
Book Description

Move past the obstacles and implement your new strategy

Move is your guide to mobilizing your whole organization to take your business forward. Whatever your needed transformation may be: a new initiative, a new market, a new product, your fresh strategy is up against a powerful foe: an organization's tendency to stay very busy and completely engaged what it's already doing. This book shows you how to cut through resistance and get your team engaged and proactively doing the new thing! Author Patty Azzarello draws on over twenty-five years of international business management experience to identify the chronic challenges that keep organizations from decisively executing strategy, and to give you a practical game plan for breaking through. Leaders tend to assume that stalls in execution are inevitable, unchanging parts of the workplace—but things can change. At the heart of every execution problem is the fact that there simply are not enough people doing what the business needs. This guide shows you how to get your entire organization on board—remove the fear, excuses, and hurdles—and uphold the new pursuit against distractions and dissent.

No transformation can succeed without suitable engagement from the whole organization, but building engagement can be difficult, uncomfortable, and tentative. This book shows you how to get it done.

  • Get your organization to embrace and personally commit to the new work
  • Remove obstacles and passive aggressive attacks that block progress
  • Defend new strategic initiatives against short term pressures to revert to "business as usual"
  • Sustain momentum and the desire to move forward
  • Make sure no one is ever asking, 'Are we still doing this?'

