Chapter 12. The Future of 3D User Interfaces

In this final chapter, we present a list of open questions that need to be addressed by researchers, students, or developers. Although we could have listed many more important questions, we’ve limited this list to those that we consider to be “grand challenge” questions for 3D UIs, in hopes that this will serve as a research agenda for the field.

Although the first edition of this book was published more than ten years ago, several of the questions we posed then are still open and important today. This speaks to the difficulty of some of the major challenges to be solved in this domain. At the same time, the field has changed significantly in the last decade, especially with respect to high-quality consumer-level technologies and real-world applications. With all this change, new challenges have emerged, and so we’ve significantly updated the list of open questions as well.

Of course, any such list of grand challenges will to some degree be subjective, speculative, and biased by the authors’ presuppositions. Despite this, we hope that this list will help you think about the next steps for 3D UIs and inspire you to tackle some of these important issues yourself.

12.1 User Experience with 3D Displays

Although much of this book has been about 3D UIs from the perspective of input devices and interaction techniques, it’s undeniable that output hardware (Chapter 5) plays a huge role in the overall user experience for VR, AR, and other 3D UIs. We begin our list of open research questions with display challenges.

How Will Future Visual Displays with Perfect Depth Cues Affect the 3D UI User Experience?

Today’s 3D displays have a number of visual artifacts that make them less than realistic. One is the so-called accommodation-vergence mismatch (see Chapter 5, section 5.2.1). Because graphics are displayed on a screen that appears at a fixed depth, the user must accommodate at the depth of that screen to see the graphics in focus. But when stereo graphics are used, the left and right eye images are drawn so that the user’s eyes will rotate to see the object at its virtual depth. When the virtual object depth and the screen depth are different, the user’s eyes send conflicting signals to the brain about the distance to the object.

Another issue with projected displays (not HWDs) is the occlusion problem. This occurs when a physical object (like the user’s hand) passes behind a virtual object. Because the virtual object is actually being displayed on a screen behind the physical object, the virtual object is occluded, even though according to the “real” positions of the objects, the physical object should be occluded. The occlusion problem also occurs in AR displays when the system doesn’t have sufficient depth information about real-world objects.

Both of these problems could be solved by “true 3D” displays—devices that display the graphics for a virtual object at the actual depth of that object, so that light appears to come from the proper points in 3D space and all the depth cues agree. Prototypes of such displays (volumetric, holographic, multifocal, and light-field displays) have been developed (see Chapter 5, section 5.2.2), but they are not yet ready for real-world use, and technical challenges remain.

From a 3D UI point of view, we know very little about user experience with such displays or how to design 3D UIs appropriately for such displays. The assumption is that more perfect depth cues will help users improve their spatial understanding, increase the sense of presence, reduce discomfort, and improve perception of distance and size. But these displays may produce other unforeseen effects, because the visual experience still won’t be indistinguishable from the real world in every way (e.g., FOV, spatial resolution, color reproduction, dynamic range, etc.). How will these limitations affect the 3D UI user experience?

How Can We Create Effective Full-Body Haptic Feedback Systems that Don't Encumber the User?

Haptic devices and systems have been developed and researched for decades, but progress is slow. The devices we described in Chapter 5 (section 5.4) are still a long way from producing realistic, general-purpose haptic sensations. Some devices produce very realistic force feedback, but only at a few points and only in a small workspace. Others provide tactile sensations but can’t keep users from moving their hand through the virtual object. So one challenge is to develop a haptic system that integrates all the different elements of haptic sensation: resistance, elasticity, texture, and temperature, at any number of points on the user’s hand and also on the entire body. To be general-purpose, such a system would have to provide haptic terrain for users to walk on, and so would be integrated with a locomotion system.

