

! 194

- 180, 556, 597

-- 186

!= 191

" 25

# 597

$ 557, 595

% 178, 595

%= 182

& 194

&& 196

&= 195

( 597

() 558

* 108, 121, 174, 178, 558

*= 182

+ 180, 185, 558, 597

+ concatenation 446

++ 186

+= 182

, 597

. 7, 105, 117, 470, 557, 596

.. 470

... 90, 95, 269, 270

/ 178, 468

/* and */ 26

/** and */ 27

// 26

/= 182

: 119, 468

; 45, 468

< 190, 595

<= 190

<> 664

-= 182

= 123, 169

== 191

> 190

>= 190

? 558, 675, 677, 682

? extends T 675, 682

? super T 676, 683

?: 201

@Override 289, 718

@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") 726

[] 70, 72, 555

24, 468, 555, 561

194, 555, 557

∧= 195

{} 45, 71, 131

194, 558

∣= 195




0 597

2's complement 1010


absolute pathnames 469, 471


classes 135

interfaces 135

methods 150

abstract data type 662

abstract method declarations in interfaces 310

abstract pathnames 469

abstraction 2, 10

access order 823, 824

accessibility 7, 16, 129

anonymous classes 380

default 132, 142

local classes 372

members 129, 135, 138

modifiers 132

non-static member classes 362

package 132

private 143

protected 141

public 139

static member classes 357

UML 139

accessibility modifiers 40, 48

activation record

see method execution 235

actual parameter 81

actual parameter list 81, 323

actual type parameters 665

adding to class 284

additive operators 180

aggregation 10, 12, 287

hierarchy 287

aliases 6, 192, 193

see also references

ambiguous call 324

analyzing program code 854

anchoring 557

anchors 557


@Override 289, 718

@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") 726

anonymous arrays 74

[] 74

anonymous classes 377, 773

event listeners 377

anti-symmetric 766

Apostrophe 24

appending elements 805

application 15, 563


see actual parameter

argument index 595

arguments to main method 95

ArithmeticException 241

array creation expression 70, 74

array initializer block 74

array list 806

array operations 790

array store check 319, 726

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 73, 241

arrays 69, 424

[] 70, 72

{} 71

anonymous 74

array creation expression 70

array initialize list 71, 74

array name 70

array size 71

array store check 319, 726

collection operations 790

declarations 70

default initialization 70, 71

dynamic 806

element default value 318

element type 70

elements 69, 72

index expression 72

initialization 71, 76

iterating over 220

length 69

multidimensional 76

objects 424

ragged 76

reference 70, 73, 319

searching 843

sorting 842

subtype covariance 317

arrays of arrays 69, 76

multidimensional 76

ArrayStoreException 319, 790

ASCII 23, 29

assert statement 265

see assertions 265

AssertionError 243, 265, 266

see also assertions 265

assertions 265, 376

assert statement 265

compiling 267

conditional compilation 275

control flow invariants 274

enabling and disabling 269

internal invariants 273

postconditions 275

preconditions 275

using 272

assignable 164, 322


widening reference 679

widening reference conversions 287

assignment compatible 164, 322

assignment conversions 164


cascading 170

compound operators 182, 195

expression statement 170

implicit narrowing 171

multiple 170

numeric conversions 171

operator 167, 169

primitive values 169

references 169

associativity 167, 168

asynchronous 615

attributes see properties

autoboxing 430

automatic garbage collection 6, 390

automatic variables see local variables

automaton 554


Backslash 24

Backspace 24

backtracking 559

bags 796

balanced tree 782, 783

base 22, 431, 434

base class 284

basic collection operations 784

basic map operations 821


numbers 1005

numeric promotion 166

operators 167

binary files 480, 481

binary numbers 1005

binary representation

see binary values

binary search

arrays 843

lists 840

binary values 480, 481

bit patterns 1010

blank final variable 89, 149

blocked for I/O state 635

blocked for join completion state 635

blocked for lock acquisition state 635

blocking operations 476

blocks 44, 45, 131

catch 246

finally 246, 251

scope 131

try 245


conditional expression 204

boolean conversion 598

Boolean wrapper class 437

booleans 28, 30

casting 165

expressions 190

literals 23

boundary matchers 557

bounded type parameters constraint 684

bounded wildcard 675

bounds constraint 684


for(:) statement 221

boxing conversions 162

break statement 209, 224

bridge method 716, 768

BS see Backspace

buckets 760

buffering streams 479

builder tools 41

building abstractions 10

bulk map operations 822

bulk operations on collections 785

byte 22, 28

byte code 15

byte streams 468


C 151

C++ 151

cache 153

Calendar 536

calendar 539

constants 538

factory methods 537

field numbers 537

field values 538

call chaining 81

call stack

see runtime stack 235

call-by-reference 86

call-by-value 86

callee 81

caller 81

canonical path 471

capture conversion 163, 705

capture of 703

carriage return 24, 25

cascading assignments 170

cascading if-else statements 207

case labels 207, 208

case-sensitivity 20

cast 730

cast operator 161, 164, 166, 328

casting 164

see also conversions

catch block 246

catch-and-throw paradigm 235

catching exceptions 235

ceiling entry 828

ceiling key 828

certification 851, 959

chained streams 468

chaining 416

constructors 306, 416

finalizers 397

new operator 365

changing list contents 841

char 29


non-delimiter 575

regular expression 554

character class 555

predefined 557

character conversion 598

character encoding 488

see also character sets

character sequences

see strings and string builders

character set

ASCII 23, 29, 488

ISO Latin-1 23, 29

Unicode 23, 29, 488

character streams 468, 488

Character wrapper class 436

character-based device

console 500

characters 29

literals 23

searching for 448

checked exceptions 243

child class 284

child threads 615, 619

choosing between String and StringBuilder class 456

Class class 425

class file 15

class literals 733

class lock 626, 631

class method 10

class modifiers 40

class path

absolute pathnames 119

entries order 119

entry-separator character 119

fully qualified package name 119

path-separator character 119

relative pathnames 119

search in a named package 118

searching for classes 117

searching in JAR files 121

