
Book Description

In just a short time you can learn how to use all the components of Adobe Creative Suite 3 (Design Premium Edition) to design, create, and edit graphics, publications, and web pages of all kinds–everything from simple brochures to entire integrated ad campaigns.

Using a straightforward, step-by-step approach, each lesson in this book builds on the previous ones, enabling you to learn the essentials of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, Dreamweaver, Acrobat, and Bridge from the ground up.

“This book should be required reading for every introductory digital graphics course. Mordy has packed this book with great information for folks at all levels of expertise!”

 – Sharon Steuer, author of The Illustrator CS3 Wow! Book

Mordy Golding has played an active role in the design and publishing environment since 1990. He worked at Adobe as the product manager for Adobe Illustrator and is currently a consultant and trainer specializing in Adobe Creative Suite. A production artist for both print and the Web for many years, he is an Adobe Certified Expert and Adobe Certified Print Specialist.

John Ray is a senior business analyst and developer for The Ohio State University Research Foundation. He provides custom network, security, and programming solutions for clients across the country, including the National Regulatory Research Institute and the Brevard Metropolitan Planning Organization in Florida.

Learn how to…

  • Choose the ideal Creative Suite 3 application for the job

  • Make accurate selections

  • Manage complex compositions with layers

  • Apply filters, effects, and transformations

  • Control color and type precisely

  • Manipulate vector objects

  • Paint, draw, and animate objects

  • Prepare images for use on the Web

  • Create websites

  • Display and print your work anywhere–exactly as designed

  • Design brochures

  • Develop an entire integrated ad campaign

  • Register your book at www.informit.com/title/9780672329340 for access to source images, updates, and links.

    Category:  Graphics/Web Design

    Covers:  Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Edition–Adobe Bridge CS3, Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3, InDesign CS3, Flash CS3 Professional, Dreamweaver CS3, Acrobat 8 Professional

