

1-DOF menus, 390391

2D devices

3D interaction techniques with, 20

adapted menus, 387390

mice and trackballs, 194196

UI adaptation, 440444

2D surface-based interaction techniques

dragging, 280

rotating, 280281

3D bubble cursors, 270

3D display devices. See visual displays

3D graphics, 17

3D interaction. See interaction techniques

3D manipulation. See selection and manipulation

3D mice

handheld 3D mice, 221224

overview of, 221

user-worn 3D mice, 224225

3D modeling tools, 22

3D printers, 235

3D sound sampling and synthesis, 154155

3D spatial input devices

3D mice

handheld 3D mice, 221224

overview of, 221

user-worn 3D mice, 224225

sensing technologies

acoustic sensing, 202203

bioelectric sensing, 211

hybrid sensing, 212

inertial sensing, 203205

magnetic sensing, 201202

mechanical sensing, 202203

optical sensing, 205210

overview of, 200

radar sensing, 210

tracking technologies

eye tracking, 219221

finger tracking, 214219

head and hand tracking, 213

3D surface-based interaction techniques

balloon selection, 283284

corkscrew widget, 284285

pinching, 282

triangle cursor, 285286

void shadows, 282283

3D UIs. See also design

advantages and disadvantages of, 46

application areas for, 89, 2325

definition of, 4, 8

evaluation, 2223

future developments, 507509

applications, 509511

design issues, 500505

standardization, 504505

user experience issues, 498500

history of, 1214


2D UI adaptation, 440444

magic and aesthetics, 444447

real-world metaphors, 438440

simulation of reality, 437438

popular media background, 19

quantifying benefits of, 508509

reciprocal impacts, 26

software tools for, 2122

standards, 2526

technological background, 1719

theoretical background, 1516

3D widgets, 294295, 391392

6-DOF devices, 198200, 260

12-key keyboards, 191193


absolute amplification, 304

absolute and relative mapping (ARM), 279280, 304305

acceleration selection, 323

accessibility, 106107

accommodation, 4445


of interaction fidelity components, 479

of movement, 322

speed-accuracy trade-off, 39

ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, 14

acoustic sensing, 202203


definition of, 91

selection and control of, 3940

seven stages of, 8485, 477

active omnidirectional treadmills, 336

active scaling, 358

active sensors, 189

active stereo glasses, 131132

active travel techniques, 323

activities, 90

activity design, 116

Activity System Model, 9192

activity theory

3D UIs and, 92

Activity System Model, 9192

definition of, 90

principles of, 9192

Activity Theory in HCI (Kaptelinin and Nardi), 92


2D UI adaptation, 440444

adapted 2D menus, 387390

real-world metaphors, 438440

aerial perspective, 43

aesthetics, 444447

affinity diagrams, 114

affordances, 8990, 99100, 264

age, design considerations for, 435436

aggregation of techniques, 301

in-air haptics, 175

always-on AR (augmented reality), 508

ambient effects, 158

ambisonics, 155

amplification, absolute, 304

anaglyphic stereo, 132


analytic evaluations, 120

requirements analysis

contextual analysis, 113115

contextual inquiry, 113

overview of, 112113

requirements extraction, 115

Analyze stage (UX engineering), 109110

animated prototypes, 119

annotation of auditory displays, 158

anthropometric symmetry, 479

aperture selection, 277278

application areas, 89, 2325

applications, future developments in, 509511

application-specific tasks, 20, 257, 259

AR (augmented reality)

always-on AR, 508

AR systems, 19

definition of, 8

evaluation of, 506

future developments, 503504

mobile AR case study

design approaches, 453454

input devices, 246247

navigation, 374376

output devices, 180183

overview of, 2930

selection and manipulation, 313314

system control, 415416

usability evaluation, 490493

arbitrary surface displays, 148150

pros and cons of, 174

visual depth cues supported, 174

Arcball, 296297


3D UI applications in, 24

as inspiration, 439

arcs, 296

Arduino, 236237

Argonne Remote Manipulator, 161

ARM (absolute and relative mapping), 279280, 304305

arm-mounted displays, 143144

arms, ergonomics of, 7071

art, 3D UI applications in, 24

artifact models, 114

ARTookKit, 207

asymmetric bimanual techniques, 434435

flexible pointer, 300301

Spindle + Wheel, 299300

atmospheric attenuation, 43

attention, 3637

auditory cues

binaural cues, 4748

HRTFs (head-related transfer functions), 48

reverberation, 48

sound intensity, 49

spatial percepts and, 49

vestibular cues, 49

auditory displays

3D sound sampling and synthesis, 154155

ambient effects, 158

annotation and help, 158

auralization, 155

external speakers, 156157

headphones, 156

localization, 157

overview of, 153

pros and cons of, 175

sensory substitution, 158

sonification, 157

augmented reality. See AR (augmented reality)

auralization, 155


automated scaling, 359

automated velocity, 356

design principle of, 102103

autostereoscopic displays

holographic, 152153

lenticular, 150

parallax barrier, 150

pros and cons of, 174

visual depth cues supported, 174

volumetric, 150152

avatar manipulation, 350351


ballistic movement, 39

balloon selection, 283284

bare-hand input, 502

“bat” device, 221222

BCIs (brain-computer interfaces), 227228

behavioral processing, 112

behaviors, 480

Bendcast, 278279

between-subjects design, 459

bicycles, 343

bimanual techniques

asymmetric techniques, 433, 434435

flexible pointer, 300301

Spindle + Wheel, 299300

bimanual action, 71

Guiard’s framework, 433434

overview of, 297298, 432

symmetric techniques, 298299, 433, 435

bimechanical symmetry, 479

binaural cues, 4748

binocular disparity, 4546

Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor, 143144

binocular rivalry, 45

bioelectric sensing, 211

body-referenced haptic displays, 162, 175

body-referenced menus, 393394

bottlenecks, attention and, 37

brain input, 227228

brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), 227228

Brave NUI World (Wigdor and Wixon), 280

breadth of prototypes, 118

bubble cursors, 270

Bug, 223

buttons, 240


camera-in-hand technique, 350


camera manipulation, 349350

depth cameras, 205

multi-camera techniques, 360361

canonical manipulation tasks, 257259

case studies

mobile AR case study

design approaches, 453454

input devices, 246247

navigation, 374376

output devices, 180183

overview of, 2930

selection and manipulation, 313314

system control, 415416

usability evaluation, 490493

VR gaming case study

design approaches, 452

input devices, 244245

navigation, 371373

output devices, 178179

overview of, 28

selection and manipulation, 312313

system control, 414415

usability evaluation, 489490

CAT (Control Action Table), 232

category knowledge, 58

CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment), 134

CavePainting Table, 231

cerebral palsy, input devices for children with, 233

ChairIO interface, 342

chemical sensing system, 5354


input devices

empirical evaluations, 243244

important considerations for, 238239

input device taxonomies, 240243

output devices, 171177

claims, 114115

classification of techniques

manipulation techniques, 262265

system control, 384

travel, 323325

usability evaluation, 468470

clay, modeling, 236

clearance design guideline, 100

closed-loop motor control, 3940

clutching, 261262, 408

cockpits, 343

codes of processing (information-processing pipeline), 63


cogitive issues, evaluation of

performance measures, 6566

psycho-physiological methods, 66

subjective measures, 6465

typical 3D UI issues, 6364

cognitive affordances, 89

cognitive mapping, 6061

cognitive walkthroughs, 458

overview of, 1516, 5859

situation awareness

cognitive mapping, 6061

reference frames, 6163

spatial judgements, 6163

spatial knowledge types, 61

wayfinding, 5960

system control and, 381382

collaborative 3D UIs, 25, 510

combination haptic devices, 168169, 175

comfort (user), 73, 111, 462


definition of, 380

gestural commands

design issues, 401402

overview of, 398

practical application, 402404

techniques, 400401

voice commands

design issues, 397

practical application, 397399

speech recognition systems, 396397

communication, human-computer. See HCI (human-computer interaction)