white space 120

wild card * 121

class path wildcard 121

class search path

see class path

class variable 10

ClassCastException 242, 329


abstract 135

accessibility 132, 353

adding to 284

anonymous 377

base 284

body 40

child 284

cohesion 346

constructors 48, 302

coupling 346

declaration context 353

declarations 40, 104

definitions 2, 5

derived 284

diagram 8, 9

encapsulation 345

extending 136, 284

file name 356

final 136

final vs. abstract 137

fully qualified name 117

fully qualified package name 106

generalized 286

grouping 105

header 40

initialization 412, 419

inner 352

instance members 40

instances 4

local 371

members 7

methods 147

modifiers 135

name 105

nested see nested classes

non-static member 352, 359

normal 135

Object 424

on-the-fly 352

parent 284

runtime 425

scope 129

searching for 117

specialized 286

static members 40, 355

subclass 10, 284

superclass 10, 284

top-level 352

variables 147

wrappers 424, 428

ClassLoader class 424

ClassNotFoundException 241

CLASSPATH environment variable

see class path

-classpath option

see class path

cleaning up 392

clean-up code 252

client 15

Cloneable interface 425

cloning objects 425

code optimizations 149

code reuse 284, 344

cohesion 346

coincidental 346

functional 346

high 346

coincidental cohesion 346

Collection interface 779

collections 680, 777, 779

array operations 790

ArrayList 806

basic operations 784, 821

bulk operations 785, 822

Cloneable 780

customizing 838

data structures 782

duplicate elements 796, 804

elements 777

first element 800, 801

HashSet 796

implementations 778, 780, 782

interfaces 777, 778

iterators 785

last element 800, 801

LinkedList 806

List 806

lists 804

Map 821, 823

map views 822

maximum 841

minimum 841

NavigableSet 800

optional operations 784

ordered 780, 804

range-views 800, 801, 805

retaining elements 785

Serializable 780

shuffle elements 839

sorted 780

SortedSet 800, 801

subset 800, 801

textual representation 788

thread-safety 806, 823

TreeMap 828

TreeSet 802, 828

unordered 780

unsupported operations 821

utility methods 778

Vector 806

views 800, 801, 805, 822

collections framework 777

Collections utility class 838, 840


java 17

javac 16

Comma-Separated-Value 611

comments 26

common memory space 614

communication 7, 81

Comparable interface 765

compareTo 765

comparable objects 765, 766

comparator 765

Comparator interface

compare 771

comparing objects 425, 771

see also equality

comparison 190

compilation unit 106

compile pattern 554

complete methods 149

completes abruptly

see exception propagation 238

composite object 10

compound assignment operators 182

compound statement 45

computerized scientific notation 599

concatenation 558

concatenation of strings 446

concatenation operator 185

concrete parameterized types 674

concrete types 674

concurrent activities 614

ConcurrentModificationException 787, 788

conditional 190

and 196

expressions 201, 204

operators 196, 201

or 196

statements 204

conditional expression

Boolean 204

conditions 190

congruent 766

connecting punctuation 20

Console 594

console 500

formatted prompting 502

formatted values 492

reading password 501

const 21

constant declarations 310

constant values 21, 148

constants 314

constituent objects 10

constituents 12


forward reference 702

constructor chaining 303, 306, 416

constructors 3, 48, 302

accessibility 139

accessibility modifier 48

body 48

chaining 303, 306

class name 48

declaration 40

default 49

header 48

implicit default 49

local declarations 48

overloading 51

constructs 20

high-level 20

loops see iteration statements

synchronized blocks 629, 630, 631

containers 680

context switching 614

continue statement 226

contract 2, 310, 312, 345

contracting lists 805

control flow

assert 265

break 209, 224

continue 226

do-while 217

for(:) 220

for(;;) 218

if 204

if-else 205

iteration see iteration statements

loops see iteration statements

return 228

statements 45, 204

switch 207

throw 255

transfer statements 223

while 217

control flow invariants 274

control transfer 223

conversion categories 163

see formatting conversions

conversion contexts 163

conversions 160, 319

assignment 164

contexts 163

identity 183

implicit narrowing 183

method invocation 164

narrowing reference 328, 679, 703

number systems 1006, 1008

numeric promotions 165

parameters 82

reference casting 327

string concatenation 185

to strings 450

truncation 172

type safe 323

unsafe casts 329

widening reference 287, 328, 679

converting number systems 1006, 1008

core interfaces 778

Core Map Interfaces 782

counter-controlled loops 218

country codes 532

coupling 346

loose 346

covariant return 290

-cp option

see class path

CR see Carriage return

crab 220


files and directories 473

objects 201

threads 615

CSV 611

currency 532, 546

formatting 546

currency formatter 546, 547

currency symbol 20

current directory 469

· 117

empty string 469

current object 45

cursor 806


-D option

see properties

-d option 115

daemon 615, 647

dangling references 390

data streams 477, 479, 480

data structures 782

data types see types

Date 535

date 532, 766

epoch 535

formatting 542

lenient 544

date formatting

static factory methods 541

styles 542

date/time composition conversions 600

date/time conversions 600

DateFormat 541

dates 532

dead state 635

deadlocks 651

decimal format 598, 599

decimal places 599

declaration statements 219


arrays 70, 201

classes 40, 104

enums 104

interfaces 104

local 45

main method 95

methods 44

packages 104, 106

statements 45

variables see variable declarations

declared type 288, 323

declaring see declarations

decoupling 341

decrement operator 186

deep copying 425


accessibility 132, 139, 142

constructor 49

exception handler 239

values 33, 406, 416


label 208

default locale 533, 547

default package 106


inheritance 313

interfaces 310

delegating requests 345

deleting files or directories 474

delimiter pattern 574

delimiters 547, 563, 571, 576

deque 779, 783

derived class 284

deserialization of objects 510

destination directory 115

destination object 593

destination of data 468

destroying objects 396

destructive collection operations 785

developer exam 856