There are systems that have attempted to integrate more than one haptic sensation, like the one shown in Figure 5.30, which provides ground-referenced force feedback that keeps the whole hand from going through a virtual object as it moves in space, and grasp feedback that displays forces to the fingers as they grip a virtual object. But these require significant infrastructure and are not at all easy to put on, use, or take off. So a second challenge is the design of usable haptic systems that provide a pleasant user experience. A great deal of interdisciplinary research is needed here.

Can We Build Systems that Immerse All of the User’s Senses?

Most VR and AR systems have been designed to provide a virtual stimulus to a single sensory modality (visual), with realistic audio as an add-on if it’s considered at all. We have surround-screen displays that flood the user’s visual sense with realistic 3D stereo graphics and high-quality HWDs that completely surround the user with realistic virtual worlds. Of course, other sensory modalities haven’t been completely ignored. There are spatial audio systems that produce believable sounds from any 3D location, and even haptic devices that display surfaces or textures with passable realism. Less work has been done on smell, taste, or vestibular displays, although we’ve seen an increasing number of prototypes over the years.

The real challenge, however, is to integrate all of these single-sense display types into a seamless multi-sensory display system. Similar to the Holodeck on Star Trek, in such a system, objects and environments would look, sound, feel, smell, and taste completely realistic. One specific challenge is integrating haptics with immersive visuals. The most realistic haptic systems are ground-referenced, while the best immersive visual systems allow free movement by the user. Most haptic devices, because they must sit on a desk or because they require so many wires, mechanical arms, and other hardware, are too complex to integrate with a surround-screen display or HWD. Assuming that we can solve these technical integration issues, the actual interplay of various multisensory cues at a perceptual level is still a subject of research. Assuming that we won’t have a perfect multisensory display anytime soon, how will users react to moderate levels of multisensory fidelity?

12.2 3D UI Design

Despite our extensive knowledge of interaction techniques, design strategies, empirical studies, and design guidelines for 3D UIs, there is still much research to be done in the area of 3D UI design.

What Are the Best Mappings Between Devices, Tasks, Interaction Techniques, and Applications?

The point of developing better 3D technology is to enable better 3D applications, but currently we still do not know everything about the usefulness of specific technologies for specific applications. Ideally, we would like to have a set of guidelines (or even an automated process) that, given a description of an application (domain, tasks, users, requirements, constraints), would suggest an appropriate set of devices (input and output) and interaction techniques. In order for this to become a reality, a huge amount of empirical research needs to be performed. We need to compare the usability of various 3D display devices and input devices for particular tasks and domains; we need to evaluate the compatibility of input devices and interaction techniques; and we need to understand the ways in which input and display devices affect each other. It’s also unlikely that doing this at the level of whole devices and techniques will fully answer the question, because new devices are always being developed, and two devices of the same general type may have important differences. Thus, this research should really be done on fundamental components or characteristics of display devices, input devices, and interaction techniques. It should examine the effects of these components on both fundamental and compound tasks. The component evaluation approach introduced in Chapter 11, section 11.6.3, is well suited for this purpose.

How Can AR Interaction Techniques Allow Seamless Interaction in Both the Real and Virtual Worlds?

In completely virtual worlds, UI designers can opt for fully natural techniques, or magic techniques, or something in between. In AR, however, UI designers don’t have as much freedom, because users will be interacting with real objects as well as virtual ones. In some cases, it may be appropriate and effective to use different methods of interaction in the real and virtual parts of the application, but it is likely that a seamless interface for both parts will be the best choice in most applications. The challenge, then, is to use the same interaction techniques to interact with both physical and virtual objects.

A common way to achieve this is to use a tangible interface, where virtual objects have an associated physical object. To manipulate the virtual object, therefore, the user simply picks up the associated real object. As we’ve seen, however, magic interaction techniques can be very powerful, so AR researchers should also consider whether it is possible to interact with real objects using magic interaction techniques. As a simple example, note that it certainly makes sense to select both virtual and real objects using a magic technique like ray-casting, as long as the system has knowledge about the objects in the real world.

