

Abbreviations, eliminated in XML, 81
Abstraction, 318–319
Abstraction levels, for data management planning, 129
with Envera Hub, 216
in XML framework transactions, 195, 196
Acord, 187, 211–213
Acronyms, eliminated in XML, 81
Activity modeling, 308
Ad hoc system construction, 141, 228, 260
in EAI projects, 299
Adabase, 176
Adjectives of electronic business, 201, 221
Administer Workforce components, 157, 356–357
Administrators, 3
Advanced languages, in XML component hierarchy, 89
Ambiguity, eliminating via XML grammar, 79
American Express, 196
Ampersand (&) character, 93
Any-to-any relationships
contextual searches of unstructured documents using, 255
in portal navigation, 244, 245
Application architecture
component of EAI solution, 283
requiring expertise of programmers and program architects, 284
Application code base, reducing via XSLT, 108
Application data interchange, direct benefits through XML, 353
Application developers, 3, 5
Visual Studio .NET for, 210
Application efficiency, increasing via XML, 23–24
Application examples
Acord in insurance industry, 211–213
B2B, 53–55
Billing information from existing system, 136
business engineering, 350–352
capacity management with XML, 347–349
chemical industry structure, 328–330
consulting bid, 152–154
credit card industry structure, 328
data-mapping case study, 148–158
Envera for chemical industry, 213–217
legacy application conversion, 55–57
legacy application maintenance reduction, 349
legacy code maintenance burden for cash-management system, 226–228
media company XML/EAI implementation, 279–280
medical data administration, 343
metadata management example, 62–68
Microsoft implementation of unstructured metadata, 357–358
moving data between Lotus Notes and mainframe applications in EAI, 273
moving data from personnel to payroll applications, 289–290
Oracle CPG EAI failure, 295–299
payroll and personnel systems migration, 150–154
PeopleSoft, 354–357
pharmaceutical data-quality evolution, 262–263
producing innovating XML-based IT savings, 354–357
RosettaNET in electronic component industry, 196–200
sending payroll data to personnel department via EAI implementation, 275
XML-based portal technologies, 256–259
XML branches within EAI, 278–279
XML conversion, 57–62
XML framework for chemical industry, 191
XML framework for publishing house, 189–190
Application layer, 145
Application portfolio, 130
Application programming interfaces (APIs), 174, 363
in .NET, 211
Application scanners, 130
Applications development
effects of portal technologies on, 235
evolution from stovepipe to web service-based architectures, 230
expanding data management’s role in, 26
in XML component hierarchy, 89
Architectural data work, 142
Architectural evolvability and maintenance, enhanced via portal technology, 248–250
Architectural flexibility, of XML-based portal technology, 247–248
Architectural requirements
conversion mistakes due to incomplete, 61
identifying, 62
Architecture-based understanding, importance in data engineering, 133
Architecture component, as main output of EAI implementation process, 292
Architecture description markup language (ADML), 87, 119–120, 363
Arcs, specifying link direction of travel, 102–103
Artificial intelligence research, 318
As-is implemented assets, 135, 307
Associative learning methods, 318
Attribute mapping
in legacy system reengineering, 148
and major change in data-storage statistics, 150
proposed metrics of, 152
Attribute names, 91–92
associating with particular URIs, 89
ordering system example, 91–92
properly specified in well-formed documents, 90
single way to express in XML, 76
Attribute specification, 79
combining in data reengineering, 148
matching primary/foreign keys, 144
rate of data mapping during reengineering, 143
renaming in legacy environments, 169
in SAML statements, 146
use in XML schemas, 94
Authentication, 146
in RosettaNET Implementation Framework, 199
Authorization decision, 146
Authorization information, exchanging, 146
Automated communication, and value of XML frameworks, 188
Automated data-management facilities, 339
Automated metadata extraction methods, 170, 172
Automated metadata management, 352
Automated schema submission, 208