class 3

object 5

see also UML

dictionary 780

dictionary order 445

difference 796

directories 470, 472

entries 470, 473

see also files 474

directory permissions 472

disjunct collections 798

disposal of resources 393

dividend 178


floating-point 178

integer 178

division operator / 178

divisor 178

documentation 26

documentation comment 26

tags 27

documenting see documentation

dot 105

double 22, 29

double quote 24

do-while statement 217

downcasting 161

duplicate elements 796, 804

duplicating objects 425

dynamic method lookup 295, 340, 341

dynamic type 288

dynamically resizable arrays 806


element type 70

elements 69, 777

elements of collections 777

eligible for garbage collection 391

else clause matching 207

empty set 796

empty statement 45

empty string 469, 558

encapsulation 105, 345, 353

encapsulation of implementation 345

enclosing class 352, 360

enclosing context 359, 363

encoding of characters 488

end of file 475, 478

see also end of stream

end of stream 482, 489, 496, 497, 510

engine 554

enhanced for loop 216

entering shared resource 626

entries 780, 821

entries in directory 470, 473

entry set 821

enum type

finalization 397

static member type 355

enum types

nested 355

enumerated type

switch expression 207

enumerated types 211

EOFException 241

epoch 535

equality 191, 425

equals method 193, 425

object value 193

objects 193

primitive values 191

reference values 192

equals method 193, 425

equivalence relation 754

equivalent collections 798

erasure 714, 717, 719

of the supertype method 721

same 721

Error 242, 266

escape sequences 24

evaluation order 168, 197

arithmetic expressions 174

evaluation short-circuits 197

event 42

event listeners

anonymous classes 377

event model 42

exam 851

exam voucher 852

Exception class 241

exception handler 235

see also exceptions

ExceptionInInitializerError 243

exceptions 235, 245

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 73

ArrayStoreException 319, 790

ClassCastException 329

ClassNotFoundException 512

ConcurrentModificationException 787

default handler 239

EOFException 480

FileNotFoundException 478

handler 235

ignored 396

IllegalThreadStateException 615

IndexOutOfBoundsException 443, 805

IOException 475

NumberFormatException 430

situations 240

StringIndexOutOfBoundsException 449, 457, 458

throw 255

throwing see throwing exceptions

thrown by JVM 241

thrown by method 44

thrown programmatically 241

types 239

uncaught 239

unchecked 244

UnsupportedOperationException 784

exchanging information 81

execution paths 614

existence of files 470, 472

exiting a shared resource 626


garbage collection 398

referencing 373

exponent 22

expression statements 45, 170, 219, 220

expressions 208

actual parameters 81

assert 265

boolean 190

case labels 208

conditional 201

deterministic evaluation 166

label 208

return 228

statements 45


classes 284

interfaces 313

Thread 619

extends 675, 682, 685

bounded type parameters 684

constraint 684

extends clause 284

interfaces 310


.class 15

.java 15

external encoding 488

external libraries 410

extracting substrings 449


fall through 208

false literal 23

FF see Form feed

field declarations 40

field initialization 416

field numbers 537

field values 538

fields 2, 611

file 766

File class 468

file name 104, 356, 468, 470

file permissions 472

file streams 477

file system 468

files 468, 470, 472

access 472

aliases 475

binary 480

creating 473

deleting 474

entries 473

existence 472

modification time 471

name 470

name filter 473

not found 478

path 470

renaming 474

size 471

streams 477

text 494

filter streams 479

filtering file names 473

filters 468


classes 136

members 148

parameters 89

finalization mechanism 391

finalize method 396

finalize method 425

finalizer 396

finalizer chaining 397

finally block 246, 251

first element 800, 801

first map entry 827

fixed arity method 90

fixed text 594

flags 595, 597

float 22, 29

floating-point 28

double 29

float 29

literals 22

floating-point arithmetic 176

strictfp 177

floating-point conversions 599

computerized scientific notation 599

decimal format 599

decimal places 599

general scientific notation 599

hexadecimal exponential format 599

significant digits 599

floating-point data types 22

floating-point division 178

floating-point remainder 179

floor entry 828

floor key 828

flow control see control flow

flushing streams 476, 491

for(:) statement 220

for(;;) statement 218

collections 787

iterator 787

traverse collections 788

for-each loop 216

form feed 24, 25

formal parameter

modifier 44

name 44

type 44

formal parameters 44, 48, 81, 131, 323

formal type parameter 663

formal type parameter list 40, 44

format exceptions 601

format specifier 594, 595

argument index 595

flags 595, 597

formatting conversions 595

precision 596

width 596

format string 594

fixed text 594

format specifier 594

formatted prompting 502

formatted values 492

Console 501

Formatter 593

formatter 602

destination object 593

fixed text 594

format specifier 594

format string 594

formatting 26

formatting conversions 595, 596

boolean conversion 598

character conversion 598

date/time composition conversions 600

floating-point conversions 599

general conversions 597

hash code conversion 598

integral conversions 598

string conversion 598

forward reference 702

fractional signed numbers 28

framework for collections 777

fully qualified class name 117

fully qualified names 315

fully qualified package name 106

fully qualified type name 105, 109

functional cohesion 346


gain lock ownership 627

general abstractions 286

general contract

compareTo() 766

equals() 754

hashCode() 761

general conversions 597

boolean conversions 598

hash code conversions 598

string conversions 598

general loops 218

general scientific notation 599

generalization 10

generalized classes 286

generic class 663, 664

generic instance method 700

generic interface 666

generic method 699

calling 700

generic method call

inference 700

generic static method 700

generic subtype method 721

generic type 663

extending 668

implementing 695


arrays 726

casting 724

class literals 733

collections 672

constructors 697

enums 733

erasure 714, 721