    User Level:  Beginning—Intermediate

    Table of Contents

    1. Copyright
      1. Dedication
    2. About the Author
    3. About the Contributing Authors
    4. Acknowledgements
    5. We Want to Hear from You!
    6. Reader Services
    7. Introduction
      1. Organization of This Book
      2. Where to Download the Project Images
      3. Conventions Used in This Book
    8. I. The Suite
      1. 1. Overview: The Creative Process
        1. The Dream Team
          1. Adobe Bridge CS3
          2. Adobe Photoshop CS3
          3. Adobe Illustrator CS3
          4. Adobe InDesign CS3
          5. Adobe Flash CS3 Professional
          6. Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
          7. Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Professional
        2. The Different Versions of Adobe Creative Suite 3
          1. Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium
          2. Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Standard
          3. Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium
          4. Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Standard
          5. Adobe Creative Suite 3 Production Premium
          6. Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection
        3. Summary
      2. 2. So Many Applications: Which One to Use?
        1. Adobe Bridge CS3
          1. Where Bridge Came From
          2. What Bridge Does
          3. When to Use Bridge
        2. Adobe Photoshop CS3
          1. Where Photoshop Came From
          2. What Photoshop Does
          3. When to Use Photoshop
        3. Adobe Illustrator CS3
          1. Where Illustrator Came From
          2. What Illustrator Does
          3. When to Use Illustrator
        4. Adobe InDesign CS3
          1. Where InDesign Came From
          2. What InDesign Does
          3. When to Use InDesign
        5. Adobe Flash CS3 Professional
          1. Where Flash Came From
          2. What Flash Does
          3. When to Use Flash
        6. Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
          1. Where Dreamweaver Came From
          2. What Dreamweaver Does
          3. When to Use Dreamweaver
        7. Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional
          1. Where Acrobat Came From
          2. What Acrobat Does
          3. When to Use Acrobat
        8. Summary
      3. 3. The Game Plan: Developing a Workflow
        1. What Is a Workflow?
        2. Understanding Print, the Web, and Beyond
        3. Designing for Print
          1. Corporate Identity
          2. Brochure
          3. Advertising Campaign
        4. Designing for the Web
          1. Web Banner
          2. Website
        5. Designing for Both Print and the Web
          1. Print/Online Newsletter
          2. Interactive PDF
        6. Moving to a PDF Workflow
        7. Summary
      4. 4. The Key That Makes It All Work: Integration
        1. Getting Started with the Creative Suite
          1. Real World System Requirements for Running the Creative Suite
          2. Quick Tip for Launching the Suite Applications
        2. Common User Interface
        3. Panels and Docks
          1. Showing/Hiding Panels
          2. Adjusting Panels
          3. Docking Panels
          4. Custom Workspaces
        4. Tools
          1. The Tools Panel
          2. Selection Tools
            1. Selections in Illustrator, Flash, and InDesign
            2. Selections in Photoshop
          3. Drawing Tools
        5. Keyboard Shortcuts
        6. Making Your Own Shortcuts
        7. Moving Data Between Apps
          1. Copy and Paste
          2. Exporting/Importing
          3. Native File Support
        8. Creating PDF Files
        9. Enhancing Integration with Metadata
        10. Summary
    9. II. The Applications
      1. 5. Using Adobe Bridge CS3
        1. Finding Your Way Around in Bridge
          1. Understanding the Bridge Window
          2. Managing the Bridge Workspace
        2. Browsing Your Files
          1. The Folders Panel
          2. The Content Panel
          3. The Favorites Panel
        3. Viewing Files, Setting Metadata, and Filtering Content
          1. The Preview Panel
          2. The Metadata Panel
          3. The Keywords Panel
          4. Additional Metadata Settings
          5. Filtering Based on Metadata
          6. Finding Files Based on Metadata
        4. Accessing Professional Photography Services
          1. Adobe Stock Photos
          2. Adobe Photographers Directory
        5. Other Bridge Functions
          1. Bridge Home
          2. Acrobat Connect
          3. Get Photos from Camera
          4. Version Cue
          5. Creative Suite Color Settings
        6. Summary
      2. 6. Using Adobe Photoshop CS3
        1. Introduction to Photoshop CS3
        2. Opening, Creating, and Importing Files
          1. The Open Dialog Box
          2. Creating a New File
            1. Color Modes
            2. Bit Depth
          3. Importing Images
            1. Camera Raw Image Support
        3. Customizing Your Interface with Workspaces
        4. Working with Selections
          1. Marquee Selection Tools
          2. Lasso Tools
          3. Magic Wand
            1. Selecting a Range of Colors
          4. The Quick Selection Tool
          5. Feathering
          6. Modifying Selections
            1. Refining Edges
            2. Saving and Loading Selections
          7. Channels
          8. Paths
            1. Creating a Clipping Path
        5. Layers and Effects
