
Book Description

This book will take you through Viewpoint, TASM, and actually setting up workloads. They are some of the most difficult to understand of the Teradata technologies but also the most important. It is a step by step guide that will make these very challenging subjects easy to master. The step by step process, similar to a cookbook, ensures that readers will not be confused. You will see material that you thought was impossible to learn, and you will master it.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. About Tom Coffing
  5. About Carling Nolan
  6. Contents
  7. Chapter 1 - Viewpoint
    1. Database Administration (DBA) on Teradata
    2. Viewpoint
    3. Logging into Viewpoint
    4. The First Time you Login to Viewpoint
    5. The Add Content Menu for Monitoring
    6. The Add Content Menu for TASM
    7. The Add Content Menu for Tools
    8. The Add Content Menu for Trend Reporting
    9. Adding your First Content
    10. How the Page Looks after you Add your First Content
    11. Adding Additional Pages
    12. The Fundamentals of Viewpoint Pages and Portals
    13. Adding Multiple Portals to a Single Page
    14. All Portals to their Individual Tab
    15. Portlet Controls
    16. The Rewind Control
    17. Query Monitor Overview
    18. Query Monitor Details View
    19. Query Monitor Actions
    20. My Queries
    21. Calendar
    22. Calendar Details
    23. Add an Event to the Calendar
    24. Getting a Weekly View
    25. System Health
    26. System Health Drilldown
    27. System Health Preferences
    28. ALERT
    29. Setting up an ALERT Configuration
    30. Setting up an ALERT Configuration Continued
    31. SQL Scratchpad
    32. SQL Scratchpad Query Results
    33. SQL Scratchpad Object Loader
    34. Space Usage
    35. Space Usage Preferences
    36. Investigating Space to See Dynamic Reports
    37. Space by Vproc (AMP)
    38. How to Obtain a Detailed View of Space
    39. Detailed View of Space
    40. Adding PERM Space to a Database or User
    41. External Content
    42. Lock Viewer
    43. Lock Viewer Lets you Configure your View
    44. Canary Queries
    45. Multiple Systems Need Multiple Canary Query Portlets
    46. What Canary Queries Measure
    47. Remote Console
    48. Capacity Heatmap
    49. Capacity Heatmap Preferences
    50. Capacity Heatmap Example
    51. Metrics Analysis
    52. My Queries
    53. My Queries Preferences
    54. Today's Statistics Using System Metrics
    55. Today's Statistics Using Query Metrics
    56. Today's Statistics Using Performance Metrics
    57. Today's Statistics Preferences for System Metrics
    58. Today's Statistics Preferences for Query Metrics
    59. Today's Statistics Preferences for Performance Metrics
    60. Today's Statistics Preferences for Sampling Intervals
  8. Chapter 2 - TASM
    1. Three Levels of Workload Management
    2. Pre-execution, Query Execution, and Post-execution
    3. What is TASM?
    4. Query Management Compared to Workload Management
    5. What is the Secret Sauce for Query Management?
    6. The Life of a Query
    7. What is a Workload?
    8. Workload Examples
    9. There are Four Types of Query Rules
    10. Common Sense Examples of Filters and Throttles
    11. Performance Period Examples
    12. The Scoop on Object Throttles
    13. Load Utility Throttles
    14. Creating Workloads
    15. When Creating Workloads the “who” is your Foundation
    16. After the “who” Comes the “where”
    17. After the “who” and the “where” Comes the “what”
    18. Exception Actions
    19. When and How Teradata Checks for Exceptions
    20. DBC.TDWMExceptionLog
    21. Teradata Workload Analyzer
    22. Teradata Workload Analyzer
    23. Pre-execution, Query Execution, and Post-execution
    24. Why Use Priority Scheduler?
    25. The Concept of a Resource Partition
    26. Resource Partitions
    27. The Clever Idea behind Resource Partitioning
    28. The Brilliant Idea behind Resource Partitioning
    29. The Concept of Resource Partitions and Weights?
    30. The Concept of a Workload in a Resource Partition
    31. Calculating your CPU Percentage 1
    32. Answers to Calculating your CPU Percentage 1
    33. Calculating your CPU Percentage 2
    34. Answers to Calculating your CPU Percentage 2
    35. Calculating your CPU Percentage 3
    36. Answers to Calculating your CPU Percentage 3
    37. Calculating your CPU Percentage 4
    38. Answers to Calculating your CPU Percentage 4
    39. Calculating your CPU Percentage 5
    40. Answers to Calculating your CPU Percentage 5
    41. Calculating your CPU Percentage 6
    42. Answers to Calculating your CPU Percentage 6
    43. Calculating your CPU Percentage 7
    44. Answers to Calculating your CPU Percentage 7
    45. Calculating your CPU Percentage 8
    46. Answers to Calculating your CPU Percentage 8
    47. Calculating your CPU Percentage 9
    48. Answers to Calculating your CPU Percentage 9
    49. Calculating your CPU Percentage 10
    50. Answers to Calculating your CPU Percentage 10
    51. Calculating your CPU Percentage 11
    52. Answers to Calculating your CPU Percentage 11
    53. Calculating your CPU Percentage 12
    54. Answers to Calculating your CPU Percentage 12
    55. Calculating your CPU Percentage 13
    56. Answers to Calculating your CPU Percentage 13
  9. Chapter 3 – Designing and Implementing Workloads
    1. How to Configure Priority Scheduler
    2. Workload Designer