Automated services, role of WSDL, UDDI, and SOAP in providing, 88
Automated XML conversion process, 58, 180–181
AVNET, 196
Aware documents, 103


Bad habits, encouraged by HTML, 41
Barriers to entry, lowering via XML frameworks, 194
Baseline architecture, underestimating value of, 61
Batch parsing capabilities, 248
B2B application example, 53
bCentral, 210
Berners-Lee, Tim, 86
Best practices, lack of organizational implementation of, 299
Big bang approach, vs. phased approach, 298
Binary-only data representation formats, XML not replacement for, 85
BizTalk, 69, 178, 180, 187, 205–208
BizTalk documents, 207
BizTalk headers, 208
BizTalk message structure, 207
BizTalk Server, 205, 254
BizTalk specification, 205
Boolean data type, 95
Bottom-up development, 132
of future data-management operations, 344
preferable for short-term payoffs, 353
Bridge engineering analogy, 126–134
Bridge languages, 38
Brittleness, of complicated data structures, 141
Brodie, Michael L., 226
Budget overruns, 144, 158
in EAI implementations, 274
in ERP implementation, 226
Business case, for EAI implementation, 284–285
Business concepts, high-level in RosettaNET dictionaries, 197
Business dictionary, in RosettaNET, 197–198
Business engineering, 346
application example, 350–352
contribution of understood data structures to, 346
Business intelligence, 29
Business objects, libraries in ebXML, 200
Business-practice analysis, 155
in PeopleSoft case, 355
Business-practice realignment, 355
Business-process reengineering, 307–310
relationship to systems reengineering, 310–311
Business processes, 220
final definitions stored in ebXML, 202
as hierarchical structures, 155
integration and exchange via BizTalk, 206
metamodels included in ebXML, 201
models in XML framework repositories, 190
PeopleSoft Administer Workforce, 356
remodeling to improve resource efficiencies, 314
shared repositories in ebXML for, 200
standardized in XML frameworks, 190–191
standardized with AL3/Acord, 213
Business requests, interpretation in terms of framework concepts, 221
Business rules, 11, 72
ability of XSLT to model, 107
for data transformation, 31
extracting in code reduction process, 266
translations of, 137
in XML-based portal technologies, 244
Business-to-business commerce
BizTalk and, 206
Envera Hub as transaction clearinghouse for, 213
Business transactions, improving efficiency via XML, 23–24
Business users
in legacy system migration projects, 171
responsibility for maintaining rules for transforming data items/structures, 176


Call center volumes, reducing via XML data conversion, 55
Candidate hypotheses, in legacy system migration projects, 173
Capabilities-maturity model (CMM), 184, 343, 363
Capacity management, 346
example application, 347–349
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 105, 363
CASE-like functionality, 11, 13
CASE technologies, 164–168, 320
for automated XML conversion, 180–181
creating data definition language files with, 261
extracting metadata automatically in entity-relationship diagram notation, 170
in PeopleSoft database design, 356
Cash-management system example, 226–228
Casualty insurance, 211, 212
low implementation rate of, 299
with RDF, 111
Categorization, 318–319
Center for Information Management (DoD), 342
Central storage, 58
Change management, streamlining via XML conversion, 57–62
Change propagation effects, estimating with XML, 350–352
Character encoding standards, 77
UTF for XML documents, 45
Chemical industry, 332
Envera Hub as XML framework for, 213–217
intraindustrial structure and communication, 328
XML/EAI implementation in, 279
Child tags, 43
expressing singleton tags without, 76
Chunk-sized EAI projects, 295
Civil engineers, advantages over data engineers, 127
Claims submission and processing, with Acord, 212–213
Clarity, relative importance over file size, 80
Closing tags, 90
of PIPs in RosettaNET, 197–198
of servers in XML frameworks, 219
COBOL/CICS code, in legacy system example, 227
Code reduction, 349
as benefit of XML-based portals, 227–228, 228–229, 234
Coding standards, in measurement of data-engineering tasks, 143
Collaboration Protocol Agreements (CPAs), 190
in ebXML, 200
in implementation steps for ebXML, 204
Collaborative Partner Profiles (CPP), 203
Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, use in EAI projects, 272
Common data models, missing in Oracle CPG project, 298
Common data vocabularies, using XML-based portals, 266
Common metadata model (CM2), 137, 345, 363
in tightly coupled EAI integrations, 281–282
use important in EAIE, 292
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), 274
Company names and profiles, in XML framework repositories, 190
Company profiles
in Registry and Repository metamodel of ebXML, 202
shared repositories in ebXML for, 200
Competitive advantages
of investing in metadata, 13
of reengineering, 314
Complex tag modifications, 30
of interrelated ebXML standards, 203
of organizational data systems, 16
of XML as barrier to adoption, 22
Component metadata, interconnections among, 345
Computer-Aided Software
Engineering (CASE), 11, 13, 363. See also CASE technologies
XML tools and technologies, 164–168
Conceptual indexing, 6
Conceptual structure decomposition, 138
Confederated components model, in portal navigation, 246
Confidentiality, 145
Configuration management, 10
Connectivity multiplier, 217
Consistent user interface, 241
provided via portal technologies, 238, 266
Consulting bid example, 152–154
Consumer Packaged Goods (Oracle). See also Oracle CPG project
Container elements, 36
Content, difficulty locating in search engines, 41
Content aggregation, 111
Content management, 177
Content re-architecting, 59
Content summaries, using resource description framework (RDF), 110–111
Contextual data
addition in XML conversion process, 65
searches using XML-based portal technology, 254
Contextual extensions, 139
decomposition of, 138
Contract management, 10
Conversion example, 64–65
Conversion freezes, 60
Cooperative computing, .NET and, 209
Core technologies, lacking support in Oracle CPG EAI implementation, 299
Corruption, avoiding in XML frameworks, 194
Cost leverage, 11
via business process reengineering, 308
Cost of entry, into Internet/industry networks, 336
Cost savings, by converting applications to XML, 54
of EAI implementation, 272
of implementing interfaces and transformations with XML, 352
of incremental modifications vs. systems reengineering, 305
of initial investment in XML technology, 330
of legacy code maintenance, 226, 234, 266
of maintaining custom electronic data interchange solutions, 16
of managing excess/unused data, 151
of movement of data, 339
of out-of-band communication, 330
of poor data quality, 259–260, 262
of poor data structures at individual-attribute level, 139
of poor systems and business processes, 314
of production reduced with XML frameworks, 218
recurring maintenance, 286
of tightly coupled vs. loosely coupled integration, 282
of training with portal technologies, 237
of underestimating data-mapping times, 144
Coyle, Frank, 280
Credit card company applications, 55
Cringely, Robert X., 40, 82
Cross-referencing data, 64
CRUD matrices, 352
Cryptographic protocols, supported by ebXML, 201
Crystal Reports, 244
CSS, 41
client-side implementation with XSLT on server side, 110
Customer information, validating with excess data, 151
Customer portals, 240
Customer relationships, strengthened with XML frameworks, 218
Cut-overs, phasing during implementation, 157–158
Cuter Consortium, 280
Cycle times, reduced with XML frameworks, 218


Data, 1
as combinations of facts and meanings, 5
defined, 4
as enterprise asset, 135, 341
inexhaustibility of, 135, 233
reuse and velocity of, 358
self-perpetuating nature of, 136
understanding based on context and metadata, 321
yielding information about hidden trends, 135
Data abstraction-layer approach, 183
Data access frequency, 139
Data access options, of DOM parsers, 39
Data analysis
via RosettaNET, 198–199
via XML-based portal technologies, 257
Data-analysis technology, 171, 172–173
maturity of, 171
resolving differing priorities, 341
in, 4th-generation languages, 243–244
Data architecture
affected by day-to-day systems projects, 124
bottom-up development of, 132
component of EAI solution, 283
as component of enterprise architecture, 133
high-level enterprise model of, 131
requiring expertise of data managers, 284
using XBP to maintain, 247