          1. Layers 101
            1. Viewing, Linking, and Locking Layers
            2. Layer Opacity and Blending Modes
          2. Layer Groups
          3. Layer Styles
            1. Saving and Reusing Styles
          4. Layer Comps
        6. Working with Masks
          1. Layer Masks
          2. Vector Masks
          3. Quick Mask Mode
        7. Applying Transformations
          1. Smart Objects
        8. Digital Painting
          1. Choosing Colors
          2. Gradients
          3. The Brush and Pencil Tools
            1. The Brush Engine
            2. Defining Your Own Brush
          4. History Brush
          5. Art History Brush
        9. Photoshop and the Web
          1. Slicing
            1. Slices Explained
            2. Creating Slices
            3. Slice Attributes
          2. Creating Simple Web Animations
        10. Setting Type
          1. Styling Text
          2. Warping Text
        11. Adjusting Images
          1. Auto Controls
          2. Levels
          3. Curves
          4. Shadow/Highlight
          5. Adjustment Layers
          6. Match Color
          7. Dodge and Burn Tools
        12. Retouching Images
          1. The Clone Stamp Tool
          2. The Healing Brush
          3. The Spot Healing Brush
          4. The Patch Tool
          5. Red Eye Correction
          6. Optical Lens Correction
          7. Blurring Images
          8. Sharpening Images
          9. Getting Rid of Dust and Scratches
        13. Other Filters
          1. Vanishing Point
          2. Filter Gallery
          3. Extract
          4. Liquify
          5. Noise
        14. Smart Filters
        15. Automating Tasks
          1. Actions
          2. Scripts
            1. Exporting Layers
            2. Exporting Layer Comps
          3. Photomerge
          4. Crop and Straighten Photos
        16. Spot Colors
          1. Spot Channels
          2. Monotones, Duotones, Tritones, and Quadtones
        17. Saving and Printing Files
        18. Summary
      3. 7. Using Adobe Illustrator CS3
        1. Introduction to Illustrator CS3
        2. Creating and Opening Files
          1. Creating a New File
          2. Creating a New File from a Template
          3. Opening Files
        3. Drawing Basic Vector Objects
          1. Drawing Closed Vectors: Shapes
            1. The Rectangle Tool
            2. The Rounded Rectangle Tool
            3. The Ellipse Tool
            4. The Polygon Tool
            5. The Star Tool
            6. The Flare Tool
          2. Drawing Open Vectors: Paths
            1. The Line Tool
            2. The Arc Tool
            3. The Spiral Tool
            4. The Rectangular Grid Tool
            5. The Polar Grid Tool
            6. The Pencil Tool
            7. Béziers and the Pen Tool
              1. The Anchor Points
              2. The Straight-Corner Anchor Point
              3. The Smooth Anchor Point
              4. The Combination Anchor Point
              5. Editing Shapes and Paths
              6. The Direct Selection Tool
              7. The Add Anchor Point Tool
              8. The Delete Anchor Point Tool
              9. The Convert Anchor Point Tool
              10. The Smooth Tool
              11. Simplifying Paths
              12. The Erase Tool
            8. Using Simple Shapes to Create Complex Shapes
              1. Shape Modes
              2. Pathfinders
        4. Working with Selections
          1. The Selection Tool
          2. The Direct Selection Tool
          3. Grouping Objects
          4. The Group Selection Tool
          5. The Lasso Tool
          6. The Magic Wand Tool
        5. Fills and Strokes
          1. Solid Colors
            1. Process Colors
            2. Spot Colors
          2. Gradients
            1. Defining a Gradient
            2. Using the Gradient Tool
          3. Patterns
            1. Defining a Pattern
          4. Strokes
            1. Line Caps and Joins
            2. Align Stroke
            3. Dashed Strokes
          5. Offset Path and Outline Path
        6. Live Paint Groups
        7. Brushes
          1. Calligraphic Brushes
          2. Scatter Brushes
          3. Art Brushes
          4. Pattern Brushes
        8. Organizing Your Files Using Layers
          1. The Layers Panel
          2. Using Layers in the Design Process
        9. The Appearance Panel
        10. Masking Objects
          1. Clipping Masks
          2. Layer Clipping Masks
          3. Opacity Masks
        11. Applying Transformations
          1. Moving Objects
          2. Rotate, Scale, Reflect, and Shear
            1. The Bounding Box
            2. Using the Transformation Tools
              1. Rotate
              2. Scale
              3. Scale Stroke and Effects
              4. Reflect
              5. Shear
              6. Going by the Numbers
              7. Do You See a Pattern Here?
          3. The Free Transform Tool
          4. Transform Each
          5. The Transform Panel
          6. Transform Again
          7. Aligning Objects
          8. Defining a Key Object
        12. Using Symbols
          1. The Symbolism Tools
        13. Working with Type
          1. Text on a Path
          2. Formatting Text
            1. The Character Panel
            2. The Paragraph Panel
            3. The OpenType Panel
            4. Finding Special Characters
            5. Paragraph and Character Styles
          3. Converting Text into Vector Shapes
        14. Live Effects
