Chapter 8. Increase Your Energy to Boost Your Memory Power

Just as your overall health contributes to your ability to remember, so does your level of energy. If you are tired, sleepy, groggy, or otherwise feeling lethargic and low in energy, you are just not going to be able to remember well.

Some classic examples of when your flagging energy interferes with memory are when you are cramming to remember something at a late-night review session before a critical meeting or when you are studying for an exam. Your feelings of fatigue will simply get in the way of your remembering. They will reduce your ability at all levels of the memory process—from focusing your attention to encoding information in your brain to retrieving the information later. No matter what you are doing, if you are tired and feeling low in energy, you won’t perform as well—and trying to remember something is no different.

But what if you still feel tired at times, despite doing what you can to maintain a high level of health, including eating and sleeping well? Then, there are assorted techniques you can use to increase your energy on the spot, and thereby boost your memory power. These techniques aren’t a cure-all for other problems causing you to feel low in energy. If you continue to feel an energy low for an extended time, you should take other measures, among them seeing a doctor. But on an occasional or as-needed basis, you can use these techniques to give yourself a dramatic energy surge, which is what you need for better memory power.

For example, John, a freelance writer and designer, uses these energy techniques when he has an unusually large number of clients or deadlines, so he can handle all of the extra work in order to offset the slow periods in an often unpredictable business. They help him to revive his flagging spirits and recharge himself to get through the occasional late-night assignments that he has to turn in the next day. Instead of using stimulants or energy boosters, he uses the abilities of his mind to renew himself so that he can keep going and get everything done.

Similarly, Maggie, a secretary in a large office, finds that using mental imagery techniques, rather than filling up on coffee or pastries to give her an energy charge, is a healthier way to get a boost, especially after a late-night date or party leaves her feeling unmotivated the next day at work.

Likewise, when you need a quick energy fix to overcome feelings of fatigue and motivate yourself to do something, you can use these energy-boosting techniques. And then your increased energy will turn into greater memory power, too. These techniques are ideal in the following types of situations:

  • You feel draggy or sleepy during the day.

  • You have to start a big project and feel overwhelmed by all you have to do, so you resist getting started.

  • You don’t feel motivated to work on a project, although you know you have to do it.

  • You have to come up with some ideas for a project and feel your creative energy is blocked.

  • You have to be alert and enthusiastic for some activity, such as making a sales call, giving a speech, or leading a meeting.

  • You need something to get you going in the morning and keep you going at night.

These energy booster techniques work, in the situations above or whenever you need a quick charge, because you are using your imagination and thoughts to create the energy you need. As a result, you don’t need to use anything artificial like pep pills, which can upset your body chemistry and have unpleasant side effects. Instead, you are drawing the energy you need from inside you, from the energy of the earth and air around you, or from a combination of these sources—whatever concept feels best for you.

Using Different Energy-Raising Approaches

These energy-raising techniques are based on directing your attention and imagination to some image or experience that leaves you feeling more energized.

One way is to use self-talk, sometimes accompanied by a short physical exercise, to think energy-raising thoughts. Another approach is to imagine that you have columns of energy flowing into and through you. Then, too, you can imagine yourself participating in some enjoyable energetic activity.

Certainly, at times, you can use actual physical exercise to up your energy, such as going for a short hike or taking a quick swim to recharge yourself—as long as you don’t exert yourself too much, so you feel even more tired after your exercise. Or perhaps going for a short massage or taking a midday nap can renew your energy. But sometimes you don’t have the luxury of getting away to increase your energy, such as when you need that energy boost just before a meeting or before you have to plunge into a difficult task on the computer. That’s when using a visualization technique works very well. You can’t get up and out—but you certainly can perk yourself up.

The following techniques will rouse you to do whatever you have to do.

  • Create your own energy and enthusiasm. This technique is particularly good for a situation in which you need a quick rush of energy to wake up, keep going, or feel more enthusiastic and motivated.

  • Draw on the energies of the universe. This technique is ideal if you have to generate the energy or creative spark to work on a big project.

  • Imagine yourself doing something exciting. This last technique works especially well if you are feeling generally lethargic or your mood is low; it not only increases your energy, but improves your mood.