Data/architecture evolution, contribution of understood data structures to, 346
Data archival type, 139
Data asset use, 9, 13
Data assets
importance of understanding before managing, 233
reusability of, 234
Data attribute system component of record, 139
Data authenticity, 145
Data automation, via XML-based portal technology, 259–260
Data availability, 145
Data backup and recovery, 13
Data Blueprint example, 57
Data-capture requirements, 151
Data-centric data structures, 177, 345
effectiveness linked to enforcement mechanism, 343
Data change management procedures, 11
Data-communication layer, in BizTalk, 207
Data constraints, in XML schemas, 94–95
Data conversion, 156, 284
Data design, good principles of, 78, 79
Data design skills, 85
Data development, 9, 184
defined, 12–13
Data duplication, 18–20, 175
Data engineering and bridge engineering analogy, 126–134
data-mapping case study of, 148–158
intersection between XML and, 123–125
poorly applied in EAI implementations, 275
and security with XML, 145–148
tasks associated with, 123
typical XML first steps in, 125
XML-based data structures in organizational data architecture, 126–144
Data-engineering challenges, 134
Data-engineering roles, 134, 141–143
Data-engineering tasks, measurement of, 134, 143–144
Data entity and attribute definitions, 11
Data evolution, 264
Data exchange, 264
challenges of, 17–18
division into transactions with XML frameworks, 194–196
Data-exchange systems, benefits proportional to number of
participants in network, 336
Data formats, standardized in XML frameworks, 188
Data granularity type, 139
Data integration challenges, 17–18, 264
in Oracle CPG project, 297–298
resolutions with XML-based portal technologies, 241, 243
Data integration patterns, 11
Data integration requirements, 139
Data integrity, 145, 147
Data interchange, on internal organizational level, 325–326
Data-interchange capabilities
at low end of market, 331
and similarities with Internet, 336–337
Data layers, 181–182
Data location types, 139
Data logistic networks, 244
Data management assessment, 27
Data management challenges, 2–4
Data-management challenges
data standardization, 342
expanding DM mission, 341
greater payoff for preparation, 351, 359
increasing data access and provisioning, 342
increasing volume, scope of data, 341, 357
producing XML-based IT savings, 341, 354–357
resolving differing priorities, 341, 352–353
thought vs. action, 341, 342–345
understanding data structures as XML, 341
understanding growth patterns, 342
value representations, 342
Data management (DM), 363
efficiency gain resulting from appropriate, 140
expanded role with increased XML use, 29–31
extending to unstructured data, 254–256
importance of good practices in EAI, 271
inclusion of unstructured data in, 235
increasing scope and volume of, 357–359
integrating with XML operations, 62
interactions with XML, 26–31
investing in, 13–20
need for planning and strategy simultaneously with XML work, 128
overview of, 8–13
semantics as stumbling block for, 189
use of XML in support of, 48–68
XML expanding role of, 339–342
XSLT stylesheet transformation of interest to, 108
Data-management maturity measurement (DM3), 183–184, 299
estimating rapid results based on, 353
Data-management policy, available through templates, 344
Data management practices
maturity of, 27, 123
supported by XML design goals, 81
Data-management products
need to create, 344
real-world application examples, 256–259
XML-based portal technology opportunities for, 253–256
Data-management technologies, processing XML data with, 173
Data manipulation, programmatic, 13
Data-mapping case study, 148–152
Data metadata, 156
Data migration, 284
Data mining, 29
and data packrat phenomenon, 151
yielding information about hidden trends, 135
Data model construction
in Acord XML framework, 212
generic in XML-generation tools, 180
in XML conversion process, 58
Data modeling, XML failing to replace, 83
Data-movement problems, 339
Data naming standards, 11
agreeing on, 77
Data packrats, 151
Data portfolio, 130
Data profiling
enhanced via XML, 26
in legacy structure evolution process, 261
software packages for, 172–173
with XML-based portal technology, 257
Data program coordination, 184