comparative evaluation, 459460

compasses, 366

complementary input

brain input, 227228

speech input, 226227

compliance, 408, 425428

component evaluation

benefits of, 485486

component definition, 478

costs of, 484485

display fidelity components, 480481

evaluation approaches

benefits of, 485486

costs of, 484485

goals of, 483

results, applying, 486494

when to use, 483484

examples of, 481482

goals of, 477478, 483

interaction fidelity components, 479480

overview of, 477478

results, applying, 478, 486494

scenario fidelity components, 480

when to use, 483484

composite tasks, interaction techniques for, 20

Computer-driven Upper Body Environment (CUBE), 135

Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 93

conceptual models

affordances, 8990

designer’s model, 88

user’s model, 8889

conditioning, 38

conditions, 323, 459

conductive cloth, 235

confirmation of irreversible actions, 102

constraints, 264

construction, 3D UI applications in, 24

context of evaluation, 468470

contextual analysis, 113115

contextual inquiry, 113

continuous velocity control, 355356

contour interruption, 42

control, design principle of, 103104

Control Action Table (CAT), 232

control dimensions, 260

control of action, 3940

control symmetry, 480

control-display mappings, 252

control-space techniques

indirect touch, 287288

levels-of-precision (LOP) cursors, 289290

virtual interaction surfaces, 288289

virtual pad, 290291

Cooper Harper Rating Scale, 65

cooperative manipulation, 433

corkscrew widget, 284285

corrective movement, 39

critiquing, 116

cross-modal effects, 5556

cross-task techniques, 345

CSCW (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work), 93

CUBE (Computer-driven Upper Body Environment), 135

Cubic Mouse, 223



binaural cues, 4748

HRTFs (head-related transfer functions), 48

reverberation, 48

sound intensity, 49

spatial percepts and, 49

vestibular cues, 49

gustatory, 54

haptic, 52

kinesthetic and proprioceptive cues, 52

pain, 52

tactile cues, 51

thermal cues, 52

olfactory, 54


binocular disparity, 4546

monocular, static visual cues, 4244

motion parallax, 45

oculomotor cues, 4445

overview of, 4142

stereopsis, 4546

cursors. See also selection and manipulation

3D bubble cursor, 270

levels-of-precision (LOP) cursors, 289290

triangle cursor, 285286

curvature of path, 322

curved surround-screen displays, 136137

cutaneous sensations, 50

cybersickness, 57, 425, 462, 507508

cycles, 343


daily work, 3D UIs for, 509

data globes, 214215

DataGlove (VPL), 12

Davies, Char, 446

decision-making, 3839

decoupling, 409

degrees of freedom (DOF), 6, 188, 322

deictic gestures, 400

delimiters, 402

demos, 460

dependent variables, 459

depth cameras, 205

depth cues, 129130, 172174, 498500

depth of prototypes, 118

depth ray, 279


2D UI adaptation, 440444

3D UI applications in, 23

approaches to, 2021, 116117

basic principles of, 16

case studies

mobile AR case study, 453454

VR gaming case study, 452

design representations, 117118

design scenarios, 117

ergonomics, 7475

future developments in, 500505

HCI (human-computer interaction)