A fully seamless real-virtual UI may not always be possible. So we also need to consider how users switch between acting in the real world and the virtual world. How much does it disturb the user’s flow of action to switch between an AR display and viewing the real world, or between virtual- and real-world interaction techniques?

How Do We Create a Seamless and Consistent 3D UI From a Set of Individual 3D Interaction Techniques?

Part IV of this book presented a large number of individual interaction techniques for the universal 3D interaction tasks and guidelines to help developers choose interaction techniques for their applications. But choosing usable interaction techniques for an application is only half the battle. Just as in the case of individual displays, integrating the diverse techniques into a single, seamless 3D UI is another challenge that needs to be addressed.

Take a simple example: suppose you choose the pointing technique for navigation and the ray-casting technique for selection and manipulation and that you are using an input device with only a single button. When the user points in a particular direction and presses the button, what does she mean? She could intend to travel in that direction, or she could intend to select an object in that direction. The integrated 3D UI must disambiguate this action in some way. For example, we could decide that if the user clicks the button quickly, we’ll treat it as a selection action, but if the user holds the button down, we’ll treat it as a travel action.

One solution to this integration problem is to use integrated or cross-task techniques, which use the same metaphor or action for multiple tasks, but more work is still needed to determine the best ways to integrate techniques in general. A deeper understanding of what techniques work well together as a set is also needed.

How Can We Provide Natural Locomotion Techniques that Allow Travel In Any Virtual Environment?

Physically walking through a virtual world is a compelling experience. Walking provides a fully natural travel technique that users don’t have to think about, it enhances the sense of presence, and it improves the sense of scale. But in most VEs, it’s not possible to use real walking as the only travel technique, because the tracked area is smaller than the VE. Thus, as we saw in Chapter 8, section 8.4, it has been a long-time goal in the 3D UI community to provide techniques similar to natural walking that enable unrestricted locomotion in a VE of any size and shape.

This has given rise to many locomotion devices that keep users in one place as they walk, but so far none of these devices provide a fully natural walking experience and do not allow for the whole range of human walking movements. The other approach is to use natural walking as the input, but to modify the output in subtle ways to give the user the illusion of walking through an unrestricted space, as in redirected walking techniques. So far, though, redirected walking still requires a large physical tracking space, and there’s no general-purpose method that will guarantee that users (a) will never reach the boundary of the physical space and (b) will never notice the redirection.

Both of these approaches still have promise, but there is still a long way to go. A general-purpose, fully natural locomotion device or redirected walking technique is in some sense the “holy grail” of VR travel research.

What Are the Best Approaches for Designing 3D Uis Based On Bare-Hand Input?

Gesture-based interaction has been part of 3D UIs since the beginning. VPL’s data glove in the late 1980s was thought to be the most natural way to interact with VR systems. And it certainly makes sense that the most direct way to interact with virtual objects and tools is with our hands—the finely tuned devices that provide strength, precision, and expressiveness in our real-world actions. Hollywood gave us impressive visions of gestural interfaces in movies like Minority Report and Iron Man 2. But the reality of gesture-based 3D interaction never really lived up to the promise, and most real-world 3D UIs provide interaction through handheld 3D mice, game controllers, or touch screens.

Recently there’s been a resurgence of interest in gesture-based interaction because of technological developments that allow much more precise tracking of users’ bare hands through optical sensing. Perhaps, it is thought, the reason 3D gestures never took off is that users had to wear cumbersome gloves to use them. Today’s markerless tracking systems are significantly different from yesterday’s gesture-sensing technologies. There are still technological challenges, however, including the accurate prediction of hand poses in the presence of occlusion, and the precise detection of touch events, such as a pinch between thumb and forefinger.

At the same time, the barriers to gesture-based 3D interaction are not simply technological. Despite its seeming naturalness, it is nontrivial to design gesture-based interactions for many tasks. We don’t use gestures for all real-world interactions, so it’s not a question of simply replicating the real world. There are tasks in 3D UIs that don’t have real-world analogues, including many system control tasks. And there are significant ergonomic barriers—humans cannot hold up their arms/hands in space for long without experiencing fatigue. Although there have been some interesting research prototypes, it remains to be seen whether gestural, bare-hand 3D UIs will become commonplace or whether they will remain a novelty.

