
Book Description

Utilize cutting-edge personal selling techniques to navigate the information revolution era

Selling Today: Partnering to Create Value helps you understand the value of developing personal selling skills by exposing you to a personal selling academic theory, role play scenarios, and real-world applications and ethical dilemmas. With the largest number of "learn by doing" materials available in any personal selling text, the 14th Edition offers tools to strengthen your learning process. As the developed nations of the world transition from a production focus to a sales and service focus, this cutting-edge new edition prepares you to succeed as a member of a new generation of businesspeople.

Table of Contents

  1. Selling Today Partnering to Create Value
  2. Selling Today Partnering to Create Value
  3. Brief Contents
  4. Contents
  5. Preface
    1. Staying on the Cutting Edge: New to This Edition
    2. Building on Traditional Strengths
    3. Organization of This Book
    4. A Special Note to Students on How to Use the Book
    5. Selling Today Supplements
    6. The Search for Wisdom in the Age of Information
  6. About the Authors (in alphabetical order)
  7. Selling Today Partnering to Create Value
  8. Part 1 Developing a Personal Selling Philosophy
    1. 1 Relationship Selling Opportunities in the Information Economy
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Personal Selling Today—A Definition and a philosophy
      3. Emergence of Relationship Selling in the Information Economy
        1. Major Advances in Information Technology and Electronic Commerce
        2. Strategic Resource Is Information
        3. Business Is Defined by Customer Relationships
        4. Sales Success Depends on Creating and Adding Value
      4. Considerations for a future in Personal selling
        1. Wide Range of Employment Opportunities
        2. Activities Performed by Salespeople
        3. Freedom to Manage One’s Own Time and Activities
        4. Titles Used in Selling Today
        5. Above-Average Income
        6. Above-Average Psychic Income
        7. Opportunity for Advancement
        8. Opportunities for Women
      5. Employment Settings in Selling today
        1. Selling through Channels
        2. Career Opportunities in the Service Channel
          1. Hotel, Motel, and Convention Center Services
          2. Telecommunications Services
          3. Financial Services
          4. Media Sales
          5. Real Estate
          6. Insurance
          7. Business Services
        3. Career Opportunities in the Business Goods Channel
          1. Industrial Salespeople
          2. Sales Engineer or Applications Engineer
          3. Field Salespeople
        4. Career Opportunities in the Consumer Goods Channel
          1. Retail Selling
      6. Selling Skills—One of the “Master Skills for Success” in the Information Age
        1. Knowledge Workers in the Information Economy
        2. Managerial Personnel
        3. Professionals
        4. Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners
        5. Marketing Personnel and Customer Service Representatives
      7. Learning to Sell
        1. Corporate-Sponsored Training
        2. Training Provided by Commercial Vendors
        3. Certification Programs
        4. College and University Courses
      8. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Define personal selling and describe the three prescriptions of a personal selling philosophy
          2. Describe the emergence of relationship selling in the age of information
          3. Discuss the rewarding aspects of a career in selling today
          4. Discuss the different employment settings in selling today
          5. Explain how personal selling skills have become one of the master skills needed for success in the information age and how personal selling skills contribute to the work performed by knowledge workers
          6. Identify the four major sources of sales training
      9. Key Terms
      10. Review Questions
      11. Application Exercises
      12. Role-Play Exercise
    2. 2 Evolution of Selling Models That Complement the Marketing Concept
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Marketing Concept Requires New Selling Models
        1. Evolution of the Marketing Concept
        2. Marketing Concept Yields Marketing Mix
        3. Important Role of Personal Selling
      3. Evolution of Consultative Selling
      4. Evolution of Strategic Selling
        1. Strategic/Consultative–Selling Model
          1. Developing a Relationship Strategy
          2. Developing a Product Strategy
          3. Developing a Customer Strategy
          4. Developing a Presentation Strategy
