Role-Play Application Exercises for “Questioning” Video Series

Most sales skill development exercises used in the classroom are product-oriented. As noted on page 225, “Product-oriented selling can easily lapse into product evangelism.” This three-part video series on questioning focuses on the customer’s buying process, consultative selling, and building high-quality partnerships.

A photo shows a woman and man involved in a discussion.

Source: Michael Ahearne

The goal of this series is the identification and clarification of the customer’s problem and finding a solution. The first video focuses on the appropriate use of survey and confirmation questions to identify the customer’s problem. The second video introduces the use of probing and need-satisfaction questions. Probing questions examine and clarify the potential issues surrounding the customer’s problem, while need-satisfaction questions focus the sales process on the appropriate solution. The third video demonstrates the use of these questions in a challenging yet typical contemporary sales setting.

The role-play exercises presented here challenge the participant to understand, apply, and integrate questioning skills presented in this chapter and in the video series. Product information needed for these exercises is found in Appendix 3 on pages 429457. Customer information will be found in the B. H. Rivera Contact Report presented on page 459 (disregard any other information on this page). You will assume the role of a newly hired salesperson as described in the Position Description on page 427. Refer to the questioning material and examples presented on pages 228235. Use a Need Discovery Worksheet like the one on page 231 for developing your questions.

After viewing the video “Questions—Discovering and Confirming Customer Problems,” study the information presented in Appendix 3, pages 424462. Refer to the Contact Report on page 459 (as noted, disregard any other information on this page). Assume you were assigned to this account and you are meeting B. H. Rivera to inquire about additional information regarding dates when the meeting will be held, and what audiovisual equipment might be needed. Prepare a list of general survey and specific survey questions that reveal when, during the next month, the meeting will be held and what, if any, audiovisual equipment (see page 451) might be needed. Plan to use a summary-confirmation question to verify the existing four items on the contact sheet. Using the questions you have created, role-play this part of the need discovery process.

After viewing the video “Questions—Discovering Pain and Pleasure,” and reviewing the information you prepared in the previous role-play, prepare three probing questions. These questions should clarify and reveal a mutual understanding of issues and consequences regarding food service, facility design, and audiovisual equipment. Also, using the information on pages 424462, prepare five need-satisfaction questions that reveal how the features of your convention center provide a solution to the buying situation. Select appropriate proof devices to demonstrate these specific benefits. Using these questions, meet again with B. H. Rivera, and role-play this part of the questioning process. Prepare and use confirmation questions as the need arises.

After viewing the video “Questions—Getting It Right,” and using the information in the first two role-plays, prepare a need-satisfaction presentation to Cameron Rivera, a new meeting planner just hired at Graphic Forms. Cameron, a cousin of B. H., had been previously employed as a training coordinator at West College. Due to extensive growth in the company, B. H. has turned all meeting planning over to Cameron. Cameron will make the final selection of a facility for the meeting described on page 459, plus 11 more identical meetings to be scheduled in the next 12 months. You have also been informed that the Marriott and Sheraton Hotels will be making presentations (note the comparative room, parking, and transportation rates). You will travel to Graphic Forms to make your presentation. Prepare appropriate survey, probing, confirmation, and need-satisfaction questions and presentation strategies that will help secure this important account—then role-play this presentation.

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