defined, 8–10
Data quality analysis, 11, 256, 344
enhancing via XML, 26
Data-quality engineering, 134
via XML-based portal technologies, 241
Data quality issues, role of XML-based portal technology in resolving, 259–260
Data-quality portal example, 262–263
Data-rationalization tools, 184
Data repositories, 21–22
Data residency, 139
Data resource data, 7
Data retention criteria, 11
Data scanners, 130
Data scrubbing, in EAI implementation, 285
Data security, 156
engineering issues with, 124
Data selectivity, via XPath, 97, 98–99
Data semantics, 11
Data services, 181–182
Data siphoning, 59
Data snooping, 194
Data sources, conceptual indexing of, 6
Data standardization
management obstacles to, 133
via XML-based portal technologies, 250–251
Data stewardship, 9, 184
in contextual extensions decomposition, 139
defined, 11–12
Data storage requirements, changing in legacy system migrations, 150–151
Data-structure difficulties, 134, 139–141
Data-structure perspective, vs. data-field perspective in EAI implementations, 290
Data-structure transformations, via XML in reengineering process, 311
Data structures, 72
as appropriate focus in data
migration projects, 149
complicated nature of, 141
data-centric vs. document-centric, 176–177
difficulties with, 123
of HTML vs. XML, 40–41
implementing wrapping of, 347
importance of good design to daily enterprise work, 125
improving existing, 140
including nested data structures outside enterprise, 345
management unwillingness to invest in evaluation of, 124
moving in entirety in EAI implementations, 289–290
need for well-architected, 322
organizing format in legacy systems, 169
process usage in legacy systems, 169
understanding, 351
Data subject types, 139
Data support operations, 9, 13, 184
Data syntax, 11
avoiding overemphasis in EAI implementations, 288
Data transformation
in BizTalk, 205
burden reduced via XML, 30
replacing legacy systems based on, 350
without application code via XSLT, 108
Data transparency, 6
Data typing
and measurement of data-engineering tasks, 143
supported by XML schemas, 94–95
unsupported by DTDs, 93
user defined, 95
Data understanding, role of XML in, 311
Data update probability, 139
Data usage type, 139
Data validation, reduced effort with XML schemas, 95
Data velocity, increasing with XML support, 358
Data volume, reduced with XML, 358
Data warehouse tables, populating, 348
Data work layers, 142
Database design, PeopleSoft example, 356
Database management system (DBMS), 363
requiring long-term payout time, 352
use in Envera Hub, 217
Database managers, 3
Database-querying programs, 320
Databases, differences from XML, 82
Datalogix, purchase by Oracle, 297
DB/2, 176, 251
Debugging XML solutions
in Web browsers, 50
with XML editors, 164
Decompositions, in data engineering process, 138
Default values, for attribute names, 91
Defect prevention management, 12
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), 237–238
Defined level data-management maturity, 184
Definition confusion, 17
in domain-specific languages, 279–280
in DTDs, 91
Department of Defense (DoD), controversy over role of data administration in, 342–343
Design objects, managing concurrently with schemas, 167
Design quality, criteria of, 140
Develop Workforce component, 157, 357
Developer tools, in .NET, 210
Development costs
and outsourcing of EAI projects, 272
reduced via portal technology, 236, 243
Developmental maturity, five levels of DM3, 184
Devices, in .NET, 210
Diagnosis phase, in business process reengineering, 309
Diagnostics, faster with XML, 81
Digital marketplaces, requiring long-term payout times, 352
Digital signatures, 219
supported by XML, 201
Disassembly work, avoiding in XML/EAI implementations, 290
Disaster recovery, 13
Disruptive technologies, and reengineering process, 311–312
Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), 274
Distribution channels, benefits of Envera on, 213
DM3 survey, 183–184
Document-centric data structures, 177
appropriate for XML databases, 177
Document comparison and conversion, 39
Document level message exchange, 174
Document names, mapping by integration servers, 174
Document object model (DOM), 96–97, 177, 363
Document sizes, factors determining in XML, 80