evaluation-oriented design, 104106

execution-oriented design, 99102

general design rules, 106109

goal-oriented design, 9598

outcome-oriented design, 102104

human-based, 423

constraints, 431432

design guidelines, 447451

feedback compliance, 425428

feedback dimensions, 424425

feedback displacement, 425

feedback substitution, 428429

passive haptic feedback, 429431

two-handed control, 432435

unconventional user interfaces, 423424

user groups, 435436

impact of evaluation on, 456

magic and aesthetics, 444447

output device selection, 171177

overview of, 421423

perspectives, 116

process, 115118

prototyping, 118119

real-world metaphors, 438440

recommended reading, 454

representations, 117118

selection and manipulation, 309311

simulation of reality, 437438

system control

design guidelines, 412413

gestural commands, 401402

graphical menus, 393395

multimodal techniques, 411

physical controllers, 385386

tools, 408

voice commands, 397

tools, 116

travel, 367371

UX (user experience) engineering, 16

design process, 115118

design prototyping, 118119

lifecycle of, 109110

prototype evaluation, 120

requirements analysis, 112115

system concept, 112

system goals, 111112

visualization, 16

design representations, 117118

design scenarios, 117

Design stage (UX engineering), 109110

designer’s model, 88

desktop 6-DOF input devices, 198200


definition of, 91

future developments, 505507

tools, 22

device-referenced menus, 393394

diagrams, affinity, 114

difficulty, index of, 39

direct manipulation, 99

direct velocity input, 356

direction, 323

directional compliance, 304, 426

pointing direction, 273

selection calculation, 273

disabled users, 106107

discoverability, 402

discrete velocity changes, 355

displacement, feedback, 425

display devices. See visual displays

display fidelity components, 480481

distance, travel and, 322

districts, 364365

divided attention, 37

division of labor, 91

DIY (do it yourself) devices

connecting to computers, 236237

overview of, 234237

strategies for building, 234236

DOF (degrees of freedom), 6, 188, 322


definition of, 293

Voodoo Dolls, 292294

Double Bubble technique, 309

dragging, 280

drawing paths, 347348

dual-point world manipulation, 353

dual-target techniques, 346347

dynamic alignment tools, 432

dynamic depth cues, 45


ease of use, 111

ecological perspectives, 116

edges, 364365

education, 3D UI applications in, 24

EEG (electroencephalography), 66, 227

effectiveness, 111

efficiency, 111

egocentric information, 61

egocentric reference frames, 62

egomotion, 61

electroencephalography (EEG), 66, 227

electromyography (EMG), 74, 211, 218

Electronic Visualization Laboratory, 134

electrovibration tactile displays, 164165

Embodied Interaction

definition of, 92

social computing, 9394

tangible computing, 93

embodied phenomena, 92

EMG (electromyography), 74, 211, 218

emotional impact, 112

emotional perspectives, 116

empirical evaluations, 120, 243244

endogenous demands, 63

endurance time, 72

entertainment, 3D UI applications in, 24

environment characteristics, 474475

environment legibility, 364365

environment models, 114

environment-centered wayfinding cues, 364367

Ergodesk, 443


design principles for, 100101

evaluation of

performance measures, 74

psycho-physiological methods, 74

subjective measures, 7374

typical 3D UI issues, 73

feet and legs, 71

hands and arms, 7071

haptic displays, 160

human motion types, 6769

musculoskeletal system, 67

posture, 7172

sensory-motor distribution, 69

system control, 382383

visual displays, 129

ERPs (event-related potentials), 37


error recovery, 106

human error, 64

prevention, 101102

rate of, 111

reduction and correction, 409

Evaluate stage (UX engineering), 109110

evaluation. See usability evaluation

evaluation-oriented design

error recovery, 106

feedback, 104105

evaluators, 457, 464465

event-related potentials (ERPs), 37

Execution, Gulf of, 8586

execution-oriented design

affordance, 99100

direct manipulation, 99

ergonomics, 100101

error prevention, 101102

exocentric information, 61

exogenous demands, 63

Expand technique, 308

experimentation, evaluation and, 488489

exploration, 320

external speakers, 156157, 175

externalization, 91

extraction, requirements, 115

eye tracking, 219221

EyeRing, 225


factorial design, 459

family of rotations, 296

FastLSM algorithm, 269

fatigue, 73


compliance, 425428

design principles for, 104105

dimensions, 424425

displacement, 425

instrumental, 425

operational, 425

passive haptic feedback, 429431

reactive, 425

substitution, 428429

feet, physical ergonomics of, 71


definition of, 478

display fidelity components, 480481

interaction fidelity components, 479480

output devices, 170171

prototypes, 119

scenario fidelity components, 480

field of regard (FOR), 127128, 480481

field of view (FOV), 127128, 362, 480481

FIFA (Framework for Interaction Fidelity Analysis), 479

finger tracking, 214219

finger-based grasping techniques

god fingers, 269270

overview of, 267268

rigid-body fingers, 268

soft-body fingers, 269

FingerSleeve, 224

fishing reel, 275

fish-tank virtual reality, 133

Fitt’s Law, 82

fixed-object manipulation, 351352

flashlight technique, 276

flavor, 54

flexibility, 409

flexible pointer technique, 300301

flicker, 129

Fly Mouse, 222

fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), 227

fNIRS (functional near-infrared spectroscopy), 227

focused attention, 37

Foley, Jim, 12

force, 260261

force-feedback devices, 161162

force-reflecting joysticks, 161

form factors

input devices, 261262

physical controllers, 385386

formative evaluations, 120, 458

FOV (field of view), 127128, 362, 480481


frame rate, 480481

reference frames, 6163

Framework for Interaction Fidelity Analysis (FIFA), 479

Fraunhofer IMK Cubic Mouse, 223

freedom, degrees of, 6, 188, 322

front projection, 139

full gait techniques

overview of, 326

real walking, 326328

redirected walking, 328329

scaled walking, 329330

fully programmed prototypes, 119

functional affordances, 89

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 227

functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), 227

functional requirements, 115

future of 3D UIs

applications, 509511

design issues, 500505

development and evaluation issues, 505507

quantifying benefits of, 508509

real-world usage, 507509

standardization, 504505

user experience issues, 498500



full gait techniques

overview of, 326

real walking, 326328

redirected walking, 328329

scaled walking, 329330

gait negation techniques

active omnidirectional treadmills, 336

low-friction surfaces, 336337

overview of, 334

passive omnidirectional treadmills, 334335

step-based devices, 337338

partial gait techniques

human joystick, 332333

overview of, 330331

walking in place, 331332

gait negation techniques

active omnidirectional treadmills, 336

low-friction surfaces, 336337

overview of, 334

passive omnidirectional treadmills, 334335

step-based devices, 337338

galvanic skin response, 66


3D UI applications in, 24

VR gaming case study

design approaches, 452

input devices, 244245

navigation, 371373

output devices, 178179

overview of, 28

selection and manipulation, 312313

system control, 414415

usability evaluation, 489490

gaze-directed steering, 339340

general design rules

accessibility, 106107

recognition, 108109

vocabulary, 107108

geometrical coherence, 431

gestural commands

design issues, 401402

overview of, 398

practical application, 402404

techniques, 400401


definition of, 398

deictic, 400

gestural commands

design issues, 401402

overview of, 398

practical application, 402404

techniques, 400401

gesture-based interaction, 502

mimic, 400

speech-connected hand gestures, 400

surface-based, 400

sweeping, 400

symbolic, 400

Gibson, William, 439

global positioning systems (GPS), 212

goal-oriented design

simplicity, 9596

structure, 97

visibility, 98

goals, 8283

goal-oriented design

simplicity, 9596

structure, 97

visibility, 98

system goals, 111112

Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection (GOMS), 8283

god fingers, 269270

god objects, 269270

Go-Go technique, 266267, 436

GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection), 8283

goniometer sensors, 214215

Gorilla arm syndrome, 72

GPS (global positioning systems), 212

graphical menus

1-DOF menus, 390391

3D widgets, 391392

adapted 2D menus, 387390

design issues, 393395

overview of, 386387

practical application, 396

grasping techniques

enhancements for

3D bubble cursor, 270

Hook, 272

intent-driven selection, 272

PRISM (Precise and Rapid Interaction through Scaled Manipulation), 271


god fingers, 269270

overview of, 267268

rigid-body fingers, 268

soft-body fingers, 269


Go-Go technique, 266267

simple virtual hand, 264266

overview of, 264

grip design, 70

ground-referenced haptic displays, 161162, 175

guided exploration, 416

guidelines-based expert evaluation, 458

Gulf of Execution, 8586

gustatory cues, 54


habituation, 38

hand tracking, 213

hand-based grasping techniques

Go-Go technique, 266267

simple virtual hand, 264266

hand-directed steering, 340341

handheld 3D mice, 221224

handheld widgets, 391

hands, ergonomics of, 7071

hands-free 3D UIs, 504

haptic displays. See also haptic system

in 3D UIs, 169

body-referenced, 162

combination devices, 168169

ergonomics, 160

future developments, 499

ground-referenced, 161162

in-air haptics, 166167

overview of, 158159

passive haptics, 169

perceptual dimensions, 159

pros and cons of, 175176

resolution, 160

tactile displays, 163165

visual depth cues supported, 175176

haptic system, 52. See also haptic displays

kinesthetic and proprioceptive cues, 52

overview of, 5051

pain, 52

tactile cues, 51

thermal cues, 52

HCI (human-computer interaction), 123124

activity theory

3D UIs and, 92

Activity System Model, 9192

definition of, 90

principles of, 9192

basic principles of, 16

conceptual models

affordances, 8990

designer’s model, 88

user’s model, 8889

definition of, 6, 7879

design principles

evaluation-oriented design, 104106

execution-oriented design, 99102

general design rules, 106109

goal-oriented design, 9598

outcome-oriented design, 102104

development as discipline, 80

Embodied Interaction

definition of, 92

social computing, 9394

tangible computing, 93

human processor models

for 3D UIs, 8384

GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection), 8283

KLM (Keystroke-Level Model), 82

Model Human Processor, 8182

Touch-Level Model (TLM), 83

overview of, 78

recommended reading, 121

user action models

Gulf of Execution, 8586

overview of, 84

seven stages of action, 8485

User Action Framework (UAF), 8687

User System Loop, 8788

UX (user experience) engineering

design process, 115118

design prototyping, 118119

lifecycle of, 109110

prototype evaluation, 120

requirements analysis, 112115

system concept, 112

system goals, 111112

head tracking, 213, 354

head-mounted displays (HMDs). See HWD (head-worn displays)

head-mounted projective displays (HMPDs), 144

headphones, 156, 175

head-referenced menus, 393394

head-related transfer functions (HRTFs), 48, 154155

head-worn displays. See HWD (head-worn displays)

hearing-impaired users, 106107

heart rate assessment, 66

height relative to horizon, 42

Heilig, Morton, 166

help, 158

heritage and tourism applications, 23

heuristic evaluation, 458

hierarchical task analysis, 114

high-fidelity prototypes, 119

history of 3D UIs, 1214

HMDs (head-mounted displays). See HWD (head-worn displays)

HMPDs (head-mounted projective displays), 144

holographic displays, 152153

HOMER technique, 271, 302

Hook enhancement, 272

horizon, height relative to, 42

horizontal prototypes, 118

HRTFs (head-related transfer functions), 48, 154155

human error, 64

human factors. See also human-based design


cogitive issues, evaluation of, 6366

overview of, 5859

situation awareness, 5963

guidelines, 7475

information processing

attention, 3637

decision-making, 3839

selection and control of action, 3940

stages of, 3536

overview of, 3435


auditory system, 4649

chemical sensing system, 5354

overview of, 41

perception issues, evaluation of, 5658

sensory substitution, 55

somatosensory, 5052

vision, 4146

physical ergonomics

ergonomics issues, evaluation of, 7374

feet and legs, 71

hands and arms, 7071

human motion types, 6769

musculoskeletal system, 67

posture, 7172

sensory-motor distribution, 69

recommended reading, 76

system control and, 381383

Human Interface Technology Lab, 144

human joystick metaphor, 332333

human motion types, 6769

human processor models

for 3D UIs, 8384

GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection), 8283

KLM (Keystroke-Level Model), 82

Model Human Processor, 8182

Touch-Level Model (TLM), 8283

human-based design, 423

constraints, 431432

design guidelines, 447451

feedback compliance, 425428

feedback dimensions, 424425

feedback displacement, 425

feedback substitution, 428429

passive haptic feedback, 429431

two-handed control

asymmetric techniques, 434435

Guiard’s framework, 433434

overview of, 432

symmetric techniques, 435

unconventional user interfaces, 423424

user groups, 435436

human-computer interaction. See HCI (human-computer interaction)