How Can We Design “Smart 3D Uis” that Combine Explicit Interaction with Implicit Interaction Based on Machine Learning?

One way to address the problems of gesture recognition and gesture-based interactions that feel natural is through more intelligent interfaces—ones that can infer user intent rather than just applying predefined mappings to predefined actions. Machine learning (ML) technology seems to be maturing at the same time as 3D UI technology, so it’s natural to think about combining them to enable more powerful 3D interaction.

For example, if the user says “put that there” accompanied by some directional gestures, a traditional interface would require precise specification of the object (“that”) and the target location (“there”) via accurate pointing gestures at the right time. An intelligent 3D UI, on the other hand, could make predictions about the identity of the object and the target location based on many factors, such as which objects are most likely to be moved, which locations are reasonable places to move the selected object, which objects the user has glanced at over the last few seconds, and how this particular user tends to point. Existing techniques for scene understanding and deep learning can be leveraged to enable such insights.

ML techniques can be used in many other ways for predictions and suggestions that could aid the user and make 3D interactions feel magical, as if the system knows what the user is thinking before the user himself does. And ML perhaps has even more potential to enhance 3D UIs than it does other types of interfaces, because of the complexity of 3D interaction.

But this is a very different style of interaction than today’s 3D UIs. Such smart 3D UIs would be based on a combination of explicit input (the users directly indicating what they want to do) and implicit input (the system watching the user to build a model of the user’s intent based on learning and probability). Inherently, this means that the user is not fully in control, and the system’s actions may not be fully comprehensible. Thus, although we are excited about smart 3D interaction based on ML, it is also a grand challenge for 3D UI designers to ensure that smart 3D UIs provide a great user experience.

How Can We Design Interfaces that Smoothly Transition Between Ar and Vr?

Today, AR and VR are mostly thought of as two separate experiences enabled by different technological platforms. But of course, AR and VR share many elements (3D graphics, tracking, 3D input). And conceptually, AR and VR can be seen as points on a continuum that specifies the level of mixing between the real world and the virtual world (Milgram and Kishino 1994). So it’s highly likely that technologies for AR and VR will eventually merge into one mixed reality (MR) platform, for example an HWD capable of transitioning between fully immersive VR and see-through AR.

This sort of combined platform could be very powerful, especially if it’s in a form factor that can be worn all the time, like glasses, as this would allow VR and AR experiences to take place anytime, anywhere, without the need to go to a special room and put on special equipment. But what does this mean for 3D UIs? If the display transition is seamless, we would also want the interface transition to be seamless. Users who are familiar with the interface for one mode should be able to reuse that knowledge in the other mode. And a dual-mode display is not as useful if users have to pick up different input devices to use in each mode.

At the same time, as we have argued earlier, VR interactions have the potential to be much more expressive and magical than AR interactions, because VR does not have any of the limitations of the real world. 3D UI designers have a balancing act to manage here: interfaces for AR and VR that are consistent and seamless, while still taking advantage of the unique opportunities afforded by each of them.

How Can We Design Expressive General-Purpose Hands-Free 3D Uis?

People are used to working with their hands, and as we saw in Chapter 3, “Human Factors Fundamentals,” and Chapter 4, “General Principles of Human-Computer Interaction,” there is a long history of research on manual interaction with both real and virtual objects. In some situations, however, a hands-free interface is called for. For instance, how will disabled persons without the use of arms or hands use an interactive VE? How will a vehicle operator interact with an AR system that displays travel information overlaid on the real world? Assistive technology has long been a source of inspiration for hands-free interfaces, where sensory substitution has played a major role. 3D UI designers need to consider novel ways to make use of speech, head movements, eye tracking, and even facial expression to provide input for 3D interfaces.