Document subsections, ability of XSLT to work with, 107–108
Document tracking and analysis, with XML frameworks, 219
Document transfer, between organizations with BizTalk, 205
Document transformations, 106–108
integrated with XML frameworks, 218
via XML mediation severs, 174
Document type definitions (DTDs), 90–91, 363
attribute names in, 91–92
element names in, 91
entities in, 92–93
limitations of, 93–94
nesting rules in, 92
not written in XML, 93
transitioning to XML schemas from, 96
DOM parsers, 38–39
DOM standard, 87
Domain-specific XML languages, in support of EAI, 279–280 bust, 236
consequences for data-management professionals, 339–340
and need to demonstrate short-term payback, 344
Drag-and-drop GUIs
among XML converters, 178
in support of metadata, 247
Drag-and-relate interaction metaphor, in portal navigation, 244–245
DTDs, 46
Duplication of efforts, reducing via XML conversion, 56
Dynamic content, 41


E-business, 31
BizTalk and, 206
E-commerce, 177
requiring long-term payout times, 352
Early adopters, of XML and Internet, 331
ebXML, 69, 187, 200–202, 222
steps toward implementing, 203–204
use in XML/EAI implementation, 278
ebXML Messaging Service, 204
ebXML technical architecture, 202
Economies of scale, as advantage of XML frameworks, 188
Efficiency gain
business-to-business with Envera Hub, 214
due to appropriate data management, 140
via reengineering efforts, 314
Electronic business framework, ebXML as lingua franca for, 200, 204
Electronic component industry, RosettaNET and XML frameworks for, 196–200
Electronic data interchange (EDI), 364
supported by XML frameworks, 218
Electronic data interchange (EDI) solutions, 16
AL3 in Acord, 212
XML not replacement for, 84–85
Element names
associating with particular URIs, 89
in DTDs, 91
flexibility of, 45
user defined in XML, 105
Element vocabularies, 90
Elements, number restricted in HTML, 105
managing via XML-based portal technologies, 235
search capabilities with XML-based portal technologies, 253
Embedded tagging, 36–38
Employee portals, 239
Encryption, as advantage of XML frameworks, 219
Enforcement mechanisms, crucial to success of data management, 343
Engineering-based approach, of EAIE, 291–293
Engineering principles, 32
Engineering roles, 141
Enterprise application integration (EAI), 75, 364
avoiding technical-level solutions, 287
basic principles of, 281–287
components of, 282–284
data-architecture vs. technical
approach, 282–283
defined, 288–290
effectiveness dependent on semantic information about data structures, 276
engineering-based approach (EAIE), 291–293
example of failure, 295–299
example projects, 273
generalized approach to integration, 290–291
importance of good data management practices in, 271
importance of scalability to, 293–295
making business case for, 284
perceived quality of implementations, 288
processing efficiency of, 288
product differentiation in, 288
resource efficiencies in, 291
steps in successful development, 293
support lacking in Oracle CPG project, 299
unit responsiveness as goal of, 288
use of portals in, 231–232
with XML integration servers, 174
XML support for, 276–281, 339
Enterprise application integration Engineering (EAIE), 291–293
Enterprise architecture
as combination of data, process, and technology architectures, 133
proper means of developing, 131
Enterprise data assets, 11
Enterprise data integration, 9, 185
defined, 10–11
Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), 177, 364
Enterprise portals, 239
Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 124, 364
implementation statistics, 226–227
implementing to resolve legacy code resource burden, 225–226
moving data from legacy system to, 169–170
repurposing metadata, 154
requiring long-term payout times, 352
use in Oracle CPG project, 296
use of XML frameworks to standardize vendor participation, 194
uses of metadata expressed in XML, 156–157
Entities, 92–93
Entity references, 93
Entity-relationship diagram (ERD) notation, 170, 320, 364
Envera Clearinghouse, 214
Envera Hub, 213–217, 215
Error handling, integrating with XML editors, 164
European Union (EU), certification to do business in, 155
Existing technologies
addition of new features requiring systems reengineering, 305