Creating Your Own Energy and Enthusiasm (Time: about 1 minute)

This is a technique in which you combine self-talk with a short physical burst of activity to feel a quick renewal.

  • Stand with your feet slightly apart and make a fist with one hand. Then, quickly raise your hand to your head and lower it several times. Each time you bring it down, shout out something like: “I am awake,” “I feel energetic,” “I am enthusiastic and excited,” or “I am raring to get up and go.” Do this five to ten times.

  • As you do this, feel a rush of energy and enthusiasm surge through you, and soon you’ll be awake and alert and ready to tackle any project.

If other people are around so you can’t actively participate in this exercise, imagine yourself doing it in your mind’s eye. It’s more stimulating to use your whole body, but using your power of mental imagery alone will help wake you up or motivate you to act.

Drawing on the Energies of the Universe (Time: 2–3 minutes)

In this technique, you imagine the energies of the earth and the cosmos coursing through you to give you the energy you need to do something you want to do. The reason for drawing on these two different energies is that you can imagine the energy of the earth as more solid and grounding and the energy of the air or cosmos as more light and expansive. Then, you combine a visualization of these two energies with your own energy to create a single, blended pulse of energy. You can use the interplay of these two different types of energy to draw on the energy you feel you need most.

You can think of the energy-raising process in hard science terms, based on the physics principle that everything in the universe is made up of molecules of energy. As a result, when these energy molecules come together to form material objects, this includes you, and your thoughts are waves of energy, too. The ability of thought to move matter is shown by some of recent experiments in which subjects have been able to maneuver a cursor on a computer just by thinking where they want that cursor to go. At the lower theta, delta, and alpha frequencies of our brain waves, which are associated with sleep and meditation, our thoughts move more slowly, while at the beta frequency associated with everyday thinking, we are more active and alert. In turn, the frequencies of our thoughts can influence the frequencies of our bodies.

Thus, when you use your mind powers to concentrate on raising your energy level, you are actually stimulating the molecules of energy in your body to move more quickly, so you not only feel more energetic but become more energetic. By the same token, when you focus on drawing in energy from the universe, the imagery of this energy serves to activate your body.

So now get ready to use this energy of the universe to increase your own energy levels.

  • Begin by sitting with your spine straight, your feet on the floor, your hands up to receive the energy, and your eyes closed.

  • Now see the energy of the earth coming up through the ground and surging into your body. Feel it rising through your feet, through your legs, to the base of your spine, and expanding out through your torso, into your arms and head. Feel its strength in your arms and head. Feel its strength and its power.

  • Meanwhile, as the earth energy surges through you, see the energy of the universe coming in through the top of your head, into your spine, into your arms, and spiraling down through your torso. Notice that this energy feels light, airy, expansive.

  • Then, focus on the two energies meeting at the base of your spine, and see them join and spiral around together—moving up and down your spine and filling you with energy. You can balance the two energies, if you wish, by drawing on extra energy from the earth (heavy) or from the universe (light) as needed.

  • Keep running this energy up and down your spine until you feel filled with energy.

  • Now, if you have a project or task you want to do, direct this energy toward doing this project. If you haven’t felt motivated to do it, notice that you feel motivated and excited to begin work on this project now. If you have been resisting doing something because there is so much to do, be aware that you now have the energy and enthusiasm to tackle the project, and you feel confident you can do it. If you have felt your creativity blocked, experience your creative juices flowing now, and know that you are able to perform this task.

  • As you direct this energy, see it flowing out of you as needed so you can do this project. For example, if you want to write or type something, visualize the energy surging out through your hands. If you plan to lift some heavy objects, visualize the energy coming out through your feet, body, and hands. Whatever you need to do, see the energy coursing through you as needed, so you can do whatever you want to do.

After you finish this exercise, plunge immediately into your project. You’ll find you suddenly have lots of energy and enthusiasm.

Imagining Yourself Doing Something Exciting (Time: 5–10 minutes)

In this technique, you raise your energy by imagining you are doing something fun and exciting. It could be something you already do, say if you go hiking or sailing. Or you might imagine yourself engaging in some sport or other physical activity that you have never tried before but that appeals to you.