exception handling 730

inherited methods 721

instanceof 723

JVM 662

method signature 716

methods 697, 699

nested classes 731

non-reifiable types 723

overloading 716, 717

overriding 716, 718

reifiable types 722, 723

subsignature 716

type erasure 670, 714

var-args 729

wildcards 673

get operation 680

getter method 41

goto 21, 223

grammar rules 20

greedy quantifiers 559

grep 610

group 554, 563

group logical operator 558

grouping 105

groups of objects 777

GUI applications 615


half-open interval 842, 844

handles see references

has-a relationship 287

hash code conversions 598

hash codes 424

hash function 760

hash table 782, 783

hash value 760

Hashing 760

HashSet 796

head map view 827

head set view 800, 801

heap 390

hexadecimal exponential format

hexadecimal format 598

hexadecimal numbers 1005

hiding internals 345

high cohesion 346

higher entry 828

higher key 828

Horizontal tab 24

HT see Horizontal tab


I/O buffering 479

I/O package 468

identifiers 20

predefined 20

reserved 20

variable 31

identity conversion 162, 183

identity of object 5

IEEE 754-1985 29

if-else statement 205

ignored exceptions 396

illegal thread state 615

IllegalArgumentException 242

immediate superclass 305

immediately enclosing instance 352

implementation 2

implementation inheritance 284

implementations 286, 345

collections 778

inheritance hierarchy 137

implementations of collections 780


Comparable 765

Comparator 771

interfaces 312

implements clause 312


inheritance 284

narrowing conversions 183

implicit default constructor 49


declaration 108

single-type-import declaration 108

statement 104

type-import-on -demand declaration 108

see also static import


enum constants 111

nested static types 113

nested types 357

reference types 107

static members 109

increment expression 218

increment operator 186

independent lifetimes 287

index 69

index bounds 805

index expression 72

IndexOutOfBoundsException 443, 805

individual array elements 72

inequality 191

see also equality

infinite loop 220

infinity 176

negative 176

positive 176

information hiding 345

inheritance 10, 287

hierarchy 286, 365

serialization 519

supertype-subtype relationship 287

initial state of object 416


arrays 71, 76

code 72

default values 33

for statement 218

objects 5

references 32

variables 31

initializer expressions 406

initializers 406

declaration-before-reading rule 407

initializing see initialization

inner classes 352

synchronization 630

input 468

input stream 468

InputStream class 475

insertion order 797, 824

insertion point 840, 844


members 10, 40

methods 10, 44, 45

variable initialization 33

variables 10, 35

see also object

instance initializer block 40, 413

instance methods 6

instance variables 6, 416

instanceof operator 201, 327, 328

instantiation 4, 135

anonymous classes 380

local classes 374

non-static member classes 360

parameterized type 665

static member classes 355

int 22, 28

integer arithmetic 175

Integer data types 22

integer division 178

integer remainder operation 179

integers 28

byte 28

data types 29

int 28

literals 22

long 28

representation 1010

short 28

types 29

integral conversions 598

decimal format 598

hexadecimal format 598

octal conversions 598

integral types 28, 29

integrity (maintaining) 627

interface constant antipattern 110

interface-based 780

interfaces 309

abstract 135

accessibility 132

body 310

collection core 777

declarations 104

extending 313

header 310

implementing 379

initialization 419

references 314

top-level 352

variables 314

internal invariants 273

internationalization 532

interned 432

inter-package accessibility 346

interpreter 16

intersection 556, 796

intervals 556

intra-class dependencies 346


parameterized type 665

invocation stack

see runtime stack 235

invoking garbage collection 398

IOError 243

IOException 241

is-a relationship 286, 287, 344

ISO Latin-1 23, 29

Iterable 788

iteration statements 216

next iteration 226

termination 216, 225

iterators 785

fail-fast 787

ordered collection 789

sorted collection 789

unordered collection 789


JAR file 120

libraries 121


Native Interface see JNI

java 17

-disableassertions or -da 269

-disablesystemassertions or -dsa 272

-enableassertions or -ea 269

-enablesystemassertions or -esa 272

Java byte code 15

Java compiler 16

Java Native Interface see JNI

Java Virtual Machine see JVM

JavaBeans 41

event model 42

events 42

getter methods 41

listener 42

naming patterns 41

properties 41

setter methods 41

source 42

JavaBeans Standard 41

javac 16

javadoc comment 26

javadoc utility 27

JDK 16

JNI 152

joining threads 637

JVM 16


key insertion order 823

key objects 780

key sets 821, 828

key sorting 826

keys 821

keywords 20

abstract 135, 150

assert 265

boolean 30

byte 28

case 207

catch 246

char 29

class 40, 310

const 21

continue 226

default 208

do 217

double 29

else 205

extends 284, 675, 682, 684, 685

final 89, 136, 148

finally 251

float 29

for 218, 220

if 204

implements 312

import 108

instanceof 201, 327, 328, 723

int 28

interface 310

long 28

native 151

new see new operator

null 328

package 106

private 143

protected 141

public 139

reserved words 21

return 228

short 28

static 16, 109, 355, 410

strictfp 177

super 292, 295, 305, 366, 676

switch 207

synchronized 150, 627

this 45, 363

throw 255

throws 257

transient 152

try 245

unused words 21

void 16, 429

volatile 153

while 217


labeled break statement 225

labels 223, 225

break 225

case 207

default 208

expressions 208

labeled statement 223

switch statement 207

language codes 532

last element 800, 801

last map entry 827

lazy quantifier 560

least significant bit 1010


associativity 167

left-most bit 1010

legacy class 662

legacy supertypes 719

legal assignments 322

length method 443

length of file 471

lenient 544

lexical analyzer 571

lexical tokens 20

LF see Linefeed

libraries 410

lifetime 391

see scope 35

limit 564, 566

line terminator 25

linear implementation inheritance 286

Linefeed 24

line-oriented 581

lines of text 494

line-separator 491

LinkageError 242

linked data structures 662

linked list 806

listener 42

listing directory entries 473

lists 779, 804, 806

binary search 840