          1. The 3D Effects
            1. 3D Extrude and Bevel
            2. Extended 3D Functionality
            3. 3D Revolve
            4. 3D Rotate
            5. Artwork Mapping
          2. The Rasterize Effect
          3. The Stylize Effects
            1. Adding Arrowheads
            2. Adding a Soft Drop Shadow
            3. Feathering Vector Objects
            4. Applying Rounded Corners
            5. Using the Scribble Effect
          4. Warp
          5. Global Live Effects Settings
          6. Expanding an Appearance
        15. Distortion with Envelopes
        16. Blends
        17. Working with Raster Images
        18. Vector Tracing
        19. Charts and Graphs
          1. Creating a Graph
            1. Adding Graph Data
            2. Editing Graph Data
          2. Graph Options
          3. Ungrouping Your Graph
        20. Web Graphics
          1. Pixel Preview
            1. Disabling Antialiasing on a Per-Object Basis
          2. Object-Based Slicing
          3. Save for Web and Devices
            1. Vector Formats Support
              1. Flash (SWF)
              2. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
            2. CSS Layer Support
        21. Saving/Exporting Files
          1. Save
            1. Adobe Illustrator Document (.ai)
            2. Illustrator EPS (.eps)
            3. Illustrator Template (.ait)
            4. Adobe PDF (.pdf)
            5. SVG (.svg)
          2. Export
            1. PNG (.png) and JPEG (.jpg)
            2. Photoshop (.psd)
            3. TIFF
          3. Save for Microsoft Office
        22. Printing
        23. Summary
      4. 8. Using Adobe InDesign CS3
        1. Introduction to InDesign CS3
          1. Creating a New File
          2. Creating a New File from a Template
          3. The Open Dialog Box
          4. The InDesign Workspace
          5. High-Resolution Preview
          6. Rulers and Guides
          7. Making Selections and Applying Transformations
        2. Placing Content
          1. To Frame or Not to Frame?
          2. Placing Text
          3. Text Threading
          4. Placing Images
          5. Cropping and Scaling Images
          6. Managing Placed Content
        3. The Power of Typography
          1. Fonts and OpenType Support
            1. The Glyphs panel
            2. Find Font
            3. WYSIWYG Font Menu
          2. Character Formatting
          3. Kerning and Tracking
          4. Paragraph Formatting
            1. Adobe Paragraph Composer
            2. Drop Caps
            3. Paragraph Rules
          5. Styles
            1. Paragraph Styles
            2. Character Styles
            3. Nested Styles
          6. Setting Tab Stops
          7. Change Case
          8. Converting Text to Outlines
          9. The Story Editor
          10. Checking Spelling
          11. Using the Dictionary
          12. Search and Replace
          13. Text Frame Options
        4. Working with Objects
          1. Grouping Objects
          2. The Pathfinder and Align Panels
          3. Aligning and Distributing Objects
        5. Coloring Objects
          1. Fills and Strokes
          2. Working with Swatches
          3. Spot Colors
          4. Corner Options
            1. Transparency Effects
            2. Soft Drop Shadows and Feathers
            3. Other Effects
          5. Object Styles
        6. Layout Techniques
          1. Snippets
          2. Creating a Text Wrap
          3. The Pages Panel
            1. Spreads
            2. Master Pages
          4. Layers
          5. Working with Large Documents
            1. Page Numbering
            2. Creating a Book
            3. Table of Contents
            4. Indexing
        7. Creating and Using Tables
          1. Modifying Tables
          2. Styling Tables
          3. Table Styles
          4. Table Headers and Footers
          5. Using the Table Panel
        8. Adding Interactivity
          1. Movies
          2. Hyperlinks
        9. Saving, Printing, and Prepress
          1. Exporting Files
            1. Exporting PDF
            2. Exporting EPS
          2. Separations Preview
            1. The Ink Manager
          3. Preflight
          4. Package
          5. Cross-Media Export
          6. Printing
            1. Print Dialog Options
              1. Print Presets
              2. Marks and Bleed Settings
              3. Printing Separations
              4. Transparency Flattening
        10. Summary
      5. 9. Using Adobe Flash CS3
        1. Getting Started with Flash
          1. Navigating the Flash Interface
          2. The Stage
            1. Stage View Controls
            2. Grids and Guides
          3. The Tools Panel
          4. The Timeline Panel
            1. The Current Frame
            2. Layers
          5. The Properties Panel
          6. The Library Panel and Symbols
          7. Other Panels
        2. Drawing in Flash
          1. Tools
          2. Viewing and Modification Tools
          3. Creation Tools
            1. Drawing Lines
            2. Painting Fills
            3. Drawing and Modifying Shapes Using Lines and Fills
            4. Creating Text
        3. Selecting and Transforming Objects
          1. Selection Tools
          2. The Eyedropper Tool
          3. Transforming Scale, Rotation, Envelope, and Distortion
          4. Smoothing and Straightening Shapes
          5. Using Snap to Objects to Connect Shapes
        4. Animation Basics and Terminology
          1. Frames and Frame Rate
