
Book Description

Broadcast media has a particular fascination with stories that involve risk and health crisis events-disease outbreaks, terrorist acts, and natural disasters-contexts where risk and health communication play a critical role. An evolving media landscape introduces both challenges and opportunities for using communication to manage extreme events and hazardous contexts. Risk and Health Communication in an Evolving Media Environment addresses issues of risk and health communication with a collection of chapters that reflect state-of-the-art discussion by top scholars in the field. The authors in this volume develop unique and insightful perspectives by employing the best available research on topics such as brand awareness in healthcare communication, occupational safety, climate change communication, local broadcasts of weather emergencies, terrorism, and the Ebola outbreak, among many other areas. It features analysis of new and traditional media that connects disasters, crises, risks, and public policy issues into a coherent fabric. This book bridges a substantial, but sometimes disconnected body of literature, and by doing so asks how contexts related to risk and health communication are best approached, how researchers balance scientific findings with cultural issues, and how scholars study an increasingly media-savvy society with traditional research methods.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Risk and Health Communication in an Evolving Media Environment
  3. Electronic Media Research Series
  4. Title
  5. Copyright
  6. Contents
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. Contributors
  9. Part I Advances in Health Communication Research
    1. 1 Prelude: Advancing Media Research in Risk and Health Communication Contexts
      1. How the Book Evolved
      2. Introduction to the Chapters
      3. References
    2. 2 Media Literacy and Parent–Adolescent Communication About Alcohol in Media: Effects on Adolescent Alcohol Use
      1. Introduction
      2. Media Literacy and Substance Use
      3. Parent-Adolescent Communication about Media Portrayals of Substance Use
      4. Methods
      5. Results
      6. Discussion
      7. Note
      8. References
    3. 3 College Students and Legalized Marijuana: Knowledge Gaps and Belief Gaps Regarding the Law and Health Effects
      1. Marijuana Legalization in Washington State
      2. Literature Review
      3. Hypotheses
      4. Methods
      5. Results
      6. Summary and Conclusions
      7. References
    4. 4 Out of Sight, Out of Mind?: Addressing Unconscious Brand Awareness in Healthcare Communication
      1. Method
      2. Findings
      3. Discussion
      4. Implications
      5. Limitations and Future Research
      6. References
    5. 5 Communicating Health-Related Risk and Crisis in China: State of the Field and Ways Forward
      1. Introduction: The Coming of Risk Society in China
      2. Public Health Issues and Medical Risks
      3. Public Understanding of Science and Environmental Risks
      4. Moving the Field Forward in China: Bring Communication In
      5. Concluding Remarks
      6. References
  10. Part II Communicating and Educating the Public and Media About Risk and Science
    1. 6 Risk Communication in Occupational Safety and Health: Reaching Diverse Audiences in an Evolving Communication Environment
      1. Introduction
      2. Background
      3. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
      4. Communicating Risk
      5. Communicating OSH Information in the Evolving Digital Media Environment
      6. Opportunities and Challenges of New Media Channels
      7. Recommendations for the Future in New Media and OSH Risk Communication
      8. Conclusion
      9. References
    2. 7 Best Practices of “Innovator” TV Meteorologists Who Act as Climate Change Educators
      1. Introduction
      2. TV Meteorologists as Informal Climate Change Educators
      3. Best Practices for Informal Science Education
      4. Method
      5. Results and Discussion
      6. Summary: What Did We Learn From Innovator TV Meteorologists?
      7. Linking This Study of the Innovators With Current Findings
      8. Conclusion
      9. References
    3. 8 News Coverage of Cancer Research: Does Disclosure of Scientific Uncertainty Enhance Credibility?
      1. Capturing Perceptions of Credibility
      2. Uncertainty and Credibility
      3. Method
      4. Results
      5. Discussion
      6. References
    4. 9 Evaluating Online Health Information Systems
      1. Introduction
      2. Formative Research
      3. Process Evaluation Research
      4. Summative Evaluation Research
      5. Conclusion and Future Directions
      6. References
  11. Part III Situating Theory in Risk and Health Communication Contexts
    1. 10 Examining Print Coverage of the Keystone XL Pipeline: Using the Social Amplification of Risk Framework
      1. Using the Social Amplification of Risk Framework
      2. Literature Review
      3. Method
      4. Results
      5. Discussion
      6. Conclusion
      7. Note
      8. References
    2. 11 Terrorism, Risk Communication, and Pluralistic Inquiry
      1. Communicating the Risk of Terrorism
      2. Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Methodological Pluralism
      3. Terrorism, Risk, and the Limits of Parochial Inquiry
      4. (Un)critical Terrorism Studies
      5. Conclusion
      6. References
    3. 12 Communication Ethics for Risk, Crises, and Public Health Contexts
      1. The Intersection of Ethical Communication, Risk, Crises, and Public Health
      2. The State of Risk, Crisis, and Emergency Communication Research Related to Ethics
      3. The Role of a Rapidly Evolving Media in Risk, Crises, and Emergencies
      4. Demands for Ethical Accountability
      5. Utilitarian Ethics
      6. Deontological Ethics
      7. Virtue Ethics
      8. An Integrated Approach to Ethics
      9. Implications
      10. Conclusions
      11. References
    4. 13 Inoculation as a Risk and Health Communication Strategy in an Evolving Media Environment
      1. Introduction
      2. Origins and Mechanisms of Inoculation Theory
      3. Theoretical Boundaries
      4. Application of Inoculation in Risk and Health Communication Settings
      5. Application of Inoculation Using Different Modalities
      6. Inoculation Modality and Post-Inoculation Talk (PIT)
      7. The Future of Inoculation as a Risk and Health Communication Strategy in an Evolving Media Context
      8. Conclusion
      9. References
  12. Part IV Exploring Messages and Media During Extreme Events
    1. 14 First Alert Weather: Local Broadcasters’ Communication During Weather Emergencies
      1. Introduction
      2. Rationale
      3. Literature Review
      4. Method Collection
      5. Analysis
      6. Findings
      7. Precrisis
      8. Initial Event
      9. Maintenance
      10. Resolution
      11. Evaluation
      12. Discussion
      13. Conclusion
      14. References
    2. 15 It’s Not Preventable, Yet You Are Responsible: Media’s Risk and Attribution Assessment of the 2012 West Nile Outbreak
      1. Literature Review
      2. News Media’s Risk Assessment
      3. Preventability of the West Nile Pandemic
      4. Ascribing Responsibility of the West Nile Prevention
      5. Method
      6. Results
      7. Discussion
      8. References
    3. 16 Competing and Complementary Narratives in the Ebola Crisis
      1. The Natural Cycle of Crisis Narratives
      2. The West Africa Ebola Narrative
      3. Mapping the Ebola Narrative
      4. The 2014 Ebola Narrative
      5. The Ebola Narratives
      6. The Divergent Narratives
      7. Discussion
      8. References
  13. Index