changing contents 841

iterators 806

positional 780

sublist 805

literals 21

boolean 23

character 23

default type 22

double 22

escape sequences 24

false 23

float 22

floating-point 22

integer 22

null 21

predefined 21

prefix 22, 1006

quoting 23

scientific notation 22

string 25

suffix 22

true 23

litmus test

design by inheritance 286

live threads 636

local 34

chaining of constructors 303, 416

classes 371

variables 36, 131

local declarations 44, 45

local variable declarations 48

locale 446, 532, 576

country codes 532

country name 533

language codes 532

language name 533

predefined 533

locale-sensitive 532

localization 532


see class path


class 626

object 626

lockstep 567, 570, 572

logical AND 558


logical complement

! 194

logical exclusive OR


logical inclusive OR


logical operator 558

empty string 558

quantifiers 558

repetition operators 558

logical OR 558

logical XOR


long 22, 28

suffix 22

longest possible match 559

lookahead 572

lookahead methods 573

lookahead-and-parse loop 572

loop condition 216

loops see iteration statements

loose coupling 346

loss of precision 160

lower bound 675

lower bounded wildcard

? super T 676

lower bounded wildcard references 683

lower entry 828

lower key 828


magnitude 160

main method 16, 17, 94

modifiers 95

main thread 615

maintaining integrity 627

manifest constant 148

manifest file

see JAR utility 120

manipulating 539

many-to-one relation 821

map views 822

mappings 780

see entries 780

maps 779, 780, 821, 823

access order 823

entries 780

key insertion order 823

mappings 780

multimap 702

ordering mode 823

submap view 827

marker interfaces 310, 511

match-and-replace loop 570

match-and-replace mode 567

lockstep 570

non-terminal append-and-replace step 570

terminal append-and-replace step 570

Matcher 566


lockstep 567

match-and-replace loop 570

match-and-replace mode 567

one-shot matching 566

reset 567

substrings 568

successive matching 567

Math class 47

mathematical set 796

MAX_VALUE constant 433

member declarations 40, 310

members 3, 129

access 45

accessibility 135, 138

default values 33

final 148

inheritance 284

instance 40

modified 284

modifiers 146

of objects 7

scope 129

short-hand 46

static 7, 40, 147

terminology 10

variables see fields

memory management 390


receiver 7

metacharacters 555

escaping 561


native 258

method call 7, 44, 81

chaining 458, 459

non-varargs 93

varargs 93

method declarations 40

method header 150, 151

method invocation conversions 164, 323

method modifiers 44

method overloading 47, 292

method overriding 288, 292, 418

method signature 44, 289

methods 3

@Override 289

abstract 150

abstract method declarations 310

accessibility 44

advisory 638, 639

ambiguous call 324

automatic variables see local variables

blocks 44

body 44, 131

bridge 716

call chaining 81

call see method call

calling varargs method 91

chained 447

clone 425

declaration 44, 81

dynamic lookup 341

equals 193, 425

exceptions 44

finalize 396, 425

fixed arity 90

formal type parameter list 44

generic 699

getClass 425

header 44

implementation 150

invocation see method call

local declarations 44

local variables

main see main method

method invocation conversions 323

modifiers 44

most specific 324

mutually exclusive 629

name 81

native 151

objects 45

overloaded resolution 324

overloading see method overloading

overriding see method overriding

overriding vs. overloading 292

parameters 44

recursive 243

return 228

return value 44

signature 44, 47, 292, 716

subsignature 718

synchronized 150, 627

termination 228

throws clause 257

toString 425

valueOf 450

variable arity 90

MIN_VALUE constant 433

minimizing overhead 392

modification time 471


abstract 135, 150

accessibility 132, 138

classes 135

final 148

members 146

native 151

static 147

strictfp 177

synchronized 150

transient 152

volatile 153

monitor 626

see locks

most significant bit 1010

most specific method 324

multidimensional arrays 76

multi-line mode 572

multimap 702

multiple assignments 170

multiple bounds 686

multiple implementation inheritance 309

multiple interface inheritance 309

multiple-line comment 26

multiplication operator

* 178

multiplicative operators 178

multisets 796

multitasking 614

multithreaded programming 614

mutable character sequences 456


see locks 626

mutually comparable 838, 840, 844

mutually exclusive

actions 206

locks 626

operations 627

MVC 346


name 20, 122

name clash 721

named constants 148

names of files 470

namespaces 48

naming conventions of files 468

naming patterns 41

NaN 177

narrower range 160

narrowing conversions

primitive 160

reference 161

narrowing reference conversions 328, 679, 703

native libraries 410

native methods 151, 258

header 151

natural order 765, 838, 842

navigable map 779

first entry 827

last entry 827

range-views 827

views 827

navigable set 779, 800

ceiling 802

floor 802

higher 802

iterator 802

lower 802

NavigableMap 827

NavigableSet 800

negation 556

negative zero 177

nested classes 352

anonymous 377

full name 356

generic 731

local 371

non-static member 359

static members 355

synchronization 630

nested parameterization 670

nested parameterized types 706

nested types 40, 352

nested wildcards 678

new operator 4, 48, 70, 365, 377, 416

special form 361

Newline see Linefeed

NL see Newline

NoClassDefFoundError 243

node 662

non-associativity 167

non-metacharacters 555

non-reifiable types 722, 729

non-runnable states 635

nonstatic code

see nonstatic context 40

nonstatic context 40

non-static field 10

non-static member classes full name 356

non-static type 665

non-terminal append-and-replace step 570

non-varargs method call 93

normal class 135

normal execution 237

notifying threads 426, 640

null reference 21

casting 165, 328

nulling references 393

NullPointerException 242

Number class 433

number formatter 546, 547

currency 546

numbers 546

number formatting

factory methods 546

number systems

base 22

binary 1006

converting 1006, 1008

decimal 22, 1006

hexadecimal 22, 1006

octal 22, 1006

NumberFormat 546

NumberFormatException 242, 430

numbers 532, 546

formatting 546

numeric promotions 165

assignment 171

binary 166

unary 165