          5. Interrelationship of Basic Strategies
      5. Evolution of Partnering
        1. Strategic Selling Alliances—The Highest Form of Partnering
        2. Partnering Is Enhanced with High Ethical Standards
        3. Partnering Is Enhanced with Customer Relationship Management
      6. Value Creation—The New Selling Imperative
      7. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Discuss the evolution of personal selling models as an extension of the marketing concept
          2. Describe the evolution of consultative selling from the marketing era to the present
          3. Define strategic selling and name the four broad strategic areas in the Strategic/Consultative–Selling Model
          4. Describe the evolution of partnering and the nature of strategic account management
          5. Explain how value-added selling strategies enhance personal selling
      8. Key Terms
      9. Review Questions
      10. Application Exercises
      11. Role-Play Exercise
  9. Part 2 Developing a Relationship Strategy
    1. 3 Ethics: The Foundation for Partnering Relationships That Create Value
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Developing a Relationship Strategy for Partnering Style Selling
      3. Issues Challenging the Ethics of Salespeople
      4. Factors Influencing Ethical Decision Making of Salespeople
        1. Influences in a Global Economy
          1. Cultural Issues
          2. Legal Issues
        2. Influence of Senior Management
        3. Influence of Company Policies and Practices
          1. Sharing Confidential Information
          2. Reciprocity
          3. Bribery
          4. Gift Giving
          5. Entertainment
          6. Business Defamation
          7. Use of The Internet
        4. Influence of the Sales Manager
        5. Influence of the Salesperson’s Personal Values
          1. Values Conflict
        6. Influence of Laws, Contracts, and Agreements
          1. Laws
          2. Contracts and Agreements
        7. Building Trust with the Transactional, Consultative and Strategic Alliance Buyer
      5. Making Ethical Decisions That Build Selling Relationships
        1. Influence of Character in Ethical Decision Making
        2. The Erosion of Character on Ethical Decision Making
      6. Developing a Personal Code of Ethics That Adds Value
      7. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Explain the importance of developing a relationship strategy
          2. Describe issues that challenge the ethical decision making of salespeople
          3. Describe the factors that influence the ethical conduct of sales personnel
          4. Describe how ethical decisions influence the building of partnering relationships in selling
          5. Discuss guidelines for developing a personal code of ethics that creates value
      8. Key Terms
        1. Review Questions
      9. Ethics Application Exercises
        1. Circle Your Best Choice
      10. Role-Play Exercise
    2. 4 Creating Value with a Relationship Strategy
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Relationships Add Value
        1. Partnering—The Highest-Quality Selling Relationship
        2. Relationship Strategies Focus on Four Key Groups
        3. Adapting the Relationship Strategy
      3. Thought Processes That Enhance Your Selling Relationship Strategy
        1. Self-Concept—An Important Dimension of the Relationship Strategy
        2. The Win-Win Philosophy
        3. Empathy and Ego Drive
      4. Verbal and Nonverbal Strategies That Add Value to Your Selling Relationships
        1. Adding Value with Nonverbal Messages
          1. Influence of Your Entrance and Carriage
          2. Influence of Shaking Hands
          3. Influence of Facial Expressions
          4. Influence of Eye Contact
        2. Impact of Appearance on Relationships
          1. Simplicity
          2. Appropriateness
          3. Quality
          4. Visual Integrity
        3. Impact of Voice Quality on Relationships
        4. Impact of Etiquette on Your Relationships
      5. Conversational Strategies That Enhance Relationships
        1. Comments on Here and Now Observations
        2. Compliments
        3. Search for Mutual Acquaintances or Interests
      6. Self-Improvement Strategies That Add Value
      7. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Explain how partnering relationships add value
          2. Discuss how thought processes can enhance your relationship strategy
          3. Identify and describe the major nonverbal factors that shape our sales image
          4. Describe conversational strategies that help us establish relationships
          5. Explain how to establish a self-improvement plan based on personal development strategies
      8. Key Terms
