
Book Description

Since its introduction, The Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) has achieved remarkable success among application server providers and their customers. More than a dozen leading application server companies have announced J2EE compatible products, and over one million developers have downloaded the J2EE SDK from Sun's J2EE Web site (http://java.sun.com/j2ee).

Today, numerous enterprises face the challenge of developing distributed applications. IT professionals deal with a variety of issues: connecting dispersed users with centralized applications, building applications quickly and efficiently, and connecting heterogeneous clients and servers.

J2EE in Practice provides ten examples of ways that J2EE technology has helped leading corporations, educational institutions, and government organizations face these challenges and reap significant rewards. Chapters in this book explore how:

  • JCrew enhanced its traditional catalog sales operation using J2EE technology from Art Technology Group (ATG).

  • One of the country's largest mortgage companies, HomeSide Lending, produced innovative online lending services using the BEA WebLogic server.

  • The Borland Application Server enabled AT&T Unisource to respond quickly to demand in long-distance voice traffic routing.

  • Codexa Corporation used Brokat's GemStone/J platform to deliver information for widely dispersed financial services professionals.

  • eTapestry.com delivers applications to assist nonprofits in their fundraising using GemStone/J and Sun Microsystem's Forte for Java development environment.

  • Altura International used the HP BlueStone J2EE platform to implement the Web's first online catalog shopping portal, catalogcity.com.

  • IBM customers Honeywell and Bekins use Java technology to improve processes on the manufacturing floor and in the warehousing and delivery of large consumer products.

  • International Data Post (IDP), a service owned by seven European postal operators, brought snail mail to the Internet age using iPlanet's J2EE technology.

  • Physics research institute CERN worked with Oracle to provide electronic document handling services to over 5000 users worldwide.

  • J2EE technology helps the US Military Traffic Management Command, Freight Systems Office (FSO) manage and control costs of small package shipping.

  • 0201746220B01172002

    Table of Contents

    1. Copyright
    2. Foreword
    3. Acknowledgments
    4. About the Editors
    5. A Multi-Vendor Standard for Distributed Enterprise Applications
      1. The Networked Economy
      2. Why Standardize?
      3. Why Standardize on J2EE?
      4. Why a Standard Based on Java Technologies?
      5. Why a Book of Success Stories?
    6. Overview of the J2EE Technology and Architecture
      1. The Evolution of Distributed, Multitier Applications
      2. J2EE Platform Architecture and Technologies
      3. Application Configurations Supported by the J2EE Architecture
      4. J2EE Roles
      5. Things to Come
    7. J.Crew Rebuilds its Web Presence with the ATG Dynamo Suite
      1. Technology Evolution
      2. Why J2EE Technology?
      3. Problem/Opportunity Profile
      4. Collaboration with Sun Professional Services
      5. Solution Analysis
      6. Benefits
      7. Looking Forward
    8. HomeSide Deploys Electronic Lending on BEA's WebLogic J2EE Server
      1. The Project
      2. Business Problem
      3. Technology Choices
      4. Vendor Selection
      5. Application Architecture
      6. Solution Analysis
      7. Current Results
      8. Future Directions
      9. Lessons Learned
    9. AT&T Unisource: Cost-Optimized Routing Environment on the Borland AppServer
      1. Technology Adoption
      2. Business and Technological Challenges
      3. Approaching the Challenges
      4. The Solution
      5. Life after CORE
    10. Codexa: Building a Big Bang Architecture with Brokat's GemStore J2EE Server
      1. Codexa “Big Bang” Architecture Explodes onto the Scene
      2. Charting Galaxies of Financial Information
      3. J2EE Helped Codexa Bring Order to Its Universe
      4. System Architecture: Layers Upon Layers
      5. Application Architecture: Billions and Billions of InfoBytes
      6. The Working Solution: Codexa in Action
      7. Achieving the Big Bang
      8. Codexa Through Time
    11. Java Technology BuildseTapestry.com ASP for Charities with Forte Tools
      1. The Project
      2. The Company
      3. Technology Adoption
      4. Opportunity: The Business Problem
      5. The Solution
      6. Vendor Selection
      7. Application Architecture
      8. Solution Analysis
      9. Future Directions
      10. A Rich Tapestry
    12. HP Bluestone's Total-e-Server at Altura International: Deploying J2EE for Performance and Scalability
      1. The Company
      2. The Challenge
      3. The Solution
      4. Altura Merchant Operating System
      5. HP Bluestone Total-e-Server and the J2EE Specification
      6. Configuring the Altura Merchant Operating System Framework
      7. Benefits of the J2EE Platform and HP Bluestone to Altura
    13. Honeywell and Bekins Succeed with IBM
      1. IBM and the Evolution of e-Business
      2. Honeywell
      3. Bekins
    14. International Data Post Brings Snail Mail to the Internet Age with iPlanet
      1. Company Profile
      2. Problem/Opportunity Profile: The Applet Dilemma
      3. Solution Analysis: The Lifecycle of a Hybrid Letter
      4. Future of Hybrid Mail
      5. A Multitiered Architecture
      6. A Bounty of Benefits
    15. CERN Simplifies Document Handling Using the Oracle Application Server
      1. EDH Application
      2. The EDH Component Model
      3. Migration to EJB: First Steps
      4. The CERN Material Request
      5. Deployment Descriptors
      6. Putting It All Together
      7. CERN's Experience
    16. USMTMC Overhauls Small Package Shipping with SunPS
      1. Global Freight Management, Military Traffic Management Command, Mission
      2. Technology Evolution
      3. The Small Package Application
    17. Glossary
    18. Index