          2. Frame Rate Versus the Number of Frames
          3. Frame Rates of Different Types of Animation
          4. Keyframes and Blank Keyframes
          5. Tweening
        5. Important Flash Document Properties
        6. Simple Frame Animations and Tools
          1. Previewing an Animation by Using Test Movie
          2. Editing One Keyframe at a Time
          3. Using the Frame View Settings
          4. Using the Onion Skin Tools
          5. Incorporating Pauses
        7. Advanced Animation Through Tweening
          1. Tweening More than Position
          2. Using Ease In and Ease Out
          3. Making a Shape Tween
        8. Importing Graphics, Sounds, and Movies
          1. Importing Graphics
            1. Importing from a File
            2. Converting a Bitmap to a Vector Graphic
          2. Importing Sounds
          3. Importing from a File
            1. Using Sounds
              1. Sync Settings
              2. Effect Settings
            2. Loop Settings
          4. Importing Video
            1. Importing from a File
            2. Using Video
        9. Creating Buttons for Interactive Animations
          1. Making a Button
          2. Setting Button States
            1. Defining a Button’s Hit State
        10. Using ActionScript and Behaviors to Create Nonlinear Movies
          1. The Actions Panel
          2. Specifying Actions and Using Parameters
            1. Frame Labels
          3. Frame Actions
          4. Button Actions
          5. Movie Clip Actions
          6. Using Behaviors
            1. Using the getURL Action
        11. Publishing Your Animation
        12. Summary
      6. 10. Using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
        1. Defining Your Web Project
          1. Creating New Documents
          2. Editing Individual Files
          3. Creating a Site
            1. Site Files
            2. Importing Existing Sites
        2. Navigating the Dreamweaver Workspace
          1. Document Window
            1. Manipulating Content
            2. Status Bar
            3. Toolbar
          2. Insert Panel
          3. Properties Panel
            1. Simple and Expert Modes
            2. Getting HTML Help
            3. Quick Tag Editor
          4. Other Panel Groups
            1. Application Panel Group
            2. Frames Panel Group
            3. Files Panel Group
            4. Tag Panel Group
            5. Timelines Panel Group
            6. CSS Panel Group
            7. History Panel Group
            8. Results Panel Group
          5. Managing Your Workspace Layout
        3. Creating and Editing Basic Pages
          1. Setting a Page Title
          2. Choosing an Editing View and Using View Controls
            1. Common Controls
            2. Code View
            3. Split View
            4. Design View
              1. Design View Options
              2. Using Page Properties to Add a Tracing Image
              3. Accessing the Head Content
          3. Adding and Modifying Page Content
            1. Modifying Text Styles with the Properties Panel
            2. Setting Colors
            3. Setting Links
        4. Working with Images
          1. Adding an Image
          2. Image Attributes
            1. Creating Image Links
            2. Adjusting Alignment
            3. Editing Images
          3. Adding Rollover Images
            1. Creating a Navigation Bar with Rollover Images and Links
            2. Creating Image Maps
            3. Adding a Rectangular Hotspot to an Image Map
            4. Adding a Circular Hotspot to an Image Map
            5. Adding an Irregular Hotspot to an Image Map
            6. Aligning Hotspots
        5. Advanced Layout with Tables
          1. Basic Tables
          2. Adding and Modifying Table Content
            1. Adding and Removing Rows and Columns
            2. Changing Widths and Heights
            3. Merging and Splitting Table Cells
            4. Setting Table Alignment and Colors
          3. Using Layout Tables
            1. Adding a Layout Table and Layout Cells
            2. Autostretching Content to Fit the Page
        6. Advanced Layout with Frames
          1. Adding Frameset Objects
          2. Creating Arbitrary Frames
          3. Resizing Frames
          4. Setting Frame Names and HTML Sources
          5. Setting the Scrolling and Resize Attributes
          6. Setting Borders
          7. Targeting Linked Pages to Open in a Specific Frame
        7. Advanced Layout with Layers and CSS
          1. Creating a Layer
          2. Positioning Layers
          3. Layer Content
          4. Using the AP Elements Panel
            1. Setting the Z-Index
            2. Layer Visibility
        8. Using Cascading Style Sheets
          1. Internal Versus External
          2. Creating Tag Styles
          3. Creating a Class Style
          4. External CSS
        9. Transferring Files to and from Remote Sites
          1. Adding Your Remote Site Connection
            1. Setting FTP Information
            2. Setting LAN Information
            3. Setting RDS and Source Safe Access
            4. WebDAV
            5. Check In/Check Out
            6. Using the Site Advanced Tab
          2. The File Transfer Interface
            1. Understanding Dreamweaver’s Website Management Capabilities
            2. Getting and Putting Files
          3. Importing an Existing Website
        10. Reusing Content in a Website by Using the Library
          1. Creating a Library Item