    3. The Three Areas of the Workload Designer
    4. How the Area of Workload Designer are Used
    5. How to Create a Ruleset
    6. The First Step to Creating a Ruleset
    7. Returning to the Workload Designer Main Screen
    8. A Basic Ruleset in the Working Area
    9. Editing a Ruleset
    10. The States
    11. States – Adding Another Planned Environment
    12. Editing the Name of the NewEnv Planned Environment
    13. Changing the Planned Environment Name to a Good Name
    14. Adding a New State
    15. A New State is Born
    16. Editing the Default State Name of newState
    17. We Now have a New State named DayState
    18. Drag a State (DayState) to a Planned Environment (WorkDay)
    19. Drag a State (DayState) to a Planned Environment (WorkDay)
    20. Do not Forget to Hit Save
    21. We Now Need to Create a Planned Event
    22. Create a Planned Event to Define the Timeframes
    23. The Planned Event Screen
    24. Your Event is Now in the Available Events Tab
    25. Drag and Drop your Event to your Planned Environment
    26. You have a Timeframe for the Planned Environment DayState
    27. Creating a Degraded Condition with our Normal Condition
    28. Creating a Degraded Condition with our Normal Condition
    29. Editing your New Condition to Become a Degraded Condition
    30. Edit Health Conditions Screen
    31. Our New Edited Health Condition Named Degraded
    32. We Now have a New Degraded Condition
    33. Don't Forget to Now Hit the Save Button
    34. Let's Define our Degraded Health when CPU hits 100%
    35. The Available Events Screen
    36. The Create Event Screen
    37. The Available Events Screen Now Shows our Event
    38. After we Drag and Drop the Event into the Degraded Events
    39. Drag the Base State to the Degraded/Always Environment
    40. Our Default of BASE is Set in the Degraded Environment
    41. Let's Create a New State for our Degraded Workday
    42. Let's Create a New State for our Degraded Workday
    43. Let's Create a New State for our Degraded Workday
    44. Drag the New state DayDegraded to our Planned Environment
    45. Hit Save to Keep your Changes
    46. Limiting the Sessions
    47. When you First Come to the Sessions Screen
    48. Query Session Limit – The General Tab
    49. Creating a Session Limit for the WorkDay when DayDegraded
    50. Creating a Session Limit for the WorkDay when DayDegraded
    51. A Successful Creation of a Session Limit on DayDegraded
    52. Creating Filters
    53. When you First Come to the Filters Screen
    54. Creating a New Filter – The General Tab
    55. Creating a New Filter – The Classification Tab
    56. Edit Query Characteristics Criteria
    57. Creating a New Filter – The General Tab
    58. Edit the Filter for the WorkDay when DayDegraded
    59. Creating a New Filter – The Classification Tab
    60. Utilizing Throttles
    61. Throttles – The Throttles Tab
    62. Throttles – New Throttles Tab
    63. Throttles – New Throttles Tab
    64. Edit the Throttle for the WorkDay when DayDegraded
    65. Throttles – New Throttles Tab
    66. Throttles – The Throttles Tab
    67. Let's Go Back and Activate our Rule Set
    68. To Prepare for Activation, Move the Ruleset to the Ready
    69. The Ruleset is in the Ready and Now we can Activate
    70. The Ruleset is in the Ready and Now we can Activate
    71. When you First Come to the Workloads Screen
    72. Workloads – New Workload General Tab
    73. Workloads – New Workload Classification Tab
    74. Edit the Request Source Criteria
    75. Workloads – New Workload Classification Tab
    76. Workloads – Throttles in a Workload
    77. Edit the DayDegraded Settings
    78. Workloads – Throttles are Now Set for the State DayDegraded
    79. Workloads – Service Level Goals
    80. Service Level Goals for the WorkDay
    81. Workloads – Service Level Goals
    82. Workloads – Exceptions
    83. Workloads – The Exceptions Screen
    84. Workloads – The New Exceptions Screen
  10. Chapter 4 – Top SQL Commands Cheat Sheet
    1. Select All Columns from a Table and Sort
    2. Select Specific Columns and Limiting the Rows
    3. Changing your Default Database
    4. Keywords that Describe you
    5. Select Top Rows in a Rank Order
    6. A Sample Number of Rows
    7. Getting a Sample Percentage of Rows
    8. Find Information about a Database
    9. Find Information about a Table
    10. Using Aggregates
    11. Performing a Join
    12. Performing a Join using ANSI Syntax
    13. Using Date, Time and Timestamp
    14. Using Date Functions
    15. Using the System Calendar
    16. Using the System Calendar in a Query
    17. Formatting Data
    18. Using Rank
    19. Using a Derived Table
    20. Using a Subquery
    21. Correlated Subquery
    22. Using Substring
    23. Basic CASE Statement
    24. Advanced CASE Statement
    25. Using an Access Lock in your SQL
    26. Collect Statistics
    27. Creating a Volatile Table with a Primary Index
    28. Creating a Volatile Table that is Partitioned (PPI)
    29. Creating a Volatile Table that is Deleted after the Query
    30. Finding the Typical Rows per Value for Specific Column
    31. Finding out how much Space you have
    32. How much Space you have Per AMP
    33. Finding your Space
    34. Finding Space Skew in Tables in a Database
    35. Finding the Number of Rows per AMP for a Column
    36. Finding Account Information
    37. Ordered Analytics
  11. Back Cover