7.9. Future Directions

While the solution eTapestry developed meets its initial goals, there's always room for enhancement and evolution. Efforts are currently anticipated in several directions.

7.9.1. Distributed Deployment

Although the existing application sits on a single, dual-Pentium machine, it has been designed modularly to allow distributed deployment once patronage levels rise sufficiently. That will prove key as eTapestry takes the next step, possibly as early as the first half of 2001, to redeploy the Web server and SSL encrypting/decrypting functions on a separate server that would perform all the preprocessing. The reasoning is that SSL processing is extremely compute-intensive and therefore the most likely process to offload (from the main server) to improve performance.

As utilization grows, eTapestry expects it will have to redeploy application and database services. However, the company has not yet made any firm architectural plans, besides the assumption that the application will have to use the clustering, load balancing, and failover capabilities of the Gemstone/J application server.

eTapestry has not yet decided whether to use Enterprise JavaBeans in the future. However, if it does, it will actively consider use of modeling tools that can automate the generation of EJBs. The company is considering tools such as Together/J (from TogetherSoft) and Rational Rose.

Figure 7.2. The eTapestry Application's Proposed Future Architecture

7.9.2. Java Messaging Service API (JMS)

eTapestry is considering using the JMS API to provide tighter integration, both internally and with business partners. Currently, actions that trigger other systems, such as data insertions, must be handled by writing servlets that act inside the firewall.

Conversely, use of JMS would provide a standard means for adding messaging to Java applications. Examples might include transactions such as adding accounts, entering new gifts, and making pledge payments.

System-to-system updates or alerts could be sent individually or broadcast using publish-and-subscribe methods. The result would be a common approach to application integration, both internally and externally, using a standard rather than a custom API.

Furthermore, since JMS messages are stored and forwarded, this design feature will provide a higher-availability interface because it does not rely on the application server itself to be available. Consequently, if the application server is taken offline for maintenance, these messages can still be received and stored for processing later.

7.9.3. Partner Integration

eTapestry is still in the early phases of integrating with announced business partners. “Our strategy is to become a portal or conduit that gives nonprofit organizations access to all the tools they need to manage their operations, regardless of their size, background, or computing capabilities,” says Rusche. This involves a best-of-breed strategy, in which eTapestry provides seamless access to complementary tools and services offered by its business partners. Examples include managing planned giving to donor tax planning, estate planning, and integration with print and mailing houses.

Access is now primarily through HTML/HTTP hot links. However, eTapestry has already begun building the first links with business partners, based on strategies such as providing XML-based transaction integration and Java-based plug-in applications that work atop the eTapestry engine.

In some cases, the integration will involve data exchange among different partner sites, such as is planned with Acteva. In other cases, partners are providing Java-based plug-in applications, which are bolted directly into the eTapestry application environment. For instance, eTapestry currently bundles a tax calculator for planned giving, from PGCalc, that uses a Java technology plug-in. The company is also working with eLetter to integrate the generation of printed mass mailings for charitable groups, through XML transactions that query eTapestry's donor database and produce mail/merges that are fed to the eLetter production system. In addition, eTapestry is partnering with financial institutions, such as credit card processors, to further automate online giving.

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