reuse of data by, 13
XML trend of building on, 103
Expensive-to-maintain code, reducing, 266
Extensibility, with XML schemas, 94
Extensible Markup Language (XML), 41, 365
supported by framework servers, 218
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), 30, 84, 104–106, 106–108, 365
debugger tool for, 164
facilitating inter-industry network communication, 335
modifying repositories using, 129
XML name and structure changes managed via, 175
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), 104, 365
comparison with CSS, 105
subcomponents of, 105–106
Extensions, to HTML, 41
Extraction queries, automating, 156


defined in data management context, 5
metadata as use of existing, 6
use in XLM documents, 15
Feature creep, 151
Feedback loops, in data-management maturity measurement, 183
File-naming conventions, repositories built on, 129
File sharing, supported by
framework servers, 218
File transfer protocol (FTP), 114
automated in EAI context, 275
supported by ebXML, 201
supported by framework servers, 218
Finkelstein, Clive, 164, 224, 233
Flat-file transfer automation, as alternative to full-scale EAI implementation, 275
of XML, 72
as XML advantage in support of EAI, 277
Foreign keys, 144
Foreign words, romanization not required for XML, 45
Formatting data
enhanced via XML, 26
in XML component hierarchy, 89, 120
Forward engineering, 136
based on coordinated metadata engineering, 135
in systems reengineering process, 306
Foundation services, in .NET, 210
Fourth-generation languages, use by XML-based portal technologies, 243
Framework advantages, 188–189
commonly available transactions, 194–196
interoperability, 191–192
logical hub-and-spoke model, 192
lower barriers to entry, 194
security and scalability, 193–194
shared vocabulary, 189–190
standardized data formats, 189–190
standardized methods, 193–194
standardized processes, 190–191
Framework-hosted metadata, 130
Framework servers, 218
Framework-specific vocabularies, 135
Functional decomposition, 63
Functionality, less than desired in EAI implementations, 274
Future expansion, planning for in data reengineering process, 140


Garbage in, garbage throughout, 299
Gartner Group report, 281, 285
Global changes, via use of XML-based portal technologies, 248
Global marketplace, as goal of ebXML, 200
Goldfarb, Charles F., 41
Good-quality data, vs. bad-quality data, 263
Gordion Knot, 16
of legacy application interconnectivity, 276
Greater than character, 92
Green pages searches, 117
Growth patterns, understanding in operational environment, 360


Hamby, Steve, 173
Hardware upgrades, postponing with XML efficiencies, 347, 349
Health Information Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA), 314
Heuristics, in XML converters, 179
Hewlett-Packard, 196
Hierarchical structure
advantages in XBPs, 251
rationales for, 43–44
High-level XML standards, 87
Hobbyist contributors, 86
Hsu, Francis, 339
drawbacks of, 40–41
fixed tag sets of, 47
styling limitations in, 105
vs. XML, 47–48
HTML links
compatible with XLink, 191
drawbacks of, 104
vs. XLink, 100–101
HTTP network protocol, 177
SOAP associated with, 112
supported by ebXML, 201
supported by framework servers, 218
HTTPS protocol
supported by ebXML, 201
supported by framework servers, 218
Hub-and-spoke model, 334
desirable in EAI implementation, 274
of integration, 50–53, 251–252
of internal organizations, 325
required for XML-based portal integration, 315
of XML frameworks, 192–193
Human legibility, of XML documents, 73, 77–78
Human-understandable data labels, 14
Hyperlinks, on Web vs. in XLink, 100
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 364. See also HTTP network protocol


IBM, 196
IMI Order Management software, 296
Implementation/maintenance costs, reduced via portal technology, 236, 243
Implementation time, reduced via portal technology, 236, 243, 252–253
Inacom, 196
Inbound arcs, 102
Incremental modifications, vs. systems reengineering, 305
Indexing, 66
content in HTML search engines, 41
metadata in conversion process, 64
in XML conversion process, 60
Individual data points, 14
Indus Enterprise Asset Management, 296
Industrial engineering, 308
Industrial espionage, 194