HWD (head-worn displays)

advantages of, 146147

Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor, 143144

characteristics of, 141142

disadvantages of, 147148

HMPDs (head-mounted projective displays), 144

need for 3D user interfaces with, 4

optical see-through displays, 145146

projector-based displays, 146

pros and cons of, 173

video see-through displays, 145

visual depth cues supported, 173

VRDs (virtual retinal displays), 144

hybrid haptic displays, 168169, 175

hybrid interaction techniques, 21

aggregation of techniques, 301

HOMER technique, 302

scaled-world grab, 302303

technique integration, 301

hybrid sensing, 212

HYDROSYS system case study

design approaches, 453454

input devices, 246247

navigation, 374376

output devices, 180183

overview of, 2930

selection and manipulation, 313314

system control, 415416

usability evaluation, 490493


ID (index of difficulty), 39

ideation, 116

IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 14

IHL (inside-the-head localization), 156

IID ( interaural intensity difference), 47

Illumroom, 149

image-plane pointing, 275

immersion, 480

Implement stage (UX engineering), 109110

IMUs (inertial measurement units), 203, 215

in-air haptics, 166167

independent variables, 459

index of difficulty (ID), 39

index of performance (IP), 40

indirect techniques

indirect control-space techniques

indirect touch, 287288

levels-of-precision (LOP) cursors, 289290

virtual interaction surfaces, 288289

virtual pad, 290291

indirect proxy techniques

Voodoo Dolls, 292294

world-in-miniature (WIM), 291292

indirect widget techniques

3D widgets, 294295

Arcball, 296297

Virtual Sphere, 295296

indirect touch, 287288

inertial measurement units (IMUs), 203, 215

inertial sensing, 203205

InForm, 164

information design, 116

information processing

attention, 3637

decision-making, 3839

information-processing pipeline, 63

selection and control of action, 3940

stages of, 3536

informative feedback, 105

infrasonic sound, 4647

input, conditions of, 323

input devices, 4, 259

2D mice and trackballs, 194196

3D mice

handheld, 221224

overview of, 221

user-worn, 224225

6-DOF devices, 198200

brain input, 227228

case studies

mobile AR case study, 246247

VR gaming case study, 244245

characteristics of, 188190


empirical evaluations, 243244

important considerations for, 238239

input device taxonomies, 240243

control dimensions, 260

definition of, 6

device placement and form factor, 261262

DIY (do it yourself) devices

connecting to computers, 236237

overview of, 234237

strategies for building, 234236

evaluation of, 22

force versus position control, 260261

integrated control, 260

joysticks, 197198

keyboards, 191194

overview of, 18, 187188

pen- and touch-based tablets, 196197

recommended reading, 248249

sensing technologies

acoustic sensing, 202203

bioelectric sensing, 211

hybrid sensing, 212

inertial sensing, 203205

magnetic sensing, 201202

mechanical sensing, 202203

optical sensing, 205210

overview of, 200

radar sensing, 210

special-purpose devices, 228234

speech input, 226227

taxonomies, 240243

tracking technologies

eye tracking, 219221

finger tracking, 214219

head and hand tracking, 213

input veracity, 479

inside-out approach, 202

inside-the-head localization (IHL), 156

instrumental feedback, 425

instruments, 91

integrated control, 260

intelligent constraints, 432

intensity of sound, 49

intent-driven selection, 272

interaction, human-computer. See HCI (human-computer interaction)

