
Book Description

Spinelli and McGowan integrate a broad network of international leaders on innovation to demonstrate the tight linkages between innovation and opportunity recognition. Building on the award winning Philadelphia University curriculum redesign that is reshaping how innovation is taught worldwide, these experts highlight how to identify relevant opportunities more effectively than ever before. The team covers every facet of innovation, including design processes, team development, ethnography, audits and charrettes, opportunity shaping and assessment, business models, value delivery, systems thinking, and more. Master the art of innovation in teams! Disrupt Together introduces a breakthrough transdisciplinary, team-based approach to innovation that integrates business, design and engineering, and can deliver powerful results for both new ventures and existing companies with case study examples from education, healthcare, branding, and consumer product and service design. The book will serve as the definitive companion text for a growing number of innovation and entrepreneurship programs that either follow the Philadelphia University model or have been influenced by it. This guide will also be an indispensable resource for every business practitioner seeking to build innovative new organizations or reinvigorate innovation in existing firms. Contributors and Interviews from Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley, Continuum Innovation, Jump Associates, University of Pennsylvania, Becton Dickinson, Sapient Nitro, Ontario College of Art and Design, Massachusetts General Hospital, MIT Media Lab, Smart Design, and more. Foreword by Steve Blank.

Table of Contents

  1. About This eBook
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Praise for Disrupt Together
  5. Dedication Page
  6. Contents
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. About the Authors
  9. About the Cover Designer
  10. Section 1: Foreword
    1. 1. What You Will Learn from This Book
      1. Context
      2. A Note on Integrated Teamwork: Cross-Disciplinary, Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, and Transdisciplinary
      3. Inspirations for This Book
      4. Section 1: Architecting the Vision
      5. Section 2: Assessment: Opportunity Recognition and You
      6. Section 3: Opportunity Recognition: Discovery and Formulation
      7. Section 4: Value Creation: Opportunity Shaping
      8. Section 5: Putting It into Practice: Stories from the Field
      9. The Disruptive Innovation Approach
      10. Endnotes
    2. 2. Becoming a Strategic Organization
      1. Telling Stories
      2. A Model for Planning: Philadelphia University
      3. Implementation Begins on Day One
      4. Becoming a Strategic Organization
      5. Recommendations
      6. Endnotes
    3. 3. Framing the Vision for Engagement
      1. Introduction
      2. Discover
      3. Formulate
      4. Develop
      5. Optimize
      6. Conclusion—Suggestions
      7. Endnotes
  11. Section 2: Assessment and Leadership
    1. Design Thinking Versus Design Translation
    2. Leadership Roles in Innovation
    3. Rethinking Organizational Structures
    4. 4. Assessing Your Innovation Capability
      1. Introduction: Preparing for a Changing World
      2. You’ve Decided You Need to Innovate; Where Do You Start?
      3. How Do You Assess Your Current Skills?
      4. Toward What Type of Innovation Will Your Employees Naturally Gravitate?
      5. What Type of Thinking Do You Currently Encourage?
      6. Conclusion: Meeting the Challenges of Revolutionary Innovation
      7. Endnotes
    5. 5. The Role of Learning Styles in Innovation Team Design
      1. Innovation Process and Design Thinking
      2. Learning Process
      3. Innovation Process and Learning Styles
      4. Building Innovation Teams
      5. Suggestions
      6. Endnotes
    6. 6. Your Team Dynamics and the Dynamics of Your Team
      1. Dynamics Defined
      2. The Perspective of Team
      3. Team Under Pressure
      4. Navigating Expectation and Upset on the Team
      5. The Energy and Attention of Team
      6. Parting Advice: The Impact of Team
  12. Section 3: Opportunity Recognition
    1. Design Thinking, Innovation, and Creativity as an Economic Driver
    2. Frameworks and Tools
    3. Innovation Traps
    4. User Experience First, Business Model Second
    5. 7. Leveraging Ethnography to Predict Shifting Cultural Norms
      1. Context
      2. Cultural Normatives
      3. 1: Planning
      4. 2: Execution
      5. 3: Analysis
      6. Parting Advice: Building It into Your Culture
      7. Endnotes
    6. 8. Design Process and Opportunity Development
      1. “Coming Up with Good Ideas”: What’s Design?
      2. The Leverage of Upstream Innovation: Failure and Managerial Thinking
      3. Design and Disruptive Innovation
      4. The Importance of Upstream
      5. Prototyping
      6. Integrative Thinking
      7. Iteration
      8. Helical Thinking
      9. The Funnel, or Filter, and the Fence
      10. Opportunity Development: Design Across Disciplines
      11. Conclusion
    7. 9. Navigating Spaces—Tools for Discovery
      1. Introduction: What Is the Discovery Process?
      2. The Purpose of Tools
      3. The Repertory: An Adaptive Toolbox
      4. Synthesizing the Repertory
      5. Acknowledgments
  13. Section 4: Value Creation
    1. Engaging the Market for Clarity of Value Proposition
    2. Symbiotic Relationship between Customer and Value Proposition
    3. Crafting the Right Team, Aligning the Right Resources
    4. Focused Strategy Is Essential
    5. 10. Value Creation through Shaping Opportunity—The Business Model
      1. The Dimensions of Opportunity
      2. The Business Model and Frameworks
      3. Shaping: Rinse, Lather, Repeat
      4. Endnotes
    6. 11. Developing Sustainable Business Models
      1. What Is a Business Model?
      2. The Business Model Canvas
      3. Exploring Alternative Business Models
      4. Toward More Sustainable Business Models
      5. Frameworks for Sustainable Business
      6. The Business Case for Sustainability
      7. Endnotes
    7. 12. Business Model Execution—Navigating with the Pivot
      1. Different but Dependent Processes: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
      2. What Is a Pivot?
      3. Why Pivot?
      4. How to Pivot
      5. When Pivots Don’t Happen
      6. Summary
  14. Section 5: Disruptive Innovation in Action—Stories from the Field
    1. Understand Your Culture First
    2. Innovation Is a Contact Sport
    3. Discovery Space Is Important
    4. Evidence Is Key
    5. The Balancing Art of Transition to Implementation
    6. 13. Broad Thinking—Connecting Design and Innovation with What Women Want
      1. Four Key Insights into “Broad Thinking”
      2. Women Think About “We,” Not “Me”
      3. Women Pay Attention to the Whole Experience, Not Just the Product
      4. Women Want Real-Life Benefits, Not Potential Ones
      5. Women Appreciate Human Traits in Objects
      6. Conclusions and Recommendations
    7. 14. Interdisciplinarity, Innovation, and Transforming Healthcare
      1. What Challenges Are We Trying to Solve?
      2. What Is Interdisciplinarity?
      3. Facilitating Interdisciplinarity
      4. Innovation, Technology Adoption, and Change in Healthcare
      5. Discussion
      6. References
    8. 15. Disrupting Yourself—Launching New Business Models from Within Established Enterprises
      1. Overview
      2. Deciding Where to Innovate with New Business Models
      3. Getting a Business Model Innovation through the Company
      4. Case Example: New Business Model Opportunity for a Pharmaceutical Company
      5. Conclusion
      6. Endnotes
    9. 16. Opportunities in Branding—Benefits of Cross-Functional Collaboration in Driving Identity
      1. Context
      2. Why Use Innovation Teams? Four Key Benefits for Branding
      3. How to Drive Innovation Teams: Process Best Practices for Branding
      4. Conclusions and Recommendations
      5. Endnotes
  15. Afterword
    1. Endnotes
  16. Glossary and Resources
    1. Glossary
    2. Resources
    3. Endnotes
  17. Index