Industry-level data interchange, 328–332
Industry networks, 336
Industry-specific XML frameworks
Acord, 211–213
Envera, 213–217
Industry trade groups, 334
Industry vocabularies, 279
Industry-wide communication, as advantage of XML frameworks, 188
Information architecture
affected by day-to-day systems projects, 124
focus on low-level vs. high-level aspects, 127
Information engineering, 132
Information-engineering principles, use of XML-based portals to implement, 228–235
Information location, improving via XML, 24–26
Information models
in ebXML, 201
in XML framework repositories, 190
Information requests
standardizing via XML frameworks, 191
in XML framework transactions, 195
Information reuse, repositories enabling, 21–22
Information technology industry, use of RosettaNET by, 198
Informix, 176, 251
Infrastructure capacity, reducing upgrade need for, 347
Ingram Micro, 196
Initial level data-management maturity, 184
Input technologies, 161
CASE technologies, 164–168
extracting metadata from legacy systems, 168–173
standardized in XML frameworks, 191
XML editors, 162–164
Input trees, in XSLT, 107
Insurance carrier applications, 55
Insurance industry, Acord as XML framework specific to, 211–217
Integer data byte, 95
Integrated management, 12
of applications and business partners with XML frameworks, 218
of applications in BizTalk, 204
creating demand for portal services, 267–268
of disparate applications with XML-based portals, 314
enhanced opportunities with XML-based portal technologies, 250–253
facilitated with use of domain-specific languages, 280
generalized approach in EAI implementations, 290–291
growth of total market for, 286
increased depth with XML-based portal technology, 251
with Internet via XSLT browser, 108–110
loosely or tightly coupled in EAI implementations, 281–282
of modeling and transformation features, 183
from multiple data sources/stores in XML portal technologies, 246
of organizational data and metadata via portal technology, 247–248
of supply chains with XML frameworks, 218
wider scope with portal technologies, 251–252
of XML at browser level, 48–50
Integration technology, total market for, 286
Intel, 196
Inter-industry connectivity, 332–333
challenges related to, 334–335
Interconnections between applications, 51
Interindustry communication, facilitated by ebXML, 204
Internal organizational structure, 325–328, 332
Internal query-integration capabilities, 182
machine navigation of semantic content via UDDI, 116
mean cost of access decreasing, 331
usability of XML over, 73–75
Internet compatibility, 74
Internet congestion, reducing via XML, 23–24
Internet metaphor, 336–337
and evolution of organizational data systems, 323–325
and internal organizational data interchange, 325–326
and intra-industry communications, 331
Internet portals, vs. XML-based portals, 223–224
Internet protocol (IP), 364
Internet-protocol layer, security at, 145
Internet searches
improved with XHTML, 111
types available through UDDI, 117
Internet service providers (ISPs), 323
as advantage of XML frameworks, 188, 191–192
between competing XML frameworks, 222
in insurance industry with Acord, 212
on inter-industry level, 335
promoted by ebXML information model, 201
Intra-industry communication, XML in, 330–332
Inventory querying
management via RosettaNET PIPs and clusters, 198
standardizing via XML frameworks, 191
IP Security (IPSec), 145
Ipedo, 178
ISO 11179, 7
ISO-9000 certification, 155
IT budgets
consumed by legacy code maintenance costs, 234
cut at organizational level, 359
IT expense reduction, 353–354
IT facts of life, 272
IT maintenance costs, direct benefits through XML, 353
IT personnel, 11
reducing burden via XML migration, 176
IT planning, 3
IT savings, producing with XML, 354–357
IT spending distribution, by activities, 285
ItemField GUI, 184


disadvantages compared with XML, 72
and features of XML frameworks, 177
vs. XSL/XSLT data management, 104–105
Java applets
allowing user control without server involvement, 258
XML-aware, 24
JavaScript, 41
J.D. Edwards, 154
Job security, in marketplace, 339–340
Joint application development (JAD), 171, 261, 364
Just-in-time compiler, in .NET, 210
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