
Accidental assumption of liability, 56–57

Adequate capitalization, 18–19

Adequately capitalized limited liability companies, 32

Agent for service of process, 28, 43

Agents of the corporation, 40

Alter ego, 58

Annual board and shareholder meetings, 50

Arbitrary marks, 67

Arbitration, 9

Articles of incorporation, 41–44

Articles of organization. See Certificate of organization

Assets, 17

Assignment of contract, 54

Authorized shares, 38

of corporation, 42

Availability, of business names, 64


Bankruptcy, 10–11

Binding arbitration, 9

Blue sky laws, 46

Board of directors, 39

resolutions, 45

Branding, 63

Business bankruptcy, 10

Business entities, income tax treatment of

pass-through entities, 75–76

tax-regarded entities, 76–78

Business judgment rule, 101

Business licenses, 16

Business name, registering as trademark, 69

Business partnerships, 99–101

Business risk

best business form to manage, 94

evaluation of, 93–94

Businesses with multiple owners

business partnerships, 99–101

general partnerships, 101–103

limited liability company and corporations, 103–104

limited partnerships, 105


C corporation, 36–37

tax-regarded entities, 80

vs. S corporation, 51

Capital account, 20

Capital obligations, 103

Capitalization, 18–19

Certificate of formation. See Certificate of organization

Certificate of incorporation. See Articles of incorporation

Certificate of organization, 26–29

Chief financial officer (CFO), 39–40

Class of stock, 38

Clients, contracts with, 88–91

Close corporations, 51–52

Contract law, 56

Contracts, 85

with clients, 88–91

legal entity, binding

formal agreements, 86–87

informal agreements, 87–88

with owner, 91

Corporate personhood, 13

Corporate separateness

adequate capitalization, 18–19

assets, 17

compliance, 18

financial records, 17

money matters, 16–17

recordkeeping, 18

visibility, 19

Corporate stock, 38–39

Corporate veil, piercing, 58

Corporations, 95

authorized shares of, 42

C corporation, 36–37

close, 51–52

corporate stock terminology, 38–39

formation of

articles of incorporation, 41–44

board of directors organizing resolutions, 45

incorporator’s resolution, 44

postformation compliance, 45–47

shareholder’s resolution, 45

idea of, 35

limited liability, 40–41

limited liability companies and, 36, 39

management of

bylaws, 47–48

formal business records, 50–51

with multiple owners, 103–104

name of, 42

ownership and management, 38–40

pros and cons of, 35

S corporation, 36–37

taxes for, 51

Creditors, 10–11, 36, 102


Debt, 19–20

Declaration of partnership, 105

Delaware corporation, 14, 86

Descriptive marks, 66

Directors, 39, 40–41

Disaster planning, 31, 104

Distinctiveness, spectrum of, 66, 67

Dividends, 77

Documenting approvals, for legal entity, 15

Double taxation, 51, 76, 78

Duty of care, 101

Duty of loyalty, 100

Elections, tax treatment, 81–83

Employer identification number (EIN), 73

Employment taxes, 74–75


formation, obligations assumed before, 54–55

pass-through, 75–76

tax-regarded, 76–78

Entity Classification Election, 82

Equity, 20–21


Famous trademarks, 67

Fanciful marks, 67

Federal tax ID number, obtaining, 73–74

Fictitious business name statement, 3

Fiduciary duties, 100–101

Financial records, 17

Form LLC-12, 29

Form SS-4, 73

Form W-9, 73

Form 1099-MISC, 74

Form 2553, 82

Form 8832, 82

Formal agreements, 86–87

Formal business records

for corporations, 50–51

for limited liability companies, 33–34

Formal guarantees, 55–56

Formal separateness, maintaining, 58–59

Franchise taxes, 33, 74


General partner, 105

General partnerships, 101–103

Generic terms, as trademarks, 66

Governance, formalities of, 15

Impromptu searches, for name vetting process, 69

Income taxes, 33

treatment of business entities

pass-through entities, 75–76

tax-regarded entities, 76–78

Income taxpayer, 24

Incorporator, 42

information, 44

resolution, 44

Informal agreements, 87–88

Insurance, for risk management, 6–7

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 17, 24, 73

Issued shares, 38–39


Jointly and severally liable for business’s debts, 102

Judgment lien, 9


Legal entity

in any state, 14–15

comparison, 95


formal agreements, 86–87

informal agreements, 87–88

corporate separateness

adequate capitalization, 18–19

assets, 17

compliance, 18

financial records, 17

money matters, 16–17

recordkeeping, 18

visibility, 19

financing and ownership

debt, 19–20

equity, 20–21

formation of, 14–15

