
Book Description

XML in Data Management is for IT managers and technical staff involved in the creation, administration, or maintenance of a data management infrastructure that includes XML. For most IT staff, XML is either just a buzzword that is ignored or a silver bullet to be used in every nook and cranny of their organization. The truth is in between the two. This book provides the guidance necessary for data managers to make measured decisions about XML within their organizations. Readers will understand the uses of XML, its component architecture, its strategic implications, and how these apply to data management.

  • Takes a data-centric view of XML
  • Explains how, when, and why to apply XML to data management systems
  • Covers XML component architecture, data engineering, frameworks, metadata, legacy systems, and more
  • Discusses the various strengths and weaknesses of XML technologies in the context of organizational data management and integration

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Preface
  6. Chapter 1: XML and DM Basics
    1. Introduction
    2. The DM Challenge
    3. Definitions
    4. DM Overview
    5. Investing in Metadata/Data Management
    6. XML Hype: Management by Magazine
    7. Two Examples of XML in Context
    8. XML & DM Interaction Overview
    9. What XML Is Not: XML Drawbacks and Limitations
    10. Chapter Summary
  7. Chapter 2: XML from the Builder’s Perspective: Using XML to Support DM
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. XML Builder’s Overview
    3. XML Usage in Support of DM: Builder’s Perspective
    4. Chapter Summary
  8. Chapter 3: XML Component Architecture (as it relates to DM)
    1. Introduction
    2. XML Design Considerations
    3. XML Component Architecture (Parts & Pieces)
    4. Conclusion
  9. Chapter 4: XML and Data Engineering
    1. Introduction
    2. Typical XML First Steps
    3. Engineering XML-Based Data Structures as Part of an Organizational Data Architecture
    4. XML, Security, and Data Engineering
    5. Data Mapping Case Study
    6. Chapter Summary
  10. Chapter 5: Making and Using XML: The Data Managers’ Perspective
    1. Introduction
    2. Input
    3. Processing XML
    4. Outputting XML
    5. Data Management Maturity Measurement (DM3)
    6. Chapter Summary
  11. Chapter 6: XML Frameworks
    1. Introduction
    2. Framework Advantages
    3. RosettaNET
    4. ebXML
    5. Microsoft Offerings: BizTalk and .NET
    6. Industry-Specific Initiatives
    7. Common Themes and Services
    8. Conclusion
  12. Chapter 7: XML-Based Portal Technologies and Data-Management Strategies
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Portal Hype
    3. The Need: Leǵacy Code Maintenance Burden
    4. Aiding Implementation of Information-Engineering Principles with XML-Based Portal Architectures
    5. Clarifying Excitement Surrounding XML·Based Portals (XBPs)
    6. XML·Based Portal Technology
    7. XML·Based Architectural Enhancements
    8. Enhanced Integration Opportunities
    9. Extending Data-Management Technologies/Data-Management Product Examples
    10. Newly Important and Novel Data·Preparation Opportunities
    11. Greater Business and System-Reengineering Opportunities: Reduction of Maintenance Burden Strategies
    12. Conclusion
  13. Chapter 8: Focusing XML and DM on Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
    1. Introduction
    2. What Is It About XML That Supports EAI?
    3. EAI Basics
    4. EAI Past and Current Focus
    5. EAI Challenges
    6. Conclusion
  14. Chapter 9: XML, DM, and Reengineering
    1. Introduction
    2. Two Types of Reengineering
    3. How XML + DM Facilitates Reengineering Efforts
    4. Chapter Summary
  15. Chapter 10: Networks of Networks, Metadata, and the Future
    1. Introduction
    2. A Different Understanding of Data and Its Metadata
    3. The Internet Metaphor
    4. Internal Organizational Structure
    5. Industry Structure
    6. Inter-Industry Structure
    7. Bringing It Together: Observations About the Internet Metaphor
    8. Conclusion
  16. Chapter 11: Expanded Data-Management Scope
    1. Introduction
    2. Thought Versus Action
    3. Understanding Important Data Structures as XML
    4. Resolving Differing Priorities
    5. Producing Innovative XML-Based IT Savings
    6. Increasing Scope and Volume of Data Management
    7. Greater Payoff for Preparation
    8. Understanding the Growth Patterns in Your Operational Environment
    9. Chapter Summary
  17. Glossary of Acronyms
  18. Index