In either case, project yourself into the experience as intensely as possible. For example, if you are skiing, see yourself up in the mountains and look around you and savor the view. Then, as you whiz down, reassuring yourself that you will be completely safe, see the snow, trees, and other people you pass on the slope. Feel the cool wind in your face. Experience the vibration of the ground under your feet. And so on. In short, whatever you do, put yourself into the scene like an actor in a film and then truly experience everything as if you are in the scene; don’t just watch.

Some examples of things to experience might be dancing, ice skating, roller skating, going on a carnival ride, parachuting or hang-gliding, surfing, or mountain climbing—whatever turns you on.

The Power of These Techniques

Any of these techniques, individually or in combination, can be really powerful. I have found them invaluable for raising energy in my own work. For example, when I first started writing—initially for clients before I began writing my own books—I used the energies of the universe technique to start my day, so I felt ready and motivated to write. I knew I had to meet certain deadlines and wanted to be sure to meet them.

Thus, each morning, before going to write, I began by sitting in my living room and visualizing the energy pouring into me and swirling around through me. Then I pictured it pouring out of me into the writing assignment I had for that day. As a result, I went to the typewriter—yes, we used typewriters in those days!—feeling charged up, confident I could do whatever was required, and enthusiastic and motivated to get to work right away. After a few weeks I had conditioned myself to begin working every time I went to the typewriter, so I no longer needed to continue doing the exercises. But initially, this technique proved invaluable in getting me energized and self-motivated to work on a regular writing schedule and it enabled me to complete my assignments successfully.

Then, I began to apply the technique in other situations, such as giving a class or seminar, to feel upbeat and inspired; in those kinds of cases, I imagine the energy pouring through me and coming out through my voice. I found these techniques worked well as a quick pick-me-up during the day and they helped me when I was doing sales for a while to help me feel more energetic and enthusiastic when I went to the phone, since in sales you face a lot of no’s before getting a yes.

Similarly, you might apply and adapt these techniques to suit your own situation. So take some time now to think about the times when you need more energy. When might you use these techniques? And where might you go to apply them? You can use the chart shown here to write down when and where you might apply these techniques. Then, use the chart as a reminder to use the techniques under those circumstances. Eventually, you won’t have to think about using a particular technique to raise your energy—you will just find yourself tapping into a well of energy within yourself, like having a flow of lava on call when you push a button; then watch it erupt. But initially, you have to be mindful and pay attention, just like learning any new skill, until it becomes automatic—the same way the process of remembering anything works.

So now, mindfully start thinking about using these techniques; then let yourself go so you brainstorm possibilities. Just write down whatever comes to you; later you can decide where to apply these techniques when you are in that situation or setting.


Energy Technique

When I Might Use This Technique

Where I Might Use This Technique


A final caution. These techniques aren’t designed to replace the sleep you need. If you keep drifting off while doing something and find you frequently or continually feel tired, you obviously need more sleep, or perhaps need to eat more to raise your blood sugar level. But on a short-term basis, any of these techniques is ideal for a quick energy fix.

Energy and Memory

High energy levels and good memory go hand in hand. Stories abound of students who stay up all night cramming for a test and arrive in the exam room with little or no energy. All or most of the information they studied the night before is gone; try as they may, they can’t retrieve it. As a result, they wind up with a poor or failing grade. On the other hand, students with the same level of knowledge who show up for the exam well rested with lots of energy do much better—despite avoiding the all-night study sessions.

You can apply the same principle to giving an important presentation at work. You are far better off exercising and getting to bed early than trying to absorb a massive amount of data the night before. Then you can use whichever energy-boosting techniques work best for you in the morning. You will be much sharper during your presentation and better able to answer questions and provide facts and figures on the spot, rather than fumbling through your talk and forgetting key bits of information.

All of the techniques described here will help you to boost your energy level when it flags. As you master these techniques, you’ll find that increasing your energy will help you maintain a good memory and contribute to further improve your memory as you work on other memory improvement techniques.

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