interaction design, 116

interaction fidelity components, 479480

interaction perspectives, 116

Interaction Slippers, 230231

interaction style, 381

interaction techniques, 4

control-display mappings, 252

definition of, 7

evaluation of, 22

future developments, 500505

hybrid, 21

multimodal interaction, 21

overview of, 1920, 251253

selection and manipulation

application-specific tasks, 259

bimanual techniques, 297301

canonical manipulation tasks, 257259

classifications for, 262265

definition of, 256257

design guidelines, 309311

grasping techniques, 264272

hybrid techniques, 301303

indirect techniques, 286297

input devices and, 259262

mobile AR case study, 313314

multiple-object selection, 305307

nonisomorphic 3D rotation, 303305

pointing techniques, 273280

progressive refinement, 307309

recommended reading, 315

spatial rigid object manipulation, 257

surface-based interaction techniques, 280286

VR gaming case study, 312313

system control

classification of techniques, 384

design guidelines, 412413

gestural commands, 398404

graphical menus, 386396

human factors, 381383

mobile AR case study, 415416

multimodal techniques, 409411

overview of, 380381

physical controllers, 384386

recommended reading, 417419

system factors, 383384

tools, 404410

voice commands, 396399

VR gaming case study, 414415

transfer functions, 252

two-handed, 21

interactions, 459460


interactive 3D graphics, 17

prototypes, 119

interaural intensity difference (IID), 47

interaural time difference (ITD), 47

interface requirements, 115

interface widgets, 4

interference filtering, 132

internalization, 91

interposition, 42

Intersection-based Spatial Interaction for Two Hands (iSith), 298299

interviews, 460

inventing 3D UIs

2D UI adaptation, 440444

magic and aesthetics, 444447

real-world metaphors, 438440

simulation of reality, 437438

IP (index of performance), 40

irreversible actions, confirming, 102

iSith (Intersection-based Spatial Interaction for Two Hands), 298299

isometric joysticks, 197198

isometric muscle contraction, 67

isomorphic manipulation techniques, 262263

isotonic joysticks, 197198

isotonic muscle contraction, 67

iSphere, 228230

ITD (interaural time difference), 47

iterative evaluation, 456



human joystick metaphor, 332333

isometric, 197198

isotonic, 197

Kay, Alan, 511

keyboards, 191194

Keystroke-Level Model (KLM), 82

kinematic symmetry, 479

kinesthetic cues, 52

kinetic symmetry, 479

KLM (Keystroke-Level Model), 82


labor, division of, 91

landmark knowledge, 61

landmarks, 364365

latency, 426428, 479

LCD panels, 135

lean-directed steering, 341342

learnability, 111

legibility techniques, 364365

Lego Interface Toolkit, 236

legs, ergonomics of, 71

lemniscal pathway, 50

lenticular displays, 150

levels-of-precision (LOP) cursors, 289290

lifecycle of UX (user experience) engineering, 109110

light transfer in visual displays, 129

light-based sensors, 214215

linear perspective, 43

local prototypes, 118

localization, 157

locators, 240

locomotion techniques, 501502

long-duration VR (virtual reality) sessions, 508

longitudinal evaluation, 506507

long-term memory, 5859

LOP (levels-of-precision) cursors, 289290

low-fidelity prototypes, 119

low-friction surfaces, 336337


magic and aesthetics, 444447

magnetic sensing, 201202

main effects, 459460

Maker Movement, 234237

maneuvering, 321

manipulation. See selection and manipulation

manipulation-based travel metaphors

viewpoint manipulation techniques

avatar manipulation, 350351

camera manipulation, 349350

fixed-object manipulation, 351352

world manipulation techniques, 352353


ARM (absolute and relative mapping), 279280, 304305

cognitive, 6061

future developments in, 500

maps, 365366

marker-based sensing systems, 207

markerless sensing systems, 207208

marking points along paths, 348349

massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), 93

mechanical sensing, 202203

mechanoreceptors, 50

mediation, 91

medicine, 3D UI applications in, 25

medium-fidelity prototypes, 119


long-term, 5859

working, 59

MEMS (microelectronic mechanical systems), 204

mental load, 63

mental resources, control of, 409410


graphical menus

1-DOF menus, 390391

3D widgets, 391392

adapted 2D menus, 387390

design issues, 393395

overview of, 386387

practical application, 396

virtual, 434435

metaphors, 4, 117


asymmetric bimanual techniques, 299301

overview of, 297298

symmetric bimanual techniques, 298299

classification by, 264, 325


enhancements for, 270272

finger-based grasping techniques, 267270

hand-based grasping techniques, 264267

overview of, 264


aggregation of techniques, 301

HOMER technique, 302

scaled-world grab, 302303

technique integration, 301


indirect control-space techniques, 287291

indirect proxy techniques, 291294

indirect widget techniques, 294297

manipulation-based travel

viewpoint manipulation techniques, 349352

world manipulation techniques, 352353


enhancements for, 278280

overview of, 273

pointing direction, 273

selection calculation, 273

vector-based, 273275

volume-based, 276278

selection-based travel

route-planning techniques, 347349

target-based techniques, 345347


physical steering props, 343344

spatial steering techniques, 339342


surface-based 2D interaction techniques, 280281

surface-based 3D interaction techniques, 282286


full gait techniques, 326330

gait negation techniques, 334338

partial gait techniques, 330333

methods, 8283


subjective response metrics, 461462

system performance metrics, 461

task performance metrics, 461

for testbed evaluation, 475


2D mice, 194196

3D mice

handheld 3D mice, 221224

overview of, 221

user-worn 3D mice, 224225

microelectronic mechanical systems (MEMS), 204

microphones, 226227

mimic gestures, 400

miniature keyboards, 191

mixed reality (MR), 8

MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games), 93

mobile AR (augmented reality) case study

design approaches, 453454

input devices, 246247

navigation, 374376

output devices, 180183

overview of, 2930

selection and manipulation, 313314

system control, 415416

usability evaluation, 490493

mobility-impaired users, 106107

mockups, 117

modalities (information-processing pipeline), 63

Model Human Processor, 8182

modeling clay, 236


3D UIs as, 510

activity theory

3D UIs and, 92

Activity System Model, 9192

definition of, 90

principles of, 9192

artifact, 114


affordances, 8990

designer’s model, 88

user’s model, 8889

Embodied Interaction

definition of, 92

social computing, 9394

tangible computing, 93

environment, 114

human processor

for 3D UIs, 8384

GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection), 8283

KLM (Keystroke-Level Model), 82

Model Human Processor, 8182

Touch-Level Model (TLM), 8283

performance, 456

physical, 114

user, 113

user action

Gulf of Execution, 8586

overview of, 84

seven stages of action, 8485

User Action Framework (UAF), 8687

User System Loop, 8788

modes (travel), 359360

monocular, static visual cues, 4244

motion cues, 362363

motion parallax, 45

motion types, 6769

motor control, 3940

movements, 39

movies as design inspiration, 439

MR (mixed reality), 8

MSVEs (multiscale virtual environments), 359

multi-camera techniques, 360361

multimodal interaction, 21

multimodal interfaces, 5556

multimodal techniques

advantages of, 409410

design principles, 411

overview of, 409

practical application, 411

multiple dimensions in feedback, 424425

multiple-object selection, 258, 305307

multiscale virtual environments (MSVEs), 359

multi-sensory display systems, 499500

multisensory output, 363

multisensory processing, 5556

musculoskeletal system, 67


naïve search, 320

NASA Ames Research Center, 218

NASA TLX (task load index), 65

natural user interfaces, 398

Navidget, 360


case studies

mobile AR case study, 374376

VR gaming case study, 371373

design guidelines, 367371

recommended reading, 377


active techniques, 323

classification of techniques, 323325

combining with wayfinding, 367

definition of, 318

exploration, 320

full gait techniques, 326330

gait negation techniques, 334338

maneuvering, 321

multi-camera techniques, 360361

nonphysical input, 361

partial gait techniques, 330333

passive techniques, 323

physical, 323

physical steering props, 343344

route-planning techniques, 347349

scaling-and-traveling techniques, 358359

search, 320321

semiautomated, 357

spatial steering techniques, 339342

target-based techniques, 345347

task characteristics, 322

task decomposition, 323325

travel modes, 359360

velocity specification, 355356

vertical, 356357

viewpoint manipulation techniques, 349352

viewpoint orientation, 353354

virtual, 323

world manipulation techniques, 352353


combining with travel, 367

definition of, 318319

environment-centered cues, 364367

overview of, 361

user-centered cues, 361364

Neuromancer (Gibson), 439

nociceptors, 50

nodes, 364365

nonconventional system control, 381

nonisomorphic manipulation

definition of, 262263

nonisomorphic 3D rotation, 303305, 354

nonphysical travel input, 361

novice users, designing for, 436

nulling compliance, 426

nulling correspondence, 304


object properties, 480

object-orientedness, 91

object-referenced menus, 393394


definition of, 90

god objects, 269270

reference objects, 367

occlusion, 42

oculomotor cues, 4445

olfactory cues, 54

omnidirectional treadmills

active, 336

passive, 334335

open-ended interviews, 460