        1. Review Questions
        2. Application Exercises
        3. Role-Play Exercise
    3. 5 Communication Styles: A Key to Adaptive Selling TodayCommunication Styles: A Key to Adaptive Selling Today
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Communication Styles—An Introduction to Adaptive Selling
        1. Communication Style Bias
        2. Communication Style Principles
        3. Improving Your Relationship Selling Skills
      3. Communication Style Model
        1. Dominance Continuum
        2. Sociability Continuum
      4. Four Styles of Communication
      5. Minimizing Communication Style Bias
        1. How Communication Style Bias Develops and Erodes Partnering Relationships
        2. Adaptive Selling Requires Versatility That Builds Strong Relationships
          1. Mature and Immature Behavior
          2. Strength–Weakness Paradox
      6. Building Strong Relationships Through Style Flexing
        1. Building Relationships with Emotive Customers
        2. Building Relationships with Directive Customers
        3. Building Relationships with Reflective Customers
        4. Building Relationships with Supportive Customers
        5. Word of Caution
      7. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Discuss how communication style influences the relationship process in sales
          2. Identify the two major dimensions of the communication style model
          3. Explain the four communications styles in the communication style model
          4. Learn how to identify your preferred communication style and that of your customer
          5. Learn to adapt interpersonal versatility and build strong selling relationships with style flexing
      8. Key Terms
        1. Review Questions
        2. Application Exercises
        3. Role-Play Exercise
  10. Part 3 Developing a Product Strategy
    1. 6 Creating Product Solutions
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Developing Product Solutions That Add Value
        1. Selling Solutions
          1. Tailoring The Product Strategy
        2. Explosion of Product Options
        3. Creating Solutions with Product Configuration
        4. Preparing Written Proposals
      3. Becoming a Product Expert
        1. Product Development and Quality Improvement Processes
        2. Performance Data and Specifications
        3. Maintenance and Service Contracts—Servicing the Sale
        4. Pricing and Delivery
      4. Become a Company Expert
        1. Company Culture and Organization
        2. Company Support for Product
      5. Become the Industry Expert—Know Your Competition
        1. Develop and Communicate a Healthy Attitude toward Your Competition
      6. Sources of Product, Company and Industry Information
        1. Web-Based Sources, Catalogs, and Marketing-Related Sales Support Information
        2. Engage in Plant Tours
        3. Build Strong Relationships with Internal Sales and Sales Support Team Members
        4. Today’s Wired Customers Have a Lot of Product, Competitive, and Industry Knowledge
        5. Researching and Using Products
        6. Reading and Studying Publications
        7. Word of Caution
      7. Creating Value with a Feature–Benefit Strategy
        1. Distinguish between Features and Benefits
          1. General Versus Specific Benefits
          2. Incorporating Advantage Statements
        2. Use Bridge Statements
        3. Identify Features and Benefits
        4. Avoiding Information Overload
      8. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Explain the importance of developing product solutions that add value
          2. Describe the importance of becoming an expert regarding product knowledge
          3. Describe the importance of becoming an expert regarding company knowledge
          4. Describe how expert knowledge of competition and industry trends improves personal selling
          5. List major sources of product, competitor and industry information
          6. Explain how to add value with a feature–benefit strategy
        2. Key Terms
        3. Review Questions
        4. Application Exercises
        5. Role-Play Exercise
    2. 7 Product-Selling Strategies That Add Value
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Product Positioning—In a Competitive Marketplace
        1. Essentials of Product Positioning
        2. Salesperson’s Role in Product Differentiation
        3. Custom Fitting and Communicating the Value Proposition
          1. Quantifying The Value Proposition
      3. The Three-Dimensional (3-D) Product Solutions Selling Model
      4. Product-Positioning Strategies to Sell New (vs. Mature), and Low-Priced (vs. Value-Added) Products
        1. Selling New Products Versus Well-Established Products