But of course, in the most extreme situations no body-based input whatsoever (or only a very limited amount) is possible. This is the domain of brain–computer interfaces (BCIs; see Chapter 6, section 6.4.2). Current BCIs are very limited, providing only a very coarse-grained signal that can be used to produce simple triggers or choices between a limited number of alternatives. A great deal of research is needed to be able to use BCIs (perhaps in combination with other inputs such as eye tracking) for general-purpose 3D interactions such as travel and object manipulation. It is likely that machine learning will play a major role in this effort, as computers learn to decipher user intent from complex, noisy brain signals.

Should There be a Standard 3D Ui?

Computers would be unusable by the general population if the UI were not standardized to some degree. Desktop computers for many years have used the WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Point and Click) interaction style, and because all applications make use of these same standard interface elements, users can start using applications right away, without lengthy training or reading a manual. The same is true of touch-based interaction on smartphones and tablets—there are de facto standards at play that help users know what to expect and how to interact.

Currently, there is nothing even close to a standard for 3D UIs. The interface is designed and implemented separately for each new application. Some techniques and metaphors have become fairly common, but even when the same technique is used in two different applications, the implementation may be entirely different.

In order to define a standard, we would need much more empirical evidence on the usability of various techniques and metaphors and on the combination of these techniques and metaphors with various devices. In order for a standard to be practical, we would need a set of standard, generic implementations that could be reused in any application.

But perhaps the bigger issue is whether we want a standard. One might argue that 3D UIs are much more complex than 2D UIs, that the input and output devices for 3D UIs are too diverse to match up to a single standard, and that 3D UI applications need specialized, domain-specific interface designs for optimum usability.

However, with the advent of consumer-oriented VR and AR systems, there are forces that may be driving us closer to a 3D UI standard. First, the number of “real people” (not just researchers and developers) who are using these systems has grown exponentially, and these users are using many different applications. Second, the systems are trying to provide between-application experiences—basically home worlds where users can launch apps and adjust settings—and these also require their own 3D UI. Making all these experiences comprehensible and usable for consumers will push designers to define at least some ad hoc standards for basic things like selection and menus. Initially, these are likely to be lowest common denominator solutions that will work in any situation and with any technology. It will be challenging to continue to innovate in the huge design space of 3D UIs while still providing a consistent, understandable UI.

12.3 3D UI Development and Evaluation

Beyond hardware technologies and design issues, we also see some grand challenges related to the development process for 3D UIs.

How Do We Enable Rapid Prototyping of 3D Uis?

The UX development lifecycle contains four basic activities: analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation (see Chapter 4, “General Principles of Human–Computer Interaction,” section 4.4). Of these, implementation has received by far the least attention by 3D UI researchers. In particular, prototyping methods for the software side of 3D UIs are severely lacking (there are a number of prototyping approaches for 3D input devices; see Chapter 6, section 6.6). 3D interaction designers working on new software-based interaction techniques have limited options for representing the envisioned user experience in a prototype. They can use very low-fidelity paper prototypes (e.g., storyboards) or high-fidelity complete implementations (e.g., an application programmed in a game engine), but moderate-fidelity prototyping tools for 3D UIs are lacking. To make the iterative design and evaluation process work, rapid moderate-fidelity prototyping techniques, which give a good approximation of the interactive user experience without costing much in terms of money or time, are needed.

There are many potential directions here. We might need a platform-independent description language that allows developers to specify 3D UIs without specifying the details of their implementation. Not only would this be a useful abstraction, it would also provide a way for researchers to share the details of their UI designs even though they are using different platforms or engines. It would also be useful to have a plug-and-play 3D UI toolkit that has generic implementations of many common interaction techniques and allows developers to simply choose techniques (and devices) a la carte, resulting in a complete working 3D UI. Generic environments designed for prototyping techniques for particular tasks (e.g., manipulation, navigation) would keep designers from having to custom build a test environment for each prototype. Finally, programming-by-example approaches might be useful to develop working prototypes of gesture-based interfaces without implementing complex gesture recognizers; research in this direction has been promising.