open-loop motor control, 3940

operational feedback, 425

operations, 91

operators, 8283

optical see-through displays, 145146

optical sensing, 205210

orbital viewing, 354

orientation, viewpoint, 353354

Osmose, 446

outcome-oriented design

automation, 102103

control, 103104

outcomes, 91

output devices, 4

auditory displays

3D sound sampling and synthesis, 154155

ambient effects, 158

annotation and help, 158

auralization, 155

external speakers, 156157

headphones, 156

localization, 157

overview of, 153

pros and cons of, 175

sensory substitution, 158

sonification, 157

choosing, 171177

definition of, 7

fidelity level, 170171

haptic displays

in 3D UIs, 169

body-referenced, 162

combination devices, 168169

ergonomics, 160

ground-referenced, 161162

in-air haptics, 166167

overview of, 158159

passive haptics, 169

perceptual dimensions, 159

pros and cons of, 175176

resolution, 160

tactile displays, 163165

mobile AR case study, 180183

overview of, 126

recommended reading, 183186

visual displays

advances in, 17

arbitrary surface displays, 148150

autostereoscopic displays, 150153

depth cue effects, 129130, 172174

ergonomics, 129

FOR (field of regard), 127128

FOV (field of view), 127128

HWD (head-worn displays), 141148

light transfer, 129

pros and cons of, 172174

refresh rate, 129

screen geometry, 128

single-screen displays, 131134

spatial resolution, 128

surround-screen displays, 134140

tabletop displays, 139141

workbenches, 139141

VR gaming case study, 178179

outside factors for testbed evaluation, 474475

outside-in approach, 202


pain, 52

parallax barrier displays, 150

parameters of canonical tasks, 258

partial gait techniques

human joystick, 332333

overview of, 330331

walking in place, 331332

participatory design, 117

passive haptics, 169, 176, 429431

passive omnidirectional treadmills, 334

passive sensors, 189

passive stereo glasses, 132

passive travel techniques, 323

paths, 364365

drawing, 347348

marking points along, 348349

Pavlov, Ivan, 38

pedal-driven devices, 343

pen-and-tablet technique, 441443

pen-based tablets, 196197

PenguFly technique, 341


auditory system

binaural cues, 4748

HRTFs (head-related transfer functions), 48

overview of, 4647

reverberation, 48

sound intensity, 49

spatial percepts and, 49

vestibular cues, 49

chemical sensing system, 5354

overview of, 41

perception issues, evaluation of

performance measures, 57

psycho-physiological methods, 58

subjective measures, 57

typical 3D UI issues, 5657

sensory substitution, 55

somatosensory, 52

kinesthetic and proprioceptive cues, 52

overview of, 5051

pain, 52

tactile cues, 51

thermal cues, 52

spatial, 1516

system control and, 381382


binocular disparity, 4546

monocular, static visual cues, 4244

motion parallax, 45

oculomotor cues, 4445

overview of, 4142

stereopsis, 4546

perceptual dimensions, 159

perceptual user interfaces, 398


index of, 40


of cognitive issues, 6566

of perception issues, 57

of physical ergonomics issues, 74

models, 456

requirements, 115

speed of, 111

personas, 114115


aerial, 43

linear, 43

perspectives (design), 116

PET (positron emission tomography), 227

Phidgets, 238

photorealism, 445

physical affordances, 89

physical controllers, 384386

physical environment issues, 463464

physical ergonomics

ergonomics issues, evaluation of

performance measures, 74

psycho-physiological methods, 74

subjective measures, 7374

typical 3D UI issues, 73

feet and legs, 71

hands and arms, 7071

human motion types, 6769

musculoskeletal system, 67

posture, 7172

sensory-motor distribution, 69

physical mockups, 117

physical models, 114

physical steering props, 343344

physical travel, 323

physically realistic constraints, 431

pick devices, 240


Pinch Gloves, 217, 358, 388

pinching, 282

PIP (projected intersection point), 298299


graphical menus, 393394

physical controllers, 385386

plasticity of brain, 55

Pointer Orientation-based Resize Technique (PORT), 306307

pointing techniques

enhancements for

absolute and relative mapping (ARM), 279280

Bendcast, 278279

depth ray, 279

overview of, 273

pointing direction, 273

selection calculation, 273


fishing reel, 275

image-plane pointing, 275

ray-casting, 274


aperture selection, 277278

flashlight, 276

sphere-casting, 278

points, 296, 348349

popular media, influence on 3D UI, 19

PORT (Pointer Orientation-based Resize Technique), 306307

position control, 260261

positioning, 258

positron emission tomography (PET), 227

posture, 7172, 101, 398

Precise and Rapid Interaction through Scaled Manipulation (PRISM), 271

precision, 479

precision-grip devices, 261262

presence, sense of, 45, 363, 462, 465

primed search, 320

PRISM (Precise and Rapid Interaction through Scaled Manipulation), 271

problem scenarios, 114115

procedural knowledge, 61, 8586

progressive refinement

Double Bubble technique, 309

Expand technique, 308

overview of, 307

SQUAD technique, 307308

projected intersection point (PIP), 298299

projector-based displays, 146

proprioception, 5051

proprioceptive cues, 52

proprioceptors, 5051

props, 343344, 405, 429431

prototypes, 118119. See also DIY (do it yourself) devices

benefits and drawbacks of, 118

breadth of, 118

depth of, 118

evaluating, 120

fidelity of, 119

horizontal, 118

interactivity of, 119

local, 118

rapid prototyping, 505506

T prototypes, 118

vertical, 118

proxy techniques

Voodoo Dolls, 292294

world-in-miniature (WIM), 291292

psychiatry, 3D UI applications in, 25

psycho-physiological methods

for cognitive issue evaluation, 66

for perception issue evaluation, 58

of physical ergonomics issues, 74

push-to-talk schemes, 226

“put-that-there” technique, 410


quantifying 3D UI benefits, 508509

questionnaires, 460

radar sensing, 210

radio frequency identification (RFID), 407

rapid evaluations, 120

rapid prototyping, 505506

Rasberry Pi, 236237

rate of errors, 111

ray-based modeling, 155

ray-casting technique, 105, 274

reach design guideline, 100101

reactive feedback, 425

real walking, 326328

real world

adaptation from, 438440

real-world metaphors, 438440

use of 3D UIs, 507509

realism, 478

reality, simulating, 437438

recall, 108

reciprocal impacts, 26

recognition, 108109

recommended reading

design approaches, 454

HCI (human-computer interaction), 121

human factors, 76

input devices, 248249

navigation, 377

output devices, 183186

selection and manipulation, 315

system control, 417419

usability evaluation, 493494

recovery (error), 106

redirected walking, 328329

reference frames, 6163

reference objects, 367

referents, 400

reflective processing, 112

refresh rate, 129, 480481

regard, field of, 127128, 480481

relative mapping, 279280

relative size, as visual cue, 42

repeatability, 479

representations, 58

design representations, 117118

graphical menus, 394395

representation-based target techniques, 345346

representative subsets of manipulation tasks, 257

representative users, 468470

requirement statements, 115

requirements, 115

requirements analysis

contextual analysis, 113115

contextual inquiry, 113

overview of, 112113

requirements extraction, 115

requirements extraction, 115

research questions, 459


display resolution, 480481

haptic displays, 160

spatial, 128


decision-making, 3839

selection and control of action, 3940

stimulus-response compatibility, 39

Responsive Workbench, 139

retainability, 111

reverberation, 48

RFID (radio frequency identification), 407

rigid-body fingers, 268

rigorous evaluations, 120

ring menus, 390391

Ring Mouse, 224

robotics, 3D UI applications in, 25

rotation, 258, 280281

Arcball, 296

family of rotations, 296

nonisomorphic 3D rotation, 354

nonisomorphic 3D rotation techniques, 303305

route knowledge, 61

route-planning techniques, 347349

rules, 91, 480


SAGAT (Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique), 65

sampling, 154155

Samsung Gear VR, 107

Santa Barbara Sense of Direction (SBSOD), 6465

SARCOS Dextrous Arm Master, 161

satisfaction, 111

SBSOD (Santa Barbara Sense of Direction), 6465

scaled walking, 329330

scaled-world grab, 302303

scaling, 258, 435

scaling-and-traveling techniques, 358359

scenario fidelity components, 480

scenarios (design), 117

screen geometry, 128

scripted prototypes, 119

search strategies, 363364

search tasks, 320321

selection and manipulation, 258

application-specific tasks, 259

bimanual techniques

asymmetric bimanual techniques, 299301

overview of, 297298

symmetric bimanual techniques, 298299

canonical manipulation tasks, 257259

case studies

mobile AR case study, 313314

VR gaming case study, 312313

classifications for, 262265

control of action and, 3940

definition of, 256257

design guidelines, 309311

graphical menus, 394

grasping techniques

hand-based, 264267

overview of, 264

hybrid techniques

aggregation of techniques, 301

HOMER technique, 302

scaled-world grab, 302303

technique integration, 301

indirect techniques

indirect control-space techniques, 287291

indirect proxy techniques, 291294

indirect widget techniques, 294297

input devices and, 259

control dimensions, 260

device placement and form factor, 261262

force versus position control, 260261

integrated control, 260

manipulation-based travel metaphors

viewpoint manipulation techniques, 349352

world manipulation techniques, 352353

multiple-object selection, 305307

nonisomorphic 3D rotation techniques, 303305

pointing techniques

enhancements for, 278280