          1. Selling New and Emerging Products
          2. Selling Mature and Well-Established Products
      5. Selling Products with a Price Strategy
      6. Selling Your Product with the Value-Added Product-Selling Model
        1. Value Creation Product Strategies for Transactional, Consultative, and Strategic Alliance Buyers
      7. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Describe positioning as a product-selling strategy
          2. Explain the 3-D Product Solutions Selling Model
          3. Discuss product-positioning options
          4. Explain how to sell your product with a price strategy
          5. Explain how to sell your product with a value-added strategy
      8. Key Terms
      9. Review Questions
      10. Application Exercises
      11. Role-Play Exercise
  11. Part 4 Developing A Customer Strategy
    1. 8 The Buying Process and Buyer Behavior
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Developing a Customer Strategy
        1. Adding Value with a Customer Strategy
        2. Complex Nature of Customer Behavior
      3. Consumer Versus Business Buyers
        1. Types of Business Buying Situations
          1. New-Task Buy
          2. Straight Rebuy
          3. Modified Rebuy
          4. Building Strategic Alliances
        2. Types of Consumer Buying Situations
          1. Habitual Buying Decisions
          2. Variety-Seeking Buying Decisions
          3. Complex Buying Decisions
      4. Achieving Alignment with the Customer’s Buying Process
        1. Steps in the Typical Buying Process
          1. Needs Awareness
          2. Evaluation of Solutions
          3. Resolution of Problems
          4. PURCHASE
          5. Implementation
        2. Understanding the Buying Process of the Transactional, Consultative, and Strategic Alliance Buyer
          1. Transactional Process Buyer
          2. Consultative Process Buyer
          3. Strategic Alliance Process Buyer
          4. The Buyer Resolution Theory
      5. Understanding Buyer Behavior
        1. Basic Needs That Affect Buyer Behavior
          1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
          2. Physiological Needs
          3. Security Needs
          4. Social Needs
          5. Esteem Needs
          6. Self-Actualization Needs
        2. Group Influences That Affect Buying Decisions
          1. Role Influence
          2. Reference Group Influence
          3. Social Class Influence
          4. Culture and Subculture Influence
        3. Perception—How Customer Needs Are Formed
        4. Buying Motives
          1. Emotional Versus Rational Buying Motives
          2. Emotional Buying Motives
          3. Rational Buying Motives
          4. Patronage Versus Product Buying Motives
          5. Patronage Buying Motives
          6. Product Buying Motives
      6. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Discuss the meaning of a customer strategy
          2. Explain the difference between consumer and business buyers
          3. Understand the importance of alignment between the selling process and the customer’s buying process
          4. Understand the buying process of the transactional, consultative, and strategic alliance buyer
          5. Discuss the various influences that shape customer-buying decisions
      7. Key Terms
        1. Review Questions
        2. Application Exercises
        3. Role-Play Exercise
    2. 9 Developing and Qualifying Prospects and Accounts
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Prospecting and Account Development Requires Planning
        1. Account Development and Prospecting Plans Must Be Assessed Often
      3. Sources of Prospects and Accounts
        1. Referrals
          1. Endless Chain Referrals
          2. Referral Letters and Cards
          3. Referral Organizations
        2. Centers of Influence, Friends, and Family Members
        3. Directories
        4. Trade Publications
        5. Trade Shows and Special Events
        6. Telemarketing and E-Mail
        7. Direct-Response Advertising and Sales Letters
        8. Website
        9. Computerized Database
        10. Cold Calling
        11. Networking
        12. Educational Seminars
        13. Prospecting and Account Development by Nonsales Employees
        14. Combination Approaches
      4. Qualifying Prospects and Accounts
      5. Collecting and Organizing Account and Prospect Information
        1. Sales Intelligence
      6. Managing the Account and Prospect Base
        1. Portfolio Models
        2. Sales Process Models
        3. Pipeline Management, Pipeline Analytics, and Pipeline Dashboards
      7. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Discuss the importance of developing a prospect or account