How Can We Effectively Evaluate Ar Applications?

Evaluation of VR interfaces can be difficult, as we saw in Chapter 11. But in some ways, the evaluation of AR applications is even more problematic. A typical AR setup might use an optical see-through HWD, so that the user sees graphics overlaid on a direct view of the real world. In this configuration, there is no way for the evaluator to see exactly what the user is seeing, because the evaluator’s eyes cannot be at the same location as the user’s eyes! If the HWD has a front-facing camera and an eye tracker, the system might be able to approximate the user’s view, but the quality of the real-world visuals would be greatly reduced and the perspective will not be exactly the same. This limitation makes it extremely difficult to understand what the user is doing, what problems she is having, or what she is pointing at or talking about.

An alternative would be to give evaluators separate viewpoints into the same augmented scene, using additional HWDs or tracked cameras. This would provide a natural view of the user’s actions but still not reproduce what the user is experiencing directly. A combination of the two approaches might be used, but this will require multiple evaluators and/or post-session review to make sense of the data.

Outdoor mobile AR results in additional evaluation challenges. For example, it’s not possible to control the environment (weather, lighting, presence of other people in the scene). One approach to address this issue is to run studies in an AR simulation (i.e., simulating AR with VR). AR evaluation methods are an area ripe for further research.

How Can We Perform Longitudinal Evaluation Sessions?

While short-term evaluations have been performed frequently in many different areas, the long-term effects of using particular interfaces are often difficult to grasp. To truly capture these effects, we need longitudinal evaluations, in which the same study participants are observed at regular intervals or continuously over a period of days or weeks. For example, it would be very interesting to look at how task performance in AR improves in a work setting as the user learns the system or at how users’ responses to real-world notifications changes over the course of a long VR session.

But longitudinal studies, which are tricky at best with traditional user interfaces, are especially problematic with 3D UIs. The effects of long-term use of VR and AR are still unknown, and evaluators run the risk of adverse effects in participants both during and after the study. Furthermore, many current 3D UIs, especially more experimental ones, do not have sufficient robustness to ensure that they will continue to work flawlessly over the course of a long study. Still, sooner or later we will need to perform such evaluations, especially since 3D UI are rapidly becoming a part of daily life.

12.4 3D UIs in the Real World

It’s been sufficient for many years for 3D UI researchers to study single tasks, simple applications, and short-term use, because there were few 3D UIs used for significant activities in the real world. Now, that’s all changing due to consumer technologies and high-profile gaming applications. Marathon VR gaming sessions are taking place, people are pulling out their smartphones at all times of the day and in all locations to check their favorite AR game, and even some office workers are hoping to get rid of their desktop monitors altogether and do all of their work in a 3D UI. This brave new world points to some serious research challenges.

What Strategies for Combatting Cybersickness are Most Effective?

Decades of research have gone into measuring and understanding simulator sickness and cybersickness and building up theories that explain why they happen. But ultimately, only a tiny fraction of the population was exposed on a regular basis to stimuli that could make them sick. Now all that has changed. Companies with VR products recognize that this is a serious problem—if someone gets seriously sick when using their system, they may not want to use it again or recommend it to their friends. So not only are companies providing the normal warning messages, they are providing comfort ratings and comfort modes that try to keep the experience from getting anywhere close to making the user sick.

So research on cybersickness now has much more urgency. But it also may need to shift in focus from understanding why people get sick to finding the best methods to prevent people from getting sick. We can’t simply tell users not to use the systems or to limit their use. Users want to play intense games in VR, for example. There are some promising methods for preventing cybersickness, including manipulating the environment, changing the travel technique, using anti-sickness medication, providing minimal vestibular cues to minimize cue conflict, or even stimulating the vestibular system directly. The researchers who come up with the most effective methods will have a huge impact on comfort in AR and VR.

