipate guys observe: ‘Your strategy has to have an element of genuine customer focus if you're going to achieve connection'. A growth business will have customer value first and growth second in its business strategy. In other words, growth is an outcome of customer connection. This is one of those ‘process is the goal' things where we have to be less conscious of the outcome if we are to achieve it.

You have to go beyond things like customer satisfaction, delighting the customer, exceeding expectations. Customer connection is about increasing the lifetime value of customers, which is a function of:

  • persistency over time
  • average value of transaction
  • structure — deliberate and mindful connection
  • focus — continuous work on deepening the connection.

I don't think you should set out to delight your customers or surprise them by exceeding their expectations. Later we'll talk about the concept of 100 per cent/100 per cent, which means to deliver 100 per cent of our promise 100 per cent of the time. That's enough to ensure persistency, to build their trust. But it is well beyond simple customer satisfaction: there is a lot of work in designing and managing an experience that meets your customers' expectations perfectly every time.

Doing it deliberately means stepping through the interaction points one by one. The hard work is trying to see it through their eyes and then asking what we can do to make that interaction a better experience.

Scratch that. We're not just talking about a better experience. Everything can be ‘improved', but that doesn't amount to a category killer. The best way to understand customer connection is to look at someone who totally gets it, and use them as a reference point. We don't have to do it as well as they do, we just have to do it exponentially better than we currently do it. And remember that what we're talking about is designing and managing the experience your target customers have. Don't design this for just anyone who might rock up to your door.

So that's the good news. You don't have to worry about being reasonable in your vision for your best customers. All you need to do is focus on giving them a world-class experience. And of course in doing so, you will also deliver a high value offering to your B class. (And you haven't got Cs and Ds anymore, so you don't have to think about them at all!)

We're at risk of ‘customer experience' sounding like ‘customer service' and ‘customer-centric' and everything else customer-y. Let's ground it by saying that a genuine world-class customer experience doesn't just happen because we're passionate about what we do. It happens because we design the experience — we map it out in process steps and identify how the customer should progress through their interactions with us so that we meet their expectations every single time. And we manage the customer experience so that they actually get the experience we've designed. This is an active and demanding process, and it's not one for the faint of heart. You have to be very committed to make this happen.

Declutter (again)

This strategy is so obvious and so successful, it does not bear pointing out how unprofitable, unpleasant and unpalatable your D-class clients are, even if they are big revenue items. Except almost no-one adopts this strategy.

Let's be quite clear. Successfully implementing customer connection strategies depends on creating time and space within your business. The only way to do that is to declutter your business of these D-class clients and customers.


Bellwether customers

I've done some research into this concept of bellwether customers, assuming that someone must have written about it, if only because there's nothing new under the sun. I couldn't find anything, so I'm making this up as I go.

In my own business, there are a couple of longstanding members who have been early predictors of where my other members and indeed the wider market are heading. I think of them as bellwether customers — where they go, the market tends to follow. Sometimes it's because they go there that the market goes with them, but not always. They are early predictors of trends in the market.

Markets are funny things. They shift in discernible ways, but there's no communication, no leader, no decision — just a trend that becomes mainstream. In my own case, I bought a program that had no 1:1 coaching, just workshops. It did okay for a while but my sense was that the market was changing. Doug ran a reasonably successful high-end web development company. He was an early member of the program, but had dropped out after a couple of years, mainly because of business changes. I maintained contact with him and then helped him out with a particular problem, and as a consequence of that and another change in role he rejoined the program.

In the initial discussion, he said that what he would really value, and be prepared to pay for, was 1:1 sessions with me. At the time, I had the capacity and this represented a good upsell opportunity. And after checking with a number of other members, I discovered that they too were interested in more individual coaching so I introduced it as an upgrade option. It was responsible for growing my business 20 per cent in that year and improving retention by 25 per cent. It also fed my professional development because I have been able to get so close to the issues that real business owners face. A lot of the stories and insights in this book come from those sessions.

A couple of years later, Doug asked me to help him set up an advisory board. This is something we promote to members but I hadn't really been that active with it. I agreed and we went ahead.

A few months later one or two other members were talking about it, but not in a very committed fashion — more like ‘Yeah it would be a good idea' but not doing anything about it. It's one of those first step problems: I get what it looks like at the end and how you'd do it, but what is the very first thing you do? So I approached a few people who I thought would benefit from setting up an advisory board and found a significant unmet demand. I structured an offer and again the business grew.

The funny thing was that I did a couple of proposals before I realised (d'oh!) that what I was doing with Doug was actually the perfect model. Sometimes the best ideas are hiding in plain sight.

And just to show how fast I learn, a while later Doug asked if his GM could join the program. A few months later I looked around and thought there were probably a dozen others who might be interested in doing the same thing. What was that about speed to market?

Here's the interesting thing: Doug is not my best client in the traditional A-class sense of someone who is highly profitable or a big revenue contributor. But he is a bellwether client. I'm not sure he'd like the concept in its original sense — they used to place a bell around the neck of a castrated ram (a wether) leading his flock of sheep. Shepherds could tell where the flock was by listening for the bell.

I happen to have a small and totally informal council of castrated rams. There are a bunch of people who not only reflect where the member base is heading but also influence it. Again, they are not always the biggest payers, the longest serving or the most profitable, but they are people whose counsel I value and who I know are influencers within my member base. They have been responsible for some great ideas, and even more often they have helped me to avoid making dumbarse mistakes. They have all become my friends, but they are quite dispassionate about our professional relationship, holding me to a higher standard, as I hold them.

Sceptical Bob (not his real name — well, the ‘Bob' bit is, the ‘Sceptical' bit is what I call him) used to finish our meetings with ‘Well, I think you've almost justified your fee for this month'. To be fair, I would respond that on the basis of the advice he was receiving, he qualified to get billed double the usual fee. However I think he has probably come out on top. He once described me as being one of the best coaches in the entire South Ellerslie area (a sub-suburban area with possibly three coaches resident in it). Bob has always been free with his feedback to me, and while I have dismissed all of it with an airy wave and a snide rejoinder, I carefully consider every comment he and the other members of the council of bellwethers make.

I don't know whether there are analytics that can support finding the bellwether in other businesses. Extrapolating from my experience, I would suggest you think about customers who fit these criteria:

  • they've probably been with you for longer than the average tenure
  • their buying patterns have changed — and then check whether they were ahead of patterns in the wider business
  • their business (or their role) has evolved, leading to a different emphasis in their requirements of you
  • you can talk to them dispassionately about your business relationship.

I always think that in a relationship there are three parties: there's you, the other party and the relationship itself. You have to be mindful of all three perspectives if you are to have a successful relationship. For example, most relationships get to points when you just need some time off together. The relationship gets a bit gritty and the interactions a tad short. It's not you, it's not the other but it's the relationship that has the problem, and getting away from the pressures and stresses that are causing the grittiness allows us to repair the relationship with some quality time.

It's the same with business relationships. Tending carefully to your relationship with your bellwether customers is a key part of the customer connection because it gives you a framework for achieving nirvana: having an offering ready for your market before it even knew it needed it.

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