List of Tables

1.1 Terminology for Class Members

2.1 Keywords in Java

2.2 Reserved Literals in Java

2.3 Reserved Keywords not Currently in Use

2.4 Examples of Literals

2.5 Examples of Decimal, Octal, and Hexadecimal Literals

2.6 Examples of Character Literals

2.7 Escape Sequences

2.8 Examples of Escape Sequence ddd

2.9 Range of Integer Values

2.10 Range of Character Values

2.11 Range of Floating-Point Values

2.12 Boolean Values

2.13 Summary of Primitive Data Types

2.14 Default Values

3.1 Parameter Passing By Value

4.1 Accessing Members within a Class

4.2 Summary of Accessibility Modifiers for Top-Level Types

4.3 Summary of Other Modifiers for Types

4.4 Summary of Accessibility Modifiers for Members

4.5 Summary of Other Modifiers for Members

5.1 Selected Conversion Contexts and Conversion Categories

5.2 Operator Summary

5.3 Examples of Truncated Values

5.4 Arithmetic Operators

5.5 Examples of Arithmetic Expression Evaluation

5.6 Arithmetic Compound Assignment Operators

5.7 Relational Operators

5.9 Reference Equality Operators

5.8 Primitive Data Value Equality Operators

5.10 Truth-Values for Boolean Logical Operators

5.11 Boolean Logical Compound Assignment Operators

5.12 Conditional Operators

5.13 Truth-values for Conditional Operators

6.1 The return Statement

6.2 Granularities for Enabling and Disabling Assertions at Runtime

6.3 Enabling and Disabling Assertions in All System Classes at Runtime

7.1 Overriding vs. Overloading

7.2 Types and Values

8.1 Overview of Type Declarations

11.1 Selected Input Streams

11.2 Selected Output Streams

11.3 The DataInput and DataOutput Interfaces

11.4 Selected Readers

11.5 Selected Writers

11.6 Print Methods of the PrintWriter Class

11.7 Correspondence Between Selected Byte and Character Streams

12.1 Selected Language Codes

12.2 Selected Country Codes

12.3 Selected Predefined Locales for Languages

12.4 Selected Predefined Locales for Countries

12.5 Selected Field Numbers to Indicate Information in a Calendar

12.6 Selected Constants that Represent Values in a Calendar

12.7 Formatting Styles for Date and Time

12.8 Selected Characters

12.9 Selected Character Classes

12.10 Selected Predefined Character Classes

12.11 Boundary Matchers

12.12 Selected Logical Operators

12.13 Quantifier Classification

12.14 Implications of the Limit Value in the split() Method

12.15 Formatting Conversions

12.16 Flags

12.18 Selected Format Exceptions

12.17 Selected Time/Date Composition Conversions

13.1 Thread States

14.1 Summary of Subtyping Relationships for Generic Types

14.2 Get and Set Operations Using Parameterized References

14.3 Summary of Get and Set Operations using Parameterized References

14.4 Examples of Type Erasure

14.5 Examples of Reifiable Types

14.6 Examples of Non-Reifiable Types

15.1 Core Interfaces in the Collections Framework

15.2 Summary of Collection and Map Implementations

15.3 Bulk Operations and Set Logic

G.1 Number Systems

G.2 Representing Signed byte Values Using 2’s Complement

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