numeric wrapper classes 433


object 4

Object class 286, 424

object creation 519

object creation expression 185

object hierarchy 287

object lock

see locks 626

object references 4, 31

object state 6, 48, 86, 416

object-oriented design 345

cohesion 346

object-oriented programming 2

objects 13

alive 391

arrays 69

callee 81

caller 81

Class class 425

cleaning up 392

cloning 425

communication 81

comparing 425, 771

composite 391

constituent 12, 391

constructing 416

contract 345

creation 519

decoupling 341

deserialization 510

destroying 396

equality 193, 425

exchanging information 81

identity 5

immutable 428

implementation 345

initial state 416

initialization 5, 48

initializer block 413

internals 345

lifetime 391

members 7

methods 45

Object class 424

outer 362

persistence 510

persistent 152

reachable 391

reading 510

resurrection 391

serialization 510

services 345

state see object state

streams 477

value equality 193

writing 510

octal conversions

octal format 598

octal numbers 1005

one-dimensional arrays 69

one-shot matching 566

on-the-fly classes 352


open range-view operations 805

operands 164

evaluation order 168

operations 2

operators 166

- 180

-- 186

! 194

!= 191, 192

% 178

%= 182

& 194

&& 196

&= 195

* 174, 178

*= 182

+ 180, 185

++ 186

+= 182

. 7, 105

/ 178

/= 182

< 190

<= 190

-= 182

= 169

== 191, 192

> 190

>= 190

? : 201


∧= 195


∣= 195


assignment 167, 169

associativity 166

binary 167

boolean 190, 191, 194

cast 166

comparisons 190

compound assignment 182, 195

conditional 196, 201

decrement 186

dot 7

equality 191

execution order 168

floating-point 176

floating-point division 178

floating-point remainder 179

increment 186

instanceof 201, 327, 328

integer arithmetic 175

integer division 178

integer remainder 179

logical 194

multiplicative 178

new see new operator

overflow 176

overloaded 175, 178

postfix 167

precedence 166

relational 190

short-circuited 196

string concatenation 185

ternary 166, 167

unary 166, 167, 177

unary - 177

unary + 177

optional operations 784

ordered collections 779, 804

ordering mode 823

out of bounds 805

outer object 362

output 468

output stream 468

OutputStream class 475

overflow 176, 1010

overloaded 175

overloaded method resolution 324

overloading 717

constructors 51

method resolution 324

methods 47, 292

overloading vs. overriding 292

override 259

see @Override

override-equivalent 717


@Override 718

equals 193, 751

finalizers 396

hashCode 760

methods 288, 292

override-equivalent 717

toString 185

overriding methods

covariant return 290

overriding vs. overloading 292


package accessibility 132, 139

package directory 115

package statement 104, 106

packages 105

accessibility see package accessibility

declaration 104

definition 106

destination directory 115

hierarchy 105 468

java.lang 424

java.util 777

members 105

naming scheme 106

package directory 115

running code from 117

short-hand 108

statement see package statement unnamed 106

using 107


varargs 90

parameter list see formal parameters

parameter passing

by value 81

variable arity 90

parameterized types 665, 705

as formal parameters 707

parameters 44

actual 81

array elements 87

final 89

fixed arity 90

formal see formal parameters

implicit 45

passing 81

primitives 82

references 84

this 45

variable arity 90

parent class 284

parent pathname 471

parentheses 166

parse method 572

parser 543, 571

parseType method 434


date/time 543

numbers 547

primitive values 576

parsing numeric values 434

partial implementation 312

partly synchronizing a method 630

pass by value 81


parameters 81

references 84

variable arity parameters 90

passwords reading from console 501

path lists 469

path separator 468

pathname 121, 468, 470


see class path

paths of execution 614

path-separator character 119

Pattern 562

pattern 554

application 563

compile 554

creating matcher 563

engine 554

see also regular expression

permutation 559

permute elements 839


see serialization

persistent objects 152

polymorphic method 699

polymorphism 319, 340, 345, 374

polynomial 764

positive zero 177

possessive quantifiers 560

postconditions 275, 376

postfix operators 167

precedence rules 167

precision 171, 596

preconditions 275

predefined identifiers 20

predefined literals 21

preempted threads 638

preemptive scheduling 638

prefix 22, 1006

O 22, 1006

Ox 22, 1006

primitive types 13

autoboxing 430

unboxing 431

see also primitive values

primitive values assignment 169

binary representation 479

equality 191

passing 82

print writers 490

priorities 638

priority heap 783

priority of thread 638

priority queue 783

private 11

private members 143

process-based multitasking 614

processes 614


application 15

arguments 95

compiling 16

correctness 638

formatting 26

performance 638

running 17

program arguments 95

programmer exam 851

promotion 165

properties 2, 41, 122

-D option 122

see also class members


name 122

value 122

protected 11

protected members 141

public 16

public members 139


quantifiers 558

questions 854

queue 779, 783

quotation mark 24, 25

quote ' 23

quotient 178


race condition 627


see base 431

ragged arrays 76

random access 806

random order 839

range 556

character values 29

floating-point values 29

integer values 28

range-view 800, 801, 805, 827

raw types 670

unchecked warnings 670

read access 470, 472

readers 488

reading bytes 475

reading data 468

Ready-to-run state 634

reclaiming memory 390

record 611

fields 611

re-creating objects 510

recursive bound 713

reducing complexity 345

reference types 32, 287

classes 40

enum types 55

reference values 4

reference variable 31

reference variables 4

references 4, 9, 31, 32, 81

abstract types 135

aliases 193

array 70, 73, 319

assignment 169

casting 165, 327

dangling 390

declared type 288

downcasting 161

dynamic type 288

equality 192

interface type 314

narrowing conversions 161

null see null reference

parameterized types 665

passing 84

raw types 682

reachable 390, 391

super 295, 373

this 45, 373

upcasting 161

widening conversions 161

reflection 728

regular expression 554

anchoring 557

anchors 557

automaton 554

backtracking 559

boundary macthers 557