overview of, 273

pointing direction, 273

selection calculation, 273

vector-based, 273275

volume-based, 276278

progressive refinement

Double Bubble technique, 309

Expand technique, 308

overview of, 307

SQUAD technique, 307308

recommended reading, 315

selection-based travel metaphors

route-planning techniques, 347349

target-based techniques, 345347

surface-based interaction techniques

2D techniques, 280281

3D techniques, 282286

target selection, 323

velocity/acceleration selection, 323

selection calculation, 273

selection volumes

defining, 306

selection-volume widget, 306307

selection-based travel metaphors

route-planning techniques, 347349

target-based techniques, 345347

selection-volume widget, 306307

selective attention, 37

semantic knowledge, 8586

semantics, 432

semiautomated travel, 357

Senseboard, 193194

sensing technologies. See also tracking technologies

acoustic sensing, 202203

bioelectric sensing, 211

hybrid sensing, 212

inertial sensing, 203205

magnetic sensing, 201202

mechanical sensing, 202203

optical sensing, 205210

overview of, 200

radar sensing, 210

Sensorama, 166

sensors. See also tracking technologies

acoustic, 202203

active, 189

bioelectric, 211, 212

goniometer sensors, 214215

inertial, 203205

light-based, 214215

magnetic, 201202

mechanical, 202203

optical, 205210

passive, 189

radar, 210

sensory affordances, 89

sensory dimensions (feedback), 425

sensory substitution, 55, 158

sensory-motor distribution, 69

sequential evaluation, 470473

serial selection mode, 305

Seven Stages of Action, 477


and illusion of depth, 43

void shadows, 282283

ShapeTag, 228

shutter glass synchronization, 138139

sign language, 400

signs, 367

simple virtual hand, 264266

simplicity, 9596

simulation of reality, 437438

simulator sickness. See cybersickness

simulator systems

3D UI applications in, 24

overview of, 18

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), 208

single-object selection, 258

single-point world manipulation, 352

single-screen displays, 131134

CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment), 134

characteristics of, 134135

curved surround-screen displays, 136138

front projection, 139

pros and cons of, 138139, 172

visual depth cues supported, 172

situation awareness

cognitive mapping, 6061

reference frames, 6163

spatial judgements, 6163

spatial knowledge types, 61

wayfinding, 5960

Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT), 65


of displays, 480481

relative size, 42

SKETCH modeling system, 359, 443

sketching, 116

skills, decision-making and, 3839

SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), 208

smart 3D UIs, 503

SmartScene, 358

Snow Crash (Stephenson), 439

social 3D UIs, 510

social context, 113

soft keyboards, 193

soft-body fingers, 269

software tools, 2122

somatosensory system, 52

kinesthetic and proprioceptive cues, 52

overview of, 5051

pain, 52

tactile cues, 51

thermal cues, 52

sonification, 157

sound cues. See auditory cues

sound displays. See auditory displays

sound intensity, 49

sound sampling, 154155

spatial cognition. See cognition

spatial compliance, 426

spatial input devices

3D mice

handheld 3D mice, 221224

overview of, 221

user-worn 3D mice, 224225

sensing technologies

acoustic sensing, 202203

bioelectric sensing, 211

hybrid sensing, 212

inertial sensing, 203205

magnetic sensing, 201202

mechanical sensing, 202203

optical sensing, 205210

overview of, 200

radar sensing, 210

tracking technologies

eye tracking, 219221

finger tracking, 214219

head and hand tracking, 213

spatial judgements, 6163

spatial knowledge types, 61

spatial orientation, 6061

spatial perception, 1516

spatial percepts, 49

spatial resolution, 128, 159

spatial rigid object manipulation, 257. See also selection and manipulation

spatial steering techniques, 339342

speakers, external, 156157, 175

special-purpose input devices, 228234

spectral multiplexing, 132

speech input, 226227

speech recognition engines, 396

speech recognition systems, 396397

speech-connected hand gestures, 400

speed of performance, 111

speed-accuracy trade-off, 39

sphere-casting, 278

Spindle + Wheel technique, 299300

Spindle technique, 298

spinothamalic pathway, 50

SQUAD technique, 307308

stages of action, 8485

stages of processing (information-processing pipeline), 63

stakeholders, 113

standardization, 504505

standards, 2526

statements (requirement), 115

static visual cues, 4244


gaze-directed steering, 339340

hand-directed steering, 340341

lean-directed steering, 341342

physical steering props, 343344

steering law, 40

torso-directed steering, 341

step-based devices, 337338

Stephenson, Neil, 439

stereo glasses, 131132

stereo-based cameras, 205

stereopsis, 4546

stereoscopy, 480481

stimulus-response compatibility, 39

storyboards, 117

strafe, 339

strategies, design. See design

strength design guideline, 101

strings, 240

strokes, 240

structure, design principles for, 97

structured interviews, 460

structured-light depth cameras, 205

subcutaneous sensations, 50

subjective measures

of cognitive issues, 6465

of perception issues, 57

of physical ergonomics issues, 7374

subjective response metrics, 461462

Subjective Workload Assessment Technique (SWAT), 65

subjects, 90


feedback substitution, 428429

sensory substitution, 55

summative evaluations, 120, 459460

surface friction tactile displays, 165

surface-based gestures, 400

surface-based interaction techniques

2D techniques

dragging, 280

rotating, 280281

3D techniques

balloon selection, 283284

corkscrew widget, 284285

pinching, 282

triangle cursor, 285286

void shadows, 282283

surround-screen displays

pros and cons of, 172

visual depth cues supported, 172

survey knowledge, 61

Sutherland, Ivan, 12

SWAT (Subjective Workload Assessment Technique), 65

sweeping gestures, 400


symbolic gestures, 400

symmetric bimanual techniques, 298299, 435

symmetry, 479480

synchronous tasks, 433

synthesis, 154155

system characteristics, 474475

system concept, 112

system control

case studies

mobile AR case study, 415416

VR gaming case study, 414415

classification of techniques, 384

design guidelines, 412413

gestural commands

design issues, 401402

overview of, 398

practical application, 402404

techniques, 400401

graphical menus

1-DOF menus, 390391

3D widgets, 391392

adapted 2D menus, 387390

design issues, 393395

overview of, 386387

practical application, 396

human factors, 381383

multimodal techniques

advantages of, 409410

design principles, 411

overview of, 409

practical application, 411

overview of, 380381

physical controllers, 384386

recommended reading, 417419


design issues, 408

overview of, 404405

practical application, 408410

techniques, 405408

voice commands

design issues, 397

practical application, 397399

speech recognition systems, 396397

system goals, 111112

system performance metrics, 461


T prototypes, 118

tabletop displays, 139141

pros and cons of, 173

visual depth cues supported, 173

tablets, 196197

tactile augmentation, 430431

tactile cues, 51, 52

tactile displays, 163165, 175

tangible computing, 93

tangible user interfaces (TUIs), 93, 405408

target selection, 323

target-based travel techniques, 345347

Task Analysis/Workload scale, 65

task load index (TLX), 65


characteristics, 474475


classification by, 263264

travel, 323325

parameters, 258

performance metrics, 461

task models, 114

task space, 258

travel tasks

exploration, 320

maneuvering, 321

search, 320321

task characteristics, 322

TAWL (Task Analysis/Workload scale), 65


input device taxonomies, 240243

testbed evaluation, 474

technique integration, 301

HOMER technique, 302

scaled-world grab, 302303

technological background, 1719

telepresence systems, 18, 94

telerobotics, 8

temporal compliance, 426428

testbed evaluation

benefits of, 485486

costs of, 484485

examples of, 476

goals of, 483

initial evaluation, 473474

outside factors, 474475

overview of, 473

performance metrics, 475

results, applying, 475476, 486494

taxonomy, 474

when to use, 483484

texture gradient, 43

theoretical background, 1516

thermal cues, 52

thermoreceptors, 50

Three-Up, Labels In Palm (TULIP) technique, 388

time-of-flight depth cameras, 205

TLM (Touch-Level Model), 8283

TLX (task load index), 65


3D UIs as, 510

design tools, 116

dynamic alignment tools, 432

overview of, 404405

software, 2122

system control

design issues, 408

practical application, 408410

techniques, 405408

torso-directed steering, 341

touch, indirect, 287288

touch-based tablets, 196197

Touch-Level Model (TLM), 8283

tourism applications, 23

trackballs, 194196

tracking technologies. See also sensing technologies

eye tracking, 219221

finger tracking, 214219

head and hand tracking, 213

traditional input devices

2D mice and trackballs, 194196

desktop 6-DOF input devices, 198200

joysticks, 197198

keyboards, 191194

pen- and touch-based tablets, 196197

trails, 367

training, 3D UI applications in, 24

transfer function symmetry, 480

transfer functions, 252


active techniques, 323

classification of techniques, 323325

combining with wayfinding, 367

definition of, 318

design guidelines, 367371

exploration, 320

full gait techniques

overview of, 326

real walking, 326328

redirected walking, 328329

scaled walking, 329330

gait negation techniques

active omnidirectional treadmills, 336

low-friction surfaces, 336337

overview of, 334

