

  1. AccountController class

    1. Register() method

  2. AddCssClass() method

  3. Adding a Controller and Views

  4. Animation property

  5. app.CreatePerOwinContext<T>() method

  6. appsettings.json file

  7. ASP.NET Core

    1. Entity Framework v7

    2. migrations

      1. dotnet ef migrations commands

    3. MVC v6

    4. seeding data


    1. controllers

    2. models


  9. Asynchronous programming

    1. async Task<T>()

    2. await keyword

    3. toListAsync() method

  10. Azure

    1. Firewall Settings

      1. add client IP

    2. marketplace

      1. Web App + SQL

    3. portal

    4. remote debugging

      1. attach debugger

    5. resource group

    6. SQL database

  11. Azure Deployment from Visual Studio

    1. database deployment

      1. destination connection string window

      2. execute code first migrations

    2. redeploying changes

    3. Web Deploy publish method


  1. background-color property

  2. background-image property

  3. background-position property

  4. background-repeat property

  5. ([Bind(Include =)]

  6. Bootstrap

    1. Container width

  7. Box model

    1. block

    2. borders

    3. inline

    4. inline-block

    5. margins

    6. padding

    7. viewing using Google Chrome

  8. Box-sizing

    1. border-box

    2. content-box

    3. padding-box

  9. Bundles

    1. adding

    2. StyleBundle class


  1. Cannot Attach to the File error message

  2. Cascading

  3. Cascading deletes

  4. Code First Migrations

    1. add-migration command

    2. creating a database

    3. Down() method

    4. enable-migrations command

    5. - IgnoreChanges flag

    6. update-database command

    7. Up() method

    8. using the Add_Data folder

  5. color property

  6. Concurrent database updates

    1. conflicts on deletion

    2. DbUpdateConcurrencyException

    3. optimistic concurrency

    4. pessimistic concurrency

    5. RowVersion property

    6. [ Timestamp ] attribute

  7. Connection resiliency

    1. SqlAzureExecutionStrategy class

  8. Connection String

  9. Constants

  10. Contains()

  11. Content property

  12. Create database using SQL Server Object Explorer

    1. add new foreign key

    2. Is Identity property

    3. T-SQL

  13. Cross Database querying

  14. CSS

    1. absolute

    2. CSS inheritance forcing

    3. CSS positioning

    4. CSS transform

    5. CSS transition

    6. cursor property

    7. ease-in property

    8. relative

    9. reset

  15. Custom error handling

    1. 404 errors

    2. 500 errors


  1. DataAnnotations

  2. Database context

    1. DbContext

    2. DBSet

  3. Database initialiser

    1. Changing to code first

    2. CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<T> initialiser

    3. DropCreateDatabaseAlways<T> initialiser

    4. DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<T> initialiser

  4. Db.SaveChanges()

    1. performance considerations

  5. Definition list styling

  6. DeleteConfirmed() method

  7. Desktop first

  8. Dictionary

  9. [ Display(Name =) ]

  10. display: inline-block

  11. Display property

    1. table value

  12. Display template

    1. reuse

  13. Distinct

  14. Div loses height


  1. Editor Template

  2. Entity Framework

    1. ADO.NET Entity Data Model

    2. Code First

      1. existing database

    3. Entity Data Model Wizard

      1. connection properties

    4. Existing Database

  3. Entity States

    1. EntityState.Deleted

    2. EntityState.Detatched

    3. EntityState.Modified

    4. EntityState.Unchanged

  4. Except() method

  5. Extension methods

    1. this keyword


  1. File Uploads

    1. ContentLength property

    2. custom error page

    3. HTML file input type

      1. multiple property

    4. maxAllowedContentLength

    5. maxRequestLength

    6. multipart forms

      1. enctype="multipart/form-data," 115

    7. multiple files

  2. First-line pseudo element

  3. Flexbox

  4. Float property

    1. clear property

    2. left value

    3. Micro Clearfix

    4. right value

      1. HTML structuring

  5. Fonts

    1. font-size property

    2. font-weight property

  6. @foreach (var item in Model)

  7. Foreign Key

    1. constraint

    2. deletion

  8. FormMethod.Get


  1. Generated SQL

    1. viewing

      1. Trace.WriteLine() method

  2. Generating Table Headings

    1. first() method

  3. GET

  4. Google Chrome device mode

  5. Grid layout

  6. Group by query

  7. Guid


  1. height property

  2. Hiding elements

    1. display: none

    2. visibility: hidden

  3. @Html.ActionLink

  4. Html.Action() method

  5. @Html.AntiForgeryToken()

  6. @Html.BeginForm()

  7. HTML5 date picker

  8. @Html.DisplayNameFor

  9. @Html.DropDownList()

  10. @Html.DropDownListFor

  11. @Html.EditorFor()

  12. HtmlHelpers

  13. @Html.HiddenFor()

  14. @Html.LabelFor()

  15. @Html.ValidationMessageFor()

  16. @Html.ValidationSummary()

  17. [HttpPost]