What Are the Effects of Long-Duration Vr Sessions?

As we discussed above, with today’s high-quality and low-cost content, displays, and tracking, many people want to spend significant time in VR. But there has been very little research into long-term use or its effects. This is one reason that we need longitudinal study methods for 3D UIs (see the previous section). Research is certainly needed into user comfort over long sessions, as we explained in the last question, but there are many other possible effects.

How do long exposures to VR affect real-world perception and action, and how long do these aftereffects last? What about task performance—does it improve over the course of a long session due to learning, or does it start to break down after a certain time period? Does the level of presence increase the longer the user is immersed in VR? What are the effects on presence of notifications coming from the outside world? Are there psychological effects of being immersed in realistic virtual worlds that portray violence or scary situations? And how does long-term repeated VR exposure affect social interactions and relationships in the real world? These important questions and many others are now available to be studied for the first time.

What Are the Implications of Always-On Ar?

The research opportunities with long-term use of AR are similar, but also subtly different. Instead of “going into AR” for a lengthy but finite session, it appears that people may use AR displays in the future like they use smartphones today. That is, if AR displays are sufficiently comfortable, usable, and useful, users may wear their displays all day long. Certainly research on mobile and wearable interaction is relevant here, but AR adds some new dimensions and is potentially more pervasive than either mobile or wearable devices.

Here, we need to study issues like divided attention—do AR displays distract users from potentially dangerous or otherwise important things in the real world? On the one hand, AR displays should be better than smartphones in this regard, because the real world is always in view, but on the other hand, the augmentations add clutter to the real world and may still be perceived as a separate layer of information, forcing users to choose to attend either to the augmentations or to the real world. Always-on AR also has important social implications, as users pay attention to and interact with their AR device while simultaneously engaging socially with other people. Finally, how do we design microinteractions with AR that enhance people’s real-world activities without distracting too much from them?

Can We Quantify the Real Benefits of 3D Uis?

VR, AR, and other 3D UI technologies are still used in relatively few industrial settings (although there have been some notable successes in fields like oil and gas exploration, automotive design, and training/simulation). Industries often perceive these technologies as flashy and good for demonstrations but without sufficient benefit to be used for day-to-day work. Therefore, the challenge for the 3D UI community is to quantify the benefits of these technologies—to demonstrate concrete results that will translate into dollars and cents. For different domains, these benefits might take on different forms. For manufacturers, the benefit might be increased productivity of the workers; for educators, the benefit might be increased student understanding; for scientists, the benefit might be greater insight into a dataset.

These benefits are difficult to prove, but even worse, it is difficult to even design a valid experiment to attempt to measure them. Suppose you run an experiment comparing task completion time on a typical HWD-based VR system and a typical desktop computer system and that you find significantly faster times with the HWD. What would your conclusion be? What caused the difference? Was it physical immersion, head tracking, presence, the use of a 3D input device, the use of a 3D interaction technique, or some combination of these things?

A first step toward quantifying the benefits of 3D UI technologies, then, is to use a methodology that separates all these variables so that we know from where the benefit comes. Again, we point readers to the component evaluation approach in Chapter 11, section 11.6.3. In the example above, a component evaluation might show us that the 3D input device was actually the crucial difference. Then perhaps we could achieve the same benefit by using the 3D input device with a standard desktop display monitor, avoiding the cost, complexity, and potential discomfort of the HWD-based system.

12.5 Applications of 3D UIs

In this final section, we examine research challenges particular to end-user applications of 3D UIs.

How Can We Design 3D Uis for Doing Daily Work?

It should be clear from the discussion so far in this chapter that we believe 3D UIs and related technologies are at an inflection point, where they are on the cusp of exploding into real-world use in a variety of domains. This is already true for gaming and some niche applications in particular industries, but the potential benefits of 3D UIs to the general public in many other settings have yet to be realized.