passive omnidirectional treadmills, 334335

step-based devices, 337338

maneuvering, 321

multi-camera techniques, 360361

nonphysical input, 361

partial gait techniques

human joystick, 332333

overview of, 330331

walking in place, 331332

passive techniques, 323

physical, 323

physical steering props, 343344

recommended reading, 377

route-planning techniques, 347349

scaling-and-traveling techniques, 358359

search, 320321

semiautomated, 357

spatial steering techniques, 339342

target-based techniques, 345347

task characteristics, 322

task decomposition, 323325

travel modes, 359360

velocity specification, 355356

vertical, 356357

viewpoint manipulation techniques

avatar manipulation, 350351

camera manipulation, 349350

fixed-object manipulation, 351352

viewpoint orientation, 353354

virtual, 323

world manipulation techniques, 352353


active omnidirectional treadmills, 336

low-friction surfaces, 336337

passive omnidirectional treadmills, 334

step-based devices, 337338

triangle cursor, 285286

true 3D displays, 498

TUIs (tangible user interfaces), 93, 405408

TULIP (Three-Up, Labels In Palm) technique, 388

two-handed control, 21

asymmetric techniques, 434435

Guiard’s framework, 433434

overview of, 432

symmetric techniques, 435

two-points threshold test, 159


UAF (User Action Framework), 8687

UbiComp (ubiquitous computing), 8

UI (user interface), 6

ultrasonic sound, 4647

ultrasound-based in-air haptics, 166

unconventional user interfaces, 423424

UniCam, 359

unimanual action, 71, 433

Uniport, 343

universal tasks, interaction techniques for, 20


definition of, 7, 457

evaluating. See usability evaluation

improving, 111

usability evaluation

case studies

mobile AR case study, 490493

VR gaming case study, 489490

characteristics of, 463

evaluation type issues, 466467

evaluator issues, 464465

general issues, 468469

physical environment issues, 463464

user issues, 465466

of cognitive issues

performance measures, 6566

psycho-physiological methods, 66

subjective measures, 6465

typical 3D UI issues, 6364

empirical evaluations, 243244

evaluation approaches

comparison of, 482486

component evaluation, 477482

definition of, 457

sequential evaluation, 470473

testbed evaluation, 473476

evaluation methods, 457460

classification of, 468470

cognitive walkthroughs, 458

formative evaluations, 458

heuristic evaluation, 458

interviews and demos, 460

questionnaires, 460

summative evaluations, 459460

evaluation type issues, 466467

evaluation-oriented design

error recovery, 106

feedback, 104105

evaluators, 457, 464465

formal experimentation in, 488489

future developments, 505507

guidelines for, 487489

iterative, 456

overview of, 2223

of perception issues

performance measures, 57

psycho-physiological methods, 58

subjective measures, 57

typical 3D UI issues, 5657

of physical ergonomics issues

performance measures, 74

psycho-physiological methods, 74

subjective measures, 7374

typical 3D UI issues, 73

prototypes, 120

purposes of, 456457

recommended reading, 493494

subjective response metrics, 461462

system performance metrics, 461

task performance metrics, 461

terminology for, 457

usability properties of 3D rotation mappings, 304305

usefulness, 111112

User Action Framework (UAF), 8687

user action models

Gulf of Execution, 8586

overview of, 84

seven stages of action, 8485

User Action Framework (UAF), 8687

User System Loop, 8788

user characteristics, 474475

user comfort, 73, 111, 462

user experience. See UX (user experience) engineering

user experience engineering. See UX (user experience) engineering

user groups, designing for, 435436

user intent, 503

user interface (UI), 6

user models, 113

User System Loop, 8788

user-centered wayfinding cues, 361364

user-preference scales, 57

user’s model, 8889

User-System Loop, 477

user-worn 3D mice, 224225

uTrack, 225

UX (user experience) engineering, 7

evaluation, 7

future developments, 498500

lifecycle of, 109110

system concept, 112

system goals, 111112


valuators, 240


dependent, 459

independent, 459

VE (virtual environment), 8

vector-based pointing techniques

fishing reel, 275

image-plane pointing, 275

ray-casting, 274

velocity specification, 355356

velocity/acceleration selection, 323

vergence, 4445

vertical prototypes, 118

vertical travel, 356357

vestibular cues, 49

vibrotactile displays, 163

video see-through displays, 145

view, field of, 127128, 362, 480481

viewpoint manipulation techniques

avatar manipulation, 350351

camera manipulation, 349350

fixed-object manipulation, 351352

viewpoint orientation, 353354

virtual body, 363

virtual environment (VE), 8

virtual interaction surfaces, 288289

virtual keyboards, 193194

virtual menus, 434435

Virtual Notepad, 441

virtual pad, 290291

virtual reality. See VR (virtual reality)

virtual retinal displays (VRDs), 144

Virtual Showcase, 148149

Virtual Sphere, 295296

Virtual Trackball techniques, 295296

virtual travel, 323

Virtual Tricorder metaphor, 445

visceral processing, 112

visibility, 98, 322


overview of, 41

vision-based sensor systems, 210

vision-impaired users, 106107

visual cues

binocular disparity, 4546

monocular, static visual cues, 4244

motion parallax, 45

oculomotor cues, 4445

overview of, 4142

stereopsis, 4546

vision-impaired users, 106107

visual channels (information-processing pipeline), 63

visual cues

binocular disparity, 4546

monocular, static visual cues, 4244

motion parallax, 45

oculomotor cues, 4445

overview of, 4142

stereopsis, 4546

visual data analysis, 24

visual displays

advances in, 17

arbitrary surface, 148150


holographic displays, 152153

lenticular displays, 150

parallax barrier displays, 150

volumetric displays, 150152

depth cue effects, 129130, 172174

ergonomics, 129

FOR (field of regard), 127128

FOV (field of view), 127128

HWD (head-worn displays)

advantages of, 146147

Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor, 143144

characteristics of, 141142

disadvantages of, 147148

HMPDs (head-mounted projective displays), 144

optical see-through displays, 145146

projector-based displays, 146

video see-through displays, 145

VRDs (virtual retinal displays), 144

light transfer, 129

pros and cons of, 172174

refresh rate, 129

resolution, 480481

screen geometry, 128

single-screen, 131134

size of, 480481

spatial resolution, 128


CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment), 134

characteristics of, 134135

curved surround-screen displays, 136137

front projection, 139

pros and cons of, 137139

tabletop, 139141

workbenches, 139141

visual sphere techniques, 354

visualization, 16

vocabulary, 107108

voice commands

design issues, 397

practical application, 397399

speech recognition systems, 396397

void shadows, 282283

volume-based pointing techniques

aperture selection, 277278

flashlight, 276

sphere-casting, 278

volume-based selection techniques, 305306

volumes (selection)

defining, 306

selection-volume widget, 306307

volumetric displays, 150152

Voodoo Dolls, 292294, 444445

vortex-based in-air tactile displays, 166167

VPL DataGlove, 12

VR (virtual reality), 8

definition of, 8

future developments, 503504

long-duration VR sessions, 508

need for 3D user interfaces with, 4

overview of, 18

VR gaming case study

design approaches, 452

input devices, 244245

navigation, 371373

output devices, 178179

overview of, 28

selection and manipulation, 312313

system control, 414415

usability evaluation, 489490

VR sickness, 462

VR gaming case study

design approaches, 452

input devices, 244245

navigation, 371373

output devices, 178179

overview of, 28

selection and manipulation, 312313

system control, 414415

usability evaluation, 489490

VRDs (virtual retinal displays), 144

VRML specification, 25


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), 25

walking in place, 331332

walking metaphors

full gait techniques

overview of, 326

real walking, 326328

redirected walking, 328329

scaled walking, 329330

gait negation techniques

active omnidirectional treadmills, 336

low-friction surfaces, 336337

overview of, 334

passive omnidirectional treadmills, 334335

step-based devices, 337338

partial gait techniques

human joystick, 332333

overview of, 330331

walking in place, 331332

Wanda input device, 221222

Ware, Colin, 221222

wave-based modeling, 155

wave-field synthesis, 155

wayfinding, 5960

combining with travel, 367

design guidelines, 367371

environment-centered cues, 364367

overview of, 361

recommended reading, 377

user-centered cues, 361364

Wheel lifecycle (UX engineering), 109110

Where the Action Is: The Foundations of Embodied Interactions (Dourish), 92

whole-body interaction, 401


3D widgets, 391392

handheld, 391

indirect widget techniques

3D widgets, 294295

Arcball, 296297

Virtual Sphere, 295296

Navidget, 360

overview of, 20

Phidgets, 238

WIM (world-in-miniature), 291292, 350

WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, and Pointers), 194195

within-subjects design, 459

Wizard of Oz prototypes, 119

work activity notes, 114

work roles, 113

workbenches, 139141

pros and cons of, 173

visual depth cues supported, 173

working memory, 59

world manipulation techniques, 352353

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 25

world-grounded haptic devices, 161162

world-in-miniature (WIM), 291292, 350

world-referenced menus, 393394

X3D, 25

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