          2. Identify and assess important sources of prospects and accounts
          3. Describe criteria for qualifying prospects and accounts
          4. Explain common methods of collecting and organizing prospect and account information
          5. Describe the steps in managing the prospect or account list
      8. Key Terms
      9. Review Questions
      10. Application Exercises
      11. Role-Play Exercise
  12. Part 5 Developing A Presentation Strategy
    1. 10 Approaching the Customer with Adaptive Selling
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Developing The Presentation Strategy
        1. Presentation Strategy Adds Value
      3. Planning The Preapproach
        1. Establishing Presentation Objectives
      4. Team Selling Presentation Strategies
        1. Strategies for Selling to a Buying Committee
      5. Adaptive Selling: Builds on Four Strategic Areas of Personal Selling
      6. Developing the Six-Step Presentation Plan
        1. Planning the Presentation
        2. Adapting the Presentation Plan to the Customer’s Buying Process
      7. The Approach
        1. The Telephone Contact
          1. Effective Use of Voice Mail
          2. Effective Use of e-mail
          3. Effective Use of Text Messaging
        2. The Social Contact—Building Rapport
          1. Guidelines For Good Social Contact
        3. The Business Contact
      8. Converting the Prospect’s Attention and Arousing Interest
        1. Agenda Approach
        2. Product Demonstration Approach
        3. Referral Approach
        4. Customer Benefit Approach
        5. Question Approach
        6. Survey Approach
        7. Premium Approach
        8. Combination Approaches
        9. Coping with Sales Call Reluctance
        10. Selling to the Gatekeeper
      9. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Describe the three prescriptions that are included in the presentation strategy
          2. Discuss the two-part preapproach process
          3. Describe team presentation strategies
          4. Explain how adaptive selling builds on four broad strategic areas of personal selling
          5. Describe the six main parts of the presentation plan
          6. Explain how to effectively approach the customer
          7. Describe seven ways to convert the prospect’s attention and arouse interest
      10. Key Terms
      11. Review Questions
      12. Application Exercises
      13. Role-Play Exercise
    2. 11 Determining Customer Needs with a Consultative Questioning Strategy
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. The Consultative Sales Process Adds Value
      3. The Four-Part Need-Satisfaction Model
        1. Part One—Need Discovery
        2. Part Two—Selection of the Solution
        3. Part Three—Need Satisfaction Through Informing, Persuading, or Reminding
        4. Part Four—Servicing the Sale
      4. Creating Value with Need Discovery
        1. Need Discovery—Asking Questions
          1. The Spin Selling Model
          2. Personal Selling Skills Model
          3. Socratic Selling Model
        2. The Four-Part Consultative Questioning Strategy
          1. Survey Questions Reveal Customer’s Problems
          2. Probing Questions Reveal Customer’s Pain
          3. Confirmation Questions Reveal Mutual Understanding
          4. Need-Satisfaction Questions Reveal Pleasure
        3. Qualifying to Eliminate Unnecessary Questions
      5. Need Discovery—Listening and Acknowledging the Customer’s Response
        1. Need Discovery—Establishing Buying Motives
      6. Selecting Solutions that Create Value
        1. Selecting Solutions—Match Specific Benefits with Buying Motives
        2. Selecting Solutions—Product Configuration
        3. Selecting Solutions—Make Appropriate Recommendations
          1. Recommend Solution—Customer Buys Immediately
          2. Recommend Solution—Salesperson Makes Need-Satisfaction Presentation
          3. Recommend Another Source
        4. Need Discovery and the Transactional Buyer
        5. Involving the Prospect in the Need Discovery
        6. Transitioning to the Presentation
      7. Planning and Execution—Final Thoughts
      8. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Outline the benefits of the consultative sales process
          2. Describe the four parts of the need-satisfaction model
          3. Discuss the use of questions to discover customer needs
          4. Describe the importance of active listening and the use of confirmation questions
          5. Select solutions that match customer needs
      9. Key Terms
      10. Review Questions
      11. Role-Play Application Exercises for “Questioning” Video Series
    3. 12 Creating Value with the Consultative Presentation