Inertia isn't just a law of the universe, it's a law in the workplace that can be a major obstacle to making things happen. The great thing about inertia is that it cuts two ways: a body at rest remains at rest, but a body in motion remains in motion. People love to finish things. Move shows you how to make successful execution the new norm—starting today.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Introduction: Why Great Strategies and Change Initiatives Fail
    1. Strategy Without Execution = Talking
    2. Why I Wrote MOVE
    3. A Note About Change vs. Transformation
    4. Doing Something Different
    5. MOVE
    6. Why Should You Read MOVE?
    7. This Book Is Not Academic
  6. Part 1: M = The Middle: Where Transformations Either Happen or Get Stuck
    1. Chapter 1: The Beginning of the Middle: Why New Strategies Stall After the Exciting Kickoff
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. A Good Strategy Describes What You Will Do During the Middle
      3. Leaders: Execution Is Not Beneath You
      4. Team: Don't Wait—Start Helping
    2. Chapter 2: Concrete Outcomes: Stop Admiring the Problem and Define Some Specific Actions
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. What Happens in the Middle, Exactly?
      3. Moving from Big, Vague End Goals to Actionable Strategy
      4. Drive Forward Momentum by Getting Concrete and Specific
    3. Chapter 3: Timing and Momentum: Maintaining a Sense of Urgency for a Long Time
      1. The Forecast Is Hazy…
      2. What Everyone Is Thinking
      3. Focus on Mid-Term Checkpoints
      4. “What Will We See?”
      5. Shine a Spotlight on the Middle, Consistently…for a Long Time
      6. Create a Timeline
    4. Chapter 4: Control Points: Metrics That Drive Action on the Right Things
      1. How Do We Measure Success?
      2. What Everyone Is Thinking
      3. Good Measures and Bad Measures
      4. Limping Cows and Control Points
      5. What Are Your “Limping Cows”?
      6. Cross-Functional Magic
      7. It's Okay If It's Hard to Measure
    5. Chapter 5: Resource Reality: Your Strategy Is Where You Put Your Resources
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. Resource Reality
      3. Remember, Great Isn't cheap
    6. Chapter 6: Don't Sign Up for the Impossible
      1. What If They Tell You to “Do It Anyway”?
      2. What Everyone Is Thinking
      3. This Can't Be Done
      4. Turtles All the Way Down
      5. Pick the Right Revenue and Expense Target
      6. Do What You Can
      7. Something Must Get More Money
    7. Chapter 7: Sponsors and Enemies: Reduce Your Personal Risk
      1. Support and Sabotage
      2. Achieving Sponsorship
  7. Part 2: O = Organization: Are You Leading the Team You Have or the Team You Need?
    1. Chapter 8: The Right Team: The Fundamental Ingredient for a Highly Effective Team
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. There Is No Effective Antidote for the Wrong Team
      3. A Lesson from the Dogs
      4. Are All of Your Managers Good Managers?
      5. Note to Leaders Making Changes: Are You Leading the Team You Have or the Team You Need?
      6. Note to Everyone Whose Job May Change: What Happens to Your Role Now?
    2. Chapter 9: Organize for Outcomes: Create the Ideal, Blank-Sheet Org Chart
      1. What Is the Business Motivation for Organizational Change?
      2. The Ideal, Blank-Sheet Org Chart
      3. Some of My Own Lessons About Reorganizations
      4. Do an Honest Assessment
    3. Chapter 10: The People: How to Attract the Right People and Eliminate the Wrong People
      1. The Right People: Always Be Recruiting
      2. Five Common Hiring Mistakes: Do's and Don'ts
      3. How to Hire a Star
      4. The Wrong People: How to Eliminate the People Who Are Impeding Progress
      5. Does This Person Need to Go?
      6. Bullies
      7. Everyone Is in the Biggest Job They've Ever Had
      8. The Right Team Will Get You There
    4. Chapter 11: Building Capacity: Performance Management and Delegating for Development
      1. What Everybody Is Thinking
      2. Always Be Growing
      3. Performance Management
      4. The Goal: No Surprises
      5. Delegating = Developing
      6. Failure Is the Key to Delegating
      7. Everybody Up!
    5. Chapter 12: Unstructured Conversation: How to Drive Personal Accountability and Belief
      1. The Value of Unstructured Conversation
      2. Real Engagement Is Always Personal
    6. Chapter 13: Stop Having Status Meetings: Go Faster and Reduce Risk
      1. What Everybody Is Thinking
      2. Status Meetings Cause More Problems Than They Solve
      3. An Alternative Way to Track Status
      4. Better Things to Do in Your Staff Meetings
    7. Chapter 14: Virtual and Remote Teams: Optimizing Performance and Results from Afar
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. Optimizing Your Work-from-Home Policy
      3. Motivating Virtual Teams
      4. Advice for the Remote Individual
    8. Chapter 15: Getting People to Actually Care: Engagement and Context
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. If People Don't Care on A Personal Level, They Won't Move
      3. Create Context and Meaning
  8. Part 3: V = Valor: Facing the Hardest Stuff With Courage and Persistence
    1. Chapter 16: Mission Impossible: Dealing with Obstacles, Fear, and Imposter Syndrome
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. Welcome to Being a Leader
      3. Four Things That Will Help You Feel Less Crazy and Stressed
      4. It's Hard to Stick to a Transformation Through the Long Middle
    2. Chapter 17: Burn the Ships at the Beach: How to Keep Moving Forward When No One Wants To
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. “Burn the Ships at the Beach”
    3. Chapter 18: Too Busy to Scale: Use Ruthless Priorities to Enable Growth
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. Problem #1: Addicted to Busy
      3. Problem #2: Doing Too Many Things
      4. Problem #3: Being Too Reactive
      5. How to De-Risk the Most Important Actions
      6. Conflicting Ruthless Priorities
    4. Chapter 19: Detail: The Momentum Killer: Manage Outcomes Instead
      1. The Cost of Detail
      2. Never Move Detail Up
      3. Deal with Your Addiction
    5. Chapter 20: Clarity and Conflict: Expose and Master Necessary Conflict—Don't Avoid It
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. Uncertainty Is Expensive
      3. Exposing and Resolving Necessary Conflict
      4. The Team Will Never Make Trade-Offs
    6. Chapter 21: Decision Stall: Accelerate Effective Decision Making
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. What Everyone Is Thinking
      3. Are You Implementing Your Strategy or Studying It?
      4. Getting Actual Feedback: Theory vs. Practice
      5. The Cost of Requests
      6. Consensus vs. Command
      7. Debate vs. Go
    7. Chapter 22: Tracking and Consequences: How to Identify and Recover from Setbacks
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. When Nothing Happens
      3. Enforcing Consequences
      4. Develop Better Habits on Small Things
      5. The Gap Between Committed and Done
      6. Hire Your Hero
  9. Part 4: E = Everyone: You Can Lead a Transformation from the Top, but You Can't Do a Transformation from the Top
    1. Chapter 23: Conversation: Change How You Communicate to Make Your Strategy Stick
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. Telling Does Not Equal Communicating
      3. Conversation vs. Communication
      4. Conversation Creates Forward Momentum and Safety
      5. Conversation Drives Action
      6. Your Conversation
    2. Chapter 24: Decorate the Change: “Yes, We Are Really Doing This”
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. A Story About a Goat
      3. Decorating the Change
      4. Decorate the Change Through the Middle
      5. Every Little Bit Helps
    3. Chapter 25: Top-Down Communications: Why People Do and Don't Listen
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. Getting Initial Buy-in
      3. Regular Updates from You, the Leader
      4. Communicate 21 Times
      5. Show That the Leadership Team Is Aligned
    4. Chapter 26: Listen on Purpose: Finding the Insights That Make You Brilliant
      1. What Everybody Is Thinking
      2. Never Count Only on Filtered Information
      3. See What You Are Missing
      4. Keep Your Team on Track Through the Middle
      5. Get Access to the Best Ideas
      6. Building Your Pipeline of Good Ideas
      7. Are You Listening?
      8. Some Leaders Resist Listening
    5. Chapter 27: Sharing Information: Communicating Across Organizational Silos
      1. People Feel Uninformed
      2. What Everyone Is Thinking
      3. Bridging Across Silos
      4. Everyone: Share What You Know
      5. The Big “Aha”
      6. Idea to Revenue in 16 Weeks
      7. Structured Communication
      8. Just Crazy Enough to Work
      9. Sharing Information on Purpose
      10. Internal Social Sharing Tools
    6. Chapter 28: Power and Trust: How to Make People Feel Like Superheroes
      1. What Everyone Is Thinking
      2. How to Build Genuine Loyalty and Not Be a Jerk
      3. “Imagined-Power” People
      4. “Real-Power” People and Respect
      5. Treat People Like People
      6. Don't Guess What People Care About, Ask Them
      7. Acknowledge That People Have a Life Outside of Work
      8. Create a Process for Recognition
      9. Make It Personal
      10. Make People Feel Like Superheroes
      11. You Can't Achieve a Transformation Without Trust
  10. Acknowledgments
  11. Resources
  12. About the Author
  13. Index
  14. End User License Agreement