
SignalR is a library for ASP.NET developers for developing real-time web experiences. In traditional web applications, the client makes requests and the server responds. With SignalR, we have the ability to push the content from the  server to the connected clients in real time. SignalR provides a simple API for creating server-to-client remote procedure calls that call JavaScript functions in client browsers (and other client platforms) from server-side .NET code. Anywhere in an application, if we need to refresh the browser for fresh data or have polling code wriiten to refresh the data, SignalR may be a good candidate for this. Some real-world applications of SignalR are chat applications where multiple users can chat, dashboards for monitoring, stock ticker applications that update a stock price as and when it changes, and multiplayer games. Basically, for any app that needs to display live data, SignalR makes it incredibly simple to broadcast a message to all clients, a group of clients, or a specific client as needed.

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