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Need Satisfaction—Selecting a Consultative Presentation Strategy
        1. Need Satisfaction—The Informative Presentation Strategy
        2. Need Satisfaction—The Persuasive Presentation Strategy
        3. Need Satisfaction—The Reminder Presentation Strategy
      3. Guidelines for Creating a Presentation That Adds Value
        1. Adapt the Presentation to Meet Unique Needs of the Customer
        2. Cover One Idea at a Time and Use an Appropriate Amount of Detail
        3. Use Proof Devices to Demonstrate Buyer Benefits
          1. Proof Devices
        4. Appeal to as Many Senses as Appropriate
        5. Balance Telling, Showing, and Involvement
        6. Develop Creative Presentations
        7. Consider the Use of Humor—in Moderation
        8. Choose the Right Setting
        9. Document the Value Proposition
        10. Quantify the Solution
        11. Check Sales Tools
        12. Summarize Major Points
      4. Guidelines for a Persuasive Presentation Strategy That Adds Value
        1. Place Special Emphasis on the Relationship
        2. Target Emotional Links and Use a Persuasive Vocabulary
        3. Sell Specific Benefits and Obtain Customer Reactions
        4. Use of Showmanship
        5. Minimize the Negative Impact of Change
        6. Place the Strongest Appeal at the Beginning or End
        7. Use the Power of Association with Metaphors, Stories, and Testimonials
      5. Guidelines for a Group Sales Presentation
        1. Enhancing the Group Presentation with Mental Imagery
        2. Video or Media Enhanced Presentation Fundamentals
      6. Selling Tools for Effective Demonstrations
        1. Product and Plant Tours
        2. Models
        3. Photos, Illustrations, and Brochures
        4. Portfolios
        5. Reprints
        6. Catalogs
        7. Graphs, Charts, and Test Results
        8. Bound Paper Presentations
        9. Tablets, Laptop Computers and Demonstration Software
          1. Enhancing Demonstrations with Powerpoint
          2. Creating Electronic Spreadsheets
          3. Web-Based Presentations
        10. Rehearse the Presentation
        11. Plan for the Dynamic Nature of the Consultative Sales Presentation
      7. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. List and describe three types of need-satisfaction presentation strategies
          2. Present guidelines for creating consultative presentations that add value
          3. Describe the elements of a persuasive presentation strategy
          4. Describe elements of an effective group presentation
          5. Develop selling tools that add value to your sales demonstrations
      8. Key Terms
      9. Review Questions
      10. Application Exercises
      11. Role-Play Exercise
    4. 13 Negotiating Buyer Concerns
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Formal Integrative Negotiation—Part of the Win-Win Relationship Strategy
        1. Negotiation Is a Process
        2. Planning for Formal Negotiations
          1. Gather Information before the Negotiation
          2. Decide Team Versus Individual Negotiations for Both Seller and Buyer
          3. Understand the Value of what you are Offering
          4. Determine your Goals and Financial Objectives
          5. Prepare an Agenda
          6. Review Adaptive Selling Styles
          7. Prepare a Negotiations Worksheet
        3. Conducting the Negotiation Session
          1. Understand the Problem
          2. Create Alternative Solutions that can Add Value
          3. Periodically Review Acknowledged Points of Agreement
          4. Do not Make Concessions too Quickly
          5. Timing and the Pareto Law
        4. Know When to Walk Away
      3. Common Types of Buyer Concerns
        1. Concerns Related to Need for the Product
        2. Concerns About the Product or Services
        3. Concerns Related to Source
        4. Concerns Related to Time
        5. Concerns Related to Price
      4. Specific Methods of Negotiating Buyer Concerns
        1. Direct Denial
        2. Indirect Denial
          1. Feel–Felt–Found
        3. Questions
        4. Superior Benefit
        5. Demonstration
        6. Trial Offer
        7. Third-Party Testimony
        8. Postpone Method
          1. Combination Methods
      5. Creating Value During Formal Negotiations
        1. How to Deal with Price Concerns
          1. Do Clarify Price Concerns with Questions
          2. Do Add Value with a Cluster of Satisfactions
          3. Do not Make Price the Focal Point of your Sales Presentation
          4. Do not Apologize for the Price
          5. Do Point out the Relationship between Price and Quality