            1. Using the Library Category of the Assets Panel
            2. Creating a Library Item
              1. Creating a Library Item from Existing Content
              2. Creating a Library Item from Scratch
          2. Adding a Library Item to a Page
          3. Making Changes to a Library Item
        11. Summary
      7. 11. Using Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional
        1. Introduction to Acrobat
        2. Viewing PDF Files
          1. Setting File View Modes
          2. Navigation Tools
            1. Zoom Tools
            2. Page Navigation
            3. Adding Additional Toolbar Navigation Buttons
          3. Other Panels
            1. Pages
            3. Layers
            4. Signatures
            5. How To
            6. Attachments
          4. Managing Multiple Windows
        3. Creating PDF Files
          1. Creating a PDF File from One or More Files
          2. Creating a PDF File from Microsoft Applications
          3. Creating a PDF File from a Web Page
          4. Creating a PDF File from a Scanner
        4. Editing and Manipulating PDF Files
          1. TouchUp Tools
          2. Checking Spelling
        5. Using Comments and Markup
          1. Adding Text Edits
          2. Adding Sticky Notes
            1. Reading Notes
          3. Stamp Tool
          4. Advanced Comment and Markup Tools
          5. Importing and Exporting Comments
          6. Summarizing Comments
        6. Reviewing PDF Documents
          1. Email-Based Review
          2. Review Tracker
          3. Enabling Review Features for Adobe Reader Users
        7. Using Sound and Movies
          1. Adding Sound
          2. Adding Movies
        8. Creating Interactivity
          1. Adding Bookmarks
          2. Linking and Actions
          3. JavaScript Support
        9. Ensuring Accessibility
        10. Using Forms
          1. Creating Forms
            1. Form Elements
            2. Text Fields
            3. Buttons
            4. List Boxes and Combo Boxes
            5. Radio Buttons and Check Boxes
          2. Performing Calculations
          3. Importing and Exporting Form Data
        11. Security
          1. Restricting Opening and Editing
          2. Encrypting for Certain Identities
          3. Digital Signatures
            1. Modifying Signature Appearance
            2. Digitally Signing Your Document
          4. Certified PDF
        12. PDF Presentations
          1. Creating a Slideshow
          2. Full Screen Preferences
            1. Full Screen Navigation
            2. Full Screen Appearance
            3. Full Screen Transitions
        13. Printing and Saving PDF Files
          1. Saving
          2. Reverting
          3. Printing
          4. Advanced Printing Options
            1. Printing Color Separations
          5. Preflight
            1. Creating PDF/X-1a–Compliant Files
        14. Acrobat Distiller
        15. Summary
    10. III. The Projects
      1. 12. Creating a Corporate Identity
        1. Creating a Version Cue Project
        2. Creating the Logo
          1. Choosing a Typeface
          2. Creating an Illustration
          3. Saving the Logo
        3. Preparing a Photo
          1. Adjusting the Image
          2. Saving the Image
        4. Designing the Business Card
          1. Creating a New Document
        5. Designing the Letterhead
        6. Designing the Envelope
        7. Summary
      2. 13. Creating a Brochure
        1. Planning the Layout in InDesign
        2. Importing the Text
        3. Preparing Images
        4. Designing the Cover
          1. Text Effects
          2. Additional Images and Text Styling
          3. Creating a Text Wrap
          4. Adding the Logo
        5. Designing the Inside of the Brochure
          1. Adding a Background
          2. Styling Text
          3. Inserting Tables
          4. Finishing Touches
        6. Summary
      3. 14. Creating an Ad Campaign
        1. Choosing and Preparing Images in Photoshop
        2. Setting Up Pages in InDesign
        3. Setting Up a Master Page
          1. Adding Common Design Elements
          2. Adding Text
        4. Placing the Photos
        5. Exporting a PDF File for Review
        6. Adding Comments to the File in Acrobat
        7. Making Changes in InDesign
        8. Exporting It As a PDF/X-1a–Compliant File
        9. Summary
      4. 15. Creating a Web Banner
        1. Creating a New Illustrator File
        2. Adding the Images
        3. Choosing a Web-Safe Color
        4. Adding the Tag Line
        5. Adding the Logo
        6. Preparing the Layers
        7. Creating a Flash Animation
        8. Summary
      5. 16. Creating a Web Page
        1. Creating Web Graphics
          1. Header Graphic
          2. Page Design
          3. Creating Web Graphics
        2. Creating a Site in Dreamweaver
          1. Choosing and Modifying a Layout
          2. Navigation—The Left Sidebar
          3. Main Content
            1. Print Style Sheets
          4. Right Sidebar
          5. Faux Column CSS Effect
          6. Previewing in a Browser
        3. Summary
    11. Output: Sending Your Files to Print
      1. Getting It Printed
      2. The Love-Hate Relationship Between Designers and Printers
      3. Understanding the Printing Process
      4. Understanding Transparency
      5. A Designer’s Checklist
        1. InDesign’s Package Feature
        2. InDesign and Acrobat’s Separation Preview Feature
      6. Resources