character 554

character class 555

concatenation 558

empty string 558

escaping metacharacters 561

greedy quatifiers 559

group 554, 563

group logical operator 558

intersection 556

intervals 556

lazy quantifiers 560

logical AND 558

logical operator 558

logical OR 558

longest possible match 559

metacharacters 555

negation 556

non-metacharacters 555

possessive quantifiers 560

precedence of logical operators 558

quantifiers 558

range 556

reluctant quantifiers 560

reluctantness/laziness 560

sequence of characters 554

shortest possible match 560

simple class 556

subtraction 556

union 556

reifiable types 722, 723

relational operators 190

relative pathnames 469

reluctant quantifiers 560

reluctantness/laziness 560

remainder 178

remainder operator

% 178

remove white space 449

renaming files or directories 474

repetition operators 558

replacing characters 448

reserved identifiers 20

reserved keywords 21

const 21

goto 223

reserved literals

false 23

null see null reference

true 23

reset 567

resizable arrays 783, 806

resources 392

resurrecting objects 391

retaining elements 785

return statement 228

return type


return value 7

reuse of code 284, 344

rhyming order 772

right associativity 168

right-most bit 1010

ripple effect 345

role relationship 344

Round-Robin scheduling 638

Runnable interface 615, 620

Running state 635

runtime checks 164

Runtime class 424

runtime class 425

runtime environment 390

runtime stack 235, 390

RuntimeException 241


scanner 571

delimiter pattern 574

delimiters 571, 576

exception handling 578

lexical analyzer 571

line-oriented 581

lockstep 572

lookahead 572

lookahead methods 573

lookahead-and-parse loop 572

multi-line mode 572, 581

parse method 572

parser 571

parsing next token 575

parsing primitive values 576

source 571, 573

token pattern 574

tokenization 571

tokenizer 571

tokenizing mode 572

tokens 571

using delimiters and patterns 579

Scanner class 571

schedulers 638

scientific notation 22

scope 129

block 131

catch block 251

class 129

disjoint 132

search key 751

searching 778, 838

arrays 843

collections 840

searching in string 448

SecurityManager class 424

selection statements 204

self-referential data structure 662

semantic definition 20

semicolon 45

separators 468

sequence 779

sequential I/O 468


customizing 517

inheritance 519

transient fields 516

serialization of objects 510

services 345

set 779

capacity 797

load factor 797

set operation 680

setter method 41

shallow copying 425

shared resource 626

short 22, 28

short-circuit 196

evaluation 197

shortest possible match 560

shuffle elements 839

signature 47, 292, 716

significant digits 599


assignment operator 169

if 204

statement 45

simple class 556

single implementation inheritance 286, 309, 313

single quote 24

single static import 109

single-line comment 26

single-quotes 23

single-valued maps 821

size of

file 471

skeletal source file 104

sleeping 640

Sleeping state 635, 640

sorted map 779, 780

comparator 827

sorted set 779, 800, 801

comparator 801

half-open interval 801

sorting 778, 838

sorting arrays 842

source 42, 571

file 15, 106

file name 104

file structure 104

source of data 468

spaces 25

spawning threads 615

special character values 24

specialization 11

specialized classes 286

splitting 451, 563

delimiters 563

limit 564, 566

stack 3

stack frame

see method execution 236

stack trace 239

see method execution 236

StackOverflowError 243

standard error 499

standard input 499

standard output 499

starting threads 616

state see object state

statements 45

assert 265

break 224

compound 45

conditional 204

continue 226

control flow 45, 204

control transfer 223

declarations 45

do-while 217

empty 45

expression 45

for(:) 220

for(;;) 218

if 204

if-else 205

iteration 216

labeled 223

return 228

selection 204

simple 45

simple if 204

switch 207

throw 255

transfer 223

while 217


initializer block 410

members see static members

methods 7, 10, 44

variable initialization 33

variables see static variables

static code

see static context 40

static context 40

static field 10

static import 109

conflicts 112

on demand 109

shadow static members 111

single static import 109

static initializer block 40

static initializer blocks 276

static keyword 109, 410

static member classes 355

full name 356

static members 8, 9, 10, 40

static variables 7, 10, 35

storing objects 152

streams 468

chaining 479

files 477

filters 468, 477, 479

of characters 488

streams of objects 477

strict formatter 544

strictfp 177


splitting 563

string builders 186

appending 458

capacity 456, 460

constructing 457

deleting 458

differences with strings 458

individual characters 457

inserting 458

length 457

thread-safety 456

String class

see strings

string conversion 447

string conversions 162, 598

string literals 439

interned 440

string pattern matching 554

splitting 563

StringBuffer class 456

see string builders

thread-safe 456

StringBuilder class 456

see string builders

StringIndexOutOfBoundsException 449, 457, 458


appending 458

buffers 456

builders 456

capacity 460

changing case 446

compareTo 445

comparing 445, 766

concatenation 185, 446

concatenation operator + 186, 447

constructing 457

copying characters 443

creating 439

deleting 458

differences with string builders 458

equals 445

extracting substrings 449

finding index 448

formatting of values 450

ignoring case in comparison 445

immutable 439

individual characters 443, 457

initializing 439

inserting 458

interned 440

length 443, 457

lexicographical order 445

literals 25

mutable 456

natural order 766

pattern matching 451

read character at index 443

replacing 448

searching 448

splitting 451

substrings 449

trimming 449

strongly typed language 164

subclass 10, 11, 12, 284

subinterface 313

sublist 805

submap view 827

subpackage 105

subsequence 443

subset 796, 798, 800, 801

subsignature 718

substring searching 448

substrings 448, 449, 568

subtraction 556

subtype bivariance 675

subtype contravariance 675

subtype covariance 317, 318, 674, 675

subtype invariance 675

subtypes 312, 675, 686

subtype-supertype relationship 161

successive matching 567


D 22

F 22

L 22

Sun Educational Services 852