Researchers over the years have built prototypes of VR and AR applications for work and tasks in areas as diverse architectural design, construction visualization, virtual tourism, medical training, physical rehabilitation, classroom education, on-site data analysis, and intelligence analysis, just to name a few. But many of these applications were designed only as proofs-of-concept, because the time was not right to make them viable for actual work, whether in the office, in the classroom, or in the field. The challenge for 3D UI designers now is to do the difficult and detailed work of designing real-world user experiences, not just toy demonstrations.

Can We Use 3D Uis Themselves as Development and Modeling Tools for 3D Uis?

One interesting potential use of 3D UIs is as a tool to enable the development of more 3D UIs! For instance, what better place to model a scene for a VR application than in VR itself? Or what if teachers could set up an AR exhibit in their classrooms, using an AR system to define where virtual objects should be placed and even how they should behave?

Like many of the applications described in the previous question, there have been a large number of research prototypes, especially VR design tools meant for modeling VR scenes. There has been less research into developing interactive AR and VR applications from within AR or VR, but the concept has been explored to some extent. What hasn’t yet been proven is whether these approaches can be used in production to build real 3D applications, and whether it’s actually better, in terms of efficiency, understanding, or user satisfaction, to build 3D UIs with 3D UIs.

How Should We Design Social and Collaborative 3D Uis?

Many 3D UI technologies involve a single user by nature. But it doesn’t take much imagination to see that these technologies can also be used to connect multiple people or even help them work together. Social and collaborative 3D UIs are definitely coming, and research is needed to make these experiences great.

Some applications are purely social; for example, VR can be used to bring people from all over the world together in the same virtual space. But this raises many questions about how people should be represented (i.e., avatar design), how we give the appropriate social cues beyond speech and coarse-grained gestures, and what the appropriate social protocols are when everyone is virtual (e.g., how do we maintain “personal space” when two virtual characters can inhabit the same virtual space, or how do we have a private conversation when another user can teleport right next to us instantaneously?).

For many 3D UI application areas, collaborative, multiuser work is the norm. Consider automobile manufacturers: when a new car model is being designed, the work is not all done by a single person. A large team of specialists must work together over a long period of time to create the final design. But a collaborative 3D UI for such a team is not trivial—it’s not simply the sum of several single-user UIs. Collaboration brings with it a multitude of interface challenges, including the social challenges described above, but also issues such as awareness (Who is here? Where are they? What are they doing?) and floor control (Who is working on that object? How do I get the object?). Increasingly, we are seeing research on social and collaborative VR and AR, but there is still much to be done.

What Is the Killer App for 3D Uis?

Almost all widely successful technologies became successful because of some application of that technology that made everyone feel that they couldn’t do without it. For personal computers, the original killer app was the spreadsheet (pioneered in the VisiCalc project), which made complex and tedious business and accounting tasks simple, automatic, and visual—no programming required. The Internet existed for many years before most people were aware of it, but then the World Wide Web and the web browser gave everyone access to massive amounts of information, making the Internet a daily part of life around the world.

So, what about 3D UIs? Will we someday find immersive VR in every home (through the wide adoption of VR-based game consoles)? Will all business professionals need a mobile AR system to keep up? If so, what application is really going to drive this adoption? Or will 3D UIs remain restricted to specialized tasks in a few domains? Of course, this latter outcome would not mean that 3D UIs were a failure—there are many technologies that are used only in specialized contexts (consider submarines, night-vision goggles, and MRI machines) that are considered successful.

The obvious answer to this question is that gaming is the killer app for 3D UIs, and certainly that is the current trend. But gaming technologies have a tendency to come and go, as the console manufacturers look for the latest innovation to help sell the next-generation machines. If AR becomes the preferred portal to all the information in the cloud, then information access may be the killer app for 3D UIs. But the future is uncertain. For 3D UI designers, we say along with Alan Kay, “the best way to predict the future is to invent it.”

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