meaning of, 13


business licenses and local tax registrations, 16

documenting approvals, 15

ownership, documentation of, 16

Legal fictions, 13

maintaining, 16

Liability, accidental assumption of, 56–57

Licensing and registrations, local business, 33

Limited liability, 4, 24–26, 40–41

losing through litigation, 58–61

voluntarily accepting personal responsibility, 53

liability, accidental assumption of, 56–57

obligations assumed before entity’s formation, 54–55

personal guarantees and waivers of limited liability, 55–56

waivers of, 55–56

Limited liability companies (LLC), 4, 23–24, 95

corporations and, 36, 39

formal business records, 33–34

formation of

agent for service of process, 28

effective date of filing, 28–29

mailing address of company, 28

management, 28

name of business, 26

purpose of business, 26–27

limited liability, 24–26

membership interests as security, 47

with multiple owners, 103–104

operating agreement of, 29–31

organization structure for, 24

ownership and member contributions of, 31–32

pros and cons of, 23

statutory filings and other maintenance formalities, 32–33

Limited liability company agreement. See Operating agreement

Limited Offering Exemption Notice, 46

Limited partners, 105

Limited partnerships, 105

agreement, 105


losing limited liability through, 58–61

risk, 7–9

strategy, 58

Local tax registrations, 16


Manager managed limited liability companies, 28

Membership interests, 24

certificate, 32

as security, 47

Merger clause, protecting with, 56

Minute book, 18

Model Business Corporation Act, 42, 48

Money matters, separate existence of, 16–17


Name vetting process, 69–71

Naming business

state requirements for, 63–64

trademark law, pitfalls of, 64–69

way to approach name vetting process, 69–71

Negligence, 59

No Tax Due Report, 74


Officers, corporate, 39, 40–41

Online payment service, 17

Operating agreement, 29–31

Operating as sole proprietorship, 94–96

advantages of, 2–3

disadvantage of, 4

Outstanding shares, 39

Owner, contracts with, 91

Ownership documentation, of legal entity, 16


Partnerships. See specific partnerships

Pass-through entities, 75–76

S corporation, 80

Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), 68

Periodic reporting, of limited liability companies, 32–33

Personal bankruptcy, 4, 10

Personal guarantees, 55–56

Personal liability, 4, 25

Personal names, as trademarks, 67

Personal responsibility, voluntarily accepting, 53

liability, accidental assumption of, 56–57

obligations assumed before entity’s formation, 54–55

personal guarantees and waivers of limited liability, 55–56

Preamble, 86

President, corporate, 39

Property and liability (P&L) policy, 6


“Reasonable cause”, 83

Recordkeeping, 18

Risk management

bankruptcy, case scenario, 10–11

limited liability, 4

litigation risk, 7–9

risk assessment, 5–7

sole proprietorships, 1–4


S corporation, 36–37

pass-through entities, 80

vs. C corporation, 51

Sale, restrictions on, 104

Secretary, corporate, 39

Secretary of State, 28, 32, 41

Securities, 46

membership interests as, 47

Separate existence, of legal entity, 13. See also Corporate separateness

Service of process, 8

Settlement agreement, 9

Shareholders, 38, 40

agreement, 52

meetings, 50

resolution, 45

Signature page, 86, 87

Single-member limited liability companies, 24

Sole proprietorship, 1–4, 95

assumption of, 54

Spectrum of distinctiveness, 66, 67

State franchise taxes, 74

State requirements, for naming business, 63–64

State securities laws, 46

Statutory filings, 32–33


class of, 38

corporate, 38–39

Stockholders. See Shareholders

Subchapter S election, 51, 82, 83

Suggestive marks, 66

Sweat equity, 20


Tax-regarded entities, 76

benefits of, 76–78

C corporation, 80

example of, 78–81


cost and, 96–97

employment, 74–75

federal tax ID number, obtaining, 73–74

income tax treatment of business entities

pass-through entities, 75–76

tax-regarded entities, 76–78

state franchise, 74

treatment elections, mechanics of, 81–83

Technical searches, for name vetting process, 69

Trademark analysis, conducting, 70–71

Trademark law, pitfalls of, 64–69

Trademark lawyer, 68

Trademark screening service, 68


Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, 87

“Use in commerce”, 65

Voting rights, 104


Waivers of limited liability, 55–56

Written consents, 15

“Wrongful” actions, avoiding, 59

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