construct 305

keyword 292, 295

reference 295

special form 366

super keyword 305

superclass 10, 11, 284

superclass-subclass relationship 286

superinterfaces 313

superset 798

supertypes 312, 676

supertype-subtype relationship 287

supplementary characters 439

SuppressWarnings see @SuppressWarnings

switch statement 207

break 209

default clause 208

enum types 211

switching between threads 614

synchronization 615, 626


blocks 629, 630, 631

keyword 627

methods 150, 627

syntactically legal 20

System class 424

system classes 269, 272

system properties 122


TAB see Horizontal tab

tabs 25

tabulators 25

tagging interface

see marker interfaces

tags 27

tail map view 827

tail set view 800, 801

telephone directory order 445

terminal append-and-replace step 570

terminating loops 224

ternary conditional operator 166, 167, 201

testing locations 853

text files 492, 494

text streams

see character streams

textual representation 425


reference 45

special form 363

this() constructor call 302, 417

thread 390

live 390

Thread class 615

thread creation 615

thread of execution 614

thread safety 614

thread-based multitasking 614

ThreadDeath 242

threads 424, 647

alive 615, 636

blocked 626

Blocked for I/O state 635

Blocked for join completion state 635

Blocked for lock acquisition state 635

child 615, 619

class 615

code executed 616

creation 615

daemon 615

dead state 635

death 239

determining state 635

exception propagation 239

extending Thread 619

IllegalThreadStateException 615

implemented by inner classes 622

joining 637

main 615

names 617

non-runnable state 635

notification 640, 642

notifying 426, 640

priorities 638

Ready-to-run state 634

Runnable 615, 620

running 619

Running state 635

scheduler 638

sleeping 640

Sleeping state 635, 640

spawning 615

starting 616, 620

states 634

status 615

switching 614

synchronization 150, 626

synchronized 627

termination 650

Thread class 615

transitions 634

user 615

wait set for 641

waiting 426

waiting for notification state 635

yielding 639

thread-safe 439, 456, 784

throw statement 255

Throwable class 239, 424

throwing exceptions 235

throws clause 257


see date and calendar

time of day 535

time-sliced scheduling 638

token pattern 574

tokenization 571

tokenize 563

tokenizer 571

tokenizing 572

tokenizing mode 572

tokens 20, 563, 571

toString method 425, 431

total order 765

transfer statements 223

transient fields 516

transient variables 152

transitive relation 287

tree map 828

tree set 802, 828

trees 782

trim 449

true literal 23

truth-values 23, 30

try block 245

try-catch-finally construct 245

type cast 164

type cast expression 327

type declarations 104

type erasure 670, 714

type hierarchy 161, 287

type import

see import

type information 662

type instance 665

type parameter constraints 684

type parameters 310, 731

actual 665

bounds 684

formal 663

recursive bounds 712

restrictions 665

type safe 323

type variables 663


boolean 28, 30

byte 22, 28

casting 164

char 29

classes see classes

comparing 328

compatibility 164

double 29

exceptions 239

float 29

floating-point 28, 29

int 22, 28

integers 28, 29

integral types 28

long 22, 28

nested 352

parsing 434

short 22, 28

wrappers 428

see also classes



accessibility 139

aggregation 12

classes 3

inheritance 10

see also diagrams

unary numeric promotion 165

unary operators 166, 167

unbounded type parameter 675, 677

unbounded type references 684

unbounded wildcard ? 675, 677

unbounded wildcard references 682

unboxing 431

assert statement 265

do-while statement 217

for(:) statement 221

for(;;) statement 218

if statement 204

if-else statement 205

switch statement 207

while statement 217

unboxing conversions 162

uncaught exceptions 239

unchangeable variables 149

unchecked call warning 671, 682

unchecked cast warning 724

unchecked conversion warning 671

unchecked conversions 162

unchecked exceptions 244

unchecked generic array creation warning 729

unchecked warnings 161, 671

@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") 726

call warning 671, 682

cast warning 724

conversion warning 671

generic array creation warning 729

underflow 176, 1010

Unicode 23, 29, 488

Unified Modeling Language see UML

union 556, 796

unsafe casts 329

unsupported operations 784, 821

unused keywords 21

upcasting 161

upper bound 675, 685

upper bounded wildcard

? extends T 675

upper bounded wildcard references 682

user threads 615

using packages 107

using variables 31

UTF-16 439

supplementary characters 439


value 122

value collection 821

value objects 780

valueOf method 430, 431, 450

values 821, 1010

constants 21

overflow 1010

underflow 1010

wrap-around 1010

see also variables


generic array creation 729

varargs calls 93

varargs parameter 90

variable arity method 90

variable declarations 4, 31, 131

variable initialization 8, 34

variables 31

blank final 89, 149

constant values 148

declarations see variable declarations

default values 33

final 148

identifiers 31

in interfaces 314

initialization see variable initialization

lifetime 35

local 131

parameters 44, 81

reference variable 32

references 32

static 7

storing 152

transient 152

volatile 153

vector 806

Venn diagrams 785

view of list 805

VirtualMachineError 242

void 228, 429

Void wrapper class 428

volatile variables 153

voucher 852


wait set 641

waiting for conditions 641

waiting for notification state 635

waiting threads 426

while statement 217

white space 25, 449

whole-part relationship 287

widening conversions

primitive 160

references 161

widening reference conversions 287, 328, 679

wider range 160

width 596

wildcard parameterized types 678

type hierarchy 676, 678

wildcard types 675

see wildcards 675

wildcards 673, 675

? 682

? extends T 682

? super T 683

assignment 679

bounded 675

capture 703

capture conversion 705

flexible comparisons 709

nested 705

parameterized types 678

restrictions 677

subtype relationships 673

type hierarchy 676, 678

wrapper classes 28, 424, 428, 766

wrapper types 162

wrappers interned 432

write access 470, 472

writers 488

writing bytes 475


yielding 639



negative 177

positive 177

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