          6. Do Explain and Demonstrate the Difference between Price and Cost
        2. Negotiating Price with a Low-Price Strategy
      6. Working with Buyers Trained in Formal Negotiation
        1. Budget Limitation Tactic47
        2. Take-It-or-Leave-It Tactic48
        3. Let-Us-Split-the-Difference Tactic50
        4. “If . . . Then” Tactic
        5. “Sell Low Now, Make Profits Later” Tactic
      7. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Describe the principles of formal negotiations as part of the win-win strategy
          2. Describe common types of buyer concerns
          3. Discuss specific methods of negotiating buyer concerns
          4. Outline methods for creating value in formal negotiations
          5. Work with buyers who are trained in negotiation
      8. Key Terms
      9. Review Questions
      10. “Negotiations: Solving the Tough Problems” Video Application Exercises
      11. Role-Play Exercise
    5. 14 Adapting the Close and Confirming the Partnership
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Adapting the Close—an Attitude that Adds Value
        1. Review the Value Proposition From the Prospect’s Point of View
        2. Closing the Sale—The Beginning of the Partnership
      3. Guidelines for Closing the Sale
        1. Focus on Dominant Buying Motives
        2. Longer Selling Cycles and Incremental Commitments
        3. Negotiating the Tough Points Before Attempting the Close
        4. Avoid Surprises at the Close
        5. “Tough-Mindedness”—Displaying a High Degree of Self-Confidence at the Close
        6. Ask for the Order More Than Once
      4. Recognize Closing Clues
      5. Specific Methods for Closing the Sale
        1. Trial Close
        2. Direct Appeal Close
        3. Assumptive Close
        4. Summary-of-Benefits Close
        5. Special Concession Close
        6. Multiple Options Close
        7. Balance Sheet Close
        8. Management Close
        9. Impending Event Close
        10. Combination Closes
        11. Adapting to the Customer’s Communication Style
          1. Directive
          2. Emotive
          3. Supportive
          4. Reflective
        12. Practice Closing
      6. Confirming the Partnership When the Buyer Says Yes
        1. What to Do When the Buyer Says No
          1. Prepare the Prospect for Contact with the Competition
      7. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Describe the proper attitude to display toward closing the sale
          2. List and discuss selected guidelines for closing the sale
          3. Explain how to recognize closing clues
          4. Discuss specific methods of closing the sale
          5. Explain what to do when the buyer says yes and what to do when the buyer says no
      8. Key Terms
      9. Review Questions
      10. Application Exercises
      11. Role-Play Exercise
    6. 15 Servicing the Sale and Building the Partnership
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Building Long-Term Partnerships with Customer Service
        1. Achieving Successive Sales
        2. Responding to Increased Postsale Customer Expectations
        3. High Cost of Customer Attrition
      3. Current Developments in Customer Service
        1. Computer-Based Systems
      4. Customer Service Methods that Strengthen the Partnership
        1. Adding Value with Follow-Through
          1. Make Credit Arrangements
          2. Schedule Deliveries
          3. Be Present During Delivery
          4. Monitor Installation
          5. Offer Training in the Use or Care of the Product
          6. Provide Price Change Information
        2. Preventing Postsale Problems
        3. Adding Value with Customer Follow-Up
          1. Personal Visit
          2. Telephone Call
          3. E-Mail or Text Message
          4. Letter or Card
          5. Call Report
      5. Adding Value with Expansion Selling
        1. Preplan Your Service Strategy
        2. Partnership-Building Strategies Should Encompass All Key People
      6. Partnering with an Unhappy Customer
      7. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Explain how to build long-term partnerships with customer service
          2. Describe current developments in customer service
          3. List and describe the major customer service methods that strengthen the partnership
          4. Explain how to add value with expansion selling
          5. Explain how to deal effectively with complaints
      8. Key Terms
      9. Review Questions
      10. Application Exercises
      11. Role-Play Exercise
  13. Part 6 Management of Self and Others
    1. 16 Opportunity Management: The Key to Greater Sales Productivity
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Opportunity Management—A Four-Dimensional Process