  18. HttpPostedFileBase

  19. HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized

  20. HttpUtility.HtmlDecode() method

  21. Hyperlink styling

    1. buttonface border

    2. :hover selector

    3. text-decoration property

    4. :visited selector


  1. Identity

    1. App_Data directory

    2. ApplicationDbContext

    3. AspNetRoles table

    4. AspNetUserClaims table

    5. AspNetUserLogins table

    6. AspNetUserRoles table

    7. AspNetUsers table

    8. Authentication

      1. Individual User Accounts setting

      2. Login

      3. redirection after logging in

      4. redirection after registration

      5. registration

    9. Authorisation

      1. [ AllowAnonymous ] attribute

      2. [ Authorize ] attribute

      3. Request.IsAuthenticated property

      4. User.IsInRole() method

    10. IdentityDbContext

    11. IdentityUser class

      1. extending

    12. RoleManager class

      1. ApplicationRoleManager class

      2. CreateAsync() method

      3. Create() method

      4. DeleteAsync() method

      5. FindByIdAsync() method

      6. FindByName() method

      7. roles property

      8. UpdateAsync() method

    13. UserManager class

      1. AddToRolesAsync() method

      2. ApplicationUserManager class

      3. CreateAsync() method

      4. DeleteAsync() method

      5. FindByIdAsync() method

      6. FindByName() method

      7. GetRolesAsync() method

      8. IsInRoleAsync() method

      9. RemoveFromRolesAsync() method

      10. ResetPasswordAsync() method

      11. UpdateAsync() method

      12. users property

  2. Include() method

  3. Inheritance

  4. Input selector


  1. jQuery

    1. attr() method

    2. document ready event

    3. parent() method

    4. preventDefault() method

    5. referencing

    6. selectors

    7. this keyword

    8. $ usage


  1. @ keyframes


  1. Lambda

  2. Layout Page

  3. Lazy loading

  4. letter-spacing property

  5. Line-height property

  6. LINQ D:VS2015_StoreCoresrcBabyStoreCoreViewsShared_Layout.cshtml


  1. Many-to-Many Relationships

    1. with payload

    2. without payload

  2. Margin-bottom property

  3. Margin-left property

  4. margin-top property

  5. Math.Ceiling() method

  6. Media queries

    1. @media rule

  7. [MetadataType(typeof())]

  8. _ MigrationHistory

  9. Mobile first

  10. @model

  11. Model binding

    1. to a list or an array

    2. System.IO.File.Delete() method

    3. TryUpdateModel() method

    4. using a view model

  12. ModelState

    1. AddModelError () method

    2. IsValid () method


  1. navbar CSS classes

  2. Navigation property

  3. NuGet


  1. || operator

  2. OrderBy()

  3. Owin

P, Q

  1. Padding property

  2. PagedList.Mvc

  3. Paging

  4. Partial class

  5. Partial view

    1. creating

    2. @Html.Partial() helper

  6. PartialViewResult return type

  7. Passwords

    1. complexity

    2. PasswordValidator class

    3. resetting

  8. @placeholder

  9. Preventing text wrapping

    1. white-space property

      1. no-wrap value

  10. Primary key

  11. Pseudo classes

    1. :after

    2. :before

    3. :hover

    4. :selection


  1. Raw SQL Queries

  2. Remote site viewing

    1. editing bindings

    2. netsh

    3. Visual Studio project url property

    4. Windows firewall settings

  3. Remove()

  4. @RenderBody ()

  5. Resizing an Image

    1. WebImage class

  6. Responsive navigation bar

  7. Responsive web design

  8. Rollback migrations

    1. - TargetMigration flag

  9. Rounding corners

    1. border-radius property

  10. Routing

    1. Html.BeginRouteForm() method

    2. Html.RouteLink helper

    3. MapRoute() method

    4. specificity and ordering

    5. URL segments


  1. scale property

  2. @Scripts.Render()

  3. Searching

    1. search box

  4. Searching by date

  5. @ section Scripts()

  6. Seeding

    1. SaveChanges() method

    2. Seed() method

  7. SelectList

  8. SelectListItem

  9. Selectors

    1. Descendant selectors

    2. elements

    3. Group selectors

    4. Ids

    5. Sibling Selectors

  10. Session State

    1. Session key

      1. HttpContext.Current.Session []

      2. Updating

  11. Shopping Basket

    1. creating

    2. migration

    3. updating

  12. Sibling selectors

  13. SingleOrDefault() method

  14. Sorting

    1. complex

    2. OrderByDescending() method

    3. OrderBy() method

    4. using a view model

    5. using ViewBag

  15. sqllocaldb.exe

    1. delete command

    2. stop command

  16. SQL Server Object Explorer

  17. Start Action

  18. StartUp.cs file

    1. asynchronous methods

    2. Configure() method

    3. ConfigureServices() method

    4. NullReferenceException scaffolding bug fix

    5. options.UseSqlServer() method

    6. services.AddDbContext<T>() method

  19. StringBuilder

  20. Style

    1. declaration

    2. declaration block

    3. definition

    4. inline

  21. Stylesheet

    1. definition

    2. external

    3. internal

  22. Sum() method


  1. Table small device styling

    1. content property

    2. HTML5 data attributes

  2. Table styling

  3. TagBuilder

  4. Tag helpers

  5. Take() method

  6. Ternary operator

  7. text-align property

  8. text-shadow property

  9. ToList()

  10. ToPagedList () method

    1. @Html.PagedListPager() helper

  11. TryParse() method

  12. Two database contexts

    1. resetting migrations


  1. Unique Records

    1. DbUpdateException

      1. innerException.Number

    2. error handling

    3. IsUnique property

  2. User.Identity.GetUserId() method

  3. User.Identity.Name property

  4. User.IsInRole() method

V, W, X, Y

  1. [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]

  2. Validation

    1. [ DataType ] attribute

    2. DataType.Currency

    3. DataType.MultilineText

    4. DisplayFormat

    5. ErrorMessage property

    6. @Html.ValidationMessageFor

    7. @Html.ValidationSummary

    8. jQuery.Validation

    9. [ Range ] attribute

    10. [ RegularExpression ] attribute

    11. [ Required ] attribute

    12. [ StringLength ] attribute

    13. text-danger CSS class

    14. Unobtrusive Validation

  3. vertical-align property

  4. ViewBag

  5. View model

  6. View model patterns

    1. composition

    2. duplication

    3. inheritance

  7. Viewport meta tag

  8. Visual Studio


  1. Zero or one to many relationship

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