      3. Time Management
        1. Time-Consuming Activities
        2. Time Management Methods
          1. Develop a Series of Personal Goals
          2. Prepare a Daily “to Do” List
          3. Maintain a Planning Calendar
          4. Organize your Selling Tools
        3. Saving Time with Meetings in Cyberspace and Other Methods of Communication
      4. Territory Management
        1. What Does Territory Management Involve?
          1. Step 1—Classify All Customers
          2. Step 2—Develop a Routing and Scheduling Plan
        2. Sales Call Plans
      5. Records Management
        1. Common Records Kept by Salespeople
          1. Customer and Prospect Files
          2. Call Reports
          3. Expense Records
          4. Sales Records
        2. Maintaining Perspective
      6. Stress Management
        1. Develop a Stress-Free Home Office
        2. Maintain an Optimistic Outlook
        3. Practice Healthy Emotional Expression
        4. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
      7. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Discuss the four dimensions of opportunity management
          2. List and describe time management strategies
          3. Explain factors that contribute to improved territory management
          4. Identify and discuss common elements of a records management system
          5. Discuss stress management practices
      8. Key Terms
      9. Review Questions
      10. Application Exercises
      11. Role-Play Exercise
    2. 17 Management of the Sales Force
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Applying Leadership Skills to Sales Management
        1. Structure
        2. Consideration
        3. Situational Leadership
          1. The Character Test
        4. Coaching for Peak Performance
      3. Recruitment and Selection of Salespeople
        1. Determine Actual Job Requirements
        2. Search Out Applicants from Several Sources
        3. Select the Best-Qualified Applicant
        4. Personality and Skills Testing
      4. Orientation and Training
      5. Sales Force Motivation
        1. Effective Use of External Rewards
      6. Compensation Plans
        1. Strategic Compensation Planning
      7. Assessing Sales Force Productivity
      8. Chapter Learning Activities
        1. Reviewing Key Concepts
          1. Describe how leadership skills can be applied to sales management
          2. List and discuss the qualities of an effective sales manager
          3. Discuss recruitment and selection of salespeople
          4. Describe effective orientation and training practices
          5. Explain effective sales force motivation practices
          6. Develop an understanding of selected compensation plans
          7. List and discuss criteria for evaluating sales performance
      9. Key Terms
      10. Review Questions
      11. Application Exercises
      12. Role-Play Exercise
  14. Appendix 1 Reality Selling Today Role Plays and Video Scenarios
    1. Table of Contents Selling Today: Partnering to Create Value—Training Videos
  15. Appendix 2
    1. Table of Contents Regional Accounts Management Case Study
  16. Selling Today Appendix 3
    1. Appendix 3 Table of Contents
  17. Endnotes
  18. Glossary
  19. Name Index
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    5. E
    6. F
    7. G
    8. H
    9. I
    10. J
    11. K
    12. L
    13. M
    14. N
    15. O
    16. P
    17. Q
    18. R
    19. S
    20. T
    21. U
    22. V
    23. W
    24. X
    25. Y
    26. Z
  20. Subject Index
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    5. E
    6. F
    7. G
    8. H
    9. I
    10. J
    11. K
    12. L
    13. M
    14. N
    15. O
    16. P
    17. Q
    18. R
    19. S
    20. T
    21. U
    22. V
    23. W
    24. Z
    25. Engage, Assess, Apply
    26. with MyMarketingLab®